Adam Sutton bafcfff42d webui: restructure webui/extjs source files
I want to keep the 3rd-party packages away from the main source
where possible.
2013-06-03 17:11:01 +01:00

322 lines
13 KiB

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<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout'>/**
</span> * @class Ext.layout.ContainerLayout
* &lt;p&gt;This class is intended to be extended or created via the &lt;tt&gt;&lt;b&gt;{@link Ext.Container#layout layout}&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/tt&gt;
* configuration property. See &lt;tt&gt;&lt;b&gt;{@link Ext.Container#layout}&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/tt&gt; for additional details.&lt;/p&gt;
Ext.layout.ContainerLayout = Ext.extend(Object, {
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-cfg-extraCls'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} extraCls
* &lt;p&gt;An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container. This can be useful for adding
* customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. See
* {@link Ext.Component}.{@link Ext.Component#ctCls ctCls} also.&lt;/p&gt;
* &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Note&lt;/b&gt;: &lt;tt&gt;extraCls&lt;/tt&gt; defaults to &lt;tt&gt;''&lt;/tt&gt; except for the following classes
* which assign a value by default:
* &lt;div class=&quot;mdetail-params&quot;&gt;&lt;ul&gt;
* &lt;li&gt;{@link Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout Absolute Layout} : &lt;tt&gt;'x-abs-layout-item'&lt;/tt&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
* &lt;li&gt;{@link Ext.layout.Box Box Layout} : &lt;tt&gt;'x-box-item'&lt;/tt&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
* &lt;li&gt;{@link Ext.layout.ColumnLayout Column Layout} : &lt;tt&gt;'x-column'&lt;/tt&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
* &lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
* To configure the above Classes with an extra CSS class append to the default. For example,
* for ColumnLayout:&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt;
* extraCls: 'x-column custom-class'
* &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;
* &lt;/p&gt;
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-cfg-renderHidden'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} renderHidden
* True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false).
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-property-activeItem'> /**
</span> * A reference to the {@link Ext.Component} that is active. For example, &lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt;
* if( == 'item-1') { ... }
* &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;
* &lt;tt&gt;activeItem&lt;/tt&gt; only applies to layout styles that can display items one at a time
* (like {@link Ext.layout.AccordionLayout}, {@link Ext.layout.CardLayout}
* and {@link Ext.layout.FitLayout}). Read-only. Related to {@link Ext.Container#activeItem}.
* @type {Ext.Component}
* @property activeItem
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-property-monitorResize'> // private
</span> monitorResize:false,
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-property-activeItem'> // private
</span> activeItem : null,
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-constructor'> constructor : function(config){
</span> =, 'ext-layout-');
Ext.apply(this, config);
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-property-type'> type: 'container',
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-IEMeasureHack'> /* Workaround for how IE measures autoWidth elements. It prefers bottom-up measurements
</span> whereas other browser prefer top-down. We will hide all target child elements before we measure and
put them back to get an accurate measurement.
IEMeasureHack : function(target, viewFlag) {
var tChildren = target.dom.childNodes, tLen = tChildren.length, c, d = [], e, i, ret;
for (i = 0 ; i &lt; tLen ; i++) {
c = tChildren[i];
e = Ext.get(c);
if (e) {
d[i] = e.getStyle('display');
e.setStyle({display: 'none'});
ret = target ? target.getViewSize(viewFlag) : {};
for (i = 0 ; i &lt; tLen ; i++) {
c = tChildren[i];
e = Ext.get(c);
if (e) {
e.setStyle({display: d[i]});
return ret;
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-property-getLayoutTargetSize'> // Placeholder for the derived layouts
</span> getLayoutTargetSize : Ext.EmptyFn,
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-layout'> // private
</span> layout : function(){
var ct = this.container, target = ct.getLayoutTarget();
if(!(this.hasLayout || Ext.isEmpty(this.targetCls))){
this.onLayout(ct, target);
ct.fireEvent('afterlayout', ct, this);
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-onLayout'> // private
</span> onLayout : function(ct, target){
this.renderAll(ct, target);
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-isValidParent'> // private
</span> isValidParent : function(c, target){
return target &amp;&amp; c.getPositionEl().dom.parentNode == (target.dom || target);
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-renderAll'> // private
</span> renderAll : function(ct, target){
var items = ct.items.items, i, c, len = items.length;
for(i = 0; i &lt; len; i++) {
c = items[i];
if(c &amp;&amp; (!c.rendered || !this.isValidParent(c, target))){
this.renderItem(c, i, target);
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-renderItem'> /**
</span> * @private
* Renders the given Component into the target Element. If the Component is already rendered,
* it is moved to the provided target instead.
* @param {Ext.Component} c The Component to render
* @param {Number} position The position within the target to render the item to
* @param {Ext.Element} target The target Element
renderItem : function(c, position, target){
if (c) {
if (!c.rendered) {
c.render(target, position);
} else if (!this.isValidParent(c, target)) {
if (Ext.isNumber(position)) {
position = target.dom.childNodes[position];
target.dom.insertBefore(c.getPositionEl().dom, position || null);
c.container = target;
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-getRenderedItems'> // private.
</span> // Get all rendered items to lay out.
getRenderedItems: function(ct){
var t = ct.getLayoutTarget(), cti = ct.items.items, len = cti.length, i, c, items = [];
for (i = 0; i &lt; len; i++) {
if((c = cti[i]).rendered &amp;&amp; this.isValidParent(c, t) &amp;&amp; c.shouldLayout !== false){
return items;
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-configureItem'> /**
</span> * @private
* Applies extraCls and hides the item if renderHidden is true
configureItem: function(c){
if (this.extraCls) {
var t = c.getPositionEl ? c.getPositionEl() : c;
// If we are forcing a layout, do so *before* we hide so elements have height/width
if (c.doLayout &amp;&amp; this.forceLayout) {
if (this.renderHidden &amp;&amp; c != this.activeItem) {
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-onRemove'> onRemove: function(c){
</span> if(this.activeItem == c){
delete this.activeItem;
if(c.rendered &amp;&amp; this.extraCls){
var t = c.getPositionEl ? c.getPositionEl() : c;
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-afterRemove'> afterRemove: function(c){
</span> if(c.removeRestore){
c.removeMode = 'container';
delete c.removeRestore;
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-onResize'> // private
</span> onResize: function(){
var ct = this.container,
if(b = ct.bufferResize &amp;&amp; ct.shouldBufferLayout()){
this.resizeTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.runLayout, this);
this.resizeBuffer = Ext.isNumber(b) ? b : 50;
ct.layoutPending = true;
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-runLayout'> runLayout: function(){
</span> var ct = this.container;
delete ct.layoutPending;
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-setContainer'> // private
</span> setContainer : function(ct){
* This monitorResize flag will be renamed soon as to avoid confusion
* with the Container version which hooks onWindowResize to doLayout
* monitorResize flag in this context attaches the resize event between
* a container and it's layout
if(this.monitorResize &amp;&amp; ct != this.container){
var old = this.container;
old.un(old.resizeEvent, this.onResize, this);
ct.on(ct.resizeEvent, this.onResize, this);
this.container = ct;
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-parseMargins'> /**
</span> * Parses a number or string representing margin sizes into an object. Supports CSS-style margin declarations
* (e.g. 10, &quot;10&quot;, &quot;10 10&quot;, &quot;10 10 10&quot; and &quot;10 10 10 10&quot; are all valid options and would return the same result)
* @param {Number|String} v The encoded margins
* @return {Object} An object with margin sizes for top, right, bottom and left
parseMargins : function(v){
if (Ext.isNumber(v)) {
v = v.toString();
var ms = v.split(' '),
len = ms.length;
if (len == 1) {
ms[1] = ms[2] = ms[3] = ms[0];
} else if(len == 2) {
ms[2] = ms[0];
ms[3] = ms[1];
} else if(len == 3) {
ms[3] = ms[1];
return {
top :parseInt(ms[0], 10) || 0,
right :parseInt(ms[1], 10) || 0,
bottom:parseInt(ms[2], 10) || 0,
left :parseInt(ms[3], 10) || 0
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-property-fieldTpl'> /**
</span> * The {@link Ext.Template Ext.Template} used by Field rendering layout classes (such as
* {@link Ext.layout.FormLayout}) to create the DOM structure of a fully wrapped,
* labeled and styled form Field. A default Template is supplied, but this may be
* overriden to create custom field structures. The template processes values returned from
* {@link Ext.layout.FormLayout#getTemplateArgs}.
* @property fieldTpl
* @type Ext.Template
fieldTpl: (function() {
var t = new Ext.Template(
'&lt;div class=&quot;x-form-item {itemCls}&quot; tabIndex=&quot;-1&quot;&gt;',
'&lt;label for=&quot;{id}&quot; style=&quot;{labelStyle}&quot; class=&quot;x-form-item-label&quot;&gt;{label}{labelSeparator}&lt;/label&gt;',
'&lt;div class=&quot;x-form-element&quot; id=&quot;x-form-el-{id}&quot; style=&quot;{elementStyle}&quot;&gt;',
'&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;{clearCls}&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;',
t.disableFormats = true;
return t.compile();
<span id='Ext-layout-ContainerLayout-method-destroy'> /*
</span> * Destroys this layout. This is a template method that is empty by default, but should be implemented
* by subclasses that require explicit destruction to purge event handlers or remove DOM nodes.
* @protected
destroy : function(){
// Stop any buffered layout tasks
if(this.resizeTask &amp;&amp; this.resizeTask.cancel){
if(this.container) {
this.container.un(this.container.resizeEvent, this.onResize, this);
var target = this.container.getLayoutTarget();