/* This file is part of Ext JS 3.4 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc Contact: http://www.sencha.com/contact GNU General Public License Usage This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at http://www.sencha.com/contact. Build date: 2013-04-03 15:07:25 */ Ext.ux.GroupTab = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, { mainItem: 0, expanded: true, deferredRender: true, activeTab: null, idDelimiter: '__', headerAsText: false, frame: false, hideBorders: true, initComponent: function(config){ Ext.apply(this, config); this.frame = false; Ext.ux.GroupTab.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents('activate', 'deactivate', 'changemainitem', 'beforetabchange', 'tabchange'); this.setLayout(new Ext.layout.CardLayout({ deferredRender: this.deferredRender })); if (!this.stack) { this.stack = Ext.TabPanel.AccessStack(); } this.initItems(); this.on('beforerender', function(){ this.groupEl = this.ownerCt.getGroupEl(this); }, this); this.on('add', this.onAdd, this, { target: this }); this.on('remove', this.onRemove, this, { target: this }); if (this.mainItem !== undefined) { var item = (typeof this.mainItem == 'object') ? this.mainItem : this.items.get(this.mainItem); delete this.mainItem; this.setMainItem(item); } }, /** * Sets the specified tab as the active tab. This method fires the {@link #beforetabchange} event which * can return false to cancel the tab change. * @param {String/Panel} tab The id or tab Panel to activate */ setActiveTab : function(item){ item = this.getComponent(item); if(!item){ return false; } if(!this.rendered){ this.activeTab = item; return true; } if(this.activeTab != item && this.fireEvent('beforetabchange', this, item, this.activeTab) !== false){ if(this.activeTab && this.activeTab != this.mainItem){ var oldEl = this.getTabEl(this.activeTab); if(oldEl){ Ext.fly(oldEl).removeClass('x-grouptabs-strip-active'); } } var el = this.getTabEl(item); Ext.fly(el).addClass('x-grouptabs-strip-active'); this.activeTab = item; this.stack.add(item); this.layout.setActiveItem(item); if(this.layoutOnTabChange && item.doLayout){ item.doLayout(); } if(this.scrolling){ this.scrollToTab(item, this.animScroll); } this.fireEvent('tabchange', this, item); return true; } return false; }, getTabEl: function(item){ if (item == this.mainItem) { return this.groupEl; } return Ext.TabPanel.prototype.getTabEl.call(this, item); }, onRender: function(ct, position){ Ext.ux.GroupTab.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); this.strip = Ext.fly(this.groupEl).createChild({ tag: 'ul', cls: 'x-grouptabs-sub' }); this.tooltip = new Ext.ToolTip({ target: this.groupEl, delegate: 'a.x-grouptabs-text', trackMouse: true, renderTo: document.body, listeners: { beforeshow: function(tip) { var item = (tip.triggerElement.parentNode === this.mainItem.tabEl) ? this.mainItem : this.findById(tip.triggerElement.parentNode.id.split(this.idDelimiter)[1]); if(!item.tabTip) { return false; } tip.body.dom.innerHTML = item.tabTip; }, scope: this } }); if (!this.itemTpl) { var tt = new Ext.Template('
  • ', '{text}', '
  • '); tt.disableFormats = true; tt.compile(); Ext.ux.GroupTab.prototype.itemTpl = tt; } this.items.each(this.initTab, this); }, afterRender: function(){ Ext.ux.GroupTab.superclass.afterRender.call(this); if (this.activeTab !== undefined) { var item = (typeof this.activeTab == 'object') ? this.activeTab : this.items.get(this.activeTab); delete this.activeTab; this.setActiveTab(item); } }, // private initTab: function(item, index){ var before = this.strip.dom.childNodes[index]; var p = Ext.TabPanel.prototype.getTemplateArgs.call(this, item); if (item === this.mainItem) { item.tabEl = this.groupEl; p.cls += ' x-grouptabs-main-item'; } var el = before ? this.itemTpl.insertBefore(before, p) : this.itemTpl.append(this.strip, p); item.tabEl = item.tabEl || el; item.on('disable', this.onItemDisabled, this); item.on('enable', this.onItemEnabled, this); item.on('titlechange', this.onItemTitleChanged, this); item.on('iconchange', this.onItemIconChanged, this); item.on('beforeshow', this.onBeforeShowItem, this); }, setMainItem: function(item){ item = this.getComponent(item); if (!item || this.fireEvent('changemainitem', this, item, this.mainItem) === false) { return; } this.mainItem = item; }, getMainItem: function(){ return this.mainItem || null; }, // private onBeforeShowItem: function(item){ if (item != this.activeTab) { this.setActiveTab(item); return false; } }, // private onAdd: function(gt, item, index){ if (this.rendered) { this.initTab.call(this, item, index); } }, // private onRemove: function(tp, item){ Ext.destroy(Ext.get(this.getTabEl(item))); this.stack.remove(item); item.un('disable', this.onItemDisabled, this); item.un('enable', this.onItemEnabled, this); item.un('titlechange', this.onItemTitleChanged, this); item.un('iconchange', this.onItemIconChanged, this); item.un('beforeshow', this.onBeforeShowItem, this); if (item == this.activeTab) { var next = this.stack.next(); if (next) { this.setActiveTab(next); } else if (this.items.getCount() > 0) { this.setActiveTab(0); } else { this.activeTab = null; } } }, // private onBeforeAdd: function(item){ var existing = item.events ? (this.items.containsKey(item.getItemId()) ? item : null) : this.items.get(item); if (existing) { this.setActiveTab(item); return false; } Ext.TabPanel.superclass.onBeforeAdd.apply(this, arguments); var es = item.elements; item.elements = es ? es.replace(',header', '') : es; item.border = (item.border === true); }, // private onItemDisabled: Ext.TabPanel.prototype.onItemDisabled, onItemEnabled: Ext.TabPanel.prototype.onItemEnabled, // private onItemTitleChanged: function(item){ var el = this.getTabEl(item); if (el) { Ext.fly(el).child('a.x-grouptabs-text', true).innerHTML = item.title; } }, //private onItemIconChanged: function(item, iconCls, oldCls){ var el = this.getTabEl(item); if (el) { Ext.fly(el).child('a.x-grouptabs-text').replaceClass(oldCls, iconCls); } }, beforeDestroy: function(){ Ext.TabPanel.prototype.beforeDestroy.call(this); this.tooltip.destroy(); } }); Ext.reg('grouptab', Ext.ux.GroupTab);