.TH "tvheadend" 1 .SH NAME tvheadend \ - Advanced TV streaming server/relay .SH SYNOPSIS .B tvheadend [\fIOPTIONS\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .B Tvheadend is a streaming server/relay supporing a variety of sources and multiple output formats. It is primarily inteded to be used in together with the .B Showtime Media player. .SH OPTIONS All arguments are optional. .TP \fB\-f Fork and become a background process (deamon). Default no. .TP \fB\-u \fR\fIusername\fR Run as user \fIusername\fR. Only applicable if daemonizing. Default is to use the uid of 1 (daemon on most systems). .TP \fB\-g \fR\fIgroupname\fR Run as group \fR\fIgroupname\fR. Only applicable if daemonizing. Default is to use the 'video' group. If the 'video' group does not exist, gid 1 (daemon) will be used. .TP \fB\-s \fR\fIpath\fR Store settings in \fR\fIpath\fR. Default values varies depending on if daemonizing or not. See SETUP section below for details. .SH "LOGGING" All activity inside tvheadend is logged to syslog using log facility \fBLOG_DAEMON\fR. .SH "SETUP" .SS "Access to video adapters" In order for Tvheadend to control the video adapters on the system it must be granted access to those devices. Most systems have a 'video' group with write access to the video adapter devices. When Tvheadend is started as a daemon it will automatcially change its primary group to 'video' in order to access these groups. If your system is configured in a different way you can either change the group membership of the video adapters (/dev/dvb, etc) or reconfigure the Tvheadend startup parameters. This is most likely the behaviour if you have installed Tvheadend from a distribution package. .PP If Tvheadend is started without the '-f' argument it will not daemonize nor change its primary userid/groupid. Rather it will run with the permissions granted to the user executing the binary. If that's the case you must make sure the current user is granted with access to the video devices. .SS "Configuration" All configuration in Tvheadend is maintained via its embedded web server running on port 9981. Just point your browser to: .PP .nf http://hostname:9981/ .fi .PP By default \fIeveryone (also from remote hosts)\fR is allowed \fIfull\fR access to \fIall\fR features / settings in the web user interface. If this is the first time you setup Tvheadend you are most encouraged to enter the web user interface, selected the 'Configuration' + 'Access Control' tab and make reasonable changes. Futher help / documentationcan be obtained inside the web interface. .SS "Settings" Settings are stored in different locations depending on how Tvheadend was started. .PP If the (-s) argument is given, that path is always used. .PP Otherwise, tvheadend will try to store settings in \fI/var/lib/hts/tvheadend\fR. If this is not possible (due to access permission restriction) it will store it in the current users home directory under \fI.hts/tvheadend\fR. .PP If daemonizing, tvheadend will writes it pid in /var/run/tvheadend.pid .SH "AUTHOR" .B Tvheadend and this man page is maintained by Andreas Oeman .PP (andreas a lonelycoder d com) .PP You may also visit #hts at irc.freenode.net .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR http://hts.lonelycoder.com/