/* This file is part of Ext JS 3.4 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc Contact: http://www.sencha.com/contact GNU General Public License Usage This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at http://www.sencha.com/contact. Build date: 2013-04-03 15:07:25 */ Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.QuickTips.init(); // Menus can be prebuilt and passed by reference var dateMenu = new Ext.menu.DateMenu({ handler: function(dp, date){ Ext.example.msg('Date Selected', 'You chose {0}.', date.format('M j, Y')); } }); var colorMenu = new Ext.menu.ColorMenu({ handler: function(cm, color){ Ext.example.msg('Color Selected', 'You chose {0}.', color); } }); var store = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({ fields: ['abbr', 'state'], data : Ext.exampledata.states // from states.js }); var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ store: store, displayField: 'state', typeAhead: true, mode: 'local', triggerAction: 'all', emptyText: 'Select a state...', selectOnFocus: true, width: 135, getListParent: function() { return this.el.up('.x-menu'); }, iconCls: 'no-icon' }); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ id: 'mainMenu', style: { overflow: 'visible' // For the Combo popup }, items: [ combo, // A Field in a Menu { text: 'I like Ext', checked: true, // when checked has a boolean value, it is assumed to be a CheckItem checkHandler: onItemCheck }, '-', { text: 'Radio Options', menu: { // <-- submenu by nested config object items: [ // stick any markup in a menu 'Choose a Theme', { text: 'Aero Glass', checked: true, group: 'theme', checkHandler: onItemCheck }, { text: 'Vista Black', checked: false, group: 'theme', checkHandler: onItemCheck }, { text: 'Gray Theme', checked: false, group: 'theme', checkHandler: onItemCheck }, { text: 'Default Theme', checked: false, group: 'theme', checkHandler: onItemCheck } ] } },{ text: 'Choose a Date', iconCls: 'calendar', menu: dateMenu // <-- submenu by reference },{ text: 'Choose a Color', menu: colorMenu // <-- submenu by reference } ] }); var tb = new Ext.Toolbar(); tb.render('toolbar'); tb.add({ text:'Button w/ Menu', iconCls: 'bmenu', // <-- icon menu: menu // assign menu by instance }, { text: 'Users', iconCls: 'user', menu: { xtype: 'menu', plain: true, items: { xtype: 'buttongroup', title: 'User options', autoWidth: true, columns: 2, defaults: { xtype: 'button', scale: 'large', width: '100%', iconAlign: 'left' }, items: [{ text: 'User
manager', iconCls: 'edit' },{ iconCls: 'add', width: 'auto', tooltip: 'Add user' },{ colspan: 2, text: 'Import', scale: 'small' },{ colspan: 2, text: 'Who is online?', scale: 'small' }] } } }, new Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton({ text: 'Split Button', handler: onButtonClick, tooltip: {text:'This is a an example QuickTip for a toolbar item', title:'Tip Title'}, iconCls: 'blist', // Menus can be built/referenced by using nested menu config objects menu : { items: [{ text: 'Bold', handler: onItemClick }, { text: 'Italic', handler: onItemClick }, { text: 'Underline', handler: onItemClick }, '-', { text: 'Pick a Color', handler: onItemClick, menu: { items: [ new Ext.ColorPalette({ listeners: { select: function(cp, color){ Ext.example.msg('Color Selected', 'You chose {0}.', color); } } }), '-', { text: 'More Colors...', handler: onItemClick } ] } }, { text: 'Extellent!', handler: onItemClick }] } }), '-', { text: 'Toggle Me', enableToggle: true, toggleHandler: onItemToggle, pressed: true }); menu.addSeparator(); // Menus have a rich api for // adding and removing elements dynamically var item = menu.add({ text: 'Dynamically added Item' }); // items support full Observable API item.on('click', onItemClick); // items can easily be looked up menu.add({ text: 'Disabled Item', id: 'disableMe' // <-- Items can also have an id for easy lookup // disabled: true <-- allowed but for sake of example we use long way below }); // access items by id or index menu.items.get('disableMe').disable(); // They can also be referenced by id in or components tb.add('-', { icon: 'list-items.gif', // icons can also be specified inline cls: 'x-btn-icon', tooltip: 'Quick Tips
Icon only button with tooltip' }, '-'); var scrollMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu(); for (var i = 0; i < 50; ++i){ scrollMenu.add({ text: 'Item ' + (i + 1) }); } // scrollable menu tb.add({ icon: 'preview.png', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon', text: 'Scrolling Menu', menu: scrollMenu }); // add a combobox to the toolbar var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ store: store, displayField: 'state', typeAhead: true, mode: 'local', triggerAction: 'all', emptyText:'Select a state...', selectOnFocus:true, width:135 }); tb.addField(combo); tb.doLayout(); // functions to display feedback function onButtonClick(btn){ Ext.example.msg('Button Click','You clicked the "{0}" button.', btn.text); } function onItemClick(item){ Ext.example.msg('Menu Click', 'You clicked the "{0}" menu item.', item.text); } function onItemCheck(item, checked){ Ext.example.msg('Item Check', 'You {1} the "{0}" menu item.', item.text, checked ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'); } function onItemToggle(item, pressed){ Ext.example.msg('Button Toggled', 'Button "{0}" was toggled to {1}.', item.text, pressed); } });