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<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-data-Store-method-constructor'><span id='Ext-data-Store'>/**
</span></span> * @class Ext.data.Store
* @extends Ext.util.Observable
* <p>The Store class encapsulates a client side cache of {@link Ext.data.Record Record}
* objects which provide input data for Components such as the {@link Ext.grid.GridPanel GridPanel},
* the {@link Ext.form.ComboBox ComboBox}, or the {@link Ext.DataView DataView}.</p>
* <p><u>Retrieving Data</u></p>
* <p>A Store object may access a data object using:<div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
* <li>{@link #proxy configured implementation} of {@link Ext.data.DataProxy DataProxy}</li>
* <li>{@link #data} to automatically pass in data</li>
* <li>{@link #loadData} to manually pass in data</li>
* </ul></div></p>
* <p><u>Reading Data</u></p>
* <p>A Store object has no inherent knowledge of the format of the data object (it could be
* an Array, XML, or JSON). A Store object uses an appropriate {@link #reader configured implementation}
* of a {@link Ext.data.DataReader DataReader} to create {@link Ext.data.Record Record} instances from the data
* object.</p>
* <p><u>Store Types</u></p>
* <p>There are several implementations of Store available which are customized for use with
* a specific DataReader implementation. Here is an example using an ArrayStore which implicitly
* creates a reader commensurate to an Array data object.</p>
* <pre><code>
var myStore = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
fields: ['fullname', 'first'],
idIndex: 0 // id for each record will be the first element
* </code></pre>
* <p>For custom implementations create a basic {@link Ext.data.Store} configured as needed:</p>
* <pre><code>
// create a {@link Ext.data.Record Record} constructor:
var rt = Ext.data.Record.create([
{name: 'fullname'},
{name: 'first'}
var myStore = new Ext.data.Store({
// explicitly create reader
reader: new Ext.data.ArrayReader(
idIndex: 0 // id for each record will be the first element
rt // recordType
* </code></pre>
* <p>Load some data into store (note the data object is an array which corresponds to the reader):</p>
* <pre><code>
var myData = [
[1, 'Fred Flintstone', 'Fred'], // note that id for the record is the first element
[2, 'Barney Rubble', 'Barney']
* </code></pre>
* <p>Records are cached and made available through accessor functions. An example of adding
* a record to the store:</p>
* <pre><code>
var defaultData = {
fullname: 'Full Name',
first: 'First Name'
var recId = 100; // provide unique id for the record
var r = new myStore.recordType(defaultData, ++recId); // create new record
myStore.{@link #insert}(0, r); // insert a new record into the store (also see {@link #add})
* </code></pre>
* <p><u>Writing Data</u></p>
* <p>And <b>new in Ext version 3</b>, use the new {@link Ext.data.DataWriter DataWriter} to create an automated, <a href="http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/writer/writer.html">Writable Store</a>
* along with <a href="http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/restful/restful.html">RESTful features.</a>
* @constructor
* Creates a new Store.
* @param {Object} config A config object containing the objects needed for the Store to access data,
* and read the data into Records.
* @xtype store
Ext.data.Store = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-storeId'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} storeId If passed, the id to use to register with the <b>{@link Ext.StoreMgr StoreMgr}</b>.
* <p><b>Note</b>: if a (deprecated) <tt>{@link #id}</tt> is specified it will supersede the <tt>storeId</tt>
* assignment.</p>
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-url'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} url If a <tt>{@link #proxy}</tt> is not specified the <tt>url</tt> will be used to
* implicitly configure a {@link Ext.data.HttpProxy HttpProxy} if an <tt>url</tt> is specified.
* Typically this option, or the <code>{@link #data}</code> option will be specified.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-autoLoad'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean/Object} autoLoad If <tt>{@link #data}</tt> is not specified, and if <tt>autoLoad</tt>
* is <tt>true</tt> or an <tt>Object</tt>, this store's {@link #load} method is automatically called
* after creation. If the value of <tt>autoLoad</tt> is an <tt>Object</tt>, this <tt>Object</tt> will
* be passed to the store's {@link #load} method.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-proxy'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Ext.data.DataProxy} proxy The {@link Ext.data.DataProxy DataProxy} object which provides
* access to a data object. See <code>{@link #url}</code>.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-data'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Array} data An inline data object readable by the <code>{@link #reader}</code>.
* Typically this option, or the <code>{@link #url}</code> option will be specified.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-reader'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Ext.data.DataReader} reader The {@link Ext.data.DataReader Reader} object which processes the
* data object and returns an Array of {@link Ext.data.Record} objects which are cached keyed by their
* <b><tt>{@link Ext.data.Record#id id}</tt></b> property.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-writer'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Ext.data.DataWriter} writer
* <p>The {@link Ext.data.DataWriter Writer} object which processes a record object for being written
* to the server-side database.</p>
* <br><p>When a writer is installed into a Store the {@link #add}, {@link #remove}, and {@link #update}
* events on the store are monitored in order to remotely {@link #createRecords create records},
* {@link #destroyRecord destroy records}, or {@link #updateRecord update records}.</p>
* <br><p>The proxy for this store will relay any {@link #writexception} events to this store.</p>
* <br><p>Sample implementation:
* <pre><code>
var writer = new {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter}({
encode: true,
writeAllFields: true // write all fields, not just those that changed
// Typical Store collecting the Proxy, Reader and Writer together.
var store = new Ext.data.Store({
storeId: 'user',
root: 'records',
proxy: proxy,
reader: reader,
writer: writer, // <-- plug a DataWriter into the store just as you would a Reader
paramsAsHash: true,
autoSave: false // <-- false to delay executing create, update, destroy requests
// until specifically told to do so.
* </code></pre></p>
writer : undefined,
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-baseParams'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Object} baseParams
* <p>An object containing properties which are to be sent as parameters
* for <i>every</i> HTTP request.</p>
* <p>Parameters are encoded as standard HTTP parameters using {@link Ext#urlEncode}.</p>
* <p><b>Note</b>: <code>baseParams</code> may be superseded by any <code>params</code>
* specified in a <code>{@link #load}</code> request, see <code>{@link #load}</code>
* for more details.</p>
* This property may be modified after creation using the <code>{@link #setBaseParam}</code>
* method.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-sortInfo'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Object} sortInfo A config object to specify the sort order in the request of a Store's
* {@link #load} operation. Note that for local sorting, the <tt>direction</tt> property is
* case-sensitive. See also {@link #remoteSort} and {@link #paramNames}.
* For example:<pre><code>
sortInfo: {
field: 'fieldName',
direction: 'ASC' // or 'DESC' (case sensitive for local sorting)
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-remoteSort'> /**
</span> * @cfg {boolean} remoteSort <tt>true</tt> if sorting is to be handled by requesting the <tt>{@link #proxy Proxy}</tt>
* to provide a refreshed version of the data object in sorted order, as opposed to sorting the Record cache
* in place (defaults to <tt>false</tt>).
* <p>If <tt>remoteSort</tt> is <tt>true</tt>, then clicking on a {@link Ext.grid.Column Grid Column}'s
* {@link Ext.grid.Column#header header} causes the current page to be requested from the server appending
* the following two parameters to the <b><tt>{@link #load params}</tt></b>:<div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
* <li><b><tt>sort</tt></b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The <tt>name</tt> (as specified in the Record's
* {@link Ext.data.Field Field definition}) of the field to sort on.</p></li>
* <li><b><tt>dir</tt></b> : String<p class="sub-desc">The direction of the sort, 'ASC' or 'DESC' (case-sensitive).</p></li>
* </ul></div></p>
remoteSort : false,
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-autoDestroy'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} autoDestroy <tt>true</tt> to destroy the store when the component the store is bound
* to is destroyed (defaults to <tt>false</tt>).
* <p><b>Note</b>: this should be set to true when using stores that are bound to only 1 component.</p>
autoDestroy : false,
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-pruneModifiedRecords'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} pruneModifiedRecords <tt>true</tt> to clear all modified record information each time
* the store is loaded or when a record is removed (defaults to <tt>false</tt>). See {@link #getModifiedRecords}
* for the accessor method to retrieve the modified records.
pruneModifiedRecords : false,
<span id='Ext-data-Store-property-lastOptions'> /**
</span> * Contains the last options object used as the parameter to the {@link #load} method. See {@link #load}
* for the details of what this may contain. This may be useful for accessing any params which were used
* to load the current Record cache.
* @property
lastOptions : null,
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-autoSave'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} autoSave
* <p>Defaults to <tt>true</tt> causing the store to automatically {@link #save} records to
* the server when a record is modified (ie: becomes 'dirty'). Specify <tt>false</tt> to manually call {@link #save}
* to send all modifiedRecords to the server.</p>
* <br><p><b>Note</b>: each CRUD action will be sent as a separate request.</p>
autoSave : true,
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-batch'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} batch
* <p>Defaults to <tt>true</tt> (unless <code>{@link #restful}:true</code>). Multiple
* requests for each CRUD action (CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DESTROY) will be combined
* and sent as one transaction. Only applies when <code>{@link #autoSave}</code> is set
* to <tt>false</tt>.</p>
* <br><p>If Store is RESTful, the DataProxy is also RESTful, and a unique transaction is
* generated for each record.</p>
batch : true,
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-restful'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} restful
* Defaults to <tt>false</tt>. Set to <tt>true</tt> to have the Store and the set
* Proxy operate in a RESTful manner. The store will automatically generate GET, POST,
* PUT and DELETE requests to the server. The HTTP method used for any given CRUD
* action is described in {@link Ext.data.Api#restActions}. For additional information
* see {@link Ext.data.DataProxy#restful}.
* <p><b>Note</b>: if <code>{@link #restful}:true</code> <code>batch</code> will
* internally be set to <tt>false</tt>.</p>
restful: false,
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-paramNames'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Object} paramNames
* <p>An object containing properties which specify the names of the paging and
* sorting parameters passed to remote servers when loading blocks of data. By default, this
* object takes the following form:</p><pre><code>
start : 'start', // The parameter name which specifies the start row
limit : 'limit', // The parameter name which specifies number of rows to return
sort : 'sort', // The parameter name which specifies the column to sort on
dir : 'dir' // The parameter name which specifies the sort direction
* <p>The server must produce the requested data block upon receipt of these parameter names.
* If different parameter names are required, this property can be overriden using a configuration
* property.</p>
* <p>A {@link Ext.PagingToolbar PagingToolbar} bound to this Store uses this property to determine
* the parameter names to use in its {@link #load requests}.
paramNames : undefined,
<span id='Ext-data-Store-cfg-defaultParamNames'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Object} defaultParamNames
* Provides the default values for the {@link #paramNames} property. To globally modify the parameters
* for all stores, this object should be changed on the store prototype.
defaultParamNames : {
start : 'start',
limit : 'limit',
sort : 'sort',
dir : 'dir'
<span id='Ext-data-Store-property-isDestroyed'> isDestroyed: false,
</span><span id='Ext-data-Store-property-hasMultiSort'> hasMultiSort: false,
<span id='Ext-data-Store-property-batchKey'> // private
</span> batchKey : '_ext_batch_',
constructor : function(config){
<span id='Ext-data-Store-property-hasMultiSort'> /**
</span> * @property hasMultiSort
* @type Boolean
* True if this store is currently sorted by more than one field/direction combination.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-property-isDestroyed'> /**
</span> * @property isDestroyed
* @type Boolean
* True if the store has been destroyed already. Read only
this.data = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false);
this.data.getKey = function(o){
return o.id;
// temporary removed-records cache
this.removed = [];
if(config && config.data){
this.inlineData = config.data;
delete config.data;
Ext.apply(this, config);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-property-baseParams'> /**
</span> * See the <code>{@link #baseParams corresponding configuration option}</code>
* for a description of this property.
* To modify this property see <code>{@link #setBaseParam}</code>.
* @property
this.baseParams = Ext.isObject(this.baseParams) ? this.baseParams : {};
this.paramNames = Ext.applyIf(this.paramNames || {}, this.defaultParamNames);
if((this.url || this.api) && !this.proxy){
this.proxy = new Ext.data.HttpProxy({url: this.url, api: this.api});
// If Store is RESTful, so too is the DataProxy
if (this.restful === true && this.proxy) {
// When operating RESTfully, a unique transaction is generated for each record.
// TODO might want to allow implemention of faux REST where batch is possible using RESTful routes only.
this.batch = false;
if(this.reader){ // reader passed
this.recordType = this.reader.recordType;
this.reader.onMetaChange = this.reader.onMetaChange.createSequence(this.onMetaChange, this);
if (this.writer) { // writer passed
if (this.writer instanceof(Ext.data.DataWriter) === false) { // <-- config-object instead of instance.
this.writer = this.buildWriter(this.writer);
this.writer.meta = this.reader.meta;
this.pruneModifiedRecords = true;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-property-recordType'> /**
</span> * The {@link Ext.data.Record Record} constructor as supplied to (or created by) the
* {@link Ext.data.DataReader Reader}. Read-only.
* <p>If the Reader was constructed by passing in an Array of {@link Ext.data.Field} definition objects,
* instead of a Record constructor, it will implicitly create a Record constructor from that Array (see
* {@link Ext.data.Record}.{@link Ext.data.Record#create create} for additional details).</p>
* <p>This property may be used to create new Records of the type held in this Store, for example:</p><pre><code>
// create the data store
var store = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
autoDestroy: true,
fields: [
{name: 'company'},
{name: 'price', type: 'float'},
{name: 'change', type: 'float'},
{name: 'pctChange', type: 'float'},
{name: 'lastChange', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'n/j h:ia'}
// create the Grid
var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
store: store,
colModel: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
columns: [
{id:'company', header: 'Company', width: 160, dataIndex: 'company'},
{header: 'Price', renderer: 'usMoney', dataIndex: 'price'},
{header: 'Change', renderer: change, dataIndex: 'change'},
{header: '% Change', renderer: pctChange, dataIndex: 'pctChange'},
{header: 'Last Updated', width: 85,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'),
dataIndex: 'lastChange'}
defaults: {
sortable: true,
width: 75
autoExpandColumn: 'company', // match the id specified in the column model
title:'Array Grid',
tbar: [{
text: 'Add Record',
handler : function(){
var defaultData = {
change: 0,
company: 'New Company',
lastChange: (new Date()).clearTime(),
pctChange: 0,
price: 10
var recId = 3; // provide unique id
var p = new store.recordType(defaultData, recId); // create new record
store.{@link #insert}(0, p); // insert a new record into the store (also see {@link #add})
grid.startEditing(0, 0);
* </code></pre>
* @property recordType
* @type Function
<span id='Ext-data-Store-property-fields'> /**
</span> * A {@link Ext.util.MixedCollection MixedCollection} containing the defined {@link Ext.data.Field Field}s
* for the {@link Ext.data.Record Records} stored in this Store. Read-only.
* @property fields
* @type Ext.util.MixedCollection
this.fields = this.recordType.prototype.fields;
this.modified = [];
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-datachanged'> /**
</span> * @event datachanged
* Fires when the data cache has changed in a bulk manner (e.g., it has been sorted, filtered, etc.) and a
* widget that is using this Store as a Record cache should refresh its view.
* @param {Store} this
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-metachange'> /**
</span> * @event metachange
* Fires when this store's reader provides new metadata (fields). This is currently only supported for JsonReaders.
* @param {Store} this
* @param {Object} meta The JSON metadata
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-add'> /**
</span> * @event add
* Fires when Records have been {@link #add}ed to the Store
* @param {Store} this
* @param {Ext.data.Record[]} records The array of Records added
* @param {Number} index The index at which the record(s) were added
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-remove'> /**
</span> * @event remove
* Fires when a Record has been {@link #remove}d from the Store
* @param {Store} this
* @param {Ext.data.Record} record The Record that was removed
* @param {Number} index The index at which the record was removed
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-update'> /**
</span> * @event update
* Fires when a Record has been updated
* @param {Store} this
* @param {Ext.data.Record} record The Record that was updated
* @param {String} operation The update operation being performed. Value may be one of:
* <pre><code>
* </code></pre>
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-clear'> /**
</span> * @event clear
* Fires when the data cache has been cleared.
* @param {Store} this
* @param {Record[]} records The records that were cleared.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-exception'> /**
</span> * @event exception
* <p>Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during a remote request.
* This event is relayed through the corresponding {@link Ext.data.DataProxy}.
* See {@link Ext.data.DataProxy}.{@link Ext.data.DataProxy#exception exception}
* for additional details.
* @param {misc} misc See {@link Ext.data.DataProxy}.{@link Ext.data.DataProxy#exception exception}
* for description.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-beforeload'> /**
</span> * @event beforeload
* Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns
* <tt>false</tt> the {@link #load} action will be canceled.
* @param {Store} this
* @param {Object} options The loading options that were specified (see {@link #load} for details)
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-load'> /**
</span> * @event load
* Fires after a new set of Records has been loaded.
* @param {Store} this
* @param {Ext.data.Record[]} records The Records that were loaded
* @param {Object} options The loading options that were specified (see {@link #load} for details)
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-loadexception'> /**
</span> * @event loadexception
* <p>This event is <b>deprecated</b> in favor of the catch-all <b><code>{@link #exception}</code></b>
* event instead.</p>
* <p>This event is relayed through the corresponding {@link Ext.data.DataProxy}.
* See {@link Ext.data.DataProxy}.{@link Ext.data.DataProxy#loadexception loadexception}
* for additional details.
* @param {misc} misc See {@link Ext.data.DataProxy}.{@link Ext.data.DataProxy#loadexception loadexception}
* for description.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-beforewrite'> /**
</span> * @event beforewrite
* @param {Ext.data.Store} store
* @param {String} action [Ext.data.Api.actions.create|update|destroy]
* @param {Record/Record[]} rs The Record(s) being written.
* @param {Object} options The loading options that were specified. Edit <code>options.params</code> to add Http parameters to the request. (see {@link #save} for details)
* @param {Object} arg The callback's arg object passed to the {@link #request} function
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-write'> /**
</span> * @event write
* Fires if the server returns 200 after an Ext.data.Api.actions CRUD action.
* Success of the action is determined in the <code>result['successProperty']</code>property (<b>NOTE</b> for RESTful stores,
* a simple 20x response is sufficient for the actions "destroy" and "update". The "create" action should should return 200 along with a database pk).
* @param {Ext.data.Store} store
* @param {String} action [Ext.data.Api.actions.create|update|destroy]
* @param {Object} result The 'data' picked-out out of the response for convenience.
* @param {Ext.Direct.Transaction} res
* @param {Record/Record[]} rs Store's records, the subject(s) of the write-action
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-beforesave'> /**
</span> * @event beforesave
* Fires before a save action is called. A save encompasses destroying records, updating records and creating records.
* @param {Ext.data.Store} store
* @param {Object} data An object containing the data that is to be saved. The object will contain a key for each appropriate action,
* with an array of records for each action.
<span id='Ext-data-Store-event-save'> /**
</span> * @event save
* Fires after a save is completed. A save encompasses destroying records, updating records and creating records.
* @param {Ext.data.Store} store
* @param {Number} batch The identifier for the batch that was saved.
* @param {Object} data An object containing the data that is to be saved. The object will contain a key for each appropriate action,
* with an array of records for each action.
// TODO remove deprecated loadexception with ext-3.0.1
this.relayEvents(this.proxy, ['loadexception', 'exception']);
// With a writer set for the Store, we want to listen to add/remove events to remotely create/destroy records.
if (this.writer) {
scope: this,
add: this.createRecords,
remove: this.destroyRecord,
update: this.updateRecord,
clear: this.onClear
this.sortToggle = {};
this.setDefaultSort(this.sortField, this.sortDir);
}else if(this.sortInfo){
this.setDefaultSort(this.sortInfo.field, this.sortInfo.direction);
this.storeId = this.id;
delete this.id;
delete this.inlineData;
}else if(this.autoLoad){
this.load.defer(10, this, [
typeof this.autoLoad == 'object' ?
this.autoLoad : undefined]);
// used internally to uniquely identify a batch
this.batchCounter = 0;
this.batches = {};
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-buildWriter'> /**
</span> * builds a DataWriter instance when Store constructor is provided with a writer config-object instead of an instace.
* @param {Object} config Writer configuration
* @return {Ext.data.DataWriter}
* @private
buildWriter : function(config) {
var klass = undefined,
type = (config.format || 'json').toLowerCase();
switch (type) {
case 'json':
klass = Ext.data.JsonWriter;
case 'xml':
klass = Ext.data.XmlWriter;
klass = Ext.data.JsonWriter;
return new klass(config);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-destroy'> /**
</span> * Destroys the store.
destroy : function(){
this.data = null;
this.reader = this.writer = null;
this.isDestroyed = true;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-add'> /**
</span> * Add Records to the Store and fires the {@link #add} event. To add Records
* to the store from a remote source use <code>{@link #load}({add:true})</code>.
* See also <code>{@link #recordType}</code> and <code>{@link #insert}</code>.
* @param {Ext.data.Record[]} records An Array of Ext.data.Record objects
* to add to the cache. See {@link #recordType}.
add : function(records) {
var i, len, record, index;
records = [].concat(records);
if (records.length < 1) {
for (i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
record = records[i];
if (record.dirty || record.phantom) {
index = this.data.length;
if (this.snapshot) {
this.fireEvent('add', this, records, index);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-addSorted'> /**
</span> * (Local sort only) Inserts the passed Record into the Store at the index where it
* should go based on the current sort information.
* @param {Ext.data.Record} record
addSorted : function(record){
var index = this.findInsertIndex(record);
this.insert(index, record);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-doUpdate'> /**
</span> * @private
* Update a record within the store with a new reference
doUpdate: function(rec){
var id = rec.id;
// unjoin the old record
this.data.replace(id, rec);
if (this.snapshot) {
this.snapshot.replace(id, rec);
this.fireEvent('update', this, rec, Ext.data.Record.COMMIT);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-remove'> /**
</span> * Remove Records from the Store and fires the {@link #remove} event.
* @param {Ext.data.Record/Ext.data.Record[]} record The record object or array of records to remove from the cache.
remove : function(record){
Ext.each(record, function(r){
}, this);
var index = this.data.indexOf(record);
if(index > -1){
if(index > -1){
this.fireEvent('remove', this, record, index);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-removeAt'> /**
</span> * Remove a Record from the Store at the specified index. Fires the {@link #remove} event.
* @param {Number} index The index of the record to remove.
removeAt : function(index){
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-removeAll'> /**
</span> * Remove all Records from the Store and fires the {@link #clear} event.
* @param {Boolean} silent [false] Defaults to <tt>false</tt>. Set <tt>true</tt> to not fire clear event.
removeAll : function(silent){
var items = [];
this.modified = [];
if (silent !== true) { // <-- prevents write-actions when we just want to clear a store.
this.fireEvent('clear', this, items);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-onClear'> // private
</span> onClear: function(store, records){
Ext.each(records, function(rec, index){
this.destroyRecord(this, rec, index);
}, this);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-insert'> /**
</span> * Inserts Records into the Store at the given index and fires the {@link #add} event.
* See also <code>{@link #add}</code> and <code>{@link #addSorted}</code>.
* @param {Number} index The start index at which to insert the passed Records.
* @param {Ext.data.Record[]} records An Array of Ext.data.Record objects to add to the cache.
insert : function(index, records) {
var i, len, record;
records = [].concat(records);
for (i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
record = records[i];
this.data.insert(index + i, record);
if (record.dirty || record.phantom) {
if (this.snapshot) {
this.fireEvent('add', this, records, index);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-indexOf'> /**
</span> * Get the index within the cache of the passed Record.
* @param {Ext.data.Record} record The Ext.data.Record object to find.
* @return {Number} The index of the passed Record. Returns -1 if not found.
indexOf : function(record){
return this.data.indexOf(record);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-indexOfId'> /**
</span> * Get the index within the cache of the Record with the passed id.
* @param {String} id The id of the Record to find.
* @return {Number} The index of the Record. Returns -1 if not found.
indexOfId : function(id){
return this.data.indexOfKey(id);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-getById'> /**
</span> * Get the Record with the specified id.
* @param {String} id The id of the Record to find.
* @return {Ext.data.Record} The Record with the passed id. Returns undefined if not found.
getById : function(id){
return (this.snapshot || this.data).key(id);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-getAt'> /**
</span> * Get the Record at the specified index.
* @param {Number} index The index of the Record to find.
* @return {Ext.data.Record} The Record at the passed index. Returns undefined if not found.
getAt : function(index){
return this.data.itemAt(index);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-getRange'> /**
</span> * Returns a range of Records between specified indices.
* @param {Number} startIndex (optional) The starting index (defaults to 0)
* @param {Number} endIndex (optional) The ending index (defaults to the last Record in the Store)
* @return {Ext.data.Record[]} An array of Records
getRange : function(start, end){
return this.data.getRange(start, end);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-storeOptions'> // private
</span> storeOptions : function(o){
o = Ext.apply({}, o);
delete o.callback;
delete o.scope;
this.lastOptions = o;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-clearData'> // private
</span> clearData: function(){
this.data.each(function(rec) {
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-load'> /**
</span> * <p>Loads the Record cache from the configured <tt>{@link #proxy}</tt> using the configured <tt>{@link #reader}</tt>.</p>
* <br><p>Notes:</p><div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
* <li><b><u>Important</u></b>: loading is asynchronous! This call will return before the new data has been
* loaded. To perform any post-processing where information from the load call is required, specify
* the <tt>callback</tt> function to be called, or use a {@link Ext.util.Observable#listeners a 'load' event handler}.</li>
* <li>If using {@link Ext.PagingToolbar remote paging}, the first load call must specify the <tt>start</tt> and <tt>limit</tt>
* properties in the <code>options.params</code> property to establish the initial position within the
* dataset, and the number of Records to cache on each read from the Proxy.</li>
* <li>If using {@link #remoteSort remote sorting}, the configured <code>{@link #sortInfo}</code>
* will be automatically included with the posted parameters according to the specified
* <code>{@link #paramNames}</code>.</li>
* </ul></div>
* @param {Object} options An object containing properties which control loading options:<ul>
* <li><b><tt>params</tt></b> :Object<div class="sub-desc"><p>An object containing properties to pass as HTTP
* parameters to a remote data source. <b>Note</b>: <code>params</code> will override any
* <code>{@link #baseParams}</code> of the same name.</p>
* <p>Parameters are encoded as standard HTTP parameters using {@link Ext#urlEncode}.</p></div></li>
* <li><b>callback</b> : Function<div class="sub-desc"><p>A function to be called after the Records
* have been loaded. The callback is called after the load event is fired, and is passed the following arguments:<ul>
* <li>r : Ext.data.Record[] An Array of Records loaded.</li>
* <li>options : Options object from the load call.</li>
* <li>success : Boolean success indicator.</li></ul></p></div></li>
* <li><b>scope</b> : Object<div class="sub-desc"><p>Scope with which to call the callback (defaults
* to the Store object)</p></div></li>
* <li><b>add</b> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc"><p>Indicator to append loaded records rather than
* replace the current cache. <b>Note</b>: see note for <tt>{@link #loadData}</tt></p></div></li>
* </ul>
* @return {Boolean} If the <i>developer</i> provided <tt>{@link #beforeload}</tt> event handler returns
* <tt>false</tt>, the load call will abort and will return <tt>false</tt>; otherwise will return <tt>true</tt>.
load : function(options) {
options = Ext.apply({}, options);
if(this.sortInfo && this.remoteSort){
var pn = this.paramNames;
options.params = Ext.apply({}, options.params);
options.params[pn.sort] = this.sortInfo.field;
options.params[pn.dir] = this.sortInfo.direction;
try {
return this.execute('read', null, options); // <-- null represents rs. No rs for load actions.
} catch(e) {
return false;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-updateRecord'> /**
</span> * updateRecord Should not be used directly. This method will be called automatically if a Writer is set.
* Listens to 'update' event.
* @param {Object} store
* @param {Object} record
* @param {Object} action
* @private
updateRecord : function(store, record, action) {
if (action == Ext.data.Record.EDIT && this.autoSave === true && (!record.phantom || (record.phantom && record.isValid()))) {
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-createRecords'> /**
</span> * @private
* Should not be used directly. Store#add will call this automatically if a Writer is set
* @param {Object} store
* @param {Object} records
* @param {Object} index
createRecords : function(store, records, index) {
var modified = this.modified,
length = records.length,
record, i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
record = records[i];
if (record.phantom && record.isValid()) {
record.markDirty(); // <-- Mark new records dirty (Ed: why?)
if (modified.indexOf(record) == -1) {
if (this.autoSave === true) {
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-destroyRecord'> /**
</span> * Destroys a Record. Should not be used directly. It's called by Store#remove if a Writer is set.
* @param {Store} store this
* @param {Ext.data.Record} record
* @param {Number} index
* @private
destroyRecord : function(store, record, index) {
if (this.modified.indexOf(record) != -1) { // <-- handled already if @cfg pruneModifiedRecords == true
if (!record.phantom) {
// since the record has already been removed from the store but the server request has not yet been executed,
// must keep track of the last known index this record existed. If a server error occurs, the record can be
// put back into the store. @see Store#createCallback where the record is returned when response status === false
record.lastIndex = index;
if (this.autoSave === true) {
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-execute'> /**
</span> * This method should generally not be used directly. This method is called internally
* by {@link #load}, or if a Writer is set will be called automatically when {@link #add},
* {@link #remove}, or {@link #update} events fire.
* @param {String} action Action name ('read', 'create', 'update', or 'destroy')
* @param {Record/Record[]} rs
* @param {Object} options
* @throws Error
* @private
execute : function(action, rs, options, /* private */ batch) {
// blow up if action not Ext.data.CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DESTROY
if (!Ext.data.Api.isAction(action)) {
throw new Ext.data.Api.Error('execute', action);
// make sure options has a fresh, new params hash
options = Ext.applyIf(options||{}, {
params: {}
if(batch !== undefined){
// have to separate before-events since load has a different signature than create,destroy and save events since load does not
// include the rs (record resultset) parameter. Capture return values from the beforeaction into doRequest flag.
var doRequest = true;
if (action === 'read') {
doRequest = this.fireEvent('beforeload', this, options);
Ext.applyIf(options.params, this.baseParams);
else {
// if Writer is configured as listful, force single-record rs to be [{}] instead of {}
// TODO Move listful rendering into DataWriter where the @cfg is defined. Should be easy now.
if (this.writer.listful === true && this.restful !== true) {
rs = (Ext.isArray(rs)) ? rs : [rs];
// if rs has just a single record, shift it off so that Writer writes data as '{}' rather than '[{}]'
else if (Ext.isArray(rs) && rs.length == 1) {
rs = rs.shift();
// Write the action to options.params
if ((doRequest = this.fireEvent('beforewrite', this, action, rs, options)) !== false) {
this.writer.apply(options.params, this.baseParams, action, rs);
if (doRequest !== false) {
// Send request to proxy.
if (this.writer && this.proxy.url && !this.proxy.restful && !Ext.data.Api.hasUniqueUrl(this.proxy, action)) {
options.params.xaction = action; // <-- really old, probaby unecessary.
// Note: Up until this point we've been dealing with 'action' as a key from Ext.data.Api.actions.
// We'll flip it now and send the value into DataProxy#request, since it's the value which maps to
// the user's configured DataProxy#api
// TODO Refactor all Proxies to accept an instance of Ext.data.Request (not yet defined) instead of this looooooong list
// of params. This method is an artifact from Ext2.
this.proxy.request(Ext.data.Api.actions[action], rs, options.params, this.reader, this.createCallback(action, rs, batch), this, options);
return doRequest;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-save'> /**
</span> * Saves all pending changes to the store. If the commensurate Ext.data.Api.actions action is not configured, then
* the configured <code>{@link #url}</code> will be used.
* <pre>
* change url
* --------------- --------------------
* removed records Ext.data.Api.actions.destroy
* phantom records Ext.data.Api.actions.create
* {@link #getModifiedRecords modified records} Ext.data.Api.actions.update
* </pre>
* @TODO: Create extensions of Error class and send associated Record with thrown exceptions.
* e.g.: Ext.data.DataReader.Error or Ext.data.Error or Ext.data.DataProxy.Error, etc.
* @return {Number} batch Returns a number to uniquely identify the "batch" of saves occurring. -1 will be returned
* if there are no items to save or the save was cancelled.
save : function() {
if (!this.writer) {
throw new Ext.data.Store.Error('writer-undefined');
var queue = [],
data = {},
// DESTROY: First check for removed records. Records in this.removed are guaranteed non-phantoms. @see Store#remove
queue.push(['destroy', this.removed]);
// Check for modified records. Use a copy so Store#rejectChanges will work if server returns error.
var rs = [].concat(this.getModifiedRecords());
// CREATE: Next check for phantoms within rs. splice-off and execute create.
var phantoms = [];
for(i = rs.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
if(rs[i].phantom === true){
var rec = rs.splice(i, 1).shift();
}else if(!rs[i].isValid()){ // <-- while we're here, splice-off any !isValid real records
// If we have valid phantoms, create them...
queue.push(['create', phantoms]);
// UPDATE: And finally, if we're still here after splicing-off phantoms and !isValid real records, update the rest...
queue.push(['update', rs]);
len = queue.length;
batch = ++this.batchCounter;
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i){
trans = queue[i];
data[trans[0]] = trans[1];
if(this.fireEvent('beforesave', this, data) !== false){
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i){
trans = queue[i];
this.doTransaction(trans[0], trans[1], batch);
return batch;
return -1;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-doTransaction'> // private. Simply wraps call to Store#execute in try/catch. Defers to Store#handleException on error. Loops if batch: false
</span> doTransaction : function(action, rs, batch) {
function transaction(records) {
this.execute(action, records, undefined, batch);
}catch (e){
if(this.batch === false){
for(var i = 0, len = rs.length; i < len; i++){
transaction.call(this, rs[i]);
transaction.call(this, rs);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-addToBatch'> // private
</span> addToBatch : function(batch){
var b = this.batches,
key = this.batchKey + batch,
o = b[key];
b[key] = o = {
id: batch,
count: 0,
data: {}
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-removeFromBatch'> removeFromBatch : function(batch, action, data){
</span> var b = this.batches,
key = this.batchKey + batch,
o = b[key],
arr = o.data[action] || [];
o.data[action] = arr.concat(data);
if(o.count === 1){
data = o.data;
delete b[key];
this.fireEvent('save', this, batch, data);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-createCallback'> // @private callback-handler for remote CRUD actions
</span> // Do not override -- override loadRecords, onCreateRecords, onDestroyRecords and onUpdateRecords instead.
createCallback : function(action, rs, batch) {
var actions = Ext.data.Api.actions;
return (action == 'read') ? this.loadRecords : function(data, response, success) {
// calls: onCreateRecords | onUpdateRecords | onDestroyRecords
this['on' + Ext.util.Format.capitalize(action) + 'Records'](success, rs, [].concat(data));
// If success === false here, exception will have been called in DataProxy
if (success === true) {
this.fireEvent('write', this, action, data, response, rs);
this.removeFromBatch(batch, action, data);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-clearModified'> // Clears records from modified array after an exception event.
</span> // NOTE: records are left marked dirty. Do we want to commit them even though they were not updated/realized?
// TODO remove this method?
clearModified : function(rs) {
if (Ext.isArray(rs)) {
for (var n=rs.length-1;n>=0;n--) {
this.modified.splice(this.modified.indexOf(rs[n]), 1);
} else {
this.modified.splice(this.modified.indexOf(rs), 1);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-reMap'> // remap record ids in MixedCollection after records have been realized. @see Store#onCreateRecords, @see DataReader#realize
</span> reMap : function(record) {
if (Ext.isArray(record)) {
for (var i = 0, len = record.length; i < len; i++) {
} else {
delete this.data.map[record._phid];
this.data.map[record.id] = record;
var index = this.data.keys.indexOf(record._phid);
this.data.keys.splice(index, 1, record.id);
delete record._phid;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-onCreateRecords'> // @protected onCreateRecord proxy callback for create action
</span> onCreateRecords : function(success, rs, data) {
if (success === true) {
try {
this.reader.realize(rs, data);
catch (e) {
if (Ext.isArray(rs)) {
// Recurse to run back into the try {}. DataReader#realize splices-off the rs until empty.
this.onCreateRecords(success, rs, data);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-onUpdateRecords'> // @protected, onUpdateRecords proxy callback for update action
</span> onUpdateRecords : function(success, rs, data) {
if (success === true) {
try {
this.reader.update(rs, data);
} catch (e) {
if (Ext.isArray(rs)) {
// Recurse to run back into the try {}. DataReader#update splices-off the rs until empty.
this.onUpdateRecords(success, rs, data);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-onDestroyRecords'> // @protected onDestroyRecords proxy callback for destroy action
</span> onDestroyRecords : function(success, rs, data) {
// splice each rec out of this.removed
rs = (rs instanceof Ext.data.Record) ? [rs] : [].concat(rs);
for (var i=0,len=rs.length;i<len;i++) {
this.removed.splice(this.removed.indexOf(rs[i]), 1);
if (success === false) {
// put records back into store if remote destroy fails.
// @TODO: Might want to let developer decide.
for (i=rs.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
this.insert(rs[i].lastIndex, rs[i]); // <-- lastIndex set in Store#destroyRecord
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-handleException'> // protected handleException. Possibly temporary until Ext framework has an exception-handler.
</span> handleException : function(e) {
// @see core/Error.js
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-reload'> /**
</span> * <p>Reloads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured
* {@link Ext.data.Reader Reader} and the options from the last load operation
* performed.</p>
* <p><b>Note</b>: see the Important note in {@link #load}.</p>
* @param {Object} options <p>(optional) An <tt>Object</tt> containing
* {@link #load loading options} which may override the {@link #lastOptions options}
* used in the last {@link #load} operation. See {@link #load} for details
* (defaults to <tt>null</tt>, in which case the {@link #lastOptions} are
* used).</p>
* <br><p>To add new params to the existing params:</p><pre><code>
lastOptions = myStore.lastOptions;
Ext.apply(lastOptions.params, {
myNewParam: true
* </code></pre>
reload : function(options){
this.load(Ext.applyIf(options||{}, this.lastOptions));
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-loadRecords'> // private
</span> // Called as a callback by the Reader during a load operation.
loadRecords : function(o, options, success){
var i, len;
if (this.isDestroyed === true) {
if(!o || success === false){
if(success !== false){
this.fireEvent('load', this, [], options);
options.callback.call(options.scope || this, [], options, false, o);
var r = o.records, t = o.totalRecords || r.length;
if(!options || options.add !== true){
this.modified = [];
for(i = 0, len = r.length; i < len; i++){
this.data = this.snapshot;
delete this.snapshot;
this.totalLength = t;
this.fireEvent('datachanged', this);
var toAdd = [],
cnt = 0;
for(i = 0, len = r.length; i < len; ++i){
rec = r[i];
if(this.indexOfId(rec.id) > -1){
this.totalLength = Math.max(t, this.data.length + cnt);
this.fireEvent('load', this, r, options);
options.callback.call(options.scope || this, r, options, true);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-loadData'> /**
</span> * Loads data from a passed data block and fires the {@link #load} event. A {@link Ext.data.Reader Reader}
* which understands the format of the data must have been configured in the constructor.
* @param {Object} data The data block from which to read the Records. The format of the data expected
* is dependent on the type of {@link Ext.data.Reader Reader} that is configured and should correspond to
* that {@link Ext.data.Reader Reader}'s <tt>{@link Ext.data.Reader#readRecords}</tt> parameter.
* @param {Boolean} append (Optional) <tt>true</tt> to append the new Records rather the default to replace
* the existing cache.
* <b>Note</b>: that Records in a Store are keyed by their {@link Ext.data.Record#id id}, so added Records
* with ids which are already present in the Store will <i>replace</i> existing Records. Only Records with
* new, unique ids will be added.
loadData : function(o, append){
var r = this.reader.readRecords(o);
this.loadRecords(r, {add: append}, true);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-getCount'> /**
</span> * Gets the number of cached records.
* <p>If using paging, this may not be the total size of the dataset. If the data object
* used by the Reader contains the dataset size, then the {@link #getTotalCount} function returns
* the dataset size. <b>Note</b>: see the Important note in {@link #load}.</p>
* @return {Number} The number of Records in the Store's cache.
getCount : function(){
return this.data.length || 0;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-getTotalCount'> /**
</span> * Gets the total number of records in the dataset as returned by the server.
* <p>If using paging, for this to be accurate, the data object used by the {@link #reader Reader}
* must contain the dataset size. For remote data sources, the value for this property
* (<tt>totalProperty</tt> for {@link Ext.data.JsonReader JsonReader},
* <tt>totalRecords</tt> for {@link Ext.data.XmlReader XmlReader}) shall be returned by a query on the server.
* <b>Note</b>: see the Important note in {@link #load}.</p>
* @return {Number} The number of Records as specified in the data object passed to the Reader
* by the Proxy.
* <p><b>Note</b>: this value is not updated when changing the contents of the Store locally.</p>
getTotalCount : function(){
return this.totalLength || 0;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-getSortState'> /**
</span> * Returns an object describing the current sort state of this Store.
* @return {Object} The sort state of the Store. An object with two properties:<ul>
* <li><b>field : String</b><p class="sub-desc">The name of the field by which the Records are sorted.</p></li>
* <li><b>direction : String</b><p class="sub-desc">The sort order, 'ASC' or 'DESC' (case-sensitive).</p></li>
* </ul>
* See <tt>{@link #sortInfo}</tt> for additional details.
getSortState : function(){
return this.sortInfo;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-applySort'> /**
</span> * @private
* Invokes sortData if we have sortInfo to sort on and are not sorting remotely
applySort : function(){
if ((this.sortInfo || this.multiSortInfo) && !this.remoteSort) {
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-sortData'> /**
</span> * @private
* Performs the actual sorting of data. This checks to see if we currently have a multi sort or not. It applies
* each sorter field/direction pair in turn by building an OR'ed master sorting function and running it against
* the full dataset
sortData : function() {
var sortInfo = this.hasMultiSort ? this.multiSortInfo : this.sortInfo,
direction = sortInfo.direction || "ASC",
sorters = sortInfo.sorters,
sortFns = [];
//if we just have a single sorter, pretend it's the first in an array
if (!this.hasMultiSort) {
sorters = [{direction: direction, field: sortInfo.field}];
//create a sorter function for each sorter field/direction combo
for (var i=0, j = sorters.length; i < j; i++) {
sortFns.push(this.createSortFunction(sorters[i].field, sorters[i].direction));
if (sortFns.length == 0) {
//the direction modifier is multiplied with the result of the sorting functions to provide overall sort direction
//(as opposed to direction per field)
var directionModifier = direction.toUpperCase() == "DESC" ? -1 : 1;
//create a function which ORs each sorter together to enable multi-sort
var fn = function(r1, r2) {
var result = sortFns[0].call(this, r1, r2);
//if we have more than one sorter, OR any additional sorter functions together
if (sortFns.length > 1) {
for (var i=1, j = sortFns.length; i < j; i++) {
result = result || sortFns[i].call(this, r1, r2);
return directionModifier * result;
//sort the data
this.data.sort(direction, fn);
if (this.snapshot && this.snapshot != this.data) {
this.snapshot.sort(direction, fn);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-createSortFunction'> /**
</span> * @private
* Creates and returns a function which sorts an array by the given field and direction
* @param {String} field The field to create the sorter for
* @param {String} direction The direction to sort by (defaults to "ASC")
* @return {Function} A function which sorts by the field/direction combination provided
createSortFunction: function(field, direction) {
direction = direction || "ASC";
var directionModifier = direction.toUpperCase() == "DESC" ? -1 : 1;
var sortType = this.fields.get(field).sortType;
//create a comparison function. Takes 2 records, returns 1 if record 1 is greater,
//-1 if record 2 is greater or 0 if they are equal
return function(r1, r2) {
var v1 = sortType(r1.data[field]),
v2 = sortType(r2.data[field]);
return directionModifier * (v1 > v2 ? 1 : (v1 < v2 ? -1 : 0));
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-setDefaultSort'> /**
</span> * Sets the default sort column and order to be used by the next {@link #load} operation.
* @param {String} fieldName The name of the field to sort by.
* @param {String} dir (optional) The sort order, 'ASC' or 'DESC' (case-sensitive, defaults to <tt>'ASC'</tt>)
setDefaultSort : function(field, dir) {
dir = dir ? dir.toUpperCase() : 'ASC';
this.sortInfo = {field: field, direction: dir};
this.sortToggle[field] = dir;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-sort'> /**
</span> * Sort the Records.
* If remote sorting is used, the sort is performed on the server, and the cache is reloaded. If local
* sorting is used, the cache is sorted internally. See also {@link #remoteSort} and {@link #paramNames}.
* This function accepts two call signatures - pass in a field name as the first argument to sort on a single
* field, or pass in an array of sort configuration objects to sort by multiple fields.
* Single sort example:
* store.sort('name', 'ASC');
* Multi sort example:
* store.sort([
* {
* field : 'name',
* direction: 'ASC'
* },
* {
* field : 'salary',
* direction: 'DESC'
* }
* ], 'ASC');
* In this second form, the sort configs are applied in order, with later sorters sorting within earlier sorters' results.
* For example, if two records with the same name are present they will also be sorted by salary if given the sort configs
* above. Any number of sort configs can be added.
* @param {String/Array} fieldName The name of the field to sort by, or an array of ordered sort configs
* @param {String} dir (optional) The sort order, 'ASC' or 'DESC' (case-sensitive, defaults to <tt>'ASC'</tt>)
sort : function(fieldName, dir) {
if (Ext.isArray(arguments[0])) {
return this.multiSort.call(this, fieldName, dir);
} else {
return this.singleSort(fieldName, dir);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-singleSort'> /**
</span> * Sorts the store contents by a single field and direction. This is called internally by {@link sort} and would
* not usually be called manually
* @param {String} fieldName The name of the field to sort by.
* @param {String} dir (optional) The sort order, 'ASC' or 'DESC' (case-sensitive, defaults to <tt>'ASC'</tt>)
singleSort: function(fieldName, dir) {
var field = this.fields.get(fieldName);
if (!field) {
return false;
var name = field.name,
sortInfo = this.sortInfo || null,
sortToggle = this.sortToggle ? this.sortToggle[name] : null;
if (!dir) {
if (sortInfo && sortInfo.field == name) { // toggle sort dir
dir = (this.sortToggle[name] || 'ASC').toggle('ASC', 'DESC');
} else {
dir = field.sortDir;
this.sortToggle[name] = dir;
this.sortInfo = {field: name, direction: dir};
this.hasMultiSort = false;
if (this.remoteSort) {
if (!this.load(this.lastOptions)) {
if (sortToggle) {
this.sortToggle[name] = sortToggle;
if (sortInfo) {
this.sortInfo = sortInfo;
} else {
this.fireEvent('datachanged', this);
return true;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-multiSort'> /**
</span> * Sorts the contents of this store by multiple field/direction sorters. This is called internally by {@link sort}
* and would not usually be called manually.
* Multi sorting only currently applies to local datasets - multiple sort data is not currently sent to a proxy
* if remoteSort is used.
* @param {Array} sorters Array of sorter objects (field and direction)
* @param {String} direction Overall direction to sort the ordered results by (defaults to "ASC")
multiSort: function(sorters, direction) {
this.hasMultiSort = true;
direction = direction || "ASC";
//toggle sort direction
if (this.multiSortInfo && direction == this.multiSortInfo.direction) {
direction = direction.toggle("ASC", "DESC");
<span id='Ext-data-Store-property-multiSortInfo'> /**
</span> * Object containing overall sort direction and an ordered array of sorter configs used when sorting on multiple fields
* @property multiSortInfo
* @type Object
this.multiSortInfo = {
sorters : sorters,
direction: direction
if (this.remoteSort) {
this.singleSort(sorters[0].field, sorters[0].direction);
} else {
this.fireEvent('datachanged', this);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-each'> /**
</span> * Calls the specified function for each of the {@link Ext.data.Record Records} in the cache.
* @param {Function} fn The function to call. The {@link Ext.data.Record Record} is passed as the first parameter.
* Returning <tt>false</tt> aborts and exits the iteration.
* @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the function is executed.
* Defaults to the current {@link Ext.data.Record Record} in the iteration.
each : function(fn, scope){
this.data.each(fn, scope);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-getModifiedRecords'> /**
</span> * Gets all {@link Ext.data.Record records} modified since the last commit. Modified records are
* persisted across load operations (e.g., during paging). <b>Note</b>: deleted records are not
* included. See also <tt>{@link #pruneModifiedRecords}</tt> and
* {@link Ext.data.Record}<tt>{@link Ext.data.Record#markDirty markDirty}.</tt>.
* @return {Ext.data.Record[]} An array of {@link Ext.data.Record Records} containing outstanding
* modifications. To obtain modified fields within a modified record see
*{@link Ext.data.Record}<tt>{@link Ext.data.Record#modified modified}.</tt>.
getModifiedRecords : function(){
return this.modified;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-sum'> /**
</span> * Sums the value of <tt>property</tt> for each {@link Ext.data.Record record} between <tt>start</tt>
* and <tt>end</tt> and returns the result.
* @param {String} property A field in each record
* @param {Number} start (optional) The record index to start at (defaults to <tt>0</tt>)
* @param {Number} end (optional) The last record index to include (defaults to length - 1)
* @return {Number} The sum
sum : function(property, start, end){
var rs = this.data.items, v = 0;
start = start || 0;
end = (end || end === 0) ? end : rs.length-1;
for(var i = start; i <= end; i++){
v += (rs[i].data[property] || 0);
return v;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-createFilterFn'> /**
</span> * @private
* Returns a filter function used to test a the given property's value. Defers most of the work to
* Ext.util.MixedCollection's createValueMatcher function
* @param {String} property The property to create the filter function for
* @param {String/RegExp} value The string/regex to compare the property value to
* @param {Boolean} anyMatch True if we don't care if the filter value is not the full value (defaults to false)
* @param {Boolean} caseSensitive True to create a case-sensitive regex (defaults to false)
* @param {Boolean} exactMatch True to force exact match (^ and $ characters added to the regex). Defaults to false. Ignored if anyMatch is true.
createFilterFn : function(property, value, anyMatch, caseSensitive, exactMatch){
if(Ext.isEmpty(value, false)){
return false;
value = this.data.createValueMatcher(value, anyMatch, caseSensitive, exactMatch);
return function(r) {
return value.test(r.data[property]);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-createMultipleFilterFn'> /**
</span> * @private
* Given an array of filter functions (each with optional scope), constructs and returns a single function that returns
* the result of all of the filters ANDed together
* @param {Array} filters The array of filter objects (each object should contain an 'fn' and optional scope)
* @return {Function} The multiple filter function
createMultipleFilterFn: function(filters) {
return function(record) {
var isMatch = true;
for (var i=0, j = filters.length; i < j; i++) {
var filter = filters[i],
fn = filter.fn,
scope = filter.scope;
isMatch = isMatch && fn.call(scope, record);
return isMatch;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-filter'> /**
</span> * Filter the {@link Ext.data.Record records} by a specified property. Alternatively, pass an array of filter
* options to filter by more than one property.
* Single filter example:
* store.filter('name', 'Ed', true, true); //finds all records containing the substring 'Ed'
* Multiple filter example:
* <pre><code>
* store.filter([
* {
* property : 'name',
* value : 'Ed',
* anyMatch : true, //optional, defaults to true
* caseSensitive: true //optional, defaults to true
* },
* //filter functions can also be passed
* {
* fn : function(record) {
* return record.get('age') == 24
* },
* scope: this
* }
* ]);
* </code></pre>
* @param {String|Array} field A field on your records, or an array containing multiple filter options
* @param {String/RegExp} value Either a string that the field should begin with, or a RegExp to test
* against the field.
* @param {Boolean} anyMatch (optional) <tt>true</tt> to match any part not just the beginning
* @param {Boolean} caseSensitive (optional) <tt>true</tt> for case sensitive comparison
* @param {Boolean} exactMatch (optional) True to force exact match (^ and $ characters added to the regex). Defaults to false. Ignored if anyMatch is true.
filter : function(property, value, anyMatch, caseSensitive, exactMatch){
var fn;
//we can accept an array of filter objects, or a single filter object - normalize them here
if (Ext.isObject(property)) {
property = [property];
if (Ext.isArray(property)) {
var filters = [];
//normalize the filters passed into an array of filter functions
for (var i=0, j = property.length; i < j; i++) {
var filter = property[i],
func = filter.fn,
scope = filter.scope || this;
//if we weren't given a filter function, construct one now
if (!Ext.isFunction(func)) {
func = this.createFilterFn(filter.property, filter.value, filter.anyMatch, filter.caseSensitive, filter.exactMatch);
filters.push({fn: func, scope: scope});
fn = this.createMultipleFilterFn(filters);
} else {
//classic single property filter
fn = this.createFilterFn(property, value, anyMatch, caseSensitive, exactMatch);
return fn ? this.filterBy(fn) : this.clearFilter();
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-filterBy'> /**
</span> * Filter by a function. The specified function will be called for each
* Record in this Store. If the function returns <tt>true</tt> the Record is included,
* otherwise it is filtered out.
* @param {Function} fn The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
* <li><b>record</b> : Ext.data.Record<p class="sub-desc">The {@link Ext.data.Record record}
* to test for filtering. Access field values using {@link Ext.data.Record#get}.</p></li>
* <li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
* </ul>
* @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to this Store.
filterBy : function(fn, scope){
this.snapshot = this.snapshot || this.data;
this.data = this.queryBy(fn, scope || this);
this.fireEvent('datachanged', this);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-clearFilter'> /**
</span> * Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied.
* @param {Boolean} suppressEvent If <tt>true</tt> the filter is cleared silently without firing the
* {@link #datachanged} event.
clearFilter : function(suppressEvent){
this.data = this.snapshot;
delete this.snapshot;
if(suppressEvent !== true){
this.fireEvent('datachanged', this);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-isFiltered'> /**
</span> * Returns true if this store is currently filtered
* @return {Boolean}
isFiltered : function(){
return !!this.snapshot && this.snapshot != this.data;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-query'> /**
</span> * Query the records by a specified property.
* @param {String} field A field on your records
* @param {String/RegExp} value Either a string that the field
* should begin with, or a RegExp to test against the field.
* @param {Boolean} anyMatch (optional) True to match any part not just the beginning
* @param {Boolean} caseSensitive (optional) True for case sensitive comparison
* @return {MixedCollection} Returns an Ext.util.MixedCollection of the matched records
query : function(property, value, anyMatch, caseSensitive){
var fn = this.createFilterFn(property, value, anyMatch, caseSensitive);
return fn ? this.queryBy(fn) : this.data.clone();
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-queryBy'> /**
</span> * Query the cached records in this Store using a filtering function. The specified function
* will be called with each record in this Store. If the function returns <tt>true</tt> the record is
* included in the results.
* @param {Function} fn The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
* <li><b>record</b> : Ext.data.Record<p class="sub-desc">The {@link Ext.data.Record record}
* to test for filtering. Access field values using {@link Ext.data.Record#get}.</p></li>
* <li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
* </ul>
* @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to this Store.
* @return {MixedCollection} Returns an Ext.util.MixedCollection of the matched records
queryBy : function(fn, scope){
var data = this.snapshot || this.data;
return data.filterBy(fn, scope||this);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-find'> /**
</span> * Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value.
* @param {String} fieldName The name of the Record field to test.
* @param {String/RegExp} value Either a string that the field value
* should begin with, or a RegExp to test against the field.
* @param {Number} startIndex (optional) The index to start searching at
* @param {Boolean} anyMatch (optional) True to match any part of the string, not just the beginning
* @param {Boolean} caseSensitive (optional) True for case sensitive comparison
* @return {Number} The matched index or -1
find : function(property, value, start, anyMatch, caseSensitive){
var fn = this.createFilterFn(property, value, anyMatch, caseSensitive);
return fn ? this.data.findIndexBy(fn, null, start) : -1;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-findExact'> /**
</span> * Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value.
* @param {String} fieldName The name of the Record field to test.
* @param {Mixed} value The value to match the field against.
* @param {Number} startIndex (optional) The index to start searching at
* @return {Number} The matched index or -1
findExact: function(property, value, start){
return this.data.findIndexBy(function(rec){
return rec.get(property) === value;
}, this, start);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-findBy'> /**
</span> * Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function.
* If the function returns <tt>true</tt> it is considered a match.
* @param {Function} fn The function to be called. It will be passed the following parameters:<ul>
* <li><b>record</b> : Ext.data.Record<p class="sub-desc">The {@link Ext.data.Record record}
* to test for filtering. Access field values using {@link Ext.data.Record#get}.</p></li>
* <li><b>id</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The ID of the Record passed.</p></li>
* </ul>
* @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to this Store.
* @param {Number} startIndex (optional) The index to start searching at
* @return {Number} The matched index or -1
findBy : function(fn, scope, start){
return this.data.findIndexBy(fn, scope, start);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-collect'> /**
</span> * Collects unique values for a particular dataIndex from this store.
* @param {String} dataIndex The property to collect
* @param {Boolean} allowNull (optional) Pass true to allow null, undefined or empty string values
* @param {Boolean} bypassFilter (optional) Pass true to collect from all records, even ones which are filtered
* @return {Array} An array of the unique values
collect : function(dataIndex, allowNull, bypassFilter){
var d = (bypassFilter === true && this.snapshot) ?
this.snapshot.items : this.data.items;
var v, sv, r = [], l = {};
for(var i = 0, len = d.length; i < len; i++){
v = d[i].data[dataIndex];
sv = String(v);
if((allowNull || !Ext.isEmpty(v)) && !l[sv]){
l[sv] = true;
r[r.length] = v;
return r;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-afterEdit'> // private
</span> afterEdit : function(record){
if(this.modified.indexOf(record) == -1){
this.fireEvent('update', this, record, Ext.data.Record.EDIT);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-afterReject'> // private
</span> afterReject : function(record){
this.fireEvent('update', this, record, Ext.data.Record.REJECT);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-afterCommit'> // private
</span> afterCommit : function(record){
this.fireEvent('update', this, record, Ext.data.Record.COMMIT);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-commitChanges'> /**
</span> * Commit all Records with {@link #getModifiedRecords outstanding changes}. To handle updates for changes,
* subscribe to the Store's {@link #update update event}, and perform updating when the third parameter is
* Ext.data.Record.COMMIT.
commitChanges : function(){
var modified = this.modified.slice(0),
length = modified.length,
for (i = 0; i < length; i++){
this.modified = [];
this.removed = [];
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-rejectChanges'> /**
</span> * {@link Ext.data.Record#reject Reject} outstanding changes on all {@link #getModifiedRecords modified records}.
rejectChanges : function() {
var modified = this.modified.slice(0),
removed = this.removed.slice(0).reverse(),
mLength = modified.length,
rLength = removed.length,
for (i = 0; i < mLength; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < rLength; i++) {
this.insert(removed[i].lastIndex || 0, removed[i]);
this.modified = [];
this.removed = [];
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-onMetaChange'> // private
</span> onMetaChange : function(meta){
this.recordType = this.reader.recordType;
this.fields = this.recordType.prototype.fields;
delete this.snapshot;
this.sortInfo = this.reader.meta.sortInfo;
}else if(this.sortInfo && !this.fields.get(this.sortInfo.field)){
delete this.sortInfo;
this.writer.meta = this.reader.meta;
this.modified = [];
this.fireEvent('metachange', this, this.reader.meta);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-findInsertIndex'> // private
</span> findInsertIndex : function(record){
var data = this.data.clone();
var index = this.data.indexOf(record);
this.data = data;
return index;
<span id='Ext-data-Store-method-setBaseParam'> /**
</span> * Set the value for a property name in this store's {@link #baseParams}. Usage:</p><pre><code>
myStore.setBaseParam('foo', {bar:3});
* @param {String} name Name of the property to assign
* @param {Mixed} value Value to assign the <tt>name</tt>d property
setBaseParam : function (name, value){
this.baseParams = this.baseParams || {};
this.baseParams[name] = value;
Ext.reg('store', Ext.data.Store);
<span id='Ext-data-Store-Error'>/**
</span> * @class Ext.data.Store.Error
* @extends Ext.Error
* Store Error extension.
* @param {String} name
Ext.data.Store.Error = Ext.extend(Ext.Error, {
<span id='Ext-data-Store-Error-property-name'> name: 'Ext.data.Store'
Ext.apply(Ext.data.Store.Error.prototype, {
lang: {
'writer-undefined' : 'Attempted to execute a write-action without a DataWriter installed.'