- This tab is used to configure EPG grabbing capabilities. TVheadend supports
- a variety of different EPG grabbing mechanisms. These fall into 3 broad
- categories, within which there are a variety of specific grabber
- implementations.
+ This tab is used to configure the Electronic Program Guide (EPG) grabbing
+ capabilities. Tvheadend supports a variety of different EPG grabbing
+ mechanisms. These fall into 3 broad categories, within which there are a
+ variety of specific grabber implementations.
Grabber Types
- - Over-the-Air (OTA) - These grabbers receive EPG data directly from the DVB network. This is often the easiest way to get up and running and does provide timely updates should scheduling change. However the information isn't always as rich as some of the other grabbers.
- Internal - These are grabbers which can be internally initiated from within TVheadend using a very simple scheduler. These are typically Internet based services. This can be a quick way to get richer EPG data where you don't have decent OTA support.
- External - These provide the option to run grabber scripts externally and to send data into TVheadend via Unix domain sockets. It provides the ability to run more complex configurations using things like cronjob's, script chains, etc.
- Over-the-Air (OTA) - These grabbers receive EPG data directly from the
+ DVB network. This is often the easiest way to get up and running and does
+ provide timely updates should scheduling change. However, the information
+ isn't always as rich as some of the other grabbers.
- Internal - These are grabbers which can be internally initiated from
+ within Tvheadend using a very simple scheduler. These are typically
+ Internet-based services. This can be a quick way to get richer EPG data
+ where you don't have decent OTA support.
- External - These provide the option to run grabber scripts externally and
+ to send data into Tvheadend via Unix domain sockets. It provides the ability
+ to run more complex configurations using things like cronjob's, script
+ chains, etc.
Grabber Modules
- - EIT - This is a DVB standards compatible EIT grabber. Typically it will
- retrieve now/next information, though on some networks there may be more
- EIT - This is a DVB standards compatible EIT grabber. Typically it
+ will retrieve now/next information, though on some networks there may be more
extensive data published.
- Freesat/view - This is an extended version of EIT that is used by the Free-to-air DVB providers in the UK. It includes additional information such as series links and episode identifiers.
- OpenTV - This is a proprietary OTA EPG grabber. Its known to be used on the SKY networks, but others may use it. You need two configuration files to define settings for your particular network, if you don't see yours listed please visit IRC #hts for help.
- XMLTV - This is am Internet based suite of scripts, for more information about XMLTV please visit http://www.xmltv.org. To make use of the internal XMLTV grabber you typically require the xmltv-utils package to be installed. If you install new grabbers you will need to restart TVheadend to pick these up as they're loaded at startup. If you see no XMLTV grabbers listed then most probably XMLTV is not properly installed and in the PATH.
- PyEPG - This is another Internet based scraper. It currently only supports the Atlas UK system (for which you need a key), but it does provide a very rich EPG data set. For more information see http://github.com/adamsutton/PyEPG.
+ - Freesat/view - This is an extended version of EIT that is used by the
+ Free-to-air DVB providers in the UK. It includes additional information such
+ as series links and episode identifiers.
- OpenTV - This is a proprietary OTA EPG grabber. It's known to be used on
+ the SKY networks, but others may use it. You need two configuration files to
+ define settings for your particular network, if you don't see yours listed
+ please visit IRC #hts for help.
- XMLTV - This is am Internet-based suite of scripts, for more information
+ about XMLTV please visit http://www.xmltv.org.
+ To make use of the internal XMLTV grabber you typically require the xmltv-utils
+ package to be installed. If you install new grabbers you will need to
+ restart Tvheadend to pick these up as they're loaded at startup. If you see
+ no XMLTV grabbers listed then most probably XMLTV is not properly installed
+ and in the PATH.
- PyEPG - This is another Internet-based scraper. It currently only
+ supports the Atlas UK system (for which you need a key), but it does provide
+ a very rich EPG data set. For more information see
+ http://github.com/adamsutton/PyEPG.
Configuration options
@@ -46,7 +69,7 @@
Select which internal grabber to use.
Grab interval
- Time period between grabs. Value and unit are indepdently set.
+ Time period between grabs. Value and unit are independently set.
Over-the-air Grabbers
diff --git a/docs/html/config_timeshift.html b/docs/html/config_timeshift.html
index bf1e6052..c664a986 100644
--- a/docs/html/config_timeshift.html
+++ b/docs/html/config_timeshift.html
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
you cannot rewind the buffer (it always begins on the currently playing
- Without this option there will be a permanent, cicular, buffer upto
+ Without this option there will be a permanent, circular, buffer up to
the limits defined below.
Storage Path:
diff --git a/docs/html/epg.html b/docs/html/epg.html
index c11bc718..13118c8f 100644
--- a/docs/html/epg.html
+++ b/docs/html/epg.html
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ sorted based on start time.
[Record series] button that will record all entries in the series.
For events without any series link information, a [Autorec] button will be
- provided to create a pseudo series link using hte Autorec feature.
+ provided to create a pseudo series link using the Autorec feature.
diff --git a/docs/html/features.html b/docs/html/features.html
index b1760939..7e7dc8ff 100644
--- a/docs/html/features.html
+++ b/docs/html/features.html
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
Multicasted IPTV.
Both raw transport streams in UDP and transport stream in RTP in UDP
- is supported. The precense of RTP is autodetected.
+ is supported. The presence of RTP is autodetected.
Analog TV
diff --git a/docs/html/install.html b/docs/html/install.html
index a6fc34af..569ee74b 100644
--- a/docs/html/install.html
+++ b/docs/html/install.html
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Parts of this documentation is also available in the Tvheadend man page.
access to all features / settings in the web user interface. If
this is the first time you setup Tvheadend you are most encouraged to
enter the web user interface, selected the 'Configuration' + 'Access Control'
- tab and make reasonable changes. Futher help / documentation can be obtained
+ tab and make reasonable changes. Further help / documentation can be obtained
inside the web interface.
Settings storage
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Parts of this documentation is also available in the Tvheadend man page.
- All activity inside tvheadend is logged to syslog using log facility.
+ All activity inside Tvheadend is logged to syslog using log facility.
Also, if logged in to the web interface you will receive the same log in the bottom
tab (System log).
diff --git a/docs/html/overview.html b/docs/html/overview.html
index 437dab8c..735f95c9 100644
--- a/docs/html/overview.html
+++ b/docs/html/overview.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
HTS Tvheadend 3.2
-© 2006 - 2012, Andreas Öman, et al.
+© 2006 - 2013, Andreas Öman, et al.
diff --git a/docs/html/sysreq.html b/docs/html/sysreq.html
index 0f908e07..bf365f79 100644
--- a/docs/html/sysreq.html
+++ b/docs/html/sysreq.html
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-If you want to build tvheadend from source, please visit
-this page.
-Please notice that wiki development site only reflects the work
+If you want to build Tvheadend from source, please visit
+this page.
+Please note: that wiki development site only reflects the work
in HEAD (-current). It should not deviate much should you want to
build a released version from source, but you never know.
-Tvheadend is part of the HTS project hosted at
+Tvheadend is part of the HTS project and is hosted at
-It functions primarily as a TV backend for the Showtime Media player but
+It functions primarily as a TV backend for the Showtime Media player, but
can be used standalone for other purposes.