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Build date: 2013-04-03 15:07:25
* Calendar sample code originally written by Brian Moeskau (brian@ext-calendar.com)
* See additional calendar examples at http://ext-calendar.com
App = function() {
return {
init : function() {
Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = 'http://extjs.cachefly.net/ext-3.1.0/resources/images/default/s.gif';
// This is an example calendar store that enables the events to have
// different colors based on CalendarId. This is not a fully-implmented
// multi-calendar implementation, which is beyond the scope of this sample app
this.calendarStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
storeId: 'calendarStore',
root: 'calendars',
idProperty: 'id',
data: calendarList, // defined in calendar-list.js
proxy: new Ext.data.MemoryProxy(),
autoLoad: true,
fields: [
{name:'CalendarId', mapping: 'id', type: 'int'},
{name:'Title', mapping: 'title', type: 'string'}
sortInfo: {
field: 'CalendarId',
direction: 'ASC'
// A sample event store that loads static JSON from a local file. Obviously a real
// implementation would likely be loading remote data via an HttpProxy, but the
// underlying store functionality is the same. Note that if you would like to
// provide custom data mappings for events, see EventRecord.js.
this.eventStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
id: 'eventStore',
root: 'evts',
data: eventList, // defined in event-list.js
proxy: new Ext.data.MemoryProxy(),
fields: Ext.calendar.EventRecord.prototype.fields.getRange(),
sortInfo: {
field: 'StartDate',
direction: 'ASC'
// This is the app UI layout code. All of the calendar views are subcomponents of
// CalendarPanel, but the app title bar and sidebar/navigation calendar are separate
// pieces that are composed in app-specific layout code since they could be ommitted
// or placed elsewhere within the application.
new Ext.Viewport({
layout: 'border',
renderTo: 'calendar-ct',
items: [{
id: 'app-header',
region: 'north',
height: 35,
border: false,
contentEl: 'app-header-content'
id: 'app-center',
title: '...', // will be updated to view date range
region: 'center',
layout: 'border',
items: [{
region: 'west',
width: 176,
border: false,
items: [{
xtype: 'datepicker',
id: 'app-nav-picker',
cls: 'ext-cal-nav-picker',
listeners: {
'select': {
fn: function(dp, dt){
scope: this
xtype: 'calendarpanel',
eventStore: this.eventStore,
calendarStore: this.calendarStore,
border: false,
region: 'center',
activeItem: 2, // month view
// CalendarPanel supports view-specific configs that are passed through to the
// underlying views to make configuration possible without explicitly having to
// create those views at this level:
monthViewCfg: {
showHeader: true,
showWeekLinks: true,
showWeekNumbers: true
// Some optional CalendarPanel configs to experiment with:
//showDayView: false,
//showWeekView: false,
//showMonthView: false,
//showNavBar: false,
//showTodayText: false,
//showTime: false,
//title: 'My Calendar', // the header of the calendar, could be a subtitle for the app
// Once this component inits it will set a reference to itself as an application
// member property for easy reference in other functions within App.
initComponent: function() {
App.calendarPanel = this;
this.constructor.prototype.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
listeners: {
'eventclick': {
fn: function(vw, rec, el){
this.showEditWindow(rec, el);
scope: this
'eventover': function(vw, rec, el){
//console.log('Entered evt rec='+rec.data.Title+', view='+ vw.id +', el='+el.id);
'eventout': function(vw, rec, el){
//console.log('Leaving evt rec='+rec.data.Title+', view='+ vw.id +', el='+el.id);
'eventadd': {
fn: function(cp, rec){
this.showMsg('Event '+ rec.data.Title +' was added');
scope: this
'eventupdate': {
fn: function(cp, rec){
this.showMsg('Event '+ rec.data.Title +' was updated');
scope: this
'eventdelete': {
fn: function(cp, rec){
this.showMsg('Event '+ rec.data.Title +' was deleted');
scope: this
'eventcancel': {
fn: function(cp, rec){
// edit canceled
scope: this
'viewchange': {
fn: function(p, vw, dateInfo){
if(dateInfo !== null){
// will be null when switching to the event edit form so ignore
this.updateTitle(dateInfo.viewStart, dateInfo.viewEnd);
scope: this
'dayclick': {
fn: function(vw, dt, ad, el){
StartDate: dt,
IsAllDay: ad
}, el);
scope: this
'rangeselect': {
fn: function(win, dates, onComplete){
this.editWin.on('hide', onComplete, this, {single:true});
scope: this
'eventmove': {
fn: function(vw, rec){
var time = rec.data.IsAllDay ? '' : ' \\a\\t g:i a';
this.showMsg('Event '+ rec.data.Title +' was moved to '+rec.data.StartDate.format('F jS'+time));
scope: this
'eventresize': {
fn: function(vw, rec){
this.showMsg('Event '+ rec.data.Title +' was updated');
scope: this
'eventdelete': {
fn: function(win, rec){
this.showMsg('Event '+ rec.data.Title +' was deleted');
scope: this
'initdrag': {
fn: function(vw){
if(this.editWin && this.editWin.isVisible()){
scope: this
// The edit popup window is not part of the CalendarPanel itself -- it is a separate component.
// This makes it very easy to swap it out with a different type of window or custom view, or omit
// it altogether. Because of this, it's up to the application code to tie the pieces together.
// Note that this function is called from various event handlers in the CalendarPanel above.
showEditWindow : function(rec, animateTarget){
this.editWin = new Ext.calendar.EventEditWindow({
calendarStore: this.calendarStore,
listeners: {
'eventadd': {
fn: function(win, rec){
rec.data.IsNew = false;
this.showMsg('Event '+ rec.data.Title +' was added');
scope: this
'eventupdate': {
fn: function(win, rec){
this.showMsg('Event '+ rec.data.Title +' was updated');
scope: this
'eventdelete': {
fn: function(win, rec){
this.showMsg('Event '+ rec.data.Title +' was deleted');
scope: this
'editdetails': {
fn: function(win, rec){
this.editWin.show(rec, animateTarget);
// The CalendarPanel itself supports the standard Panel title config, but that title
// only spans the calendar views. For a title that spans the entire width of the app
// we added a title to the layout's outer center region that is app-specific. This code
// updates that outer title based on the currently-selected view range anytime the view changes.
updateTitle: function(startDt, endDt){
var p = Ext.getCmp('app-center');
if(startDt.clearTime().getTime() == endDt.clearTime().getTime()){
p.setTitle(startDt.format('F j, Y'));
else if(startDt.getFullYear() == endDt.getFullYear()){
if(startDt.getMonth() == endDt.getMonth()){
p.setTitle(startDt.format('F j') + ' - ' + endDt.format('j, Y'));
p.setTitle(startDt.format('F j') + ' - ' + endDt.format('F j, Y'));
p.setTitle(startDt.format('F j, Y') + ' - ' + endDt.format('F j, Y'));
// This is an application-specific way to communicate CalendarPanel event messages back to the user.
// This could be replaced with a function to do "toast" style messages, growl messages, etc. This will
// vary based on application requirements, which is why it's not baked into the CalendarPanel.
showMsg: function(msg){
clearMsg: function(){
Ext.onReady(App.init, App);