<div class="hts-doc-text">

 <img src="docresources/xmltvtab.png">

 This tab is used to configure XML-TV. For more information about XML-TV
 and its use, please visit 
 <a href="http://www.xmltv.org">http://www.xmltv.org</a>.

 Configuration options:
  <dt>XML-TV Source
  <dd>Select which grabber to use.
      When the drop down list is pressed Tvheadend will issue a scan
      for available grabbers on the host system. This result will be 
      cached in the web user interface. Thus, if you need to rescan due to
      a newly installed grabber you must reload the web interface. 
      (There is no need to restart Tvheadend itself).

      When you select a grabber more information will pop up regarding
      further configuration of the grabber.

  <dt>Grab interval
  <dd>Hours between each grab.

  <dt>Enable grabbing
  <dd>Uncheck this if you wish to disable grabbing.
  Changes to any of these settings must be confirmed by pressing the
  'Save configuration' button before taking effect.
