Merge branch 'staging' of into opdenkamp-staging

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Öman 2011-03-21 22:37:44 +01:00
commit e5fc64c203

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@ -499,21 +499,55 @@ htsp_method_addDvrEntry(htsp_connection_t *htsp, htsmsg_t *in)
dvr_entry_t *de;
dvr_entry_sched_state_t dvr_status;
const char *dvr_config_name;
if(htsmsg_get_u32(in, "eventId", &eventid))
return htsp_error("Missing argument 'eventId'");
if((e = epg_event_find_by_id(eventid)) == NULL)
return htsp_error("Event does not exist");
if((dvr_config_name = htsmsg_get_str(in, "configName")) == NULL)
dvr_config_name = "";
//create the dvr entry
de = dvr_entry_create_by_event(dvr_config_name,e,
htsp->htsp_username ?
htsp->htsp_username : "anonymous",
if(htsmsg_get_u32(in, "eventId", &eventid))
eventid = -1;
if ((e = epg_event_find_by_id(eventid)) == NULL)
uint32_t iChannelId, iStartTime, iStopTime, iPriority;
channel_t *channel;
const char *strTitle = NULL, *strDescription = NULL, *strCreator = NULL;
// no event found with this event id.
// check if there is at least a start time, stop time, channel id and title set
if (htsmsg_get_u32(in, "channelId", &iChannelId) ||
htsmsg_get_u32(in, "start", &iStartTime) ||
htsmsg_get_u32(in, "stop", &iStopTime) ||
(strTitle = htsmsg_get_str(in, "title")) == NULL)
// not enough info available to create a new entry
return htsp_error("Invalid arguments");
// invalid channel
if ((channel = channel_find_by_identifier(iChannelId)) == NULL)
return htsp_error("Channel does not exist");
// get the optional attributes
if (htsmsg_get_u32(in, "priority", &iPriority))
iPriority = 0;
if ((strDescription = htsmsg_get_str(in, "description")) == NULL)
strDescription = "";
if ((strCreator = htsmsg_get_str(in, "creator")) == NULL)
strCreator = "";
// create the dvr entry
de = dvr_entry_create(dvr_config_name, channel, iStartTime, iStopTime, strTitle, strDescription, strCreator, NULL, NULL, 0, iPriority);
//create the dvr entry
de = dvr_entry_create_by_event(dvr_config_name,e,
htsp->htsp_username ?
htsp->htsp_username : "anonymous",
dvr_status = de != NULL ? de->de_sched_state : DVR_NOSTATE;