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            Release Notes for Ext JS 3.4.0
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            Release Notes for <a href="http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs3/">Ext JS</a>
        <p class="notes">
            Release Date: March 29, 2013<br>
            Version Number:<br>
            Downloads: <a href="../../commercial/ext-">Commercial</a>
            <a href="../../gpl/ext-">GPL</a>

        <h2>New Features</h2>
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-118</b> - Support for IE10

        <h2>Bugs Fixed</h2>
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-115</b> - Ajax of XML data does not properly handle XML namespaces on IE8
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-119</b> - Grid causes double scrollbars in WebKit

        <!-- ********************************************************************* -->
            Release Notes for <a href="http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs3/">Ext JS</a> 3.4.1
        <p class="notes">
            Release Date: July 30, 2012<br>
            Version Number: 3.4.1

        <h2>New Features</h2>
            <li>Added a functionally-reduced flavor of Ext.define. This will allow you to start structuring
                and declaring your classes using the new syntax. To clarify, this is not a back-port of the V4
                class system or the dynamic loader, only a simple wrapper around Ext.extend and Ext.override.
                As such, only the most important directives are provided:

        <h2>Bugs Fixed</h2>
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-15</b> - IE 9.0: Active tab has double lines underneath it in quirks mode
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-17</b> - enableDragDrop on EditorGridPanel breaks when using CheckColumn
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-18</b> - CompositeField ownerCt chain broken
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-19</b> - Ext.calendar cannot be recreated after being destroyed
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-23</b> - Form layout ignores container's layoutConfig
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-24</b> - Can't access checkbox when using BooleanColumn's editor is a checkbox
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-30</b> - notifyDrop called in wrong ddGroup and/or multiple times
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-31</b> - Grid drag zone swallows document mousedown event in IE
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-32</b> - Destroying an Ext.form.HtmlEditor twice is causing it to fail to initialize on all subsequent creations of the editor in IE 9
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-33</b> - User cannot create select region in IE9
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-34</b> - applyState on grid wipes out sortable property
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-35</b> - Ext.util.Format.defaultValue doesn't default to an empty string
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-37</b> - Ext.data.HttpProxy.doRequest does not abort an activeRequest for the same action
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-38</b> - Update scroller in tabPanel when tab title is changed.
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-39</b> - DragTracker broken in IE9 Strict mode
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-41</b> - Buttons in a toolbar loose their position after the left side is collapsed
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-44</b> - Documentation error in BorderLayout.Region
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-45</b> - Store.hasMultiSort listed as Store.multiSort
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-48</b> - Component not allowing select should have proper CSS style
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-49</b> - Wrong ext-lang-tr.js distributed with ExtJS 3.4.0
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-50</b> - Focus jump out of order when tab key press from a Grid cell in editing in IE9 standard mode
            <li><b>EXTJSIII-54</b> - Toolbar reorderer bug. Dragged items can lose contact with mouse pointer.

            Release Notes for <a href="http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs3/">Ext JS</a> 3.4.0
        <p class="notes">
            Release Date: June 9, 2011<br>
            Current Version: 3.4.0 (rev 7395/288)<br>
            Previous Version: 3.3.3 (rev 7389/286)
        <h2 class="new">
            <li>Incorrect menu width on IE9
            <li>Fix Reorderable example
            <li>Fix an issue with composite fields being marked incorrectly
            <li>Trigger fields are now flushed with fields on IE9
            <li>Fix field width in IE9
            <li>Fix fieldset header checkboxes in IE9 quirks
            <li>Allow altText to be specified on a per item basis for grid columns
            <li>Ensure there's no bottom margin on the multi-select
            <li>Apply additional css classes for IE9 (ext-ie9 and x-quirks)
            <li>Apply additional boolean flags for IE9 (Ext.isIE9 and Ext.isIEQuirks)
            <li>Add support to insertHTML method to prevent createContextualFragment errors with IE9