Adam Sutton bafcfff42d webui: restructure webui/extjs source files
I want to keep the 3rd-party packages away from the main source
where possible.
2013-06-03 17:11:01 +01:00

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This file is part of Ext JS 3.4
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Build date: 2013-04-03 15:07:25
* @class Ext.ux.StatusBar
* <p>Basic status bar component that can be used as the bottom toolbar of any {@link Ext.Panel}. In addition to
* supporting the standard {@link Ext.Toolbar} interface for adding buttons, menus and other items, the StatusBar
* provides a greedy status element that can be aligned to either side and has convenient methods for setting the
* status text and icon. You can also indicate that something is processing using the {@link #showBusy} method.</p>
* <pre><code>
new Ext.Panel({
title: 'StatusBar',
// etc.
bbar: new Ext.ux.StatusBar({
id: 'my-status',
// defaults to use when the status is cleared:
defaultText: 'Default status text',
defaultIconCls: 'default-icon',
// values to set initially:
text: 'Ready',
iconCls: 'ready-icon',
// any standard Toolbar items:
items: [{
text: 'A Button'
}, '-', 'Plain Text']
// Update the status bar later in code:
var sb = Ext.getCmp('my-status');
text: 'OK',
iconCls: 'ok-icon',
clear: true // auto-clear after a set interval
// Set the status bar to show that something is processing:
// processing....
sb.clearStatus(); // once completeed
* @extends Ext.Toolbar
* @constructor
* Creates a new StatusBar
* @param {Object/Array} config A config object
Ext.ux.StatusBar = Ext.extend(Ext.Toolbar, {
* @cfg {String} statusAlign
* The alignment of the status element within the overall StatusBar layout. When the StatusBar is rendered,
* it creates an internal div containing the status text and icon. Any additional Toolbar items added in the
* StatusBar's {@link #items} config, or added via {@link #add} or any of the supported add* methods, will be
* rendered, in added order, to the opposite side. The status element is greedy, so it will automatically
* expand to take up all sapce left over by any other items. Example usage:
* <pre><code>
// Create a left-aligned status bar containing a button,
// separator and text item that will be right-aligned (default):
new Ext.Panel({
title: 'StatusBar',
// etc.
bbar: new Ext.ux.StatusBar({
defaultText: 'Default status text',
id: 'status-id',
items: [{
text: 'A Button'
}, '-', 'Plain Text']
// By adding the statusAlign config, this will create the
// exact same toolbar, except the status and toolbar item
// layout will be reversed from the previous example:
new Ext.Panel({
title: 'StatusBar',
// etc.
bbar: new Ext.ux.StatusBar({
defaultText: 'Default status text',
id: 'status-id',
statusAlign: 'right',
items: [{
text: 'A Button'
}, '-', 'Plain Text']
* @cfg {String} defaultText
* The default {@link #text} value. This will be used anytime the status bar is cleared with the
* <tt>useDefaults:true</tt> option (defaults to '').
* @cfg {String} defaultIconCls
* The default {@link #iconCls} value (see the iconCls docs for additional details about customizing the icon).
* This will be used anytime the status bar is cleared with the <tt>useDefaults:true</tt> option (defaults to '').
* @cfg {String} text
* A string that will be <b>initially</b> set as the status message. This string
* will be set as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) for the toolbar item.
* If not specified, the value set for <code>{@link #defaultText}</code>
* will be used.
* @cfg {String} iconCls
* A CSS class that will be <b>initially</b> set as the status bar icon and is
* expected to provide a background image (defaults to '').
* Example usage:<pre><code>
// Example CSS rule:
.x-statusbar .x-status-custom {
padding-left: 25px;
background: transparent url(images/custom-icon.gif) no-repeat 3px 2px;
// Setting a default icon:
var sb = new Ext.ux.StatusBar({
defaultIconCls: 'x-status-custom'
// Changing the icon:
text: 'New status',
iconCls: 'x-status-custom'
* @cfg {String} cls
* The base class applied to the containing element for this component on render (defaults to 'x-statusbar')
cls : 'x-statusbar',
* @cfg {String} busyIconCls
* The default <code>{@link #iconCls}</code> applied when calling
* <code>{@link #showBusy}</code> (defaults to <tt>'x-status-busy'</tt>).
* It can be overridden at any time by passing the <code>iconCls</code>
* argument into <code>{@link #showBusy}</code>.
busyIconCls : 'x-status-busy',
* @cfg {String} busyText
* The default <code>{@link #text}</code> applied when calling
* <code>{@link #showBusy}</code> (defaults to <tt>'Loading...'</tt>).
* It can be overridden at any time by passing the <code>text</code>
* argument into <code>{@link #showBusy}</code>.
busyText : 'Loading...',
* @cfg {Number} autoClear
* The number of milliseconds to wait after setting the status via
* <code>{@link #setStatus}</code> before automatically clearing the status
* text and icon (defaults to <tt>5000</tt>). Note that this only applies
* when passing the <tt>clear</tt> argument to <code>{@link #setStatus}</code>
* since that is the only way to defer clearing the status. This can
* be overridden by specifying a different <tt>wait</tt> value in
* <code>{@link #setStatus}</code>. Calls to <code>{@link #clearStatus}</code>
* always clear the status bar immediately and ignore this value.
autoClear : 5000,
* @cfg {String} emptyText
* The text string to use if no text has been set. Defaults to
* <tt>'&nbsp;'</tt>). If there are no other items in the toolbar using
* an empty string (<tt>''</tt>) for this value would end up in the toolbar
* height collapsing since the empty string will not maintain the toolbar
* height. Use <tt>''</tt> if the toolbar should collapse in height
* vertically when no text is specified and there are no other items in
* the toolbar.
emptyText : '&nbsp;',
// private
activeThreadId : 0,
// private
initComponent : function(){
this.cls += ' x-status-right';
// private
afterRender : function(){;
var right = this.statusAlign == 'right';
this.currIconCls = this.iconCls || this.defaultIconCls;
this.statusEl = new Ext.Toolbar.TextItem({
cls: 'x-status-text ' + (this.currIconCls || ''),
text: this.text || this.defaultText || ''
this.insert(0, this.statusEl);
this.insert(1, '->');
* Sets the status {@link #text} and/or {@link #iconCls}. Also supports automatically clearing the
* status that was set after a specified interval.
* @param {Object/String} config A config object specifying what status to set, or a string assumed
* to be the status text (and all other options are defaulted as explained below). A config
* object containing any or all of the following properties can be passed:<ul>
* <li><tt>text</tt> {String} : (optional) The status text to display. If not specified, any current
* status text will remain unchanged.</li>
* <li><tt>iconCls</tt> {String} : (optional) The CSS class used to customize the status icon (see
* {@link #iconCls} for details). If not specified, any current iconCls will remain unchanged.</li>
* <li><tt>clear</tt> {Boolean/Number/Object} : (optional) Allows you to set an internal callback that will
* automatically clear the status text and iconCls after a specified amount of time has passed. If clear is not
* specified, the new status will not be auto-cleared and will stay until updated again or cleared using
* {@link #clearStatus}. If <tt>true</tt> is passed, the status will be cleared using {@link #autoClear},
* {@link #defaultText} and {@link #defaultIconCls} via a fade out animation. If a numeric value is passed,
* it will be used as the callback interval (in milliseconds), overriding the {@link #autoClear} value.
* All other options will be defaulted as with the boolean option. To customize any other options,
* you can pass an object in the format:<ul>
* <li><tt>wait</tt> {Number} : (optional) The number of milliseconds to wait before clearing
* (defaults to {@link #autoClear}).</li>
* <li><tt>anim</tt> {Number} : (optional) False to clear the status immediately once the callback
* executes (defaults to true which fades the status out).</li>
* <li><tt>useDefaults</tt> {Number} : (optional) False to completely clear the status text and iconCls
* (defaults to true which uses {@link #defaultText} and {@link #defaultIconCls}).</li>
* </ul></li></ul>
* Example usage:<pre><code>
// Simple call to update the text
statusBar.setStatus('New status');
// Set the status and icon, auto-clearing with default options:
text: 'New status',
iconCls: 'x-status-custom',
clear: true
// Auto-clear with custom options:
text: 'New status',
iconCls: 'x-status-custom',
clear: {
wait: 8000,
anim: false,
useDefaults: false
* @return {Ext.ux.StatusBar} this
setStatus : function(o){
o = o || {};
if(typeof o == 'string'){
o = {text:o};
if(o.text !== undefined){
if(o.iconCls !== undefined){
var c = o.clear,
wait = this.autoClear,
defaults = {useDefaults: true, anim: true};
if(typeof c == 'object'){
c = Ext.applyIf(c, defaults);
wait = c.wait;
}else if(typeof c == 'number'){
wait = c;
c = defaults;
}else if(typeof c == 'boolean'){
c = defaults;
c.threadId = this.activeThreadId;
this.clearStatus.defer(wait, this, [c]);
return this;
* Clears the status {@link #text} and {@link #iconCls}. Also supports clearing via an optional fade out animation.
* @param {Object} config (optional) A config object containing any or all of the following properties. If this
* object is not specified the status will be cleared using the defaults below:<ul>
* <li><tt>anim</tt> {Boolean} : (optional) True to clear the status by fading out the status element (defaults
* to false which clears immediately).</li>
* <li><tt>useDefaults</tt> {Boolean} : (optional) True to reset the text and icon using {@link #defaultText} and
* {@link #defaultIconCls} (defaults to false which sets the text to '' and removes any existing icon class).</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Ext.ux.StatusBar} this
clearStatus : function(o){
o = o || {};
if(o.threadId && o.threadId !== this.activeThreadId){
// this means the current call was made internally, but a newer
// thread has set a message since this call was deferred. Since
// we don't want to overwrite a newer message just ignore.
return this;
var text = o.useDefaults ? this.defaultText : this.emptyText,
iconCls = o.useDefaults ? (this.defaultIconCls ? this.defaultIconCls : '') : '';
// animate the statusEl Ext.Element
remove: false,
useDisplay: true,
scope: this,
callback: function(){
text: text,
iconCls: iconCls
// hide/show the el to avoid jumpy text or icon
text: text,
iconCls: iconCls
return this;
* Convenience method for setting the status text directly. For more flexible options see {@link #setStatus}.
* @param {String} text (optional) The text to set (defaults to '')
* @return {Ext.ux.StatusBar} this
setText : function(text){
this.text = text || '';
return this;
* Returns the current status text.
* @return {String} The status text
getText : function(){
return this.text;
* Convenience method for setting the status icon directly. For more flexible options see {@link #setStatus}.
* See {@link #iconCls} for complete details about customizing the icon.
* @param {String} iconCls (optional) The icon class to set (defaults to '', and any current icon class is removed)
* @return {Ext.ux.StatusBar} this
setIcon : function(cls){
cls = cls || '';
this.currIconCls = null;
if(cls.length > 0){
this.currIconCls = cls;
this.currIconCls = cls;
return this;
* Convenience method for setting the status text and icon to special values that are pre-configured to indicate
* a "busy" state, usually for loading or processing activities.
* @param {Object/String} config (optional) A config object in the same format supported by {@link #setStatus}, or a
* string to use as the status text (in which case all other options for setStatus will be defaulted). Use the
* <tt>text</tt> and/or <tt>iconCls</tt> properties on the config to override the default {@link #busyText}
* and {@link #busyIconCls} settings. If the config argument is not specified, {@link #busyText} and
* {@link #busyIconCls} will be used in conjunction with all of the default options for {@link #setStatus}.
* @return {Ext.ux.StatusBar} this
showBusy : function(o){
if(typeof o == 'string'){
o = {text:o};
o = Ext.applyIf(o || {}, {
text: this.busyText,
iconCls: this.busyIconCls
return this.setStatus(o);
Ext.reg('statusbar', Ext.ux.StatusBar);