/* * Electronic Program Guide - xmltv interface * Copyright (C) 2007 Andreas Öman * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tvhead.h" #include "channels.h" #include "epg.h" #include "xmltv.h" #include "spawn.h" /* xmltv_channels is protected by global_lock */ static struct xmltv_channel_tree xmltv_channels; struct xmltv_channel_list xmltv_displaylist; /** * */ static int xc_dn_cmp(const xmltv_channel_t *a, const xmltv_channel_t *b) { return strcmp(a->xc_displayname, b->xc_displayname); } /** * */ static void xc_set_displayname(xmltv_channel_t *xc, const char *name) { if(xc->xc_displayname != NULL) { LIST_REMOVE(xc, xc_displayname_link); free(xc->xc_displayname); } if(name == NULL) { xc->xc_displayname = NULL; return; } xc->xc_displayname = strdup(name); LIST_INSERT_SORTED(&xmltv_displaylist, xc, xc_displayname_link, xc_dn_cmp); } /** * */ static void xmltv_load(void) { htsmsg_t *l, *c; htsmsg_field_t *f; xmltv_channel_t *xc; if((l = hts_settings_load("xmltv/channels")) != NULL) { HTSMSG_FOREACH(f, l) { if((c = htsmsg_get_msg_by_field(f)) == NULL) continue; xc = xmltv_channel_find(f->hmf_name, 1); tvh_str_set(&xc->xc_icon, htsmsg_get_str(c, "icon")); xc_set_displayname(xc, htsmsg_get_str(c, "displayname")); } } } /** * */ static void xmltv_save(xmltv_channel_t *xc) { htsmsg_t *m = htsmsg_create(); htsmsg_add_str(m, "displayname", xc->xc_displayname); if(xc->xc_icon != NULL) htsmsg_add_str(m, "icon", xc->xc_icon); hts_settings_save(m, "xmltv/channels/%s", xc->xc_identifier); htsmsg_destroy(m); } /** * */ static void xmltv_map_to_channel_by_name(xmltv_channel_t *xc) { channel_t *ch, *next; for(ch = LIST_FIRST(&channels_not_xmltv_mapped); ch != NULL; ch = next) { next = LIST_NEXT(ch, ch_xc_link); assert(ch != next); if(!strcasecmp(xc->xc_displayname, ch->ch_name)) { tvhlog(LOG_NOTICE, "xmltv", "Channel \"%s\" automapped to xmltv-channel " "\"%s\" (name matches)", ch->ch_name, xc->xc_displayname); channel_set_xmltv_source(ch, xc); } } } /** * */ static time_t xmltv_str2time(const char *str) { char str0[30]; struct tm tim; snprintf(str0, sizeof(str0), "%s", str); tim.tm_sec = atoi(str0 + 0xc); str0[0xc] = 0; tim.tm_min = atoi(str0 + 0xa); str0[0xa] = 0; tim.tm_hour = atoi(str0 + 0x8); str0[0x8] = 0; tim.tm_mday = atoi(str0 + 0x6); str0[0x6] = 0; tim.tm_mon = atoi(str0 + 0x4) - 1; str0[0x4] = 0; tim.tm_year = atoi(str0) - 1900; tim.tm_isdst = -1; return mktime(&tim); } /** * */ static int xc_id_cmp(const xmltv_channel_t *a, const xmltv_channel_t *b) { return strcmp(a->xc_identifier, b->xc_identifier); } /** * */ xmltv_channel_t * xmltv_channel_find(const char *id, int create) { xmltv_channel_t *xc; static xmltv_channel_t *skel; lock_assert(&global_lock); if(skel == NULL) skel = calloc(1, sizeof(xmltv_channel_t)); skel->xc_identifier = (char *)id; if(!create) return RB_FIND(&xmltv_channels, skel, xc_link, xc_id_cmp); xc = RB_INSERT_SORTED(&xmltv_channels, skel, xc_link, xc_id_cmp); if(xc == NULL) { /* New entry was inserted */ xc = skel; skel = NULL; xc->xc_identifier = strdup(id); } return xc; } /** * */ xmltv_channel_t * xmltv_channel_find_by_displayname(const char *name) { xmltv_channel_t *xc; lock_assert(&global_lock); LIST_FOREACH(xc, &xmltv_displaylist, xc_displayname_link) if(xc->xc_displayname && !strcmp(xc->xc_displayname, name)) break; return xc; } /** * XXX: Move to libhts? */ static const char * xmltv_get_cdata_by_tag(htsmsg_t *tags, const char *name) { htsmsg_t *sub; if((sub = htsmsg_get_msg(tags, name)) == NULL) return NULL; return htsmsg_get_str(sub, "cdata"); } /** * Parse a tag from xmltv */ static void xmltv_parse_channel(htsmsg_t *body) { htsmsg_t *attribs, *tags, *subtag; const char *id, *name, *icon; xmltv_channel_t *xc; channel_t *ch; int save = 0; if(body == NULL) return; if((attribs = htsmsg_get_msg(body, "attrib")) == NULL) return; tags = htsmsg_get_msg(body, "tags"); if((id = htsmsg_get_str(attribs, "id")) == NULL) return; xc = xmltv_channel_find(id, 1); if(tags == NULL) return; if((name = xmltv_get_cdata_by_tag(tags, "display-name")) != NULL) { if(xc->xc_displayname == NULL || strcmp(xc->xc_displayname, name)) { xc_set_displayname(xc, name); xmltv_map_to_channel_by_name(xc); save = 1; } } if((subtag = htsmsg_get_msg(tags, "icon")) != NULL && (attribs = htsmsg_get_msg(subtag, "attrib")) != NULL && (icon = htsmsg_get_str(attribs, "src")) != NULL) { if(xc->xc_icon == NULL || strcmp(xc->xc_icon, icon)) { tvh_str_set(&xc->xc_icon, icon); LIST_FOREACH(ch, &xc->xc_channels, ch_xc_link) channel_set_icon(ch, icon); save = 1; } } if(save) xmltv_save(xc); } /** * Parse tags inside of a programme */ static void xmltv_parse_programme_tags(xmltv_channel_t *xc, htsmsg_t *tags, time_t start, time_t stop) { event_t *e; channel_t *ch; const char *title = xmltv_get_cdata_by_tag(tags, "title"); const char *desc = xmltv_get_cdata_by_tag(tags, "desc"); LIST_FOREACH(ch, &xc->xc_channels, ch_xc_link) { e = epg_event_find_by_start(ch, start, 1); epg_event_set_duration(e, stop - start); if(title != NULL) epg_event_set_title(e, title); if(desc != NULL) epg_event_set_title(e, desc); } } /** * Parse a tag from xmltv */ static void xmltv_parse_programme(htsmsg_t *body) { htsmsg_t *attribs, *tags; const char *s, *chid; time_t start, stop; xmltv_channel_t *xc; if(body == NULL) return; if((attribs = htsmsg_get_msg(body, "attrib")) == NULL) return; if((tags = htsmsg_get_msg(body, "tags")) == NULL) return; if((chid = htsmsg_get_str(attribs, "channel")) == NULL) return; if((s = htsmsg_get_str(attribs, "start")) == NULL) return; start = xmltv_str2time(s); if((s = htsmsg_get_str(attribs, "stop")) == NULL) return; stop = xmltv_str2time(s); if(stop <= start) return; if((xc = xmltv_channel_find(chid, 0)) != NULL) { xmltv_parse_programme_tags(xc, tags, start, stop); } } /** * */ static void xmltv_parse_tv(htsmsg_t *body) { htsmsg_t *tags; htsmsg_field_t *f; if((tags = htsmsg_get_msg(body, "tags")) == NULL) return; HTSMSG_FOREACH(f, tags) { if(!strcmp(f->hmf_name, "channel")) { xmltv_parse_channel(htsmsg_get_msg_by_field(f)); } else if(!strcmp(f->hmf_name, "programme")) { xmltv_parse_programme(htsmsg_get_msg_by_field(f)); } } } /** * */ static void xmltv_parse(htsmsg_t *body) { htsmsg_t *tags, *tv; if((tags = htsmsg_get_msg(body, "tags")) == NULL) return; if((tv = htsmsg_get_msg(tags, "tv")) == NULL) return; xmltv_parse_tv(tv); } /** * */ static void xmltv_grab(void) { const char *prog = "/usr/bin/tv_grab_se_swedb"; int outlen; char *outbuf; htsmsg_t *body; char errbuf[100]; tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "xmltv", "Starting grabber \"%s\"", prog); outlen = spawn_and_store_stdout(prog, NULL, &outbuf); if(outlen < 1) { tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "xmltv", "No output from \"%s\"", prog); return; } body = htsmsg_xml_deserialize(outbuf, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); if(body == NULL) { tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "xmltv", "Unable to parse output from \"%s\": %s", prog, errbuf); return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&global_lock); xmltv_parse(body); pthread_mutex_unlock(&global_lock); htsmsg_destroy(body); } /** * */ static void * xmltv_thread(void *aux) { while(1) { xmltv_grab(); sleep(3600); } } /** * */ void xmltv_init(void) { pthread_t ptid; xmltv_load(); pthread_create(&ptid, NULL, xmltv_thread, NULL); }