/* * tvheadend, RTSP interface * Copyright (C) 2007 Andreas Öman * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tvhead.h" #include "channels.h" #include "subscriptions.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include "rtp.h" #include "tsmux.h" #include "tcp.h" #include "http.h" #include "access.h" #include "rtsp.h" #include #define RTSP_STATUS_OK 200 #define RTSP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED 401 #define RTSP_STATUS_METHOD 405 #define RTSP_STATUS_SESSION 454 #define RTSP_STATUS_TRANSPORT 461 #define RTSP_STATUS_INTERNAL 500 #define RTSP_STATUS_SERVICE 503 #define rcprintf(c, fmt...) tcp_printf(&(rc)->rc_tcp_session, fmt) #define rtsp_printf(hc, fmt...) htsbuf_qprintf(&(hc)->hc_reply, fmt) static AVRandomState rtsp_rnd; static struct rtsp_session_head rtsp_sessions; typedef struct rtsp_session { LIST_ENTRY(rtsp_session) rs_global_link; LIST_ENTRY(rtsp_session) rs_con_link; uint32_t rs_id; int rs_fd[2]; int rs_server_port[2]; th_subscription_t *rs_s; th_rtp_streamer_t rs_rtp_streamer; void *rs_muxer; } rtsp_session_t; /** * Resolve an URL into a channel */ static channel_t * rtsp_channel_by_url(char *url) { channel_t *ch; char *c; c = strrchr(url, '/'); if(c != NULL && c[1] == 0) { /* remove trailing slash */ *c = 0; c = strrchr(url, '/'); } if(c == NULL || c[1] == 0 || (url != c && c[-1] == '/')) return NULL; c++; RB_FOREACH(ch, &channel_name_tree, ch_name_link) if(!strcasecmp(ch->ch_sname, c)) return ch; return NULL; } /* * Called when a subscription gets/loses access to a transport */ static void rtsp_subscription_callback(struct th_subscription *s, subscription_event_t event, void *opaque) { rtsp_session_t *rs = opaque; switch(event) { case TRANSPORT_AVAILABLE: assert(rs->rs_muxer == NULL); rs->rs_muxer = ts_muxer_init(s, rtp_output_ts, &rs->rs_rtp_streamer, TS_SEEK, 0); break; case TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE: assert(rs->rs_muxer != NULL); ts_muxer_deinit(rs->rs_muxer, s); rs->rs_muxer = NULL; break; } } /** * Create an RTSP session */ static rtsp_session_t * rtsp_session_create(channel_t *ch, struct sockaddr_in *dst) { rtsp_session_t *rs; uint32_t id; struct sockaddr_in sin; socklen_t slen; int max_tries = 100; /* generate a random id (but make sure we do not collide) */ do { id = av_random(&rtsp_rnd); id &= 0x7fffffffUL; /* dont want any signed issues */ LIST_FOREACH(rs, &rtsp_sessions, rs_global_link) if(rs->rs_id == id) break; } while(rs != NULL); rs = calloc(1, sizeof(rtsp_session_t)); rs->rs_id = id; while(--max_tries) { rs->rs_fd[0] = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; if(bind(rs->rs_fd[0], (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) == -1) { close(rs->rs_fd[0]); free(rs); return NULL; } slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); getsockname(rs->rs_fd[0], (struct sockaddr *)&sin, &slen); rs->rs_server_port[0] = ntohs(sin.sin_port); rs->rs_server_port[1] = rs->rs_server_port[0] + 1; sin.sin_port = htons(rs->rs_server_port[1]); rs->rs_fd[1] = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if(bind(rs->rs_fd[1], (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) == -1) { close(rs->rs_fd[0]); close(rs->rs_fd[1]); continue; } LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&rtsp_sessions, rs, rs_global_link); rs->rs_s = subscription_create(ch, 600, "RTSP", rtsp_subscription_callback, rs, 0); /* Initialize RTP */ rtp_streamer_init(&rs->rs_rtp_streamer, rs->rs_fd[0], dst); return rs; } free(rs); return NULL; } /** * Destroy an RTSP session */ static void rtsp_session_destroy(rtsp_session_t *rs) { subscription_unsubscribe(rs->rs_s); /* will call subscription_callback with TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE if we are hooked on a transport */ close(rs->rs_fd[0]); close(rs->rs_fd[1]); LIST_REMOVE(rs, rs_global_link); LIST_REMOVE(rs, rs_con_link); free(rs); } /* * RTSP return code to string */ static const char * rtsp_err2str(int err) { switch(err) { case RTSP_STATUS_OK: return "OK"; case RTSP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED: return "Unauthorized"; case RTSP_STATUS_METHOD: return "Method Not Allowed"; case RTSP_STATUS_SESSION: return "Session Not Found"; case RTSP_STATUS_TRANSPORT: return "Unsupported transport"; case RTSP_STATUS_INTERNAL: return "Internal Server Error"; case RTSP_STATUS_SERVICE: return "Service Unavailable"; default: return "Unknown Error"; break; } } /* * Return an error */ static void rtsp_reply_error(http_connection_t *hc, int error, const char *errstr) { char *c; if(errstr == NULL) errstr = rtsp_err2str(error); tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "rtsp", "%s", errstr); rtsp_printf(hc, "RTSP/1.0 %d %s\r\n", error, errstr); if((c = http_arg_get(&hc->hc_args, "cseq")) != NULL) rtsp_printf(hc, "CSeq: %s\r\n", c); if(error == HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) rtsp_printf(hc, "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"tvheadend\"\r\n"); rtsp_printf(hc, "\r\n"); } /* * Find a session pointed do by the current connection */ static rtsp_session_t * rtsp_get_session(http_connection_t *hc) { char *ses; int sesid; rtsp_session_t *rs; channel_t *ch; if((ch = rtsp_channel_by_url(hc->hc_url)) == NULL) { rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_SERVICE, "URL does not resolve"); return NULL; } if((ses = http_arg_get(&hc->hc_args, "session")) == NULL) { rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_SESSION, NULL); return NULL; } sesid = atoi(ses); LIST_FOREACH(rs, &rtsp_sessions, rs_global_link) if(rs->rs_id == sesid) break; if(rs == NULL) rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_SESSION, NULL); return rs; } /* * RTSP PLAY */ static void rtsp_cmd_play(http_connection_t *hc) { char *c; int64_t start; rtsp_session_t *rs; rs = rtsp_get_session(hc); if(rs == NULL) return; if((c = http_arg_get(&hc->hc_args, "range")) != NULL) { start = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; } else { start = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; } if(rs->rs_muxer == NULL) { rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_SERVICE, "No muxer attached (missing SETUP ?)"); return; } ts_muxer_play(rs->rs_muxer, start); if(rs->rs_s->ths_channel != NULL) tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "rtsp", "%s: Starting playback of %s", hc->hc_peername, rs->rs_s->ths_channel->ch_name); rtsp_printf(hc, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Session: %u\r\n", rs->rs_id); if((c = http_arg_get(&hc->hc_args, "cseq")) != NULL) rtsp_printf(hc, "CSeq: %s\r\n", c); rtsp_printf(hc, "\r\n"); } /* * RTSP PAUSE */ static void rtsp_cmd_pause(http_connection_t *hc) { char *c; rtsp_session_t *rs; rs = rtsp_get_session(hc); if(rs == NULL) return; if(rs->rs_muxer == NULL) { rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_SERVICE, "No muxer attached (missing SETUP ?)"); return; } ts_muxer_pause(rs->rs_muxer); if(rs->rs_s->ths_channel != NULL) tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "rtsp", "%s: Pausing playback of %s", hc->hc_peername, rs->rs_s->ths_channel->ch_name); rtsp_printf(hc, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Session: %u\r\n", rs->rs_id); if((c = http_arg_get(&hc->hc_args, "cseq")) != NULL) rtsp_printf(hc, "CSeq: %s\r\n", c); rtsp_printf(hc, "\r\n"); } /* * RTSP SETUP */ static void rtsp_cmd_setup(http_connection_t *hc) { char *transports[10]; char *params[10]; char *avp[2]; char *ports[2]; char *t, *c; int nt, i, np, j, navp, nports, ismulticast; int client_ports[2]; rtsp_session_t *rs; channel_t *ch; struct sockaddr_in dst; if((ch = rtsp_channel_by_url(hc->hc_url)) == NULL) { rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_SERVICE, "URL does not resolve"); return; } client_ports[0] = 0; client_ports[1] = 0; if((t = http_arg_get(&hc->hc_args, "transport")) == NULL) { rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_TRANSPORT, NULL); return; } nt = http_tokenize(t, transports, 10, ','); /* Select a transport we can accept */ for(i = 0; i < nt; i++) { np = http_tokenize(transports[i], params, 10, ';'); if(np == 0) continue; if(strcasecmp(params[0], "RTP/AVP/UDP") && strcasecmp(params[0], "RTP/AVP")) continue; ismulticast = 1; /* multicast is default according to RFC */ client_ports[0] = 0; client_ports[1] = 0; for(j = 1; j < np; j++) { if((navp = http_tokenize(params[j], avp, 2, '=')) == 0) continue; if(navp == 1 && !strcmp(avp[0], "unicast")) { ismulticast = 0; } else if(navp == 2 && !strcmp(avp[0], "client_port")) { nports = http_tokenize(avp[1], ports, 2, '-'); if(nports > 0) client_ports[0] = atoi(ports[0]); if(nports > 1) client_ports[1] = atoi(ports[1]); } } if(!ismulticast && client_ports[0] && client_ports[1]) break; } if(i == nt) { /* couldnt find a suitable transport */ rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_TRANSPORT, NULL); return; } memcpy(&dst, hc->hc_peer, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); dst.sin_port = htons(client_ports[0]); if((rs = rtsp_session_create(ch, &dst)) == NULL) { rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_INTERNAL, NULL); return; } LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&hc->hc_rtsp_sessions, rs, rs_con_link); rtsp_printf(hc, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Session: %u\r\n" "Transport: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;client_port=%d-%d;" "server_port=%d-%d\r\n", rs->rs_id, client_ports[0], client_ports[1], rs->rs_server_port[0], rs->rs_server_port[1]); if((c = http_arg_get(&hc->hc_args, "cseq")) != NULL) rtsp_printf(hc, "CSeq: %s\r\n", c); rtsp_printf(hc, "\r\n"); } /* * RTSP DESCRIBE */ static void rtsp_cmd_describe(http_connection_t *hc) { char sdpreply[1000]; channel_t *ch; char *c; if((ch = rtsp_channel_by_url(hc->hc_url)) == NULL) { rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_SERVICE, "URL does not resolve"); return; } snprintf(sdpreply, sizeof(sdpreply), "v=0\r\n" "o=- 0 0 IN IPV4\r\n" "s=%s\r\n" "a=tool:hts tvheadend\r\n" "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 33\r\n", ch->ch_name); rtsp_printf(hc, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n", strlen(sdpreply)); if((c = http_arg_get(&hc->hc_args, "cseq")) != NULL) rtsp_printf(hc, "CSeq: %s\r\n", c); rtsp_printf(hc, "\r\n%s", sdpreply); } /* * RTSP OPTIONS */ static void rtsp_cmd_options(http_connection_t *hc) { char *c; if(strcmp(hc->hc_url, "*") && rtsp_channel_by_url(hc->hc_url) == NULL) { rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_SERVICE, "URL does not resolve"); return; } rtsp_printf(hc, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Public: DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, PLAY, PAUSE\r\n"); if((c = http_arg_get(&hc->hc_args, "cseq")) != NULL) rtsp_printf(hc, "CSeq: %s\r\n", c); rtsp_printf(hc, "\r\n"); } /* * RTSP TEARDOWN */ static void rtsp_cmd_teardown(http_connection_t *hc) { rtsp_session_t *rs; char *c; if((rs = rtsp_get_session(hc)) == NULL) return; rtsp_printf(hc, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Session: %u\r\n", rs->rs_id); if((c = http_arg_get(&hc->hc_args, "cseq")) != NULL) rtsp_printf(hc, "CSeq: %s\r\n", c); rtsp_printf(hc, "\r\n"); rtsp_session_destroy(rs); } /** * */ static int rtsp_access_list(http_connection_t *hc) { int x; if(hc->hc_authenticated) return 0; x = access_verify(hc->hc_username, hc->hc_password, (struct sockaddr *)hc->hc_peer, ACCESS_STREAMING); if(x == 0) hc->hc_authenticated = 1; return x; } /* * RTSP connection state machine & parser */ int rtsp_process_request(http_connection_t *hc) { if(rtsp_access_list(hc)) { rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED, NULL); } else { switch(hc->hc_cmd) { default: rtsp_reply_error(hc, RTSP_STATUS_METHOD, NULL); break; case RTSP_CMD_DESCRIBE: rtsp_cmd_describe(hc); break; case RTSP_CMD_SETUP: rtsp_cmd_setup(hc); break; case RTSP_CMD_PLAY: rtsp_cmd_play(hc); break; case RTSP_CMD_PAUSE: rtsp_cmd_pause(hc); break; case RTSP_CMD_OPTIONS: rtsp_cmd_options(hc); break; case RTSP_CMD_TEARDOWN: rtsp_cmd_teardown(hc); break; } } tcp_write_queue(hc->hc_fd, &hc->hc_reply); return 0; } /* * */ void rtsp_disconncet(http_connection_t *hc) { rtsp_session_t *rs; while((rs = LIST_FIRST(&hc->hc_rtsp_sessions)) != NULL) rtsp_session_destroy(rs); } /* * */ void rtsp_init(void) { av_init_random(time(NULL), &rtsp_rnd); }