<div class="hts-doc-text"> <img src="docresources/configdvrtab.png"> <p> This tab is used to configure operation of the Digital Video Recorder. It is not used for scheduling or administration of individual recordings. <p> Configuration options: <dl> <dt>Recording system path <dd>Path to where Tvheadend will write recorded events. If components of the path does not exist, Tvheadend will try to create them. <dt>DVR Log retention time (days) <dd>Time that Tvheadend will keep information about the recording in its internal database. Notice that the actual recorded file will not be deleted when the log entry is deleted. <dt>Make subdirectories per day <dd>If checked, Tvheadend will create a new directory per day in the recording system path. Only days when anything is recorded will be created. The format of the directory will be 'YYYY-MM-DD' (ISO standard) <dt>Make subdirectories per channel <dd>If checked, Tvheadend will create a directory per channel when storing events. If both this and the 'directory per day' checkbox is enabled. The date-directory will be parent to the per-channel directory. <dt>Include channel name in title <dd>If checked, Tvheadend will include the name of the channel in the event title. This applies to both the titled stored in the file and to the filename itself. <dt>Include date in title <dd>If checked, Tvheadend will include the date for the recording in the event title. This applies to both the titled stored in the file and to the filename itself. <dt>Include time in title <dd>If checked, Tvheadend will include the time for the recording in the event title. This applies to both the titled stored in the file and to the filename itself. </dl> Changes to any of these settings must be confirmed by pressing the 'Save configuration' button before taking effect. </div>