diff --git a/webui/static/app/acleditor.js b/webui/static/app/acleditor.js
index 8bec54e5..afe9a98d 100644
--- a/webui/static/app/acleditor.js
+++ b/webui/static/app/acleditor.js
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ tvheadend.acleditor = function() {
var fm = Ext.form;
var enabledColumn = new Ext.grid.CheckColumn({
- header: "Enabled",
- dataIndex: 'enabled',
- width: 60
+ header: "Enabled",
+ dataIndex: 'enabled',
+ width: 60
var streamingColumn = new Ext.grid.CheckColumn({
diff --git a/webui/static/app/chconf.js b/webui/static/app/chconf.js
index fb6163d7..aabb00f9 100644
--- a/webui/static/app/chconf.js
+++ b/webui/static/app/chconf.js
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ tvheadend.channeldetails = function(chid, chname) {
var enabledColumn = new Ext.grid.CheckColumn({
- header: "Enabled",
- dataIndex: 'enabled',
- width: 60
+ header: "Enabled",
+ dataIndex: 'enabled',
+ width: 60
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([expander,
- enabledColumn,
+ enabledColumn,
width: 125,
@@ -48,74 +48,74 @@ tvheadend.channeldetails = function(chid, chname) {
header: "Source",
dataIndex: 'source',
- ]);
+ ]);
var transportRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([
- {name: 'enabled'},
- {name: 'status'},
- {name: 'name'},
- {name: 'provider'},
- {name: 'network'},
- {name: 'source'},
- {name: 'video'},
- {name: 'audio'},
- {name: 'scrambling'},
- {name: 'subtitles'}
- ]);
+ {name: 'enabled'},
+ {name: 'status'},
+ {name: 'name'},
+ {name: 'provider'},
+ {name: 'network'},
+ {name: 'source'},
+ {name: 'video'},
+ {name: 'audio'},
+ {name: 'scrambling'},
+ {name: 'subtitles'}
+ ]);
var transportsstore =
- new Ext.data.JsonStore({root: 'entries',
- fields: transportRecord,
- url: "channel",
- autoLoad: true,
- id: 'id',
- storeid: 'id',
- baseParams: {chid: chid, op: "gettransports"}
- });
+ new Ext.data.JsonStore({root: 'entries',
+ fields: transportRecord,
+ url: "channel",
+ autoLoad: true,
+ id: 'id',
+ storeid: 'id',
+ baseParams: {chid: chid, op: "gettransports"}
+ });
var transportsgrid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
- title:'Transports',
- anchor: '100% 50%',
- stripeRows:true,
- plugins:[enabledColumn, expander],
- store: transportsstore,
- clicksToEdit: 2,
- cm: cm,
- selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:false})
- });
+ title:'Transports',
+ anchor: '100% 50%',
+ stripeRows:true,
+ plugins:[enabledColumn, expander],
+ store: transportsstore,
+ clicksToEdit: 2,
+ cm: cm,
+ selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:false})
+ });
var confreader = new Ext.data.JsonReader({
- root: 'channels',
- }, ['name', 'comdetect']);
+ root: 'channels',
+ }, ['name', 'comdetect']);
var confpanel = new Ext.FormPanel({
- border:false,
- disabled:true,
- bodyStyle:'padding:15px',
- anchor: '100% 50%',
- labelAlign: 'right',
- labelWidth: 150,
- waitMsgTarget: true,
- reader: confreader,
- // defaultType: 'textfield',
+ border:false,
+ disabled:true,
+ bodyStyle:'padding:15px',
+ anchor: '100% 50%',
+ labelAlign: 'right',
+ labelWidth: 150,
+ waitMsgTarget: true,
+ reader: confreader,
+ // defaultType: 'textfield',
- items: [{
- layout:'column',
- border:false,
- items:[{
- border:false,
- columnWidth:.5,
- layout: 'form',
- defaultType: 'textfield',
- items: [{
- fieldLabel: 'Channel name',
- name: 'name',
- }
- /*
+ items: [{
+ layout:'column',
+ border:false,
+ items:[{
+ border:false,
+ columnWidth:.5,
+ layout: 'form',
+ defaultType: 'textfield',
+ items: [{
+ fieldLabel: 'Channel name',
+ name: 'name',
+ }
+ /*
new Ext.form.ComboBox({
allowBlank: false,
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ tvheadend.channeldetails = function(chid, chname) {
- ]
- }
- /*
+ ]
+ }
+ /*
layout: 'form',
@@ -157,33 +157,33 @@ tvheadend.channeldetails = function(chid, chname) {
} */
- ]
- }]
- });
+ ]
+ }]
+ });
- confpanel.getForm().load({url:'/channel',
- params:{'chid': chid, 'op':'load'},
- success:function(form, action) {
- confpanel.enable();
- }});
+ confpanel.getForm().load({url:'/channel',
+ params:{'chid': chid, 'op':'load'},
+ success:function(form, action) {
+ confpanel.enable();
+ }});
function saveChanges() {
- params:{'chid': chid, 'op':'save'},
- waitMsg:'Saving Data...',
+ params:{'chid': chid, 'op':'save'},
+ waitMsg:'Saving Data...',
- success: function(form, action) {
+ success: function(form, action) {
- if(action.result.reloadchlist) {
- tvheadend.chconfliststore.reload();
- }
- },
+ if(action.result.reloadchlist) {
+ tvheadend.chconfliststore.reload();
+ }
+ },
- failure: function(form, action) {
- Ext.Msg.alert('Save failed', action.result.errormsg);
- }
- });
+ failure: function(form, action) {
+ Ext.Msg.alert('Save failed', action.result.errormsg);
+ }
+ });
function deleteChannel() {
@@ -193,77 +193,77 @@ tvheadend.channeldetails = function(chid, chname) {
if(button == 'no')
Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/channel',
- params:{'chid': chid, 'op':'delete'},
- success: function() {
- tvheadend.chconfliststore.reload();
- panel.destroy();
- }
- });
+ params:{'chid': chid, 'op':'delete'},
+ success: function() {
+ tvheadend.chconfliststore.reload();
+ panel.destroy();
+ }
+ });
- );
+ );
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
- title: chname,
+ title: chname,
+ border:false,
+ tbar: [{
+ tooltip: 'Delete channel "' + chname + '". All mapped transports will be unmapped',
+ iconCls:'remove',
+ text: "Delete channel",
+ handler: deleteChannel
+ }, '-', {
+ tooltip: 'Save changes made to channel configuration below and the mapped transports',
+ iconCls:'save',
+ text: "Save configuration",
+ handler: saveChanges
+ }],
+ defaults: {
- tbar: [{
- tooltip: 'Delete channel "' + chname + '". All mapped transports will be unmapped',
- iconCls:'remove',
- text: "Delete channel",
- handler: deleteChannel
- }, '-', {
- tooltip: 'Save changes made to channel configuration below and the mapped transports',
- iconCls:'save',
- text: "Save configuration",
- handler: saveChanges
- }],
- defaults: {
- border:false,
- },
- layout:'anchor',
- items: [confpanel,transportsgrid]
- });
+ },
+ layout:'anchor',
+ items: [confpanel,transportsgrid]
+ });
panel.on('afterlayout', function(parent, n) {
- var DropTargetEl = parent.body.dom;
- var DropTarget = new Ext.dd.DropTarget(DropTargetEl, {
- ddGroup : 'chconfddgroup',
- notifyEnter : function(ddSource, e, data) {
- //Add some flare to invite drop.
- parent.body.stopFx();
- parent.body.highlight();
- },
- notifyDrop : function(ddSource, e, data){
- // Reference the record (single selection) for readability
- var selectedRecord = ddSource.dragData.selections[0];
+ var DropTargetEl = parent.body.dom;
+ var DropTarget = new Ext.dd.DropTarget(DropTargetEl, {
+ ddGroup : 'chconfddgroup',
+ notifyEnter : function(ddSource, e, data) {
+ //Add some flare to invite drop.
+ parent.body.stopFx();
+ parent.body.highlight();
+ },
+ notifyDrop : function(ddSource, e, data){
+ // Reference the record (single selection) for readability
+ var selectedRecord = ddSource.dragData.selections[0];
- Ext.MessageBox.confirm('Merge channels',
- 'Copy transport configuration from "' + selectedRecord.data.name +
- '" to "' + chname + '". This will also remove the channel "' +
- selectedRecord.data.name + '"',
- function(button) {
- if(button == 'no')
- return;
- Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/channel',
- params:{chid: chid,
- op:'mergefrom',
- srcch: selectedRecord.data.chid},
- success: function() {
- transportsstore.reload();
- tvheadend.chconfliststore.reload();
- }});
- }
- );
- }
- });
- });
+ Ext.MessageBox.confirm('Merge channels',
+ 'Copy transport configuration from "' + selectedRecord.data.name +
+ '" to "' + chname + '". This will also remove the channel "' +
+ selectedRecord.data.name + '"',
+ function(button) {
+ if(button == 'no')
+ return;
+ Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/channel',
+ params:{chid: chid,
+ op:'mergefrom',
+ srcch: selectedRecord.data.chid},
+ success: function() {
+ transportsstore.reload();
+ tvheadend.chconfliststore.reload();
+ }});
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ });
return panel;
- }
@@ -271,69 +271,69 @@ tvheadend.channeldetails = function(chid, chname) {
tvheadend.chconf = function() {
var ChannelRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([
- {name: 'name'},
- {name: 'chid'}]);
+ {name: 'name'},
+ {name: 'chid'}]);
var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({root: 'entries',
- fields: ChannelRecord,
- url: "chlist",
- autoLoad: true,
- id: 'id',
- storeid: 'id'
+ fields: ChannelRecord,
+ url: "chlist",
+ autoLoad: true,
+ id: 'id',
+ storeid: 'id'
var chlist = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
- ddGroup: 'chconfddgroup',
- enableDragDrop: true,
- stripeRows:true,
- region:'west',
- width: 300,
- columns: [{id:'name',
- header: "Channel name",
- width: 260,
- dataIndex: 'name'}
- ],
- selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
- store: store,
- });
+ ddGroup: 'chconfddgroup',
+ enableDragDrop: true,
+ stripeRows:true,
+ region:'west',
+ width: 300,
+ columns: [{id:'name',
+ header: "Channel name",
+ width: 260,
+ dataIndex: 'name'}
+ ],
+ selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
+ store: store,
+ });
var details = new Ext.Panel({
- region:'center', layout:'fit',
- items:[{border: false}]
- });
+ region:'center', layout:'fit',
+ items:[{border: false}]
+ });
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
- listeners: {activate: handleActivate},
- border: false,
- title:'Channels',
- layout:'border',
- items: [chlist, details]
- });
+ listeners: {activate: handleActivate},
+ border: false,
+ title:'Channels',
+ layout:'border',
+ items: [chlist, details]
+ });
function handleActivate(tab){
chlist.on('rowclick', function(grid, n) {
- var rec = store.getAt(n);
+ var rec = store.getAt(n);
- details.remove(details.getComponent(0));
- details.doLayout();
+ details.remove(details.getComponent(0));
+ details.doLayout();
- var newpanel = new tvheadend.channeldetails(rec.data.chid,
- rec.data.name);
- details.add(newpanel);
- details.doLayout();
- });
+ var newpanel = new tvheadend.channeldetails(rec.data.chid,
+ rec.data.name);
+ details.add(newpanel);
+ details.doLayout();
+ });
* Setup Drop Targets
// This will make sure we only drop to the view container
diff --git a/webui/static/app/dvb.js b/webui/static/app/dvb.js
index f6fdb6b5..265dc7c1 100644
--- a/webui/static/app/dvb.js
+++ b/webui/static/app/dvb.js
@@ -6,79 +6,79 @@
tvheadend.dvb_adapterdetails = function(adapterId, adapterName, treenode) {
var confreader = new Ext.data.JsonReader({
- root: 'dvbadapters',
- }, ['name', 'automux']);
+ root: 'dvbadapters',
+ }, ['name', 'automux']);
function addmux() {
var locationbutton = new Ext.Button({
- text: 'Add',
- disabled: true,
- handler: function() {
- var n = locationlist.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode();
- Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/dvbadapter',
- params: {network: n.attributes.id,
- adapterId: adapterId, op: 'addnetwork'}});
- win.close();
- }
- });
+ text: 'Add',
+ disabled: true,
+ handler: function() {
+ var n = locationlist.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode();
+ Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/dvbadapter',
+ params: {network: n.attributes.id,
+ adapterId: adapterId, op: 'addnetwork'}});
+ win.close();
+ }
+ });
var locationlist = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
title:'By location',
loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
- baseParams: {adapter: adapterId},
- dataUrl:'/dvbnetworks',
- }),
+ baseParams: {adapter: adapterId},
+ dataUrl:'/dvbnetworks',
+ }),
root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
- id:'root',
- }),
+ id:'root',
+ }),
buttons: [locationbutton],
buttonAlign: 'center'
- });
+ });
locationlist.on('click', function(n) {
- if(n.attributes.leaf) {
- locationbutton.enable();
- } else {
- locationbutton.disable();
- }
- });
+ if(n.attributes.leaf) {
+ locationbutton.enable();
+ } else {
+ locationbutton.disable();
+ }
+ });
win = new Ext.Window({
- title: 'Add mux(es) on ' + adapterName,
- layout: 'fit',
- width: 500,
- height: 500,
- modal: true,
- plain: true,
- items: new Ext.TabPanel({
- autoTabs: true,
- activeTab: 0,
- deferredRender: false,
- border: false,
- items: [locationlist, {
- html: 'def',
- title: 'Manual configuration'
- }]
- })
- });
+ title: 'Add mux(es) on ' + adapterName,
+ layout: 'fit',
+ width: 500,
+ height: 500,
+ modal: true,
+ plain: true,
+ items: new Ext.TabPanel({
+ autoTabs: true,
+ activeTab: 0,
+ deferredRender: false,
+ border: false,
+ items: [locationlist, {
+ html: 'def',
+ title: 'Manual configuration'
+ }]
+ })
+ });
- function probeservices() {
+ function probeservices() {
'Probe all DVB services on "' + adapterName +
'" and map to TV-channels in tvheadend',
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ tvheadend.dvb_adapterdetails = function(adapterId, adapterName, treenode) {
Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/dvbadapter',
- params: {adapterId: adapterId,
- op: 'serviceprobe'}
- })
+ params: {adapterId: adapterId,
+ op: 'serviceprobe'}
+ })
- };
+ };
@@ -99,57 +99,57 @@ tvheadend.dvb_adapterdetails = function(adapterId, adapterName, treenode) {
function saveconfig() {
- params:{'adapterId': adapterId, 'op':'save'},
- waitMsg:'Saving Data...'
- });
+ params:{'adapterId': adapterId, 'op':'save'},
+ waitMsg:'Saving Data...'
+ });
- var panel = new Ext.FormPanel({
- border:false,
- disabled:true,
- title: adapterName,
- bodyStyle:'padding:15px',
- labelAlign: 'right',
- labelWidth: 150,
- waitMsgTarget: true,
- reader: confreader,
- defaultType: 'textfield',
- items: [{
- fieldLabel: 'Adapter name',
- name: 'name',
- width: 400,
- },
+ var panel = new Ext.FormPanel({
+ border:false,
+ disabled:true,
+ title: adapterName,
+ bodyStyle:'padding:15px',
+ labelAlign: 'right',
+ labelWidth: 150,
+ waitMsgTarget: true,
+ reader: confreader,
+ defaultType: 'textfield',
+ items: [{
+ fieldLabel: 'Adapter name',
+ name: 'name',
+ width: 400,
+ },
new Ext.form.Checkbox({
- fieldLabel: 'Autodetect muxes',
- name: 'automux',
- })
- ],
- tbar:[{
- tooltip: 'Manually add new transport multiplexes',
- iconCls:'add',
- text: 'Add mux(es)',
- handler: addmux
- }, '-', {
- tooltip: 'Scan all transports on this adapter and map those who has a working video stream to a channel',
- iconCls:'option',
- text: 'Probe services',
- handler: probeservices
- }, '-', {
- tooltip: 'Save and changes made to the configuation below',
- iconCls:'save',
- text: 'Save configuration',
- handler: saveconfig
- }]
- });
+ fieldLabel: 'Autodetect muxes',
+ name: 'automux',
+ })
+ ],
+ tbar:[{
+ tooltip: 'Manually add new transport multiplexes',
+ iconCls:'add',
+ text: 'Add mux(es)',
+ handler: addmux
+ }, '-', {
+ tooltip: 'Scan all transports on this adapter and map those who has a working video stream to a channel',
+ iconCls:'option',
+ text: 'Probe services',
+ handler: probeservices
+ }, '-', {
+ tooltip: 'Save and changes made to the configuation below',
+ iconCls:'save',
+ text: 'Save configuration',
+ handler: saveconfig
+ }]
+ });
- params:{'adapterId': adapterId, 'op':'load'},
- success:function(form, action) {
- panel.enable();
- }});
+ params:{'adapterId': adapterId, 'op':'load'},
+ success:function(form, action) {
+ panel.enable();
+ }});
return panel;
@@ -161,42 +161,42 @@ tvheadend.dvb_adapterdetails = function(adapterId, adapterName, treenode) {
tvheadend.dvb = function() {
- var tree = new Ext.tree.ColumnTree({
- region:'west',
- autoScroll:true,
- rootVisible:false,
- columns:[{
- header:'Name',
- width:300,
- dataIndex:'name'
- },{
- header:'Type',
- width:100,
- dataIndex:'type'
- },{
- header:'Status',
- width:100,
- dataIndex:'status'
- },{
- header:'Quality',
- width:100,
- dataIndex:'quality'
- }],
- loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
- clearOnLoad: true,
- dataUrl:'/dvbtree',
- uiProviders:{
- 'col': Ext.tree.ColumnNodeUI
- }
- }),
+ var tree = new Ext.tree.ColumnTree({
+ region:'west',
+ autoScroll:true,
+ rootVisible:false,
+ columns:[{
+ header:'Name',
+ width:300,
+ dataIndex:'name'
+ },{
+ header:'Type',
+ width:100,
+ dataIndex:'type'
+ },{
+ header:'Status',
+ width:100,
+ dataIndex:'status'
+ },{
+ header:'Quality',
+ width:100,
+ dataIndex:'quality'
+ }],
+ loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
+ clearOnLoad: true,
+ dataUrl:'/dvbtree',
+ uiProviders:{
+ 'col': Ext.tree.ColumnNodeUI
+ }
+ }),
- root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
- id:'root',
- }),
- });
+ root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
+ id:'root',
+ }),
+ });
@@ -204,19 +204,19 @@ tvheadend.dvb = function() {
var details = new Ext.Panel({
- region:'center', layout:'fit',
- items:[{border: false}]
- });
+ region:'center', layout:'fit',
+ items:[{border: false}]
+ });
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
- border: false,
- title:'DVB Adapters',
- layout:'border',
- items: [tree, details]
- });
+ border: false,
+ title:'DVB Adapters',
+ layout:'border',
+ items: [tree, details]
+ });
diff --git a/webui/static/app/tvheadend.js b/webui/static/app/tvheadend.js
index b9261177..f0bb680a 100644
--- a/webui/static/app/tvheadend.js
+++ b/webui/static/app/tvheadend.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
tvheadend.comet_poller = function() {
function parse_comet_response(responsetxt) {
var response = Ext.util.JSON.decode(responsetxt);
for (var x = 0; x < response.messages.length; x++) {
@@ -18,26 +18,25 @@ tvheadend.comet_poller = function() {
var sl = Ext.get('systemlog');
var e = Ext.DomHelper.append(sl,
- '' + m.logtxt + '
+ '' + m.logtxt + '
case 'dvbadapter':
case 'dvbmux':
case 'dvbtransport':
var n = tvheadend.dvbtree.getNodeById(m.id);
if(n != null) {
if(m.reload != null && n.isLoaded()) {
if(m.name != null) {
n.attributes.name = m.name;
if(m.quality != null) {
n.getUI().setColText(3, m.quality);
n.attributes.quality = m.quality;
@@ -54,19 +53,19 @@ tvheadend.comet_poller = function() {
- url: '/comet',
- params : { boxid: response.boxid },
- success: function(result, request) {
- parse_comet_response(result.responseText);
- }});
+ url: '/comet',
+ params : { boxid: response.boxid },
+ success: function(result, request) {
+ parse_comet_response(result.responseText);
+ }});
- url: '/comet',
- success: function(result, request) {
- parse_comet_response(result.responseText);
- }});
+ url: '/comet',
+ success: function(result, request) {
+ parse_comet_response(result.responseText);
+ }});
@@ -84,53 +83,52 @@ tvheadend.app = function() {
init: function() {
var confpanel = new Ext.TabPanel({
- activeTab:0,
- autoScroll:true,
- title: 'Configuration',
- items: [new tvheadend.chconf,
- new tvheadend.dvb,
- new tvheadend.acleditor,
- new tvheadend.cwceditor]
- });
+ activeTab:0,
+ autoScroll:true,
+ title: 'Configuration',
+ items: [new tvheadend.chconf,
+ new tvheadend.dvb,
+ new tvheadend.acleditor,
+ new tvheadend.cwceditor]
+ });
var pvrpanel = new Ext.TabPanel({
- autoScroll:true,
- title: 'Video Recorder'
- });
+ autoScroll:true,
+ title: 'Video Recorder'
+ });
var chpanel = new Ext.TabPanel({
- autoScroll:true,
- title: 'Channels'
- });
+ autoScroll:true,
+ title: 'Channels'
+ });
var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
- layout:'border',
- items:[
- {
- region:'south',
- contentEl: 'systemlog',
- split:true,
- autoScroll:true,
- height: 150,
- minSize: 100,
- maxSize: 400,
- collapsible: true,
- title:'System log',
- margins:'0 0 0 0'
- },
- new Ext.TabPanel({region:'center',
- activeTab:0,
- items:[confpanel,
- pvrpanel,
- chpanel]})
- ]
- });
+ layout:'border',
+ items:[{
+ region:'south',
+ contentEl: 'systemlog',
+ split:true,
+ autoScroll:true,
+ height: 150,
+ minSize: 100,
+ maxSize: 400,
+ collapsible: true,
+ title:'System log',
+ margins:'0 0 0 0'
+ },
+ new Ext.TabPanel({region:'center',
+ activeTab:0,
+ items:[confpanel,
+ pvrpanel,
+ chpanel]})
+ ]
+ });
new tvheadend.comet_poller;
}(); // end of app