This tab is used to configure EPG grabbing capabilities. TVheadend supports a variety of different EPG grabbing mechanisms. These fall into 3 broad categories, within which there are a variety of specific grabber implementations.

Grabber Types

Grabber Modules

Configuration options

Select which internal grabber to use.
Grab interval
Time period between grabs.
External interfaces
Check tick boxes for whichever you want to make available, the Path column displays where the unix socket you need to use lives.
OTA interfaces
Check tick boxes for whichever you want to use.
Changes to any of these settings must be confirmed by pressing the 'Save configuration' button before taking effect.


XMLTV/PyEPG - if you are using the internal versions of these modules then you must first configure them (if required) externally as TVHeadend provides no support for this. Once configured though TVheadend will do the rest.

Mixed grabbers - Although as much as possible is done to avoid contention, generally speaking using a mixture of grabbers should be avoided (where each grabber updates the same channels). They typically tend to contain differing information which results in them "fighting" over which information is correct and can result in a high level of EPG update messages.