/* * tvheadend, channel functions * Copyright (C) 2007 Andreas Öman * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tvhead.h" #include "psi.h" #include "channels.h" #include "transports.h" #include "epg.h" #include "pvr.h" #include "autorec.h" #include "xmltv.h" #include "dtable.h" #include "notify.h" struct channel_list channels_not_xmltv_mapped; struct channel_tree channel_name_tree; static struct channel_tree channel_identifier_tree; struct channel_tag_queue channel_tags; static void channel_tag_map(channel_t *ch, channel_tag_t *ct, int check); static channel_tag_t *channel_tag_find(const char *id, int create); static void channel_tag_mapping_destroy(channel_tag_mapping_t *ctm); /** * */ static void channel_list_changed(void) { htsmsg_t *m = htsmsg_create(); htsmsg_add_u32(m, "reload", 1); notify_by_msg("channels", m); } static int dictcmp(const char *a, const char *b) { long int da, db; while(1) { switch((*a >= '0' && *a <= '9' ? 1 : 0)|(*b >= '0' && *b <= '9' ? 2 : 0)) { case 0: /* 0: a is not a digit, nor is b */ if(*a != *b) return *(const unsigned char *)a - *(const unsigned char *)b; if(*a == 0) return 0; a++; b++; break; case 1: /* 1: a is a digit, b is not */ case 2: /* 2: a is not a digit, b is */ return *(const unsigned char *)a - *(const unsigned char *)b; case 3: /* both are digits, switch to integer compare */ da = strtol(a, (char **)&a, 10); db = strtol(b, (char **)&b, 10); if(da != db) return da - db; break; } } } /** * */ static int channelcmp(const channel_t *a, const channel_t *b) { return dictcmp(a->ch_name, b->ch_name); } /** * */ static int chidcmp(const channel_t *a, const channel_t *b) { return a->ch_id - b->ch_id; } /** * */ static void channel_set_name(channel_t *ch, const char *name) { channel_t *x; const char *n2; int l, i; char *cp, c; free((void *)ch->ch_name); free((void *)ch->ch_sname); ch->ch_name = strdup(name); l = strlen(name); ch->ch_sname = cp = malloc(l + 1); n2 = utf8toprintable(name); for(i = 0; i < strlen(n2); i++) { c = tolower(n2[i]); if(isalnum(c)) *cp++ = c; else *cp++ = '_'; } *cp = 0; free((void *)n2); x = RB_INSERT_SORTED(&channel_name_tree, ch, ch_name_link, channelcmp); assert(x == NULL); /* Notify clients */ channel_list_changed(); } /** * */ static channel_t * channel_create(const char *name) { channel_t *ch, *x; int id; ch = RB_LAST(&channel_identifier_tree); if(ch == NULL) { id = 1; } else { id = ch->ch_id + 1; } ch = calloc(1, sizeof(channel_t)); RB_INIT(&ch->ch_epg_events); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&channels_not_xmltv_mapped, ch, ch_xc_link); channel_set_name(ch, name); ch->ch_id = id; x = RB_INSERT_SORTED(&channel_identifier_tree, ch, ch_identifier_link, chidcmp); assert(x == NULL); return ch; } /** * */ channel_t * channel_find_by_name(const char *name, int create) { channel_t skel, *ch; lock_assert(&global_lock); skel.ch_name = (char *)name; ch = RB_FIND(&channel_name_tree, &skel, ch_name_link, channelcmp); if(ch != NULL || create == 0) return ch; return channel_create(name); } /** * */ channel_t * channel_find_by_identifier(int id) { channel_t skel, *ch; lock_assert(&global_lock); skel.ch_id = id; ch = RB_FIND(&channel_identifier_tree, &skel, ch_identifier_link, chidcmp); return ch; } static struct strtab commercial_detect_tab[] = { { "none", COMMERCIAL_DETECT_NONE }, { "ttp192", COMMERCIAL_DETECT_TTP192 }, }; /** * */ static void channel_load_one(htsmsg_t *c, int id) { channel_t *ch; const char *s; const char *name = htsmsg_get_str(c, "name"); htsmsg_t *tags; htsmsg_field_t *f; channel_tag_t *ct; if(name == NULL) return; ch = calloc(1, sizeof(channel_t)); ch->ch_id = id; if(RB_INSERT_SORTED(&channel_identifier_tree, ch, ch_identifier_link, chidcmp)) { /* ID collision, should not happen unless there is something wrong in the setting storage */ free(ch); return; } RB_INIT(&ch->ch_epg_events); channel_set_name(ch, name); if((s = htsmsg_get_str(c, "icon")) != NULL) ch->ch_icon = strdup(s); if((s = htsmsg_get_str(c, "xmltv-channel")) != NULL && (ch->ch_xc = xmltv_channel_find(s, 0)) != NULL) LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ch->ch_xc->xc_channels, ch, ch_xc_link); else LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&channels_not_xmltv_mapped, ch, ch_xc_link); if((tags = htsmsg_get_array(c, "tags")) != NULL) { HTSMSG_FOREACH(f, tags) { if(f->hmf_type == HMF_STR && (ct = channel_tag_find(f->hmf_str, 0)) != NULL) { channel_tag_map(ch, ct, 1); } } } } /** * */ static void channels_load(void) { htsmsg_t *l, *c; htsmsg_field_t *f; if((l = hts_settings_load("channels")) != NULL) { HTSMSG_FOREACH(f, l) { if((c = htsmsg_get_msg_by_field(f)) == NULL) continue; channel_load_one(c, atoi(f->hmf_name)); } } } /** * Write out a config file for a channel */ static void channel_save(channel_t *ch) { htsmsg_t *m = htsmsg_create(); htsmsg_t *tags; channel_tag_mapping_t *ctm; lock_assert(&global_lock); htsmsg_add_str(m, "name", ch->ch_name); if(ch->ch_xc != NULL) htsmsg_add_str(m, "xmltv-channel", ch->ch_xc->xc_identifier); if(ch->ch_icon != NULL) htsmsg_add_str(m, "icon", ch->ch_icon); htsmsg_add_str(m, "commercial-detect", val2str(ch->ch_commercial_detection, commercial_detect_tab) ?: "?"); tags = htsmsg_create_array(); LIST_FOREACH(ctm, &ch->ch_ctms, ctm_channel_link) htsmsg_add_str(tags, NULL, ctm->ctm_tag->ct_identifier); htsmsg_add_msg(m, "tags", tags); hts_settings_save(m, "channels/%d", ch->ch_id); htsmsg_destroy(m); } /** * Rename a channel and all tied transports */ int channel_rename(channel_t *ch, const char *newname) { th_transport_t *t; lock_assert(&global_lock); if(channel_find_by_name(newname, 0)) return -1; tvhlog(LOG_NOTICE, "channels", "Channel \"%s\" renamed to \"%s\"", ch->ch_name, newname); RB_REMOVE(&channel_name_tree, ch, ch_name_link); channel_set_name(ch, newname); LIST_FOREACH(t, &ch->ch_transports, tht_ch_link) { free(t->tht_chname); t->tht_chname = strdup(newname); t->tht_config_change(t); } channel_save(ch); return 0; } /** * Delete channel */ void channel_delete(channel_t *ch) { th_transport_t *t; th_subscription_t *s; channel_tag_mapping_t *ctm; lock_assert(&global_lock); while((ctm = LIST_FIRST(&ch->ch_ctms)) != NULL) channel_tag_mapping_destroy(ctm); tvhlog(LOG_NOTICE, "channels", "Channel \"%s\" deleted", ch->ch_name); fprintf(stderr, "!!!!!//pvr_destroy_by_channel(ch);\n"); while((t = LIST_FIRST(&ch->ch_transports)) != NULL) { transport_unmap_channel(t); pthread_mutex_lock(&t->tht_stream_mutex); t->tht_config_change(t); pthread_mutex_unlock(&t->tht_stream_mutex); } while((s = LIST_FIRST(&ch->ch_subscriptions)) != NULL) { LIST_REMOVE(s, ths_channel_link); s->ths_channel = NULL; } epg_unlink_from_channel(ch); fprintf(stderr, "!!!!!//autorec_destroy_by_channel(ch);\n"); hts_settings_remove("channels/%d", ch->ch_id); RB_REMOVE(&channel_name_tree, ch, ch_name_link); RB_REMOVE(&channel_identifier_tree, ch, ch_identifier_link); LIST_REMOVE(ch, ch_xc_link); free(ch->ch_name); free(ch->ch_sname); free(ch->ch_icon); channel_list_changed(); free(ch); } /** * Merge transports from channel 'src' to channel 'dst' * * Then, destroy the 'src' channel */ void channel_merge(channel_t *dst, channel_t *src) { th_transport_t *t; lock_assert(&global_lock); tvhlog(LOG_NOTICE, "channels", "Channel \"%s\" merged into \"%s\"", src->ch_name, dst->ch_name); while((t = LIST_FIRST(&src->ch_transports)) != NULL) { transport_unmap_channel(t); transport_map_channel(t, dst); pthread_mutex_lock(&t->tht_stream_mutex); t->tht_config_change(t); pthread_mutex_unlock(&t->tht_stream_mutex); } channel_delete(src); } /** * */ void channel_set_icon(channel_t *ch, const char *icon) { lock_assert(&global_lock); if(ch->ch_icon != NULL && !strcmp(ch->ch_icon, icon)) return; free(ch->ch_icon); ch->ch_icon = strdup(icon); channel_save(ch); } /** * */ void channel_set_xmltv_source(channel_t *ch, xmltv_channel_t *xc) { lock_assert(&global_lock); if(xc == ch->ch_xc) return; LIST_REMOVE(ch, ch_xc_link); if(xc == NULL) { LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&channels_not_xmltv_mapped, ch, ch_xc_link); } else { LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&xc->xc_channels, ch, ch_xc_link); } ch->ch_xc = xc; channel_save(ch); } /** * */ void channel_set_tags_from_list(channel_t *ch, const char *maplist) { channel_tag_mapping_t *ctm, *n; channel_tag_t *ct; char buf[40]; int i, change = 0; lock_assert(&global_lock); LIST_FOREACH(ctm, &ch->ch_ctms, ctm_channel_link) ctm->ctm_mark = 1; /* Mark for delete */ while(*maplist) { for(i = 0; i < sizeof(buf) - 1; i++) { buf[i] = *maplist; if(buf[i] == 0) break; maplist++; if(buf[i] == ',') { break; } } buf[i] = 0; if((ct = channel_tag_find(buf, 0)) == NULL) continue; LIST_FOREACH(ctm, &ch->ch_ctms, ctm_channel_link) if(ctm->ctm_tag == ct) { ctm->ctm_mark = 0; break; } if(ctm == NULL) { /* Need to create mapping */ change = 1; channel_tag_map(ch, ct, 0); } } for(ctm = LIST_FIRST(&ch->ch_ctms); ctm != NULL; ctm = n) { n = LIST_NEXT(ctm, ctm_channel_link); if(ctm->ctm_mark) { change = 1; channel_tag_mapping_destroy(ctm); } } if(change) channel_save(ch); } /** * */ static void channel_tag_map(channel_t *ch, channel_tag_t *ct, int check) { channel_tag_mapping_t *ctm; if(check) { LIST_FOREACH(ctm, &ch->ch_ctms, ctm_channel_link) if(ctm->ctm_tag == ct) return; LIST_FOREACH(ctm, &ct->ct_ctms, ctm_tag_link) if(ctm->ctm_channel == ch) return; } LIST_FOREACH(ctm, &ch->ch_ctms, ctm_channel_link) assert(ctm->ctm_tag != ct); LIST_FOREACH(ctm, &ct->ct_ctms, ctm_tag_link) assert(ctm->ctm_channel != ch); ctm = malloc(sizeof(channel_tag_mapping_t)); ctm->ctm_channel = ch; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ch->ch_ctms, ctm, ctm_channel_link); ctm->ctm_tag = ct; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ct->ct_ctms, ctm, ctm_tag_link); ctm->ctm_mark = 0; } /** * */ static void channel_tag_mapping_destroy(channel_tag_mapping_t *ctm) { LIST_REMOVE(ctm, ctm_channel_link); LIST_REMOVE(ctm, ctm_tag_link); free(ctm); } /** * */ static channel_tag_t * channel_tag_find(const char *id, int create) { channel_tag_t *ct; char buf[20]; static int tally; if(id != NULL) { TAILQ_FOREACH(ct, &channel_tags, ct_link) if(!strcmp(ct->ct_identifier, id)) return ct; } if(create == 0) return NULL; ct = calloc(1, sizeof(channel_tag_t)); if(id == NULL) { tally++; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", tally); id = buf; } else { tally = MAX(atoi(id), tally); } ct->ct_identifier = strdup(id); ct->ct_name = strdup("New tag"); ct->ct_comment = strdup(""); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&channel_tags, ct, ct_link); return ct; } /** * */ channel_tag_t * channel_tag_find_by_name(const char *name) { channel_tag_t *ct; TAILQ_FOREACH(ct, &channel_tags, ct_link) if(!strcmp(ct->ct_name, name)) break; return ct; } /** * */ static void channel_tag_destroy(channel_tag_t *ct) { channel_tag_mapping_t *ctm; channel_t *ch; while((ctm = LIST_FIRST(&ct->ct_ctms)) != NULL) { ch = ctm->ctm_channel; channel_tag_mapping_destroy(ctm); channel_save(ch); } free(ct->ct_identifier); free(ct->ct_name); free(ct->ct_comment); TAILQ_REMOVE(&channel_tags, ct, ct_link); free(ct); } /** * */ static htsmsg_t * channel_tag_record_build(channel_tag_t *ct) { htsmsg_t *e = htsmsg_create(); htsmsg_add_u32(e, "enabled", !!ct->ct_enabled); htsmsg_add_u32(e, "internal", !!ct->ct_internal); htsmsg_add_str(e, "name", ct->ct_name); htsmsg_add_str(e, "comment", ct->ct_comment); htsmsg_add_str(e, "id", ct->ct_identifier); return e; } /** * */ static htsmsg_t * channel_tag_record_get_all(void *opaque) { htsmsg_t *r = htsmsg_create_array(); channel_tag_t *ct; TAILQ_FOREACH(ct, &channel_tags, ct_link) htsmsg_add_msg(r, NULL, channel_tag_record_build(ct)); return r; } /** * */ static htsmsg_t * channel_tag_record_get(void *opaque, const char *id) { channel_tag_t *ct; if((ct = channel_tag_find(id, 0)) == NULL) return NULL; return channel_tag_record_build(ct); } /** * */ static htsmsg_t * channel_tag_record_create(void *opaque) { return channel_tag_record_build(channel_tag_find(NULL, 1)); } /** * */ static htsmsg_t * channel_tag_record_update(void *opaque, const char *id, htsmsg_t *values, int maycreate) { channel_tag_t *ct; uint32_t u32; if((ct = channel_tag_find(id, maycreate)) == NULL) return NULL; tvh_str_update(&ct->ct_name, htsmsg_get_str(values, "name")); tvh_str_update(&ct->ct_comment, htsmsg_get_str(values, "comment")); if(!htsmsg_get_u32(values, "enabled", &u32)) ct->ct_enabled = u32; if(!htsmsg_get_u32(values, "internal", &u32)) ct->ct_internal = u32; return channel_tag_record_build(ct); } /** * */ static int channel_tag_record_delete(void *opaque, const char *id) { channel_tag_t *ct; if((ct = channel_tag_find(id, 0)) == NULL) return -1; channel_tag_destroy(ct); return 0; } /** * */ static const dtable_class_t channel_tags_dtc = { .dtc_record_get = channel_tag_record_get, .dtc_record_get_all = channel_tag_record_get_all, .dtc_record_create = channel_tag_record_create, .dtc_record_update = channel_tag_record_update, .dtc_record_delete = channel_tag_record_delete, }; /** * */ void channels_init(void) { dtable_t *dt; TAILQ_INIT(&channel_tags); dt = dtable_create(&channel_tags_dtc, "channeltags", NULL); dtable_load(dt); channels_load(); }