Tvheadend support connecting to card clients via the capmt protocol for so called softcam descrambling.

The servers are listed / edited in a grid.

The columns have the following functions:

If selected, connection will be tried to be established and retained up. If unselected, Tvheadend will disconnect (if connected) and not try to reconnect.
Camd.socket Filename
Socket filename which is usually opened by cam client. Tvheadend tries to connect to this socket file.
If running on a so called full-featured DVB-Card this can be left empty. Running on Budget-Cards one has to use a dummy ca-device. This is emulated via This module has to be pre-loaded prior to the cam client.
LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ cam_client &
This module will communicate the received control-words back to Tvheadend via Port 9000
Allows the administrator to set a comment only visible in this editor. It does not serve any active purpose.