/* * Electronic Program Guide - Common functions * Copyright (C) 2007 Andreas Öman * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "tvhead.h" #include "channels.h" #include "epg.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include "htsclient.h" #define EPG_MAX_AGE 86400 #define EPG_HASH_ID_WIDTH 256 static pthread_mutex_t epg_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; struct event_list epg_hash[EPG_HASH_ID_WIDTH]; static dtimer_t epg_channel_maintain_timer; void epg_lock(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&epg_mutex); } void epg_unlock(void) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&epg_mutex); } void epg_event_set_title(event_t *e, const char *title) { free((void *)e->e_title); e->e_title = strdup(title); } void epg_event_set_desc(event_t *e, const char *desc) { free((void *)e->e_desc); e->e_desc = strdup(desc); } event_t * epg_event_find_by_time0(struct event_queue *q, time_t start) { event_t *e; TAILQ_FOREACH(e, q, e_link) if(start >= e->e_start && start < e->e_start + e->e_duration) break; return e; } event_t * epg_event_find_by_time(th_channel_t *ch, time_t start) { return epg_event_find_by_time0(&ch->ch_epg_events, start); } event_t * epg_event_find_by_tag(uint32_t tag) { event_t *e; unsigned int l = tag % EPG_HASH_ID_WIDTH; LIST_FOREACH(e, &epg_hash[l], e_hash_link) if(e->e_tag == tag) break; return e; } event_t * epg_event_get_current(th_channel_t *ch) { event_t *e; time_t now; time(&now); e = ch->ch_epg_cur_event; if(e == NULL || now < e->e_start || now > e->e_start + e->e_duration) return NULL; return e; } event_t * epg_event_find_current_or_upcoming(th_channel_t *ch) { event_t *e; TAILQ_FOREACH(e, &ch->ch_epg_events, e_link) if(e->e_start + e->e_duration > dispatch_clock) break; return e; } static int startcmp(event_t *a, event_t *b) { return a->e_start - b->e_start; } event_t * epg_event_build(struct event_queue *head, time_t start, int duration) { time_t now; event_t *e; time(&now); if(duration < 1 || start + duration < now - EPG_MAX_AGE) return NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(e, head, e_link) if(start == e->e_start && duration == e->e_duration) return e; e = calloc(1, sizeof(event_t)); e->e_duration = duration; e->e_start = start; TAILQ_INSERT_SORTED(head, e, e_link, startcmp); return e; } void epg_event_free(event_t *e) { free((void *)e->e_title); free((void *)e->e_desc); free(e); } static void epg_event_destroy(th_channel_t *ch, event_t *e) { // printf("epg: flushed event %s\n", e->e_title); if(ch->ch_epg_cur_event == e) ch->ch_epg_cur_event = NULL; TAILQ_REMOVE(&ch->ch_epg_events, e, e_link); LIST_REMOVE(e, e_hash_link); epg_event_free(e); } void event_time_txt(time_t start, int duration, char *out, int outlen) { char tmp1[40]; char tmp2[40]; char *c; time_t stop = start + duration; ctime_r(&start, tmp1); c = strchr(tmp1, '\n'); if(c) *c = 0; ctime_r(&stop, tmp2); c = strchr(tmp2, '\n'); if(c) *c = 0; snprintf(out, outlen, "[%s - %s]", tmp1, tmp2); } static int check_overlap0(th_channel_t *ch, event_t *a) { char atime[100]; char btime[100]; event_t *b; int overshot; b = TAILQ_NEXT(a, e_link); if(b == NULL) return 0; overshot = a->e_start + a->e_duration - b->e_start; if(overshot < 1) return 0; event_time_txt(a->e_start, a->e_duration, atime, sizeof(atime)); event_time_txt(b->e_start, b->e_duration, btime, sizeof(btime)); if(a->e_source > b->e_source) { b->e_start += overshot; b->e_duration -= overshot; if(b->e_duration < 1) { epg_event_destroy(ch, b); return 1; } } else { a->e_duration -= overshot; if(a->e_duration < 1) { epg_event_destroy(ch, a); return 1; } } return 0; } static int check_overlap(th_channel_t *ch, event_t *e) { event_t *p; p = TAILQ_PREV(e, event_queue, e_link); if(p != NULL) { if(check_overlap0(ch, p)) return 1; } return check_overlap0(ch, e); } static void epg_event_create(th_channel_t *ch, time_t start, int duration, const char *title, const char *desc, int source, uint16_t id, refstr_t *icon) { unsigned int l; time_t now; event_t *e; time(&now); if(duration < 1 || start + duration < now - EPG_MAX_AGE) return; TAILQ_FOREACH(e, &ch->ch_epg_events, e_link) { if(start == e->e_start && duration == e->e_duration) break; if(start == e->e_start && !strcmp(e->e_title ?: "", title)) break; } if(e == NULL) { e = calloc(1, sizeof(event_t)); e->e_start = start; TAILQ_INSERT_SORTED(&ch->ch_epg_events, e, e_link, startcmp); e->e_ch = ch; e->e_event_id = id; e->e_duration = duration; e->e_tag = tag_get(); l = e->e_tag % EPG_HASH_ID_WIDTH; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&epg_hash[l], e, e_hash_link); } if(e->e_icon == NULL) e->e_icon = refstr_dup(icon); else refstr_free(icon); if(source > e->e_source) { e->e_source = source; if(e->e_duration != duration) { char before[100]; char after[100]; event_time_txt(e->e_start, e->e_duration, before, sizeof(before)); event_time_txt(e->e_start, duration, after, sizeof(after)); e->e_duration = duration; } if(title != NULL) epg_event_set_title(e, title); if(desc != NULL) epg_event_set_desc(e, desc); } check_overlap(ch, e); } void epg_update_event_by_id(th_channel_t *ch, uint16_t event_id, time_t start, int duration, const char *title, const char *desc) { event_t *e; TAILQ_FOREACH(e, &ch->ch_epg_events, e_link) if(e->e_event_id == event_id) break; if(e != NULL) { /* We already have information about this event */ if(e->e_duration != duration || e->e_start != start) { char before[100]; char after[100]; event_time_txt(e->e_start, e->e_duration, before, sizeof(before)); event_time_txt(start, duration, after, sizeof(after)); TAILQ_REMOVE(&ch->ch_epg_events, e, e_link); e->e_duration = duration; e->e_start = start; TAILQ_INSERT_SORTED(&ch->ch_epg_events, e, e_link, startcmp); if(check_overlap(ch, e)) return; /* event was destroyed, return at once */ } epg_event_set_title(e, title); epg_event_set_desc(e, desc); } else { epg_event_create(ch, start, duration, title, desc, EVENT_SRC_DVB, event_id, NULL); } } static void epg_set_current_event(th_channel_t *ch, event_t *e) { if(e == ch->ch_epg_cur_event) return; ch->ch_epg_cur_event = e; /* Notify clients that a new programme is on */ clients_send_ref(ch->ch_tag); } static void epg_locate_current_event(th_channel_t *ch, time_t now) { event_t *e; e = epg_event_find_by_time(ch, now); if(e != NULL && e->e_icon != NULL) { refstr_free(ch->ch_icon); ch->ch_icon = refstr_dup(e->e_icon); } epg_set_current_event(ch, e); } static void epg_channel_maintain(void *aux, int64_t clk) { th_channel_t *ch; event_t *e, *cur; time_t now; dtimer_arm(&epg_channel_maintain_timer, epg_channel_maintain, NULL, 5); now = dispatch_clock; epg_lock(); LIST_FOREACH(ch, &channels, ch_global_link) { /* Age out any old events */ e = TAILQ_FIRST(&ch->ch_epg_events); if(e != NULL && e->e_start + e->e_duration < now - EPG_MAX_AGE) epg_event_destroy(ch, e); cur = ch->ch_epg_cur_event; e = ch->ch_epg_cur_event; if(e == NULL) { epg_locate_current_event(ch, now); continue; } if(now >= e->e_start && now < e->e_start + e->e_duration) continue; e = TAILQ_NEXT(e, e_link); if(e != NULL && now >= e->e_start && now < e->e_start + e->e_duration) { epg_set_current_event(ch, e); continue; } epg_locate_current_event(ch, now); } epg_unlock(); } /* * */ void epg_transfer_events(th_channel_t *ch, struct event_queue *src, const char *srcname, refstr_t *icon) { event_t *e; int cnt = 0; epg_lock(); if(ch->ch_icon == NULL) ch->ch_icon = refstr_dup(icon); TAILQ_FOREACH(e, src, e_link) { epg_event_create(ch, e->e_start, e->e_duration, e->e_title, e->e_desc, EVENT_SRC_XMLTV, 0, refstr_dup(icon)); cnt++; } epg_unlock(); } /* * */ void epg_init(void) { dtimer_arm(&epg_channel_maintain_timer, epg_channel_maintain, NULL, 5); }