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1 Overview
-HTS Tvheadend 2.0
-© 2006 - 2008, Andreas Ă–man, et al.
-Tvheadend is part of the
HTS project hosted at
-It functions primarily as a TV streaming backend for the Showtime Mediaplayer but
-can be used standalone for other purposes, such as a Digital Video Recorder.
-1.1 List of features
- - SDTV and HDTV support
- H264 and MPEG2 video supported. AC-3 and MP2 audio supported.
- Input sources
- - DVB-T, DVB-C and DVB-S.
- Multiple adapters are supported.
- Each adapter can receive all programs available on the currently
- tuned mux simultaneously.
- - Output targets
- - Showtime Mediaplayer (HTSP)
- Digital Video Recorder
- - Built in modern web user interface
- Entire application loaded into browser. No page refreshs or slow updates.
- Based on ExtJS.
- Easy to administrate and configure
- All setup and configuration is done from the built in web user interface.
- Even so, all settings are stored in human readable text files.
- Fully integrated with HTS Showtime Mediaplayer.
- All channel data and their grouping, EPG and TV streaming is conducted over a
- single TCP connection.
- Digital Video Recorder
- Built in video recorder stores recorded programs as
- Matroska (.mkv) files.
- Multiple simultanious recordings are supported.
- All original streams (multiple audio tracks, etc) are recorded.
- Program meta information (title, description, etc) is also stored.
- Electronic Program Guide
- Imports data from DVB and XMLTV.
- Searchable from the web user interface. Results can be scheduled
- for recording with a single click.
- Automatic recordings
- Create rulesets manually or based on EPG queries that will record all future
- programs matching the query. Great for recording your favourite TV-show(s).
- Easy DVB setup
- Tvheadend includes list of all major DVB-T, DVB-C and DVB-S networks
- around the globe. Just pick your location from a list. Next, it can
- scan all services and only map those which can be correctly decoded. Avoids
- having lots of unusable channels in your mediaplayer.
- Multi-user support
- Grant access to various system features based on
- username / password and/or IP address.
- Software based CSA descrambling
- Requires a card server.
- Internationalization
- All text is encoded in UTF-8 to provide full international support. All major
- character encodings in DVB is supported.
1.2 Install and initial setup
-Parts of this documentation is also available in the Tvheadend man page.
- - Starting Tvheadend
- If you already have Tvheadend up and running you can skip this part.
- Command line options:
- - -f
- Fork and become a background process (deamon). Default no.
- -u userid
- Run as user with 'userid'. Only applicable if daemonizing. Default is to
- use the uid of 1 (daemon on most systems).
- -g groupid
- Run as user with 'groupid'. Only applicable if daemonizing.
- Default is to use the gid for the 'video' group.
- If the 'video' group does not exist, gid 1 (daemon) will be used.
- -s path
- Store settings in path. Default values varies depending on if
- daemonizing or not. See settings storage section below for details.
- - Default configuration
- All configuration in Tvheadend is maintained via its embedded web
- server running on port 9981. Just point your browser to:
- http://hostname:9981/
- By default everyone (also from remote hosts)is allowed full
- access to all features / settings in the web user interface. If
- this is the first time you setup Tvheadend you are most encouraged to
- enter the web user interface, selected the 'Configuration' + 'Access Control'
- tab and make reasonable changes. Futher help / documentationcan be obtained
- inside the web interface.
- Settings storage
- Settings are stored in different locations depending on how Tvheadend
- was started.
- If the (-s) argument is given, that path is always used.
- Otherwise, tvheadend will try to store settings in /var/lib/hts/tvheadend.
- If this is not possible (due to access permission restriction) it will store
- it in the current user home directory under .hts/tvheadend.
- Logging
- All activity inside tvheadend is logged to syslog using log facility.
- Also, if logged in to the web interface you will receive the same log in the bottom
- tab (System log).
- Permission to access video adapters
- In order for Tvheadend to control video adapters on the system it
- must be granted access to those devices. Most systems have a 'video'
- group with write access to the video adapter devices. When Tvheadend
- is started as a daemon (if Tvheadend is installed from a distibution package
- this is most likely the way it is) it will automatcially change its primary group
- to 'video' in order to access these groups. If your system is configured
- in a different way you can either change the group membership of the
- video adapters (/dev/dvb, etc) or reconfigure the Tvheadend startup
- parameters.
- If Tvheadend is started without the '-f' argument it will not daemonize
- nor change its primary userid/groupid. Rather it will run with the permissions
- granted to the user executing the binary. If that's the case you must make
- sure the current user is granted with access to the video devices.
- Open ports
- Tvheadend listens to the following TCP ports by default:
- - 9981 - HTTP server (web interface)
- 9982 - HTSP server (Showtime protocol)
- There is currently no way of disabling these TCP servers, nor bind the services to
- specific interfaces or other ports.
- To limit access, please read the section about 'Access Control'
- in the configuration chapter.
- - Building Tvheadend from source
- If you want to build tvheadend from source, visit
- this page.
- Please notice that wiki development site only reflects the work
- in HEAD (-current). The instructions should not deviate much should you want to
- build a released version from source, but you never know.
-1.3 Frequently Asked Questions
- - Why does Tvheadend deliver data over TCP to Showtime? I thought it was
- bad to use TCP for realtime sensitive traffic?
- 'HTSP' - the protocol used for streaming TV, sending meta information
- updates and RPC between Tvheadend and Showtime uses a transmission
- scheduler with multiple queues on the Tvheadend side. This means that
- Tvheadend can measure the available bandwidth between itself and the
- mediaplayer and when congestion happens it's even capable of dropping
- less important data (such as B-frames). HTSP has been tested over WAN
- links and DSL connections with zero picture/audio artifacts.
- It's possible to get view drop statistics and bitrates directly in
- Showtime. (Open the menu when watching a TV-channel and switch on
- 'Detailed Information')
-2 Electronic Program Guide
-Tvheadend has a built in Electronic Program Guide. The EPG is an in memory
-database populated with all the information about events received from
-the DVB networks or from XMLTV.
-The EPG tab displays a filterable paged grid containing all the events
-sorted based on start time.
- - Filtering (or searching)
- In the EPG top tool bar you can access four input fields.
- These are used to filter/search for events. The form uses implicit AND
- between the input fields. This means that all filters must match
- for an event to be displayed.
- - [Search title...]
- Filter on the event title. The filter uses case insensitive regular
- expression. If you don't know what a regular expression is this means
- that you can type just parts of the title and filter on that too.
- (No need for exact matching).
- [Only include channel...]
- Only display events from the selected channel.
- [Only include tag...]
- Only display events from the channels which are included in the selected tag.
- Tags are used for grouping channels and is configured by the administrator.
- [Only include content...]
- Most DVB networks classify their events into content groups. This field
- allows you to filter based on content type.
- Thus, if you only would like to browse Movies from your HD-channels you
- would select 'HD channels' in the [Only include tag...]-field, and select
- 'Movie / Drama' in the [Only include content...]-field.
- Notice that you don't have to press a 'Search' button, the grid immediately
- updates itself as you change the filters.
- If you would like to clear all filters, just press the [Reset] button.
- Paging
- In an installation with many (hundreds of) channels and full EPG feed from
- both DVB and XMLTV there will be tens of thousands of events in the database.
- Therefore the EPG display employs a paging bar at the bottom of the grid.
- Use it to browse backwards and forwards in the EPG. It also displays the
- total amount of events matched by the current query.
- Event details and recording
- If you click on a single event, a popup will display detailed information
- about the event. It also allows the user to schedule the event for recording
- by clicking on the [Record program] button.
- To close the popup, just close it with the [X] window button.
- The popup is not modal and you can open as many detailed information popups
- as you want.
- Autorecordings
- Should you wish to record all events matching a specific query. (Record
- your favourite TV-show, etc) you can press the 'Create Autorec' button
- in the top toolbar.
- A popup with details about the to-be-created autorecording rule needs to
- be confirmed before the rule takes effect.
- The autorecordings can later be changed/deleted in under the
- 'Digital Video Recorder'-tag. Use that editor if you temporary want
- to disable an autorecording or make adjustments, etc.
-3 Digital Video Recorder
-Under the 'Digital Video Recorder' tab you can administer and list status of
-individual recordings and configure rules for the automatic recorder.
-To access the DVR tab you must be logged in sufficient access credentials.
-For general configuration of the DVR (such as where and how to store the recordings,
-please see the DVR section in the configuration chapter)
-3.1 DVR Log
-The DVR log displayes a paged grid containing all schedulded, current and completed
-recordings. The list is sorted based on start time.
-Use the bottom toolbar (not displayed in this manual) to navigate between pages
-in the grid.
-To see more details about a recorded event, just click on it and a popup will appear:
-In this popup you can cancel a scheduled recording or abort a recording in progress.
-To close the popup, just close it with the [X] window button.
-Once the recording is completed there will be a clickable link to the recorded matroska
-file so you can download it directly from the interface.
-3.2 DVR Autorecorder
-The 'Automatic Recorder' is used to create rules that will trig automatic recording of
-events. You can use this to record you favourite TV show(s), record all movies on
-a specific channel, etc.
-It's also possible to create a recording based on a query in the EPG. For more information
-about that, please read the EPG chapter.
- The tags are listed / edited in a grid.
- - To edit a cell, double click on it. After a cell is changed it
- will flags one of its corner to red to indicated that it has been
- changed. To commit these changes back to Tvheadend press the
- 'Save changes' button. In order to change a Checkbox cell you only
- have to click once in it.
- To add a new entry, press the 'Add entry' button. The new (empty) entry
- will be created on the server but will not be in its enabled state.
- You can now change all the cells to the desired values, check the
- 'enable' box and then press 'Save changes' to activate the new entry.
- To delete one or more entries, select the lines (by clicking once on
- them), and press the 'Delete selected' button. A popup
- will ask you to confirm your request.
-The columns have the following functions:
- - Enabled
- If checked the rule is active. If unchecked the rule will not trig any new
- recording sessions.
- Title
- Only matches events with the given title. The filter uses case insensitive regular
- expression.
- Channel
- Only match events from the given channel.
- Channel tag
- Only match events from the channels which are included in the given tag.
- Tags are used for grouping channels and is configured by the administrator.
- Content group
- Only match events belonging to the given content group.
- Created by
- Free text field, but will be copied to the recording session.
- Comment
- Free text field, not used for anything else.
-4 Configuration and administration
-All configuration and administration of Tvheadend is conducted via the
-built in web user interface.
-To access the configuration tab (and its sub panels) you need Admin-access.
-For details about access control, please see the 'Access-Control' section in this chapter.
-Each subsystem of Tvheadend is configured via its own tab:
-4.1 Access configuration
-Setting upp access control is an important initial step as the system initially is
-wide open.

-When Tvheadend verifies access is scan thru all the enabled access control entries.
-The permission flags are combined for all matchin access entries.
-An access entry is said to match if the username / password matches and the IP source
-address of the requesting peer is within the prefix.
-The access rules are listed / edited in a grid.
- - To edit a cell, double click on it. After a cell is changed it
- will flags one of its corner to red to indicated that it has been
- changed. To commit these changes back to Tvheadend press the
- 'Save changes' button. In order to change a Checkbox cell you only
- have to click once in it.
- To add a new entry, press the 'Add entry' button. The new (empty) entry
- will be created on the server but will not be in its enabled state.
- You can now change all the cells to the desired values, check the
- 'enable' box and then press 'Save changes' to activate the new entry.
- To delete one or more entries, select the lines (by clicking once on
- them), and press the 'Delete selected' button. A popup
- will ask you to confirm your request.
-The columns have the following functions:
- - Enabled
- Make the entry participate in access control. If disabled, the entry
- is inactive.
- Username
- Name of user, if no username is needed for match it should contain a
- single asterix (*).
- Password
- Password to combine with user, if username is '*' (unused), the password
- should be the same.
- Prefix
- IPv4 prefix for matching based on source IP address.
- If set to it will match everything.
- Streaming
- Enables access to streaming function. The 'streaming' access is enough to
- make Showtime (over HTSP) work.
- Video Recorder
- Enables access to all video recording functions. This also include administration
- of the auto recordings.
- Web interface
- Required for web user interface access. Also gives access to the EPG.
- Admin
- Enables access to the Configuration tab.
- Comment
- Allows the administrator to set a comment only visible in this editor.
- It does not serve any active purpose.
-Let's also take a look at an example:
-First line gives clients orignating from - network
-access to streaming functions. Typically you would use this for your
-local media players at home (Allthough Showtime can prompt for username & password
-in its HTSP client)
-The second line adds a user with world wide access who might want to modify
-recordings, etc, perhaps from the job, or mobile phone.
-The third line provide admin access to the 'admin' user. As an extra precaution this
-user is only allowed to log in from the home network.
-4.2 Channel configuration

- The channel tab is divided in three parts:
- - The channel list (to the left)
- Use this list to select the channel you wish to work with.
- You can also drag a channel from this list onto the right side of
- the view to merge the dragged channel with the currently selected one.
- Channel details (right top)
- - Channel name
- Name of the channel as presented in EPG and external interfaces.
- Changing name of a channel does not interfere with scheduled
- recordings etc.
- XML-TV Source
- Name of the XML-TV channel. If you have XML-TV enabled you can
- select which XML-TV channel to obtain data from. By default
- Tvheadend tries to match the name itself, but sometimes it might
- not match between the XML-TV source and the TV provider so in
- such cases you can change it yourself.
- Tags
- Each channel can be bound to a zero, one or many tags.
- The tags are used for multiple things and it's up to you how
- you wish to use and name them. Tags can be used to aid searching
- in the EPG if you have many channels. The tags are also presented
- in the Showtime Media player.
- To (de-)select multiple tags, just hold the CTRL-button as with
- any multi-selection list.
- Delete channel
- This button will delete the channel (and any scheduled recordings
- tied to it). You will be asked to confirm before the actual
- delete is executed, but after that, there is no way to recover.
- - Changes to any of these settings must be confirmed by pressing the
- 'Save configuration' button before taking effect. If you select
- a different channel any unsaved changes will be lost. It is, however,
- perfectly fine to switch Tab (if you want to check anything, create
- a new tag, etc) and come back without any changes being lost.
- Transports bound to channel (right bottom)
- In this view you can examine and enable/disable each of the transports
- bound to the channel. You may wish to disable a transport if it
- temporary out of service or in other terms problematic.
- The status of the enable checkbox is saved when the 'Save configuration'
- button is pressed.
-4.3 XML-TV configuration

- This tab is used to configure XML-TV. For more information about XML-TV
- and its use, please visit
- http://www.xmltv.org.
- Configuration options:
- - XML-TV Source
- Select which grabber to use.
- When the drop down list is pressed Tvheadend will issue a scan
- for available grabbers on the host system. This result will be
- cached in the web user interface. Thus, if you need to rescan due to
- a newly installed grabber you must reload the web interface.
- (There is no need to restart Tvheadend itself).
- When you select a grabber more information will pop up regarding
- further configuration of the grabber.
- Grab interval
- Hours between each grab.
- Enable grabbing
- Uncheck this if you wish to disable grabbing.
- Changes to any of these settings must be confirmed by pressing the
- 'Save configuration' button before taking effect.
-4.4 Tags configuration

- This tab is used to configure channel tags.
- Tags are used to define a set of channels.
- Notice that nothing prohibits a channel to be a member of multiple tags.
- Also, there is no requirement to configure tags for running Tvheadend
- itself. It is, however, required if you run Tvheadend together with Showtime.
- The tag-sets are used for:
- - Searches in the EPG.
- Display of channel groups in the Showtime Mediaplayer.
- The tags are listed / edited in a grid.
- - To edit a cell, double click on it. After a cell is changed it
- will flags one of its corner to red to indicated that it has been
- changed. To commit these changes back to Tvheadend press the
- 'Save changes' button. In order to change a Checkbox cell you only
- have to click once in it.
- To add a new entry, press the 'Add entry' button. The new (empty) entry
- will be created on the server but will not be in its enabled state.
- You can now change all the cells to the desired values, check the
- 'enable' box and then press 'Save changes' to activate the new entry.
- To delete one or more entries, select the lines (by clicking once on
- them), and press the 'Delete selected' button. A popup
- will ask you to confirm your request.
- The columns have the following functions:
- - Enabled
- Make the tag available in the rest of the system. If the tag is
- not enabled it is only presented in this grid for the administrator.
- Name
- Name of the tag. Changing the tag name does not interfer with any
- automatic recordings, groups, etc.
- Internal
- Tags are exported via HTSP (to the Showtime Mediaplayer) and used
- there for grouping of TV channels. If you do not wish to export a
- tag you can flag it as internal only.
- Icon
- Full path to an icon used to depict the tag. This can be a TV network
- logotype, etc.
- Icon has title
- If set, presentation of the tag icon will not superimpose the tag
- name on top of the icon.
- Comment
- Allows the administrator to set a comment only visible in this editor.
- It does not serve any active purpose.
-4.5 Digital Video Recorder configuration

- This tab is used to configure operation of the Digital Video Recorder.
- It is not used for scheduling or administration of individual recordings.
- Configuration options:
- - Recording system path
- Path to where Tvheadend will write recorded events. If components of
- the path does not exist, Tvheadend will try to create them.
- DVR Log retention time (days)
- Time that Tvheadend will keep information about the recording in
- its internal database. Notice that the actual recorded file will not
- be deleted when the log entry is deleted.
- Make subdirectories per day
- If checked, Tvheadend will create a new directory per day in the
- recording system path. Only days when anything is recorded will be
- created. The format of the directory will be 'YYYY-MM-DD' (ISO standard)
- Make subdirectories per channel
- If checked, Tvheadend will create a directory per channel when storing
- events. If both this and the 'directory per day' checkbox is enabled.
- The date-directory will be parent to the per-channel directory.
- Include channel name in title
- If checked, Tvheadend will include the name of the channel in the
- event title. This applies to both the titled stored in the file
- and to the filename itself.
- Include date in title
- If checked, Tvheadend will include the date for the recording in the
- event title. This applies to both the titled stored in the file
- and to the filename itself.
- Include time in title
- If checked, Tvheadend will include the time for the recording in the
- event title. This applies to both the titled stored in the file
- and to the filename itself.
- Changes to any of these settings must be confirmed by pressing the
- 'Save configuration' button before taking effect.
-4.6 DVB configuration

- This tab is split in two panes. To the left is a tree which, at root level,
- contains all DVB adapters found by Tvheadend during startup.
- - Step by step configuration of DVB
- The DVB configuration is perhaps the most tricky part to configure
- in Tvheadend. Therefore, this section begins with a step-by-step
- guide.
- - Click on an adapter in the left pane.
- Click on 'Add mux(es)'. A popup window will appear:
- For DVB-T and DVB-C adapters, expand appropriate country.
- DVB-S adapters only have one folder to expand called 'Geosynchronous Orbit'.
- In these folders you find a list of available networks.
- Select the appropriate network and press the 'Add' button.
- -
- Tvheadend will now immediately start to probe each mux for available
- services. Expand the DVB adapter in the tree
- and wait until all muxes has been visisted
- at least once (Status of all multiplexes should change from 'Unknown'
- when a mux has been visited).
- You can now, if you want, verify that the mux scanner has found
- services by expanding the mux nodes.
- Select the adapters again and press 'Probe services'.
- A popup will ask you to confirm this action. Press 'Yes'.
- The Service probe will scan through all services on all muxes on the
- adapter and map them to channels with the corresponding name.
- Progress and result for each service is displayed in the 'System Log'
- at the bottom of the application. Wait until the probing is completed.
- Done! You can click over to the 'Channels' configuration tab and
- inspect all working channels.
- - DVB Adapters
- A DVB adapter represents a piece of hardware attached to the system.
- DVB receivers with dual tuners will present themself as two adapters
- to the Tvheadend application. Tvheadend support DVB-T, DVB-C and DVB-S
- adapters.
- When an adapter is selected, the right pane displays configurable items
- for the adapter. Also available in the right toolbar is a set of operations
- that can be performed on the adapter.
- Underneath each adapter in the tree is a list of DVB muxes.
- For more information about muxes, see further down.
- There is currently no way of adding a new adapter to Tvheadend when running.
- If a new adapter is plugged into the system Tvheadend needs to be restarted
- in order to detect it.
- If Tvheadend has configuration for an adapter and the adapter is missing
- upon startup the configuration will be left untouched in case the adapter
- will be back in the future. There is currently no way to remove configuration
- for a no longer present adapter.
- Warning: Unplugging an DVB adapter (USB, etc) during operation (i.e when
- Tvheadend is running) can result in deadlocking the kernel USB subsystem,
- most likely requiring a system restart.
- Warning2: Suspending a system is (from a USB driver perspective) equivalent
- to a unplug/insert event. Thus, suspending a system running Tvheadend
- with USB adapters is not recommented at the moment.
- DVB Multiplexes
- To put it simply, a DVB multiplex is a digital signal modulated
- at a specific frequency that carries a number of servies (where a
- service could be, but is not limited to, a TV channel).
- There are currently no operations that can be performed on a single mux.
- DVB Services
- A service is equivivalent to a TV channel.
- There are currently no operations that can be performed on a single service.
-4.7 CWC configuration
- Tvheadend support connecting to card servers for so called softcam descrambling.
- The servers are listed / edited in a grid.
- - To edit a cell, double click on it. After a cell is changed it
- will flags one of its corner to red to indicated that it has been
- changed. To commit these changes back to Tvheadend press the
- 'Save changes' button. In order to change a Checkbox cell you only
- have to click once in it.
- To add a new entry, press the 'Add entry' button. The new (empty) entry
- will be created on the server but will not be in its enabled state.
- You can now change all the cells to the desired values, check the
- 'enable' box and then press 'Save changes' to activate the new entry.
- To delete one or more entries, select the lines (by clicking once on
- them), and press the 'Delete selected' button. A popup
- will ask you to confirm your request.
- The columns have the following functions:
- - Enabled
- If selected, connection will be tried to be established and retained up.
- If unselected, Tvheadend will disconnect (if connected) and not try to reconnect.
- Hostname
- Server hostname. DNS lookup is performed upon every connection attempt.
- Port
- Server TCP port
- Username
- Username to use.
- Password
- Password to use.
- DES Key
- Initial DES key.
- Comment
- Allows the administrator to set a comment only visible in this editor.
- It does not serve any active purpose.