imagecache: fix mistake in imagecache address checking.

This will still may not work if the server is behind a proxy, as this
could lead to the wrong IP being detected.

For clients with HTSPv7 support they will only get the /imagecache/ID
part of the URL and will have to add the rest.

Note: there will be a number of clients that may report v7 support
but not be fully compliant due to the release schedules etc... users
in this position will not be able to use the image caching.
This commit is contained in:
Adam Sutton 2013-01-02 22:19:34 +00:00
parent c066cf431a
commit fe5fd68883

View file

@ -370,13 +370,16 @@ htsp_generate_challenge(htsp_connection_t *htsp)
static htsmsg_t *
htsp_file_open(htsp_connection_t *htsp, const char *path)
htsp_file_open(htsp_connection_t *htsp, const char *path, int fd)
struct stat st;
int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "HTSP", "Opening file %s -- %s", path, fd < 0 ? strerror(errno) : "OK");
if(fd == -1)
return htsp_error("Unable to open file");
if (fd <= 0) {
fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "HTSP", "Opening file %s -- %s", path, fd < 0 ? strerror(errno) : "OK");
if(fd == -1)
return htsp_error("Unable to open file");
htsp_file_t *hf = calloc(1, sizeof(htsp_file_t));
hf->hf_fd = fd;
@ -449,19 +452,23 @@ htsp_build_channel(channel_t *ch, const char *method, htsp_connection_t *htsp)
htsmsg_add_str(out, "channelName", ch->ch_name);
if(ch->ch_icon != NULL) {
uint32_t id = imagecache_get_id(ch->ch_icon);
if (id) {
uint32_t id;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
socklen_t addrlen;
if ((id = imagecache_get_id(ch->ch_icon))) {
size_t p = 0;
char url[256];
if (htsp->htsp_version <= 7) {
if (htsp->htsp_version < 7) {
addrlen = sizeof(addr);
getsockname(htsp->htsp_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addrlen);
strcpy(url, "http://");
p = 7;
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(htsp->htsp_peer->sin_addr), url+p, sizeof(url)-p);
p = strlen(url);
p += snprintf(url+p, sizeof(url)-p, ":%hd", webui_port);
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr.sin_addr, url+p, sizeof(url)-p);
p = strlen(url);
p += snprintf(url+p, sizeof(url)-p, ":%hd%s",
tvheadend_webroot ?: "");
if (tvheadend_webroot)
p += snprintf(url+p, sizeof(url)-p, "%s", tvheadend_webroot);
snprintf(url+p, sizeof(url)-p, "/imagecache/%d", id);
htsmsg_add_str(out, "channelIcon", url);
} else {
@ -1360,6 +1367,10 @@ htsp_method_file_open(htsp_connection_t *htsp, htsmsg_t *in)
if((str = htsmsg_get_str(in, "file")) == NULL)
return htsp_error("Missing argument 'file'");
// optional leading slash
if (*str == '/')
if((s2 = tvh_strbegins(str, "dvr/")) != NULL) {
dvr_entry_t *de = dvr_entry_find_by_id(atoi(s2));
if(de == NULL)
@ -1369,11 +1380,17 @@ htsp_method_file_open(htsp_connection_t *htsp, htsmsg_t *in)
return htsp_error("DVR entry does not have a file yet");
filename = de->de_filename;
return htsp_file_open(htsp, filename, 0);
} else if ((s2 = tvh_strbegins(str, "imagecache/")) != NULL) {
int fd = imagecache_open(atoi(s2));
if (fd <= 0)
return htsp_error("failed to open image");
return htsp_file_open(htsp, NULL, fd);
} else {
return htsp_error("Unknown file");
return htsp_file_open(htsp, filename);