/* * tvheadend, channel functions * Copyright (C) 2007 Andreas Öman * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef CHANNELS_H #define CHANNELS_H LIST_HEAD(channel_tag_mapping_list, channel_tag_mapping); TAILQ_HEAD(channel_tag_queue, channel_tag); extern struct channel_tag_queue channel_tags; /* * Channel definition */ typedef struct channel { int ch_refcount; int ch_zombie; RB_ENTRY(channel) ch_name_link; char *ch_name; char *ch_sname; RB_ENTRY(channel) ch_identifier_link; int ch_id; LIST_HEAD(, th_transport) ch_transports; LIST_HEAD(, th_subscription) ch_subscriptions; struct tt_decoder ch_tt; enum { COMMERCIAL_DETECT_NONE, COMMERCIAL_DETECT_TTP192, } ch_commercial_detection; struct event_tree ch_epg_events; char *ch_icon; struct dvr_entry_list ch_dvrs; struct autorec_list ch_autorecs; struct xmltv_channel *ch_xc; LIST_ENTRY(channel) ch_xc_link; struct channel_tag_mapping_list ch_ctms; } channel_t; /** * Channel tag */ typedef struct channel_tag { TAILQ_ENTRY(channel_tag) ct_link; int ct_enabled; int ct_internal; char *ct_name; char *ct_comment; char *ct_identifier; struct channel_tag_mapping_list ct_ctms; } channel_tag_t; /** * Channel tag mapping */ typedef struct channel_tag_mapping { LIST_ENTRY(channel_tag_mapping) ctm_channel_link; channel_t *ctm_channel; LIST_ENTRY(channel_tag_mapping) ctm_tag_link; channel_tag_t *ctm_tag; int ctm_mark; } channel_tag_mapping_t; void channels_init(void); channel_t *channel_find_by_name(const char *name, int create); channel_t *channel_find_by_identifier(int id); void channel_set_teletext_rundown(channel_t *ch, int v); void channel_settings_write(channel_t *ch); int channel_rename(channel_t *ch, const char *newname); void channel_delete(channel_t *ch); void channel_merge(channel_t *dst, channel_t *src); void channel_set_icon(channel_t *ch, const char *icon); struct xmltv_channel; void channel_set_xmltv_source(channel_t *ch, struct xmltv_channel *xc); void channel_set_tags_from_list(channel_t *ch, const char *maplist); channel_tag_t *channel_tag_find_by_name(const char *name); extern struct channel_list channels_not_xmltv_mapped; #endif /* CHANNELS_H */