/* This file is part of Ext JS 3.4 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc Contact: http://www.sencha.com/contact GNU General Public License Usage This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at http://www.sencha.com/contact. Build date: 2013-04-03 15:07:25 */ Ext.data.JsonP.Ext_Tip({"alternateClassNames":[],"aliases":{"widget":["tip"]},"enum":null,"parentMixins":[],"tagname":"class","subclasses":["Ext.ToolTip","Ext.slider.Tip"],"extends":"Ext.Panel","uses":[],"html":"




This is the base class for Ext.QuickTip and Ext.Tooltip that provides the basic layout and\npositioning that all tip-based classes require. This class can be used directly for simple, statically-positioned\ntips that are displayed programmatically, or it can be extended to provide custom tip implementations.

Defined By

Config options

A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the\ncontainer's...

A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the\ncontainer's layout on render. For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first\nitem in the container's collection). activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display\nitems one at a time (like Ext.layout.AccordionLayout, Ext.layout.CardLayout and\nExt.layout.FitLayout). Related to Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.activeItem.

Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true). ...

Whether the component can move the Dom node when rendering (defaults to true).


Defaults to: true

Note: this config is only used when this Component is rendered\nby a Container which has been configured to use an Anc...

Note: this config is only used when this Component is rendered\nby a Container which has been configured to use an AnchorLayout (or subclass thereof).\nbased layout manager, for example:


See Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.anchor also.

true to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the\nanimation (defaults to true if the Ext....

true to animate the transition when the panel is collapsed, false to skip the\nanimation (defaults to true if the Ext.Fx class is available, otherwise false).

The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in\nthe document ...

The id of the node, a DOM node or an existing Element corresponding to a DIV that is already present in\nthe document that specifies some panel-specific structural markup. When applyTo is used,\nconstituent parts of the panel can be specified by CSS class name within the main element, and the panel\nwill automatically create those components from that markup. Any required components not specified in the\nmarkup will be autogenerated if necessary.


The following class names are supported (baseCls will be replaced by baseCls):

  • baseCls + '-header'
  • \n
  • baseCls + '-header-text'
  • \n
  • baseCls + '-bwrap'
  • \n
  • baseCls + '-tbar'
  • \n
  • baseCls + '-body'
  • \n
  • baseCls + '-bbar'
  • \n
  • baseCls + '-footer'

Using this config, a call to render() is not required. If applyTo is specified, any value passed for\nrenderTo will be ignored and the target element's parent node will automatically be used as the\npanel's container.


Overrides: Ext.Component.applyTo

If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else\ndestruction mu...

If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else\ndestruction must be handled manually (defaults to true).


Defaults to: true

: Boolean
true to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height (defaults to false). ...

true to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height (defaults to false).\nNote: Setting autoHeight: true means that the browser will manage the panel's height\nbased on its contents, and that Ext will not manage it at all. If the panel is within a layout that\nmanages dimensions (fit, border, etc.) then setting autoHeight: true\ncan cause issues with scrolling and will not generally work as expected since the panel will take\non the height of its contents rather than the height required by the Ext layout.


Defaults to: true

Overrides: Ext.Panel.autoHeight

A valid url spec according to the Updater Ext.Updater.update method. ...

A valid url spec according to the Updater Ext.Updater.update method.\nIf autoLoad is not null, the panel will attempt to load its contents\nimmediately upon render.

\nThe URL will become the default URL for this panel's body element,\nso it may be refreshed at any time.

true to use overflow:'auto' on the components layout element and show scroll bars automatically when\nnecessary, false...

true to use overflow:'auto' on the components layout element and show scroll bars automatically when\nnecessary, false to clip any overflowing content (defaults to false).

True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. ...

True if the component should check for hidden classes (e.g. 'x-hidden' or 'x-hide-display') and remove\nthem on render (defaults to false).


Defaults to: false

True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width (or allow it to be managed by its parent\nContainer's layout manager. ...

True to use width:'auto', false to use fixed width (or allow it to be managed by its parent\nContainer's layout manager. Defaults to false.


Note: Although many components inherit this config option, not all will\nfunction as expected with a width of 'auto'. Setting autoWidth:true means that the\nbrowser will manage width based on the element's contents, and that Ext will not manage it at all.


If the browser is managing the width, be aware that resizes performed by the browser in response\nto changes within the structure of the Component cannot be detected. Therefore changes to the width might\nresult in elements needing to be synchronized with the new width. For example, where the target element is:

<div id='grid-container' style='margin-left:25%;width:50%'></div>\n

A Panel rendered into that target element must listen for browser window resize in order to relay its\nchild items when the browser changes its width:

var myPanel = new Ext.Panel({\n    renderTo: 'grid-container',\n    monitorResize: true, // relay on browser resize\n    title: 'Panel',\n    height: 400,\n    autoWidth: true,\n    layout: 'hbox',\n    layoutConfig: {\n        align: 'stretch'\n    },\n    defaults: {\n        flex: 1\n    },\n    items: [{\n        title: 'Box 1',\n    }, {\n        title: 'Box 2'\n    }, {\n        title: 'Box 3'\n    }],\n});\n
The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel'). ...

The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element (defaults to 'x-panel').


Another option available by default is to specify 'x-plain' which strips all styling\nexcept for required attributes for Ext layouts to function (e.g. overflow:hidden).\nSee unstyled also.


Defaults to: 'x-tip'

Overrides: Ext.Panel.baseCls

The bottom toolbar of the panel. ...

The bottom toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of\nbuttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render.\nTo access the bottom toolbar after render, use getBottomToolbar.


Note: Although a Toolbar may contain Field components, these will not be updated by a load\nof an ancestor FormPanel. A Panel's toolbars are not part of the standard Container->Component hierarchy, and\nso are not scanned to collect form items. However, the values will be submitted because form\nsubmission parameters are collected from the DOM tree.

A DomHelper element specification object specifying the element structure\nof this Panel's bbar Element. ...

A DomHelper element specification object specifying the element structure\nof this Panel's bbar Element. See bodyCfg also.

True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true). ...

True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true).\nThis only applies when border == true. If border == true and bodyBorder == false, the border will display\nas a 1px wide inset border, giving the entire body element an inset appearance.

A DomHelper element specification object may be specified for any\nPanel Element. ...

A DomHelper element specification object may be specified for any\nPanel Element.


By default, the Default element in the table below will be used for the html markup to\ncreate a child element with the commensurate Default class name (baseCls will be\nreplaced by baseCls):

Panel      Default  Default             Custom      Additional       Additional\nElement    element  class               element     class            style\n========   ==========================   =========   ==============   ===========\nheader     div      baseCls+'-header'   headerCfg   headerCssClass   headerStyle\nbwrap      div      baseCls+'-bwrap'     bwrapCfg    bwrapCssClass    bwrapStyle\n+ tbar     div      baseCls+'-tbar'       tbarCfg     tbarCssClass     tbarStyle\n+ body     div      baseCls+'-body'       bodyCfg     bodyCssClass     bodyStyle\n+ bbar     div      baseCls+'-bbar'       bbarCfg     bbarCssClass     bbarStyle\n+ footer   div      baseCls+'-footer'   footerCfg   footerCssClass   footerStyle\n

Configuring a Custom element may be used, for example, to force the body Element\nto use a different form of markup than is created by default. An example of this might be\nto create a child Panel containing a custom content, such as\na header, or forcing centering of all Panel content by having the body be a <center>\nelement:

new Ext.Panel({\n    title: 'Message Title',\n    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\n    width: 200, height: 130,\n    bodyCfg: {\n        tag: 'center',\n        cls: 'x-panel-body',  // Default class not applied if Custom element specified\n        html: 'Message'\n    },\n    footerCfg: {\n        tag: 'h2',\n        cls: 'x-panel-footer',        // same as the Default class\n        html: 'footer html'\n    },\n    footerCssClass: 'custom-footer', // additional css class, see addClass\n    footerStyle:    'background-color:red' // see bodyStyle\n});\n

The example above also explicitly creates a footer with custom markup and\nstyling applied.

Additional css class selector to be applied to the body element in the format expected by\nExt.Element.addClass (defau...

Additional css class selector to be applied to the body element in the format expected by\nExt.Element.addClass (defaults to null). See bodyCfg.

Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by\nExt.Element.applyStyles (defaults to nu...

Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by\nExt.Element.applyStyles (defaults to null). See bodyCfg.

True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). ...

True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true). By default,\nthe border is a 2px wide inset border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.

The maximum value in pixels which this BoxComponent will set its height to. ...

The maximum value in pixels which this BoxComponent will set its height to.


Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

The maximum value in pixels which this BoxComponent will set its width to. ...

The maximum value in pixels which this BoxComponent will set its width to.


Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

The minimum value in pixels which this BoxComponent will set its height to. ...

The minimum value in pixels which this BoxComponent will set its height to.


Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

The minimum value in pixels which this BoxComponent will set its width to. ...

The minimum value in pixels which this BoxComponent will set its width to.


Warning: This will override any size management applied by layout managers.

An array of events that, when fired, should be bubbled to any parent container. ...

An array of events that, when fired, should be bubbled to any parent container.\nSee Ext.util.Observable.enableBubble.\nDefaults to ['add', 'remove'].\n\n

Defaults to: ['add', 'remove']

Overrides: Ext.Component.bubbleEvents

When set to true (50 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer\nth...

When set to true (50 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer\nthe frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers\nwith a large quantity of sub-components for which frequent layout calls would be expensive. Defaults to 50.


Defaults to: 50

The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. ...

The alignment of any buttons added to this panel. Valid values are 'right',\n'left' and 'center' (defaults to 'right').


Defaults to: 'right'

buttons will be used as items for the toolbar in\nthe footer (fbar). ...

buttons will be used as items for the toolbar in\nthe footer (fbar). Typically the value of this configuration property will be\nan array of Ext.Buttons or Ext.Button configuration objects.\nIf an item is configured with minWidth or the Panel is configured with minButtonWidth,\nthat width will be applied to the item.

A DomHelper element specification object specifying the element structure\nof this Panel's bwrap Element. ...

A DomHelper element specification object specifying the element structure\nof this Panel's bwrap Element. See bodyCfg also.

The CSS class used to to apply to the special clearing div rendered\ndirectly after each form field wrapper to provide...

The CSS class used to to apply to the special clearing div rendered\ndirectly after each form field wrapper to provide field clearing (defaults to\n'x-form-clear-left').


Note: this config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container\n\n\n

which has been configured to use the FormLayout layout\nmanager (e.g. Ext.form.FormPanel or specifying layout:'form') and either a\nfieldLabel is specified or isFormField=true is specified.


See Ext.layout.FormLayout.fieldTpl also.

closable : Boolean

True to render a close tool button into the tooltip header (defaults to false).


True to render a close tool button into the tooltip header (defaults to false).


Overrides: Ext.Panel.closable

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). ...

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be\nuseful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.

true to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of)\nany other tools in the pane...

true to make sure the collapse/expand toggle button always renders first (to the left of)\nany other tools in the panel's title bar, false to render it last (defaults to true).


Defaults to: true

true to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to\nfalse). ...

true to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to\nfalse).


Defaults to: false

A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to\n'x-panel-collapsed'). ...

A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to\n'x-panel-collapsed').


Defaults to: 'x-panel-collapsed'

True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into\nthe header ...

True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into\nthe header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false).

Optional. ...

Optional. Specify an existing HTML element, or the id of an existing HTML element to use as the content\nfor this component.

  • Description :\n
    This config option is used to take an existing HTML element and place it in the layout element\nof a new component (it simply moves the specified DOM element after the Component is rendered to use as the content.
  • \n
  • Notes :\n
    The specified HTML element is appended to the layout element of the component after any configured\nHTML has been inserted, and so the document will not contain this element at the time the render event is fired.
    The specified HTML element used will not participate in any layout\nscheme that the Component may use. It is just HTML. Layouts operate on child items.
    Add either the x-hidden or the x-hide-display CSS class to\nprevent a brief flicker of the content before it is rendered to the panel.
  • \n
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container. ...

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container. This can be useful for\nadding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. See\nExt.layout.ContainerLayout.extraCls also.


Note: ctCls defaults to '' except for the following class\nwhich assigns a value by default:\n

  • Box Layout : 'x-box-layout-ct'
  • \n
\nTo configure the above Class with an extra CSS class append to the default. For example,\nfor BoxLayout (Hbox and Vbox):\n
ctCls: 'x-box-layout-ct custom-class'\n


The initial set of data to apply to the tpl to\nupdate the content area of the Component.


The initial set of data to apply to the tpl to\nupdate the content area of the Component.

Experimental. ...

Experimental. The default Ext.Element.alignTo anchor position value\nfor this tip relative to its element of origin (defaults to \"tl-bl?\").


Defaults to: "tl-bl?"

The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when\na child item is specified as a raw configurati...

The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when\na child item is specified as a raw configuration object, rather than as an instantiated Component.


Defaults to 'panel', except Ext.menu.Menu which defaults to 'menuitem',\nand Ext.Toolbar and Ext.ButtonGroup which default to 'button'.


Defaults to: 'panel'

This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items whether added through the items\nconfig or via ...

This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items whether added through the items\nconfig or via the add or insert methods.


If an added item is a config object, and not an instantiated Component, then the default properties are\nunconditionally applied. If the added item is an instantiated Component, then the default properties are\napplied conditionally so as not to override existing properties in the item.


If the defaults option is specified as a function, then the function will be called using this Container as the\nscope (this reference) and passing the added item as the first parameter. Any resulting object\nfrom that call is then applied to the item as default properties.


For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of\ncontained Ext.Panel items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}.



defaults: {               // defaults are applied to items, not the container\n    autoScroll:true\n},\nitems: [\n    {\n        xtype: 'panel',   // defaults do not have precedence over\n        id: 'panel1',     // options in config objects, so the defaults\n        autoScroll: false // will not be applied here, panel1 will be autoScroll:false\n    },\n    new Ext.Panel({       // defaults do have precedence over options\n        id: 'panel2',     // options in components, so the defaults\n        autoScroll: false // will be applied here, panel2 will be autoScroll:true.\n    })\n]\n
Render this panel disabled (default is false). ...

Render this panel disabled (default is false). An important note when using the disabled\nconfig on panels is that IE will often fail to initialize the disabled mask element correectly if\nthe panel's layout has not yet completed by the time the Panel is disabled during the render process.\nIf you experience this issue, you may need to instead use the afterlayout event to initialize\nthe disabled state:

new Ext.Panel({\n    ...\n    listeners: {\n        'afterlayout': {\n            fn: function(p){\n                p.disable();\n            },\n            single: true // important, as many layouts can occur\n        }\n    }\n});\n

Overrides: Ext.Component.disabled

CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to 'x-item-disabled'). ...

CSS class added to the component when it is disabled (defaults to 'x-item-disabled').


Defaults to: ''

Overrides: Ext.Component.disabledClass

true to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false). ...

true to enable dragging of this Panel (defaults to false).


For custom drag/drop implementations, an Ext.Panel.DD config could also be passed\nin this config instead of true. Ext.Panel.DD is an internal, undocumented class which\nmoves a proxy Element around in place of the Panel's element, but provides no other behaviour\nduring dragging or on drop. It is a subclass of Ext.dd.DragSource, so behaviour may be\nadded by implementing the interface methods of Ext.dd.DragDrop e.g.:\n

new Ext.Panel({\n    title: 'Drag me',\n    x: 100,\n    y: 100,\n    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\n    floating: true,\n    frame: true,\n    width: 400,\n    height: 200,\n    draggable: {\n//      Config option of Ext.Panel.DD class.\n//      It's a floating Panel, so do not show a placeholder proxy in the original position.\n        insertProxy: false,\n\n//      Called for each mousemove event while dragging the DD object.\n        onDrag : function(e){\n//          Record the x,y position of the drag proxy so that we can\n//          position the Panel at end of drag.\n            var pel = this.proxy.getEl();\n            this.x = pel.getLeft(true);\n            this.y = pel.getTop(true);\n\n//          Keep the Shadow aligned if there is one.\n            var s = this.panel.getEl().shadow;\n            if (s) {\n                s.realign(this.x, this.y, pel.getWidth(), pel.getHeight());\n            }\n        },\n\n//      Called on the mouseup event.\n        endDrag : function(e){\n            this.panel.setPosition(this.x, this.y);\n        }\n    }\n}).show();\n

A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. ...

A comma-delimited list of panel elements to initialize when the panel is rendered. Normally, this list will be\ngenerated automatically based on the items added to the panel at config time, but sometimes it might be useful to\nmake sure a structural element is rendered even if not specified at config time (for example, you may want\nto add a button or toolbar dynamically after the panel has been rendered). Adding those elements to this\nlist will allocate the required placeholders in the panel when it is rendered. Valid values are

  • header
  • \n
  • tbar (top bar)
  • \n
  • body
  • \n
  • bbar (bottom bar)
  • \n
  • footer
  • \n
\nDefaults to 'body'.


Defaults to: 'body'

A Toolbar object, a Toolbar config, or an array of\nButtons/Button configs, describing a Toolbar to be rendered into t...

A Toolbar object, a Toolbar config, or an array of\nButtons/Button configs, describing a Toolbar to be rendered into this Panel's footer element.


After render, the fbar property will be an Toolbar instance.


If buttons are specified, they will supersede the fbar configuration property.


The Panel's buttonAlign configuration affects the layout of these items, for example:

var w = new Ext.Window({\n    height: 250,\n    width: 500,\n    bbar: new Ext.Toolbar({\n        items: [{\n            text: 'bbar Left'\n        },'->',{\n            text: 'bbar Right'\n        }]\n    }),\n    buttonAlign: 'left', // anything but 'center' or 'right' and you can use '-', and '->'\n                                  // to control the alignment of fbar items\n    fbar: [{\n        text: 'fbar Left'\n    },'->',{\n        text: 'fbar Right'\n    }]\n}).show();\n

Note: Although a Toolbar may contain Field components, these will not be updated by a load\nof an ancestor FormPanel. A Panel's toolbars are not part of the standard Container->Component hierarchy, and\nso are not scanned to collect form items. However, the values will be submitted because form\nsubmission parameters are collected from the DOM tree.

The label text to display next to this Component (defaults to ''). ...

The label text to display next to this Component (defaults to '').


Note: this config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container which\n\n\n

has been configured to use the FormLayout layout manager (e.g.\nExt.form.FormPanel or specifying layout:'form').


Also see hideLabel and\nExt.layout.FormLayout.fieldTpl.


Example use:

new Ext.FormPanel({\n    height: 100,\n    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\n    items: [{\n        xtype: 'textfield',\n        fieldLabel: 'Name'\n    }]\n});\n
Note: this config is only used when this Component is rendered\nby a Container which has been configured to use a BoxL...

Note: this config is only used when this Component is rendered\nby a Container which has been configured to use a BoxLayout.\nEach child Component with a flex property will be flexed either vertically (by a VBoxLayout)\nor horizontally (by an HBoxLayout) according to the item's relative flex value\ncompared to the sum of all Components with flex value specified. Any child items that have\neither a flex = 0 or flex = undefined will not be 'flexed' (the initial size will not be changed).\n\n

: Mixed
This property is used to configure the underlying Ext.Layer. ...

This property is used to configure the underlying Ext.Layer. Acceptable values for this\nconfiguration property are:

  • false : Default.
    Display the panel inline where it is\nrendered.
  • \n
  • true :
    Float the panel (absolute position it with automatic\nshimming and shadow).
      Setting floating to true will create an Ext.Layer for this panel and display the\npanel at negative offsets so that it is hidden.
      Since the panel will be absolute positioned, the position must be set explicitly\nafter render (e.g., myPanel.setPosition(100,100);).
      Note: when floating a panel you should always assign a fixed width,\notherwise it will be auto width and will expand to fill to the right edge of the viewport.
  • \n
  • object :
    The specified object will be used\nas the configuration object for the Ext.Layer that will be created.
  • \n

Defaults to: {shadow: true, shim: true, useDisplay: true, constrain: false}

Overrides: Ext.Panel.floating

A DomHelper element specification object specifying the element structure\nof this Panel's footer Element. ...

A DomHelper element specification object specifying the element structure\nof this Panel's footer Element. See bodyCfg also.

If true the container will force a layout initially even if hidden or collapsed. ...

If true the container will force a layout initially even if hidden or collapsed. This option\nis useful for forcing forms to render in collapsed or hidden containers. (defaults to false).


Defaults to: false

: Boolean
private panel overrides\n\nfalse by default to render with plain 1px square borders. ...

private panel overrides


false by default to render with plain 1px square borders. true to render with\n9 elements, complete with custom rounded corners (also see Ext.Element.boxWrap).


The template generated for each condition is depicted below:

\n// frame = false\n<div id=\"developer-specified-id-goes-here\" class=\"x-panel\">\n\n    <div class=\"x-panel-header\"><span class=\"x-panel-header-text\">Title: (frame:false)</span></div>\n\n    <div class=\"x-panel-bwrap\">\n        <div class=\"x-panel-body\"><p>html value goes here</p></div>\n    </div>\n</div>\n\n// frame = true (create 9 elements)\n<div id=\"developer-specified-id-goes-here\" class=\"x-panel\">\n    <div class=\"x-panel-tl\"><div class=\"x-panel-tr\"><div class=\"x-panel-tc\">\n        <div class=\"x-panel-header\"><span class=\"x-panel-header-text\">Title: (frame:true)</span></div>\n    </div></div></div>\n\n    <div class=\"x-panel-bwrap\">\n        <div class=\"x-panel-ml\"><div class=\"x-panel-mr\"><div class=\"x-panel-mc\">\n            <div class=\"x-panel-body\"><p>html value goes here</p></div>\n        </div></div></div>\n\n        <div class=\"x-panel-bl\"><div class=\"x-panel-br\"><div class=\"x-panel-bc\"/>\n        </div></div></div>\n</div>\n

Defaults to: true

Overrides: Ext.Panel.frame

true to create the Panel's header element explicitly, false to skip creating\nit. ...

true to create the Panel's header element explicitly, false to skip creating\nit. If a title is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not.\nIf a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header\nwill not be rendered.

true to display the panel title in the header,\nfalse to hide it (defaults to true). ...

true to display the panel title in the header,\nfalse to hide it (defaults to true).


Defaults to: true

A DomHelper element specification object specifying the element structure\nof this Panel's header Element. ...

A DomHelper element specification object specifying the element structure\nof this Panel's header Element. See bodyCfg also.

The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). ...

The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto).\nNote to express this dimension as a percentage or offset see Ext.Component.anchor.

Render this component hidden (default is false). ...

Render this component hidden (default is false). If true, the\nhide method will be called internally.


Defaults to: false

True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing\nborder settings (def...

True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing\nborder settings (defaults to false).


true to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when collapsible == true,\nfalse to display it (defaults to false).


true to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when collapsible == true,\nfalse to display it (defaults to false).

true to completely hide the label element\n(label and separator). ...

true to completely hide the label element\n(label and separator). Defaults to false.\nBy default, even if you do not specify a fieldLabel the space will still be\nreserved so that the field will line up with other fields that do have labels.\nSetting this to true will cause the field to not reserve that space.


Note: see the note for clearCls.


Example use:

new Ext.FormPanel({\n    height: 100,\n    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\n    items: [{\n        xtype: 'textfield'\n        hideLabel: true\n    }]\n});\n
How this component should be hidden. ...

How this component should be hidden. Supported values are 'visibility'\n(css visibility), 'offsets' (negative offset position) and 'display'\n(css display).


Note: the default of 'display' is generally preferred\n\n\n

since items are automatically laid out when they are first shown (no sizing\nis done while hidden).


Defaults to: 'display'

True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide\nand show the...

True to hide and show the component's container when hide/show is called on the component, false to hide\nand show the component itself (defaults to false). For example, this can be used as a shortcut for a hide\nbutton on a window by setting hide:true on the button when adding it to its parent container.


Defaults to: false

An HTML fragment, or a DomHelper specification to use as the layout element\ncontent (defaults to ''). ...

An HTML fragment, or a DomHelper specification to use as the layout element\ncontent (defaults to ''). The HTML content is added after the component is rendered,\nso the document will not contain this HTML at the time the render event is fired.\nThis content is inserted into the body before any configured contentEl is appended.

The CSS class selector that specifies a background image to be used as the header icon (defaults to ''). ...

The CSS class selector that specifies a background image to be used as the header icon (defaults to '').


An example of specifying a custom icon class would be something like:\n

// specify the property in the config for the class:\n     ...\n     iconCls: 'my-icon'\n\n// css class that specifies background image to be used as the icon image:\n.my-icon { background-image: url(../images/my-icon.gif) 0 6px no-repeat !important; }\n
The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). ...

The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).\nYou should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component later and you do\nnot have an object reference available (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).


Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing HTML element\nthat is rendered to the page for this component. This allows you to write id-based CSS\nrules to style the specific instance of this component uniquely, and also to select\nsub-elements using this component's id as the parent.


Note: to avoid complications imposed by a unique id also see\nitemId and ref.


Note: to access the container of an item see ownerCt.

Note: this config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container which\nhas been configured to use the Fo...

Note: this config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container which\nhas been configured to use the FormLayout layout manager (e.g.\nExt.form.FormPanel or specifying layout:'form').


An additional CSS class to apply to the div wrapping the form item\nelement of this field. If supplied, itemCls at the field level will override\nthe default itemCls supplied at the container level. The value specified for\nitemCls will be added to the default class ('x-form-item').


Since it is applied to the item wrapper (see\nExt.layout.FormLayout.fieldTpl), it allows\nyou to write standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified), or\nany other element within the markup for the field.


Note: see the note for fieldLabel.


Example use:

// Apply a style to the field's label:\n<style>\n    .required .x-form-item-label {font-weight:bold;color:red;}\n</style>\n\nnew Ext.FormPanel({\n    height: 100,\n    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\n    items: [{\n        xtype: 'textfield',\n        fieldLabel: 'Name',\n        itemCls: 'required' //this label will be styled\n    },{\n        xtype: 'textfield',\n        fieldLabel: 'Favorite Color'\n    }]\n});\n
An itemId can be used as an alternative way to get a reference to a component\nwhen no object reference is available. ...

An itemId can be used as an alternative way to get a reference to a component\nwhen no object reference is available. Instead of using an id with\nExt.getCmp, use itemId with\nExt.Container.getComponent which will retrieve\nitemId's or id's. Since itemId's are an index to the\ncontainer's internal MixedCollection, the itemId is scoped locally to the container --\navoiding potential conflicts with Ext.ComponentMgr which requires a unique\nid.

var c = new Ext.Panel({ //\n    height: 300,\n    renderTo: document.body,\n    layout: 'auto',\n    items: [\n        {\n            itemId: 'p1',\n            title: 'Panel 1',\n            height: 150\n        },\n        {\n            itemId: 'p2',\n            title: 'Panel 2',\n            height: 150\n        }\n    ]\n})\np1 = c.getComponent('p1'); // not the same as Ext.getCmp()\np2 = p1.ownerCt.getComponent('p2'); // reference via a sibling\n

Also see id and ref.


Note: to access the container of an item see ownerCt.

** IMPORTANT: be sure to specify a <code>layout</code> if needed ! **\n\n\nA single item, or an array of chi...
** IMPORTANT: be sure to specify a <code>layout</code> if needed ! **

A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container,\nfor example:

// specifying a single item\nitems: {...},\nlayout: 'fit',    // specify a layout!\n\n// specifying multiple items\nitems: [{...}, {...}],\nlayout: 'anchor', // specify a layout!\n

Each item may be:

  • any type of object based on Ext.Component
  • \n
  • a fully instanciated object or
  • \n
  • an object literal that:
  • \n
    • has a specified xtype
    • \n
    • the Ext.Component.xtype specified is associated with the Component\ndesired and should be chosen from one of the available xtypes as listed\nin Ext.Component.
    • \n
    • If an xtype is not explicitly\nspecified, the defaultType for that Container is used.
    • \n
    • will be \"lazily instanciated\", avoiding the overhead of constructing a fully\ninstanciated Component object
    • \n


  • Ext uses lazy rendering. Child Components will only be rendered\nshould it become necessary. Items are automatically laid out when they are first\nshown (no sizing is done while hidden), or in response to a doLayout call.
  • \n
  • Do not specify contentEl/\nhtml with items.
  • \n
A Ext.KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding\nused to assign custom key handling to thi...

A Ext.KeyMap config object (in the format expected by Ext.KeyMap.addBinding\nused to assign custom key handling to this panel (defaults to null).

The separator to display after the text of each\nfieldLabel. ...

The separator to display after the text of each\nfieldLabel. This property may be configured at various levels.\nThe order of precedence is:\n

  • field / component level
  • \n
  • container level
  • \n
  • layout level (defaults to colon ':')
  • \n
\nTo display no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''.


Note: see the note for clearCls.


Also see hideLabel and\nExt.layout.FormLayout.fieldTpl.


Example use:

new Ext.FormPanel({\n    height: 100,\n    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\n    layoutConfig: {\n        labelSeparator: '~'   // layout config has lowest priority (defaults to ':')\n    },\n    labelSeparator: '>>',     // config at container level\n    items: [{\n        xtype: 'textfield',\n        fieldLabel: 'Field 1',\n        labelSeparator: '...' // field/component level config supersedes others\n    },{\n        xtype: 'textfield',\n        fieldLabel: 'Field 2' // labelSeparator will be '='\n    }]\n});\n
A CSS style specification string to apply directly to this field's\nlabel. ...

A CSS style specification string to apply directly to this field's\nlabel. Defaults to the container's labelStyle value if set (e.g.,\nExt.layout.FormLayout.labelStyle , or '').


Note: see the note for clearCls.


Also see hideLabel and\nExt.layout.FormLayout.fieldTpl.


Example use:

new Ext.FormPanel({\n    height: 100,\n    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\n    items: [{\n        xtype: 'textfield',\n        fieldLabel: 'Name',\n        labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'\n    }]\n});\n
*Important: In order for child items to be correctly sized and\npositioned, typically a layout manager must be specifi...

*Important: In order for child items to be correctly sized and\npositioned, typically a layout manager must be specified through\nthe layout configuration option.


The sizing and positioning of child items is the responsibility of\n\n\n

the Container's layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout\nyou have in mind. For example:

new Ext.Window({\n    width:300, height: 300,\n    layout: 'fit', // explicitly set layout manager: override the default (layout:'auto')\n    items: [{\n        title: 'Panel inside a Window'\n    }]\n}).show();\n

If the layout configuration is not explicitly specified for\na general purpose container (e.g. Container or Panel) the\ndefault layout manager will be used\nwhich does nothing but render child components sequentially into the\nContainer (no sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation).\nSome container classes implicitly specify a default layout\n(e.g. FormPanel specifies layout:'form'). Other specific\npurpose classes internally specify/manage their internal layout (e.g.\nGridPanel, TabPanel, TreePanel, Toolbar, Menu, etc.).


layout may be specified as either as an Object or\n\n\n

as a String:


  • Specify as an Object
  • \n\n
    • Example usage:
    • \n
      layout: {\n    type: 'vbox',\n    padding: '5',\n    align: 'left'\n}\n
    • type
    • \n

      The layout type to be used for this container. If not specified,\na default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created and used.


      Valid layout type values are:

    • Layout specific configuration properties
    • \n

      Additional layout specific configuration properties may also be\nspecified. For complete details regarding the valid config options for\neach layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type\nspecified.


  • Specify as a String
  • \n\n
    • Example usage:
    • \n
      layout: 'vbox',\nlayoutConfig: {\n    padding: '5',\n    align: 'left'\n}\n
    • layout
    • \n

      The layout type to be used for this container (see list\nof valid layout type values above).

    • layoutConfig
    • \n

      Additional layout specific configuration properties. For complete\ndetails regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the\nlayout class corresponding to the layout specified.



This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen\nlayout if layout\nhas been specified as a string.


This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen\nlayout if layout\nhas been specified as a string.

(optional) A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this\nobject during initialization. ...


A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this\nobject during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the\naddListener example for attaching multiple handlers at once.


DOM events from ExtJs Components


While some ExtJs Component classes export selected DOM events (e.g. \"click\", \"mouseover\" etc), this\n\n\n

is usually only done when extra value can be added. For example the DataView's\nclick event passing the node clicked on. To access DOM\nevents directly from a Component's HTMLElement, listeners must be added to the Element after the Component\nhas been rendered. A plugin can simplify this step:

// Plugin is configured with a listeners config object.\n// The Component is appended to the argument list of all handler functions.\nExt.DomObserver = Ext.extend(Object, {\n    constructor: function(config) {\n        this.listeners = config.listeners ? config.listeners : config;\n    },\n\n    // Component passes itself into plugin's init method\n    init: function(c) {\n        var p, l = this.listeners;\n        for (p in l) {\n            if (Ext.isFunction(l[p])) {\n                l[p] = this.createHandler(l[p], c);\n            } else {\n                l[p].fn = this.createHandler(l[p].fn, c);\n            }\n        }\n\n        // Add the listeners to the Element immediately following the render call\n        c.render = c.render.createSequence(function() {\n            var e = c.getEl();\n            if (e) {\n                e.on(l);\n            }\n        });\n    },\n\n    createHandler: function(fn, c) {\n        return function(e) {\n            fn.call(this, e, c);\n        };\n    }\n});\n\nvar combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({\n\n    // Collapse combo when its element is clicked on\n    plugins: [ new Ext.DomObserver({\n        click: function(evt, comp) {\n            comp.collapse();\n        }\n    })],\n    store: myStore,\n    typeAhead: true,\n    mode: 'local',\n    triggerAction: 'all'\n});\n

Note: this config is only used when this BoxComponent is rendered\nby a Container which has been configured to use the...

Note: this config is only used when this BoxComponent is rendered\nby a Container which has been configured to use the BorderLayout\nor one of the two BoxLayout subclasses.


An object containing margins to apply to this BoxComponent in the\nformat:

{\n    top: (top margin),\n    right: (right margin),\n    bottom: (bottom margin),\n    left: (left margin)\n}

May also be a string containing space-separated, numeric margin values. The order of the\nsides associated with each value matches the way CSS processes margin values:


  • If there is only one value, it applies to all sides.
  • \n
  • If there are two values, the top and bottom borders are set to the first value and the\nright and left are set to the second.
  • \n
  • If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set\nto the second, and the bottom is set to the third.
  • \n
  • If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and left, respectively.
  • \n


Defaults to:

{top:0, right:0, bottom:0, left:0}\n
true to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults\nto true). ...

true to mask the panel when it is disabled, false to not mask it (defaults\nto true). Either way, the panel will always tell its contained elements to disable themselves\nwhen it is disabled, but masking the panel can provide an additional visual cue that the panel is\ndisabled.


Defaults to: true

The maximum width of the tip in pixels (defaults to 300). ...

The maximum width of the tip in pixels (defaults to 300). The maximum supported value is 500.


Defaults to: 300

Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75) ...

Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75)


Defaults to: 75

The minimum width of the tip in pixels (defaults to 40). ...

The minimum width of the tip in pixels (defaults to 40).


Defaults to: 40

True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size\nof the vi...

True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size\nof the viewport. This value is typically managed by the chosen layout and should not need\nto be set manually.

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element when the mouse moves\nover the Element, and...

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element when the mouse moves\nover the Element, and removed when the mouse moves out. (defaults to ''). This can be\nuseful for adding customized 'active' or 'hover' styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.

A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. ...

A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can either be\na number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string describing padding.\nDefaults to undefined.


The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.


The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.


The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.


The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.

An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. ...

An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only\nrequirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.Component.\nWhen a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each\nplugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the\ncomponent as needed to provide its functionality.

Defaults to false. ...

Defaults to false. When set to true, an extra css class 'x-panel-normal'\nwill be added to the panel's element, effectively applying css styles suggested by the W3C\n(see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/sample.html) to the Panel's body element (not the header,\nfooter, etc.).


Defaults to: false

The registered ptype to create. ...

The registered ptype to create. This config option is not used when passing\na config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when\nlazy instantiation is being used, and a Plugin is being\nspecified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a Component config\nobject. The ptype will be looked up at render time up to determine what\ntype of Plugin to create.

\nIf you create your own Plugins, you may register them using\nExt.ComponentMgr.registerPlugin in order to be able to\ntake advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering.

A path specification, relative to the Component's ownerCt\nspecifying into which ancestor Container to place a named r...

A path specification, relative to the Component's ownerCt\nspecifying into which ancestor Container to place a named reference to this Component.


The ancestor axis can be traversed by using '/' characters in the path.\nFor example, to put a reference to a Toolbar Button into the Panel which owns the Toolbar:

var myGrid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({\n    title: 'My EditorGridPanel',\n    store: myStore,\n    colModel: myColModel,\n    tbar: [{\n        text: 'Save',\n        handler: saveChanges,\n        disabled: true,\n        ref: '../saveButton'\n    }],\n    listeners: {\n        afteredit: function() {\n//          The button reference is in the GridPanel\n            myGrid.saveButton.enable();\n        }\n    }\n});\n

In the code above, if the ref had been 'saveButton'\nthe reference would have been placed into the Toolbar. Each '/' in the ref\nmoves up one level from the Component's ownerCt.


Also see the added and removed events.

Note: this config is only used when this BoxComponent is rendered\nby a Container which has been configured to use the...

Note: this config is only used when this BoxComponent is rendered\nby a Container which has been configured to use the BorderLayout\nlayout manager (e.g. specifying layout:'border').


See Ext.layout.BorderLayout also.

Specify the id of the element, a DOM element or an existing Element that this component\nwill be rendered into. ...

Specify the id of the element, a DOM element or an existing Element that this component\nwill be rendered into.

  • Notes :
      Do not use this option if the Component is to be a child item of\na Container. It is the responsibility of the\nContainer's layout manager\nto render and manage its child items.
      When using this config, a call to render() is not required.
  • \n

See render also.

The event to listen to for resizing in layouts. ...

The event to listen to for resizing in layouts. Defaults to 'bodyresize'.


Defaults to: 'bodyresize'

Overrides: Ext.Container.resizeEvent

: Boolean/String
True or \"sides\" for the default effect, \"frame\" for 4-way shadow, and \"drop\"\nfor bottom-right shadow (defaults to \"si...

True or \"sides\" for the default effect, \"frame\" for 4-way shadow, and \"drop\"\nfor bottom-right shadow (defaults to \"sides\").


Defaults to: "sides"

Overrides: Ext.Panel.shadow

The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). ...

The number of pixels to offset the shadow if displayed (defaults to 4). Note that this\noption only applies when floating = true.

false to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true). ...

false to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one (defaults to true).\nNote that this option only applies when floating = true.

An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to\nsave its state (defaults to none). ...

An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to\nsave its state (defaults to none). stateEvents may be any type\nof event supported by this component, including browser or custom events\n(e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']).


See stateful for an explanation of saving and\nrestoring Component state.

The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes\n(defaults to the component id if one was set, o...

The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes\n(defaults to the component id if one was set, otherwise null if the\ncomponent is using a generated id).


See stateful for an explanation of saving and\nrestoring Component state.

A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of\ninternal properties from a saved state on startup. ...

A flag which causes the Component to attempt to restore the state of\ninternal properties from a saved state on startup. The component must have\neither a stateId or id assigned\nfor state to be managed. Auto-generated ids are not guaranteed to be stable\nacross page loads and cannot be relied upon to save and restore the same\nstate for a component.


For state saving to work, the state manager's provider must have been\nset to an implementation of Ext.state.Provider which overrides the\nset and get\nmethods to save and recall name/value pairs. A built-in implementation,\nExt.state.CookieProvider is available.


To set the state provider for the current page:

Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider({\n    expires: new Date(new Date().getTime()+(1000*60*60*24*7)), //7 days from now\n}));\n

A stateful Component attempts to save state when one of the events\nlisted in the stateEvents configuration fires.


To save state, a stateful Component first serializes its state by\ncalling getState. By default, this function does\nnothing. The developer must provide an implementation which returns an\nobject hash which represents the Component's restorable state.


The value yielded by getState is passed to Ext.state.Manager.set\nwhich uses the configured Ext.state.Provider to save the object\nkeyed by the Component's stateId, or, if that is not\nspecified, its id.


During construction, a stateful Component attempts to restore\nits state by calling Ext.state.Manager.get passing the\nstateId, or, if that is not specified, the\nid.


The resulting object is passed to applyState.\nThe default implementation of applyState simply copies\nproperties into the object, but a developer may override this to support\nmore behaviour.


You can perform extra processing on state save and restore by attaching\nhandlers to the beforestaterestore, staterestore,\nbeforestatesave and statesave events.


A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. ...

A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. Should be a valid argument to\nExt.Element.applyStyles.

new Ext.Panel({\n    title: 'Some Title',\n    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\n    width: 400, height: 300,\n    layout: 'form',\n    items: [{\n        xtype: 'textarea',\n        style: {\n            width: '95%',\n            marginBottom: '10px'\n        }\n    },\n        new Ext.Button({\n            text: 'Send',\n            minWidth: '100',\n            style: {\n                marginBottom: '10px'\n            }\n        })\n    ]\n});\n
Note: this config is only used when this BoxComponent is a child item of a TabPanel. ...

Note: this config is only used when this BoxComponent is a child item of a TabPanel.


A string to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to show in a tooltip when mousing over\nthe associated tab selector element. Ext.QuickTips.init()\nmust be called in order for the tips to render.

The top toolbar of the panel. ...

The top toolbar of the panel. This can be a Ext.Toolbar object, a toolbar config, or an array of\nbuttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. Note that this is not available as a property after render.\nTo access the top toolbar after render, use getTopToolbar.


Note: Although a Toolbar may contain Field components, these will not be updated by a load\nof an ancestor FormPanel. A Panel's toolbars are not part of the standard Container->Component hierarchy, and\nso are not scanned to collect form items. However, the values will be submitted because form\nsubmission parameters are collected from the DOM tree.

A DomHelper element specification object specifying the element structure\nof this Panel's tbar Element. ...

A DomHelper element specification object specifying the element structure\nof this Panel's tbar Element. See bodyCfg also.

The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to display in the panel\nheader (defaults to ''). ...

The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to display in the panel\nheader (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the\nheader element will automatically be created and displayed unless\nheader is explicitly set to false. If you do not want to specify a\ntitle at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty\ntitle (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container\nelement will get created.

true to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true)\nby clicking anywhere in the header bar, fa...

true to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when collapsible = true)\nby clicking anywhere in the header bar, false) to allow it only by clicking to tool button\n(defaults to false)). If this panel is a child item of a border layout also see the\nBorderLayout.Region\nfloatable config option.

A Template used to create tools in the header Element. ...

A Template used to create tools in the header Element. Defaults to:

new Ext.Template('<div class=\"x-tool x-tool-{id}\">&#160;</div>')

This may may be overridden to provide a custom DOM structure for tools based upon a more\ncomplex XTemplate. The template's data is a single tool configuration object (Not the entire Array)\nas specified in tools. In the following example an <a> tag is used to provide a\nvisual indication when hovering over the tool:

var win = new Ext.Window({\n    tools: [{\n        id: 'download',\n        href: '/MyPdfDoc.pdf'\n    }],\n    toolTemplate: new Ext.XTemplate(\n        '<tpl if=\"id==\\'download\\'\">',\n            '<a class=\"x-tool x-tool-pdf\" href=\"{href}\"></a>',\n        '</tpl>',\n        '<tpl if=\"id!=\\'download\\'\">',\n            '<div class=\"x-tool x-tool-{id}\">&#160;</div>',\n        '</tpl>'\n    ),\n    width:500,\n    height:300,\n    closeAction:'hide'\n});

Note that the CSS class 'x-tool-pdf' should have an associated style rule which provides an\nappropriate background image, something like:

    a.x-tool-pdf {background-image: url(../shared/extjs/images/pdf.gif)!important;}\n    
An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. ...

An array of tool button configs to be added to the header tool area. When rendered, each tool is\nstored as an Element referenced by a public property called tools.<tool-type>


Each tool config may contain the following properties:\n

  • id : String
    Required. The type\nof tool to create. By default, this assigns a CSS class of the form x-tool-<tool-type> to the\nresulting tool Element. Ext provides CSS rules, and an icon sprite containing images for the tool types listed below.\nThe developer may implement custom tools by supplying alternate CSS rules and background images:\n
      toggle (Created by default when collapsible is true)
  • \n
  • handler : Function
    Required. The function to\ncall when clicked. Arguments passed are:
  • \n
  • stopEvent : Boolean
    Defaults to true. Specify as false to allow click event to propagate.
  • \n
  • scope : Object
    The scope in which to call the handler.
  • \n
  • qtip : String/Object
    A tip string, or\na config argument to Ext.QuickTip.register
  • \n
  • hidden : Boolean
    True to initially render hidden.
  • \n
  • on : Object
    A listener config object specifiying\nevent listeners in the format of an argument to addListener
  • \n

Note that, apart from the toggle tool which is provided when a panel is collapsible, these\ntools only provide the visual button. Any required functionality must be provided by adding\nhandlers that implement the necessary behavior.


Example usage:

tools:[{\n    id:'refresh',\n    qtip: 'Refresh form Data',\n    // hidden:true,\n    handler: function(event, toolEl, panel){\n        // refresh logic\n    }\n},\n{\n    id:'help',\n    qtip: 'Get Help',\n    handler: function(event, toolEl, panel){\n        // whatever\n    }\n}]\n

For the custom id of 'help' define two relevant css classes with a link to\na 15x15 image:

.x-tool-help {background-image: url(images/help.png);}\n.x-tool-help-over {background-image: url(images/help_over.png);}\n// if using an image sprite:\n.x-tool-help {background-image: url(images/help.png) no-repeat 0 0;}\n.x-tool-help-over {background-position:-15px 0;}\n

An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate\nor an array of strings to form an Ext.XTemplate. ...

An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate\nor an array of strings to form an Ext.XTemplate.\nUsed in conjunction with the data and\ntplWriteMode configurations.

The Ext.(X)Template method to use when\nupdating the content area of the Component. ...

The Ext.(X)Template method to use when\nupdating the content area of the Component. Defaults to 'overwrite'\n(see Ext.XTemplate.overwrite).


Defaults to: 'overwrite'

Overrides the baseCls setting to baseCls = 'x-plain' which renders\nthe panel unstyled except for required attributes ...

Overrides the baseCls setting to baseCls = 'x-plain' which renders\nthe panel unstyled except for required attributes for Ext layouts to function (e.g. overflow:hidden).

Width in pixels of the tip (defaults to auto). ...

Width in pixels of the tip (defaults to auto). Width will be ignored if it exceeds the bounds of\nminWidth or maxWidth. The maximum supported value is 500.


Overrides: Ext.BoxComponent.width

The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.


The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.

The registered xtype to create. ...

The registered xtype to create. This config option is not used when passing\na config object into a constructor. This config option is used only when\nlazy instantiation is being used, and a child item of a Container is being\nspecified not as a fully instantiated Component, but as a Component config\nobject. The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what\ntype of child Component to create.

\nThe predefined xtypes are listed here.



If you subclass Components to create your own Components, you may register\nthem using Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType in order to be able to\ntake advantage of lazy instantiation and rendering.


The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.


The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.

Defined By


: Booleanprivate

Defaults to: true

The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content. ...

The Panel's body Element which may be used to contain HTML content.\nThe content may be specified in the html config, or it may be loaded using the\nautoLoad config, or through the Panel's Updater. Read-only.


If this is used to load visible HTML elements in either way, then\nthe Panel may not be used as a Layout for hosting nested Panels.


If this Panel is intended to be used as the host of a Layout (See layout\nthen the body Element must not be loaded or changed - it is under the control\nof the Panel's Layout.\n

Note: see the Note for el also.


private, set in afterRender to signify that the component has been rendered ...

private, set in afterRender to signify that the component has been rendered


Defaults to: false

This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the buttons\nconfig property. ...

This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the buttons\nconfig property. Read only.

The Panel's bwrap Element used to contain other Panel elements\n(tbar, body, bbar, footer). ...

The Panel's bwrap Element used to contain other Panel elements\n(tbar, body, bbar, footer). See bodyCfg. Read-only.


Defaults to: 'hide'

private ...



Defaults to: {duration: 0.25}


Defaults to: 'bwrap'

True if this panel is collapsed. ...

True if this panel is collapsed. Read-only.

If this Panel is configured draggable, this property will contain\nan instance of Ext.dd.DragSource which handles drag...

If this Panel is configured draggable, this property will contain\nan instance of Ext.dd.DragSource which handles dragging the Panel.


The developer must provide implementations of the abstract methods of Ext.dd.DragSource\nin order to supply behaviour for each stage of the drag/drop process. See draggable.

private, notify box this class will handle heights ...

private, notify box this class will handle heights


Defaults to: true

Overrides: Ext.BoxComponent.deferHeight

True if this component is disabled. ...

True if this component is disabled. Read-only.

The Ext.Element which encapsulates this Component. ...

The Ext.Element which encapsulates this Component. Read-only.


This will usually be a <DIV> element created by the class's onRender method, but\nthat may be overridden using the autoEl config.


Note: this element will not be available until this Component has been rendered.


To add listeners for DOM events to this Component (as opposed to listeners\nfor this Component's own Observable events), see the listeners\nconfig for a suggestion, or use a render listener directly:

new Ext.Panel({\n    title: 'The Clickable Panel',\n    listeners: {\n        render: function(p) {\n            // Append the Panel to the click handler's argument list.\n            p.getEl().on('click', handlePanelClick.createDelegate(null, [p], true));\n        },\n        single: true  // Remove the listener after first invocation\n    }\n});\n

See also getEl

private ...



Defaults to: {duration: 0.25}

The Panel's header Element. ...

The Panel's header Element. Read-only.


This Element is used to house the title and tools


Note: see the Note for el also.

: Boolean
True if this component is hidden. ...

True if this component is hidden. Read-only.


Defaults to: true

Overrides: Ext.Component.hidden

This Component's initial configuration specification. ...

This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only.


The collection of components in this container as a Ext.util.MixedCollection


The collection of components in this container as a Ext.util.MixedCollection

This Component's owner Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when\nthis Component is added to a C...

This Component's owner Container (defaults to undefined, and is set automatically when\nthis Component is added to a Container). Read-only.


Note: to access items within the Container see itemId.


Defaults to: 250

The ancestor Container into which the ref reference was inserted if this Component\nis a child of a Container, and has...

The ancestor Container into which the ref reference was inserted if this Component\nis a child of a Container, and has been configured with a ref.

True if this component has been rendered. ...

True if this component has been rendered. Read-only.


Defaults to: false


Defaults to: 't'

protected - these could be used to customize the behavior of the window,\nbut changing them would not be useful withou...

protected - these could be used to customize the behavior of the window,\nbut changing them would not be useful without further mofifications and\ncould lead to unexpected or undesirable results.


Defaults to: 'header'

Defined By


new( config ) : Ext.Tip
Create a new Tip ...

Create a new Tip



  • config : Object

    The configuration options



Overrides: Ext.Panel.constructor

Adds Component(s) to this Container. ...

Adds Component(s) to this Container.


Description :\n\n\n


Notes :\n\n\n

  • If the Container is already rendered when add\nis called, you may need to call doLayout to refresh the view which causes\nany unrendered child Components to be rendered. This is required so that you can\nadd multiple child components if needed while only refreshing the layout\nonce. For example:\n
    var tb = new Ext.Toolbar();\ntb.render(document.body);  // toolbar is rendered\ntb.add({text:'Button 1'}); // add multiple items (defaultType for Toolbar is 'button')\ntb.add({text:'Button 2'});\ntb.doLayout();             // refresh the layout\n
  • \n
  • Warning: Containers directly managed by the BorderLayout layout manager\nmay not be removed or added. See the Notes for BorderLayout\nfor more details.
  • \n


  • component : ...Object/Array

    Either one or more Components to add or an Array of Components to add. See\nitems for additional information.



( config, handler, scope ) : Ext.Button
Adds a button to this panel. ...

Adds a button to this panel. Note that this method must be called prior to rendering. The preferred\napproach is to add buttons via the buttons config.



  • config : String/Object

    A valid Ext.Button config. A string will become the text for a default\nbutton config, an object will be treated as a button config object.

  • handler : Function

    The function to be called on button Ext.Button.click

  • scope : Object

    The scope (this reference) in which the button handler function is executed. Defaults to the Button.



Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element. ...

Adds a CSS class to the component's underlying element.



  • cls : string

    The CSS class name to add



Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire. ...

Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.



  • o : Object|String

    Either an object with event names as properties with a value of true\nor the first event name string if multiple event names are being passed as separate parameters.

  • Optional : string

    . Event name if multiple event names are being passed as separate parameters.\nUsage:

    this.addEvents('storeloaded', 'storecleared');\n
( eventName, handler, [scope], [options] )
Appends an event handler to this object. ...

Appends an event handler to this object.



  • eventName : String

    The name of the event to listen for.

  • handler : Function

    The method the event invokes.

  • scope : Object (optional)

    The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.\nIf omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

  • options : Object (optional)

    An object containing handler configuration.\nproperties. This may contain any of the following properties:

    • scope : Object
      The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.\nIf omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.
    • \n
    • delay : Number
      The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.
    • \n
    • single : Boolean
      True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.
    • \n
    • buffer : Number
      Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an Ext.util.DelayedTask delayed\nby the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original\nhandler is not invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.
    • \n
    • target : Observable
      Only call the handler if the event was fired on the target Observable, not\nif the event was bubbled up from a child Observable.
    • \n


    \nCombining Options
    \nUsing the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:
    \nA delayed, one-time listener.\n

    myDataView.on('click', this.onClick, this, {\nsingle: true,\ndelay: 100\n});

    \nAttaching multiple handlers in 1 call
    \nThe method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties\nwhich specify multiple handlers.\n


    myGridPanel.on({\n'click' : {\n    fn: this.onClick,\n    scope: this,\n    delay: 100\n},\n'mouseover' : {\n    fn: this.onMouseOver,\n    scope: this\n},\n'mouseout' : {\n    fn: this.onMouseOut,\n    scope: this\n}\n});

    \nOr a shorthand syntax:

    myGridPanel.on({\n'click' : this.onClick,\n'mouseover' : this.onMouseOver,\n'mouseout' : this.onMouseOut,\n scope: this\n});

private ...


deprecate ...




  • h : Object
private ...




  • w : Object
private ...




  • x : Object
  • y : Object
private ...




  • w : Object
  • h : Object
private ...




  • anim : Object
private ...




  • anim : Object
private ...




  • anim : Object
( )private
private ...



Overrides: Ext.Panel.afterRender

private ...




  • c : Object
Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. ...

Apply this component to existing markup that is valid. With this function, no call to render() is required.



private ...




  • anim : Object
( fn, [scope], [args] ) : Ext.Componentchainable
Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. ...

Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of\nfunction call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function\nwill be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,\nthe bubble is stopped.



  • fn : Function

    The function to call

  • scope : Object (optional)

    The scope of the function (defaults to current node)

  • args : Array (optional)

    The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)



We can only lay out if there is a view area in which to layout. ...

We can only lay out if there is a view area in which to layout.\ndisplay:none on the layout target, or any of its parent elements will mean it has no view area.

( fn, [scope], [args] ) : Ext.Containerchainable
Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function wi...

Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with\neach component. The scope (this) of\nfunction call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function\nwill be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,\nthe cascade is stopped on that branch.



  • fn : Function

    The function to call

  • scope : Object (optional)

    The scope of the function (defaults to current component)

  • args : Array (optional)

    The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)



Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default. ...

Clone the current component using the original config values passed into this instance by default.



  • overrides : Object

    A new config containing any properties to override in the cloned version.\nAn id property can be passed on this object, otherwise one will be generated to avoid duplicates.



Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. ...

Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the beforecollapse event which will\ncancel the collapse action if it returns false.



  • animate : Boolean

    True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the\nanimCollapse panel config)



private ...


( config, defaultType )private
private ...




  • config : Object
  • defaultType : Object
( a, cb, scope )private
private - wraps up an animation param with internal callbacks ...

private - wraps up an animation param with internal callbacks



  • a : Object
  • cb : Object
  • scope : Object
( name, pnode )private
private ...




  • name : Object
  • pnode : Object
private ...




  • fbar : Object
( cls, useShim, appendTo )private
private ...




  • cls : Object
  • useShim : Object
  • appendTo : Object
( t, tc, overCls, panel )private
private ...




  • t : Object
  • tc : Object
  • overCls : Object
  • panel : Object
( tb, options )private
private ...




  • tb : Object
  • options : Object
Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,\nremoving the c...

Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,\nremoving the component from its Ext.Container (if applicable) and unregistering it from\nExt.ComponentMgr. Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method\nshould usually not need to be called directly.

Disable this component and fire the 'disable' event. ...

Disable this component and fire the 'disable' event.



  • silent : Object


private ...


( adjust )private
protected ...




  • adjust : Object
( [shallow], [force] ) : Ext.Containerchainable
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. ...

Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component\nto an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components.



  • shallow : Boolean (optional)

    True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto\ncalc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)

  • force : Boolean (optional)

    True to force a layout to occur, even if the item is hidden.



( c, autoDestroy )private
private ...




  • c : Object
  • autoDestroy : Object
Enable this component and fire the 'enable' event. ...

Enable this component and fire the 'enable' event.



Enables events fired by this Observable to bubble up an owner hierarchy by calling\nthis.getBubbleTarget() if present. ...

Enables events fired by this Observable to bubble up an owner hierarchy by calling\nthis.getBubbleTarget() if present. There is no implementation in the Observable base class.


This is commonly used by Ext.Components to bubble events to owner Containers. See Ext.Component.getBubbleTarget. The default\nimplementation in Ext.Component returns the Component's immediate owner. But if a known target is required, this can be overridden to\naccess the required target more quickly.



Ext.override(Ext.form.Field, {\n    //  Add functionality to Field's initComponent to enable the change event to bubble\n    initComponent : Ext.form.Field.prototype.initComponent.createSequence(function() {\n        this.enableBubble('change');\n    }),\n\n    //  We know that we want Field's events to bubble directly to the FormPanel.\n    getBubbleTarget : function() {\n        if (!this.formPanel) {\n            this.formPanel = this.findParentByType('form');\n        }\n        return this.formPanel;\n    }\n});\n\nvar myForm = new Ext.formPanel({\n    title: 'User Details',\n    items: [{\n        ...\n    }],\n    listeners: {\n        change: function() {\n            // Title goes red if form has been modified.\n            myForm.header.setStyle('color', 'red');\n        }\n    }\n});\n


  • events : String/Array

    The event name to bubble, or an Array of event names.

Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. ...

Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the beforeexpand event which will\ncancel the expand action if it returns false.



  • animate : Boolean

    True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the\nanimCollapse panel config)



Find a component under this container at any level by property ...

Find a component under this container at any level by property




  • Array

    Array of Ext.Components

Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. ...

Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns\ntrue, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container).



  • fn : Function

    The function to call

  • scope : Object (optional)


  • Array

    Array of Ext.Components

( id ) : Objectdeprecated
Find a component under this container at any level by id ...

Find a component under this container at any level by id


This method has been deprecated


Fairly useless method, since you can just use Ext.getCmp. Should be removed for 4.0\nIf you need to test if an id belongs to a container, you can use getCmp and findParent*.




Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class ...

Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class



  • xtype : String/Class

    The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly

  • shallow : Boolean (optional)

    False to check whether this Component is descended from the xtype (this is\nthe default), or true to check whether this Component is directly of the specified xtype.



  • Array

    Array of Ext.Components

Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. ...

Find a container above this component at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns\ntrue, the container will be returned.



  • fn : Function

    The custom function to call with the arguments (container, this component).



  • Ext.Container

    The first Container for which the custom function returns true

Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class ...

Find a container above this component at any level by xtype or class



  • xtype : String/Ext.Component/Class

    The xtype to check for this Component. Note that the the component can either be an instance\nor a component class:

  • shallow : Boolean (optional)

    False to check whether this Component is descended from the xtype (this is\nthe default), or true to check whether this Component is directly of the specified xtype.



  • Ext.Container

    The first Container which matches the given xtype or class

( eventName, args ) : Boolean
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). ...

Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).


An event may be set to bubble up an Observable parent hierarchy (See Ext.Component.getBubbleTarget)\nby calling enableBubble.



  • eventName : String

    The name of the event to fire.

  • args : Object...

    Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers.



  • Boolean

    returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true.

( [selectText], [delay] ) : Ext.Componentchainable
Try to focus this component. ...

Try to focus this component.



  • selectText : Boolean (optional)

    If applicable, true to also select the text in this component

  • delay : Boolean/Number (optional)

    Delay the focus this number of milliseconds (true for 10 milliseconds)



Get a component contained by this container (alias for items.get(key)) ...

Get a component contained by this container (alias for items.get(key))


This method has been deprecated


Should be removed in 4.0, since getComponent does the same thing.




Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel. ...

Returns the toolbar from the bottom (bbar) section of the panel.



Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. ...

Gets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.



  • local : Boolean (optional)

    If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)



  • Object

    box An object in the format {x, y, width, height}

Provides the link for Observable's fireEvent method to bubble up the ownership hierarchy. ...

Provides the link for Observable's fireEvent method to bubble up the ownership hierarchy.



Examines this container's items property\nand gets a direct child component of this container. ...

Examines this container's items property\nand gets a direct child component of this container.



  • comp : String/Number

    This parameter may be any of the following:

    • a String : representing the itemId\nor id of the child component
    • \n
    • a Number : representing the position of the child component\nwithin the items property
    • \n

    For additional information see Ext.util.MixedCollection.get.\n\n


private - used as the key lookup function for the items collection ...

private - used as the key lookup function for the items collection



  • comp : Object
private ...


Returns the Ext.Element which encapsulates this Component. ...

Returns the Ext.Element which encapsulates this Component.


This will usually be a <DIV> element created by the class's onRender method, but\nthat may be overridden using the autoEl config.


Note: this element will not be available until this Component has been rendered.


To add listeners for DOM events to this Component (as opposed to listeners\nfor this Component's own Observable events), see the listeners config for a suggestion,\nor use a render listener directly:

new Ext.Panel({\n    title: 'The Clickable Panel',\n    listeners: {\n        render: function(p) {\n            // Append the Panel to the click handler's argument list.\n            p.getEl().on('click', handlePanelClick.createDelegate(null, [p], true));\n        },\n        single: true  // Remove the listener after first invocation\n    }\n});\n


  • Ext.Element

    The Element which encapsulates this Component.

Returns the toolbar from the footer (fbar) section of the panel. ...

Returns the toolbar from the footer (fbar) section of the panel.



Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and\nheader and ...

Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and\nheader and footer elements, but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see getInnerHeight.



Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). ...

Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To\nretrieve the body width see getInnerWidth.



Gets the current height of the component's underlying element. ...

Gets the current height of the component's underlying element.



Returns the id of this component or automatically generates and\nreturns an id if an id is not defined yet:\n\n'ext-comp...

Returns the id of this component or automatically generates and\nreturns an id if an id is not defined yet:

'ext-comp-' + (++Ext.Component.AUTO_ID)\n


Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements). ...

Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements).\nFor the frame height see getFrameHeight.



Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements). ...

Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements).\nFor the frame width see getFrameWidth.



Returns the itemId of this component. ...

Returns the itemId of this component. If an\nitemId was not assigned through configuration the\nid is returned using getId.



private ...


Returns the layout currently in use by the container. ...

Returns the layout currently in use by the container. If the container does not currently have a layout\nset, a default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created and set as the container's layout.



  • ContainerLayout

    layout The container's layout

private\n\nReturns the Element to be used to contain the child Components of this Container. ...



Returns the Element to be used to contain the child Components of this Container.


An implementation is provided which returns the Container's Element, but\nif there is a more complex structure to a Container, this may be overridden to return\nthe element into which the layout renders child Components.



  • Ext.Element

    The Element to render child Components into.


Overrides: Ext.Container.getLayoutTarget

Gets the current size of the component's underlying element, including space taken by its margins. ...

Gets the current size of the component's underlying element, including space taken by its margins.



  • Object

    An object containing the element's size {width: (element width + left/right margins), height: (element height + top/bottom margins)}

Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element. ...

Gets the current XY position of the component's underlying element.



  • local : Boolean (optional)

    If true the element's left and top are returned instead of page XY (defaults to false)



  • Array

    The XY position of the element (e.g., [100, 200])

Returns the outermost Element of this Component which defines the Components overall size. ...

Returns the outermost Element of this Component which defines the Components overall size.


Usually this will return the same Element as getEl,\nbut in some cases, a Component may have some more wrapping Elements around its main\nactive Element.


An example is a ComboBox. It is encased in a wrapping Element which\ncontains both the <input> Element (which is what would be returned\nby its getEl method, and the trigger button Element.\nThis Element is returned as the resizeEl.\n\n


  • Ext.Element

    The Element which is to be resized by size managing layouts.

Gets the current size of the component's underlying element. ...

Gets the current size of the component's underlying element.



  • Object

    An object containing the element's size {width: (element width), height: (element height)}

Retrieve a tool by id. ...

Retrieve a tool by id.




  • Object


private ...


Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel. ...

Returns the toolbar from the top (tbar) section of the panel.



Get the Ext.Updater for this panel. ...

Get the Ext.Updater for this panel. Enables you to perform Ajax updates of this panel's body.



Gets the current width of the component's underlying element. ...

Gets the current width of the component's underlying element.



Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. ...

Gets the xtype for this component as registered with Ext.ComponentMgr. For a list of all\navailable xtypes, see the Ext.Component header. Example usage:

var t = new Ext.form.TextField();\nalert(t.getXType());  // alerts 'textfield'\n


Returns this Component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. ...

Returns this Component's xtype hierarchy as a slash-delimited string. For a list of all\navailable xtypes, see the Ext.Component header.


If using your own subclasses, be aware that a Component must register its own xtype\nto participate in determination of inherited xtypes.


Example usage:

var t = new Ext.form.TextField();\nalert(t.getXTypes());  // alerts 'component/box/field/textfield'\n


  • String

    The xtype hierarchy string

private ...


Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event ...

Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event



  • eventName : String

    The name of the event to check for



  • Boolean

    True if the event is being listened for, else false

Hide this component. ...

Hide this component. Listen to the 'beforehide' event and return\nfalse to cancel hiding the component. Fires the 'hide'\nevent after hiding the component. Note this method is called internally if\nthe component is configured to be hidden.



( )private
private ...



Overrides: Ext.Panel.initComponent

( )private
private ...


private ...


Method to establish a reference to a component. ...

Method to establish a reference to a component.

Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. ...

Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the\nbeforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the\nComponent has been inserted.



  • index : Number

    The index at which the Component will be inserted\ninto the Container's items collection

  • component : Ext.Component

    The child Component to insert.

    \nExt uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should\nit become necessary.

    \nA Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of\nconstructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the\ninserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of\nthis 'lazy instantiation', set the Ext.Component.xtype config\nproperty to the registered type of the Component wanted.

    \nFor a list of all available xtypes, see Ext.Component.



  • Ext.Component

    component The Component (or config object) that was\ninserted with the Container's default config values applied.

Returns true if this component is visible. ...

Returns true if this component is visible.



  • Boolean

    True if this component is visible, false otherwise.

( xtype, [shallow] ) : Boolean
Tests whether or not this Component is of a specific xtype. ...

Tests whether or not this Component is of a specific xtype. This can test whether this Component is descended\nfrom the xtype (default) or whether it is directly of the xtype specified (shallow = true).


If using your own subclasses, be aware that a Component must register its own xtype\nto participate in determination of inherited xtypes.


For a list of all available xtypes, see the Ext.Component header.


Example usage:

var t = new Ext.form.TextField();\nvar isText = t.isXType('textfield');        // true\nvar isBoxSubclass = t.isXType('box');       // true, descended from BoxComponent\nvar isBoxInstance = t.isXType('box', true); // false, not a direct BoxComponent instance\n


  • xtype : String/Ext.Component/Class

    The xtype to check for this Component. Note that the the component can either be an instance\nor a component class:

    var c = new Ext.Component();\nconsole.log(c.isXType(c));\nconsole.log(c.isXType(Ext.Component));\n
  • shallow : Boolean (optional)

    False to check whether this Component is descended from the xtype (this is\nthe default), or true to check whether this Component is directly of the specified xtype.



  • Boolean

    True if this component descends from the specified xtype, false otherwise.

( config ) : Ext.Panelchainable
Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call. ...

Loads this content panel immediately with content returned from an XHR call.



  • config : Object/String/Function

    A config object containing any of the following options:

    panel.load({\n    url: 'your-url.php',\n    params: {param1: 'foo', param2: 'bar'}, // or a URL encoded string\n    callback: yourFunction,\n    scope: yourObject, // optional scope for the callback\n    discardUrl: false,\n    nocache: false,\n    text: 'Loading...',\n    timeout: 30,\n    scripts: false\n});\n

    The only required property is url. The optional properties nocache, text and scripts\nare shorthand for disableCaching, indicatorText and loadScripts and are used to set their\nassociated property on this panel Updater instance.



private ...




  • comp : Object
private ...




  • cfg : Object
( item, ename, fn, scope, opt )
Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Elements) which are automatically removed when this Component\nis destroyed. ...

Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Elements) which are automatically removed when this Component\nis destroyed. Usage:


myGridPanel.mon(myGridPanel.getSelectionModel(), 'selectionchange', handleSelectionChange, null, {buffer: 50});\n




myGridPanel.mon(myGridPanel.getSelectionModel(), {\n    selectionchange: handleSelectionChange,\n    buffer: 50\n});\n



  • item : Observable|Element

    The item to which to add a listener/listeners.

  • ename : Object|String

    The event name, or an object containing event name properties.

  • fn : Function

    Optional. If the ename parameter was an event name, this\nis the handler function.

  • scope : Object

    Optional. If the ename parameter was an event name, this\nis the scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.

  • opt : Object

    Optional. If the ename parameter was an event name, this\nis the addListener options.

( item, ename, fn, scope )
Removes listeners that were added by the mon method. ...

Removes listeners that were added by the mon method.



  • item : Observable|Element

    The item from which to remove a listener/listeners.

  • ename : Object|String

    The event name, or an object containing event name properties.

  • fn : Function

    Optional. If the ename parameter was an event name, this\nis the handler function.

  • scope : Object

    Optional. If the ename parameter was an event name, this\nis the scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.

Returns the next component in the owning container ...

Returns the next component in the owning container



( eventName, handler, [scope], [options] )
Appends an event handler to this object (shorthand for addListener.) ...

Appends an event handler to this object (shorthand for addListener.)



  • eventName : String

    The type of event to listen for

  • handler : Function

    The method the event invokes

  • scope : Object (optional)

    The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.\nIf omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.

  • options : Object (optional)

    An object containing handler configuration.



  • c : Object
( container, pos )private
private\n\nMethod to manage awareness of when components are added to their\nrespective Container, firing an added event. ...



Method to manage awareness of when components are added to their\nrespective Container, firing an added event.\nReferences are established at add time rather than at render time.



  • container : Ext.Container

    Container which holds the component

  • pos : number

    Position at which the component was added


Overrides: Ext.Component.onAdded

private ...




  • item : Object
private ...




  • w : Object
  • h : Object
( doAnim, animArg )private
private ...




  • doAnim : Object
  • animArg : Object
private ...


private ...


( doAnim, animArg )private
private ...




  • doAnim : Object
  • animArg : Object
private ...


( shallow, force )private


  • shallow : Object
  • force : Object

Overrides: Ext.Container.onLayout

private ...



Overrides: Ext.BoxComponent.onPosition



  • c : Object
Method to manage awareness of when components are removed from their\nrespective Container, firing an removed event. ...

Method to manage awareness of when components are removed from their\nrespective Container, firing an removed event. References are properly\ncleaned up after removing a component from its owning container.

( ct, position )private
private ...




  • ct : Object
  • position : Object
( adjWidth, adjHeight, rawWidth, rawHeight )private
private ...




  • adjWidth : Object
  • adjHeight : Object
  • rawWidth : Object
  • rawHeight : Object

Overrides: Ext.BoxComponent.onResize

private ...



Overrides: Ext.Container.onShow

Returns the previous component in the owning container ...

Returns the previous component in the owning container



Removes all listeners for this object ...

Removes all listeners for this object

Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by this. ...

Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by this.



  • o : Object

    The Observable whose events this object is to relay.

  • events : Array

    Array of event names to relay.

( component, [autoDestroy] ) : Ext.Component
Removes a component from this container. ...

Removes a component from this container. Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires\nthe remove event after the component has been removed.



  • component : Component/String

    The component reference or id to remove.

  • autoDestroy : Boolean (optional)

    True to automatically invoke the removed Component's Ext.Component.destroy function.\nDefaults to the value of this Container's autoDestroy config.



Removes all components from this container. ...

Removes all components from this container.



  • autoDestroy : Boolean (optional)

    True to automatically invoke the removed Component's Ext.Component.destroy function.\nDefaults to the value of this Container's autoDestroy config.



  • Array

    Array of the destroyed components

Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element. ...

Removes a CSS class from the component's underlying element.



  • cls : string

    The CSS class name to remove



( eventName, handler, [scope] )
Removes an event handler. ...

Removes an event handler.



  • eventName : String

    The type of event the handler was associated with.

  • handler : Function

    The handler to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the addListener call.

  • scope : Object (optional)

    The scope originally specified for the handler.

( [container], [position] ) : Ext.Componentchainable
Render this Component into the passed HTML element. ...

Render this Component into the passed HTML element.


If you are using a Container object to house this Component, then\ndo not use the render method.


A Container's child Components are rendered by that Container's\nlayout manager when the Container is first rendered.


Certain layout managers allow dynamic addition of child components. Those that do\ninclude Ext.layout.CardLayout, Ext.layout.AnchorLayout,\nExt.layout.FormLayout, Ext.layout.TableLayout.


If the Container is already rendered when a new child Component is added, you may need to call\nthe Container's doLayout to refresh the view which causes any\nunrendered child Components to be rendered. This is required so that you can add multiple\nchild components if needed while only refreshing the layout once.


When creating complex UIs, it is important to remember that sizing and positioning\nof child items is the responsibility of the Container's layout manager.\nIf you expect child items to be sized in response to user interactions, you must\nconfigure the Container with a layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you\nhave in mind.


Omitting the Container's layout config means that a basic\nlayout manager is used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the\nContainer. No sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation.



  • container : Element/HTMLElement/String (optional)

    The element this Component should be\nrendered into. If it is being created from existing markup, this should be omitted.

  • position : String/Number (optional)

    The element ID or DOM node index within the container before\nwhich this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)



Resume firing events. ...

Resume firing events. (see suspendEvents)\nIf events were suspended using the queueSuspended parameter, then all\nevents fired during event suspension will be sent to any listeners now.

Sets the overflow on the content element of the component. ...

Sets the overflow on the content element of the component.



  • scroll : Boolean

    True to allow the Component to auto scroll.



Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean. ...

Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean.



  • disabled : Boolean


Sets the height of the component. ...

Sets the height of the component. This method fires the resize event.



  • height : Mixed

    The new height to set. This may be one of:

    • A Number specifying the new height in the Element's defaultUnits (by default, pixels).
    • \n
    • A String used to set the CSS height style.
    • \n
    • undefined to leave the height unchanged.
    • \n



Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. ...

Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel. This method will replace any existing\nicon class if one has already been set and fire the iconchange event after completion.



  • cls : String

    The new CSS class name

private ...




  • layout : Object
Sets the page XY position of the component. ...

Sets the page XY position of the component. To set the left and top instead, use setPosition.\nThis method fires the move event.



  • x : Number

    The new x position

  • y : Number

    The new y position



Sets the left and top of the component. ...

Sets the left and top of the component. To set the page XY position instead, use setPagePosition.\nThis method fires the move event.




Sets the width and height of this BoxComponent. ...

Sets the width and height of this BoxComponent. This method fires the resize event. This method can accept\neither width and height as separate arguments, or you can pass a size object like {width:10, height:20}.



  • width : Mixed

    The new width to set. This may be one of:

    • A Number specifying the new width in the Element's Ext.Element.defaultUnits (by default, pixels).
    • \n
    • A String used to set the CSS width style.
    • \n
    • A size object in the format {width: widthValue, height: heightValue}.
    • \n
    • undefined to leave the width unchanged.
    • \n

  • height : Mixed

    The new height to set (not required if a size object is passed as the first arg).\nThis may be one of:

    • A Number specifying the new height in the Element's Ext.Element.defaultUnits (by default, pixels).
    • \n
    • A String used to set the CSS height style. Animation may not be used.
    • \n
    • undefined to leave the height unchanged.
    • \n



( title, [iconCls] ) : Ext.Panelchainable
Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class. ...

Sets the title text for the panel and optionally the icon class.


In order to be able to set the title, a header element must have been created\nfor the Panel. This is triggered either by configuring the Panel with a non-blank title,\nor configuring it with header: true.



  • title : String

    The title text to set

  • iconCls : String (optional)

    iconCls A user-defined CSS class that provides the icon image for this panel



Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean. ...

Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean.



  • visible : Boolean

    True to show, false to hide



Sets the width of the component. ...

Sets the width of the component. This method fires the resize event.



  • width : Mixed

    The new width to set. This may be one of:

    • A Number specifying the new width in the Element's defaultUnits (by default, pixels).
    • \n
    • A String used to set the CSS width style.
    • \n



private ...


Show this component. ...

Show this component. Listen to the 'beforeshow' event and return\nfalse to cancel showing the component. Fires the 'show'\nevent after showing the component.



( xy )
Shows this tip at the specified XY position. ...

Shows this tip at the specified XY position. Example usage:

// Show the tip at x:50 and y:100\ntip.showAt([50,100]);\n


  • xy : Array

    An array containing the x and y coordinates

( el, [position] )
Experimental. ...

Experimental. Shows this tip at a position relative to another element using a standard Ext.Element.alignTo\nanchor position value. Example usage:

// Show the tip at the default position ('tl-br?')\ntip.showBy('my-el');\n\n// Show the tip's top-left corner anchored to the element's top-right corner\ntip.showBy('my-el', 'tl-tr');\n


Suspend the firing of all events. ...

Suspend the firing of all events. (see resumeEvents)



  • queueSuspended : Boolean

    Pass as true to queue up suspended events to be fired\nafter the resumeEvents call instead of discarding all suspended events;

private ...


Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width. ...

Force the component's size to recalculate based on the underlying element's current height and width.



Shortcut for performing an expand or collapse based on the current state of the panel. ...

Shortcut for performing an expand or collapse based on the current state of the panel.



  • animate : Boolean

    True to animate the transition, else false (defaults to the value of the\nanimCollapse panel config)



( eventName, handler, [scope] )
Removes an event handler (shorthand for removeListener.) ...

Removes an event handler (shorthand for removeListener.)



  • eventName : String

    The type of event the handler was associated with.

  • handler : Function

    The handler to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the addListener call.

  • scope : Object (optional)

    The scope originally specified for the handler.

( htmlOrData, loadScripts, callback )
Update the content area of a component. ...

Update the content area of a component.



  • htmlOrData : Mixed

    If this component has been configured with a template via the tpl config\nthen it will use this argument as data to populate the template.\nIf this component was not configured with a template, the components\ncontent area will be updated via Ext.Element update

  • loadScripts : Boolean

    (optional) Only legitimate when using the html configuration. Defaults to false

  • callback : Function

    (optional) Only legitimate when using the html configuration. Callback to execute when scripts have finished loading

Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element. ...

Sets the current box measurements of the component's underlying element.



  • box : Object

    An object in the format {x, y, width, height}



Defined By


Fires after the Panel has been visually activated. ...

Fires after the Panel has been visually activated.\nNote that Panels do not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses\ndo (like Ext.Window). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the\nactivate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel.



  • p : Ext.Panel

    The Panel that has been activated.

( this, component, index )
@bubbles\nFires after any Ext.Component is added or inserted into the container. ...

@bubbles\nFires after any Ext.Component is added or inserted into the container.



  • this : Ext.Container
  • component : Ext.Component

    The component that was added

  • index : Number

    The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection

( this, ownerCt, index )
Fires when a component is added to an Ext.Container ...

Fires when a component is added to an Ext.Container



Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. ...

Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.



  • this : Ext.Container
  • layout : ContainerLayout

    The ContainerLayout implementation for this container

Fires after the component rendering is finished. ...

Fires after the component rendering is finished.


The afterrender event is fired after this Component has been rendered, been postprocesed\nby any afterRender method defined for the Component, and, if stateful, after state\nhas been restored.



( this, component, index )
Fires before any Ext.Component is added or inserted into the container. ...

Fires before any Ext.Component is added or inserted into the container.\nA handler can return false to cancel the add.



  • this : Ext.Container
  • component : Ext.Component

    The component being added

  • index : Number

    The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection

Fires before the Panel is closed. ...

Fires before the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some\nPanel subclasses do (like Ext.Window) or a Panel within a Ext.TabPanel. This event only\napplies to such subclasses.\nA handler can return false to cancel the close.



Fires before the Panel is collapsed. ...

Fires before the Panel is collapsed. A handler can return false to cancel the collapse.



  • p : Ext.Panel

    the Panel being collapsed.

  • animate : Boolean

    True if the collapse is animated, else false.

Fires before the component is destroyed. ...

Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false from an event handler to stop the destroy.



Fires before the Panel is expanded. ...

Fires before the Panel is expanded. A handler can return false to cancel the expand.



  • p : Ext.Panel

    The Panel being expanded.

  • animate : Boolean

    True if the expand is animated, else false.

Fires before the component is hidden by calling the hide method. ...

Fires before the component is hidden by calling the hide method.\nReturn false from an event handler to stop the hide.



Fires before any Ext.Component is removed from the container. ...

Fires before any Ext.Component is removed from the container. A handler can return\nfalse to cancel the remove.



Fires before the component is rendered. ...

Fires before the component is rendered. Return false from an\nevent handler to stop the render.



Fires before the component is shown by calling the show method. ...

Fires before the component is shown by calling the show method.\nReturn false from an event handler to stop the show.



Fires before the state of the component is restored. ...

Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false from an event handler to stop the restore.



  • this : Ext.Component
  • state : Object

    The hash of state values returned from the StateProvider. If this\nevent is not vetoed, then the state object is passed to applyState. By default,\nthat simply copies property values into this Component. The method maybe overriden to\nprovide custom state restoration.

Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. ...

Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save.



  • this : Ext.Component
  • state : Object

    The hash of state values. This is determined by calling\ngetState() on the Component. This method must be provided by the\ndeveloper to return whetever representation of state is required, by default, Ext.Component\nhas a null implementation.

( p, width, height )
Fires after the Panel has been resized. ...

Fires after the Panel has been resized.



  • p : Ext.Panel

    the Panel which has been resized.

  • width : Number

    The Panel body's new width.

  • height : Number

    The Panel body's new height.

Fires after the Panel is closed. ...

Fires after the Panel is closed. Note that Panels do not directly support being closed, but some\nPanel subclasses do (like Ext.Window) or a Panel within a Ext.TabPanel.



  • p : Ext.Panel

    The Panel that has been closed.

Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. ...

Fires after the Panel has been collapsed.



  • p : Ext.Panel

    the Panel that has been collapsed.

Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated. ...

Fires after the Panel has been visually deactivated.\nNote that Panels do not directly support being deactivated, but some Panel subclasses\ndo (like Ext.Window). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel fire the\nactivate and deactivate events under the control of the TabPanel.



  • p : Ext.Panel

    The Panel that has been deactivated.

Fires after the component is destroyed. ...

Fires after the component is destroyed.



Fires after the component is disabled. ...

Fires after the component is disabled.



Fires after the component is enabled. ...

Fires after the component is enabled.



Fires after the Panel has been expanded. ...

Fires after the Panel has been expanded.



  • p : Ext.Panel

    The Panel that has been expanded.

Fires after the component is hidden. ...

Fires after the component is hidden.\nFires after the component is hidden when calling the hide method.



( p, newIcon, oldIcon )
Fires after the Panel icon class has been set or changed. ...

Fires after the Panel icon class has been set or changed.



Fires after the component is moved. ...

Fires after the component is moved.



@bubbles\nFires after any Ext.Component is removed from the container. ...

@bubbles\nFires after any Ext.Component is removed from the container.



Fires when a component is removed from an Ext.Container ...

Fires when a component is removed from an Ext.Container



Fires after the component markup is rendered. ...

Fires after the component markup is rendered.



( this, adjWidth, adjHeight, rawWidth, rawHeight )
Fires after the component is resized. ...

Fires after the component is resized.



  • this : Ext.Component
  • adjWidth : Number

    The box-adjusted width that was set

  • adjHeight : Number

    The box-adjusted height that was set

  • rawWidth : Number

    The width that was originally specified

  • rawHeight : Number

    The height that was originally specified

Fires after the component is shown when calling the show method. ...

Fires after the component is shown when calling the show method.



Fires after the state of the component is restored. ...

Fires after the state of the component is restored.



  • this : Ext.Component
  • state : Object

    The hash of state values returned from the StateProvider. This is passed\nto applyState. By default, that simply copies property values into this\nComponent. The method maybe overriden to provide custom state restoration.

Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. ...

Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider.



  • this : Ext.Component
  • state : Object

    The hash of state values. This is determined by calling\ngetState() on the Component. This method must be provided by the\ndeveloper to return whetever representation of state is required, by default, Ext.Component\nhas a null implementation.

Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. ...

Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed.



  • p : Ext.Panel

    the Panel which has had its title changed.

  • The : String

    new title.

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