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<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-data-DataWriter-method-constructor'><span id='Ext-data-DataWriter'>/**
</span></span> * @class Ext.data.DataWriter
* <p>Ext.data.DataWriter facilitates create, update, and destroy actions between
* an Ext.data.Store and a server-side framework. A Writer enabled Store will
* automatically manage the Ajax requests to perform CRUD actions on a Store.</p>
* <p>Ext.data.DataWriter is an abstract base class which is intended to be extended
* and should not be created directly. For existing implementations, see
* {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter}.</p>
* <p>Creating a writer is simple:</p>
* <pre><code>
var writer = new Ext.data.JsonWriter({
encode: false // &lt;--- false causes data to be printed to jsonData config-property of Ext.Ajax#reqeust
* </code></pre>
* * <p>Same old JsonReader as Ext-2.x:</p>
* <pre><code>
var reader = new Ext.data.JsonReader({idProperty: 'id'}, [{name: 'first'}, {name: 'last'}, {name: 'email'}]);
* </code></pre>
* <p>The proxy for a writer enabled store can be configured with a simple <code>url</code>:</p>
* <pre><code>
// Create a standard HttpProxy instance.
var proxy = new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
url: 'app.php/users' // &lt;--- Supports "provides"-type urls, such as '/users.json', '/products.xml' (Hello Rails/Merb)
* </code></pre>
* <p>For finer grained control, the proxy may also be configured with an <code>API</code>:</p>
* <pre><code>
// Maximum flexibility with the API-configuration
var proxy = new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
api: {
read : 'app.php/users/read',
create : 'app.php/users/create',
update : 'app.php/users/update',
destroy : { // &lt;--- Supports object-syntax as well
url: 'app.php/users/destroy',
method: "DELETE"
* </code></pre>
* <p>Pulling it all together into a Writer-enabled Store:</p>
* <pre><code>
var store = new Ext.data.Store({
proxy: proxy,
reader: reader,
writer: writer,
autoLoad: true,
autoSave: true // -- Cell-level updates.
* </code></pre>
* <p>Initiating write-actions <b>automatically</b>, using the existing Ext2.0 Store/Record API:</p>
* <pre><code>
var rec = store.getAt(0);
rec.set('email', 'foo@bar.com'); // &lt;--- Immediately initiates an UPDATE action through configured proxy.
store.remove(rec); // &lt;---- Immediately initiates a DESTROY action through configured proxy.
* </code></pre>
* <p>For <b>record/batch</b> updates, use the Store-configuration {@link Ext.data.Store#autoSave autoSave:false}</p>
* <pre><code>
var store = new Ext.data.Store({
proxy: proxy,
reader: reader,
writer: writer,
autoLoad: true,
autoSave: false // -- disable cell-updates
var urec = store.getAt(0);
urec.set('email', 'foo@bar.com');
var drec = store.getAt(1);
// Push the button!
* </code></pre>
* @constructor Create a new DataWriter
* @param {Object} meta Metadata configuration options (implementation-specific)
* @param {Object} recordType Either an Array of field definition objects as specified
* in {@link Ext.data.Record#create}, or an {@link Ext.data.Record} object created
* using {@link Ext.data.Record#create}.
Ext.data.DataWriter = function(config){
Ext.apply(this, config);
Ext.data.DataWriter.prototype = {
<span id='Ext-data-DataWriter-cfg-writeAllFields'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} writeAllFields
* <tt>false</tt> by default. Set <tt>true</tt> to have DataWriter return ALL fields of a modified
* record -- not just those that changed.
* <tt>false</tt> to have DataWriter only request modified fields from a record.
writeAllFields : false,
<span id='Ext-data-DataWriter-cfg-listful'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} listful
* <tt>false</tt> by default. Set <tt>true</tt> to have the DataWriter <b>always</b> write HTTP params as a list,
* even when acting upon a single record.
listful : false, // <-- listful is actually not used internally here in DataWriter. @see Ext.data.Store#execute.
<span id='Ext-data-DataWriter-method-apply'> /**
</span> * Compiles a Store recordset into a data-format defined by an extension such as {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter} or {@link Ext.data.XmlWriter} in preparation for a {@link Ext.data.Api#actions server-write action}. The first two params are similar similar in nature to {@link Ext#apply},
* Where the first parameter is the <i>receiver</i> of paramaters and the second, baseParams, <i>the source</i>.
* @param {Object} params The request-params receiver.
* @param {Object} baseParams as defined by {@link Ext.data.Store#baseParams}. The baseParms must be encoded by the extending class, eg: {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter}, {@link Ext.data.XmlWriter}.
* @param {String} action [{@link Ext.data.Api#actions create|update|destroy}]
* @param {Record/Record[]} rs The recordset to write, the subject(s) of the write action.
apply : function(params, baseParams, action, rs) {
var data = [],
renderer = action + 'Record';
// TODO implement @cfg listful here
if (Ext.isArray(rs)) {
Ext.each(rs, function(rec){
}, this);
else if (rs instanceof Ext.data.Record) {
data = this[renderer](rs);
this.render(params, baseParams, data);
<span id='Ext-data-DataWriter-method-render'> /**
</span> * abstract method meant to be overridden by all DataWriter extensions. It's the extension's job to apply the "data" to the "params".
* The data-object provided to render is populated with data according to the meta-info defined in the user's DataReader config,
* @param {String} action [Ext.data.Api.actions.create|read|update|destroy]
* @param {Record[]} rs Store recordset
* @param {Object} params Http params to be sent to server.
* @param {Object} data object populated according to DataReader meta-data.
render : Ext.emptyFn,
<span id='Ext-data-DataWriter-cfg-updateRecord'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Function} updateRecord Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses
* (e.g.: {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter#updateRecord JsonWriter.updateRecord}
updateRecord : Ext.emptyFn,
<span id='Ext-data-DataWriter-cfg-createRecord'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Function} createRecord Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses
* (e.g.: {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter#createRecord JsonWriter.createRecord})
createRecord : Ext.emptyFn,
<span id='Ext-data-DataWriter-cfg-destroyRecord'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Function} destroyRecord Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses
* (e.g.: {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter#destroyRecord JsonWriter.destroyRecord})
destroyRecord : Ext.emptyFn,
<span id='Ext-data-DataWriter-method-toHash'> /**
</span> * Converts a Record to a hash, taking into account the state of the Ext.data.Record along with configuration properties
* related to its rendering, such as {@link #writeAllFields}, {@link Ext.data.Record#phantom phantom}, {@link Ext.data.Record#getChanges getChanges} and
* {@link Ext.data.DataReader#idProperty idProperty}
* @param {Ext.data.Record} rec The Record from which to create a hash.
* @param {Object} config <b>NOT YET IMPLEMENTED</b>. Will implement an exlude/only configuration for fine-control over which fields do/don't get rendered.
* @return {Object}
* @protected
* TODO Implement excludes/only configuration with 2nd param?
toHash : function(rec, config) {
var map = rec.fields.map,
data = {},
raw = (this.writeAllFields === false && rec.phantom === false) ? rec.getChanges() : rec.data,
Ext.iterate(raw, function(prop, value){
if((m = map[prop])){
data[m.mapping ? m.mapping : m.name] = value;
// we don't want to write Ext auto-generated id to hash. Careful not to remove it on Models not having auto-increment pk though.
// We can tell its not auto-increment if the user defined a DataReader field for it *and* that field's value is non-empty.
// we could also do a RegExp here for the Ext.data.Record AUTO_ID prefix.
if (rec.phantom) {
if (rec.fields.containsKey(this.meta.idProperty) && Ext.isEmpty(rec.data[this.meta.idProperty])) {
delete data[this.meta.idProperty];
} else {
data[this.meta.idProperty] = rec.id;
return data;
<span id='Ext-data-DataWriter-method-toArray'> /**
</span> * Converts a {@link Ext.data.DataWriter#toHash Hashed} {@link Ext.data.Record} to fields-array array suitable
* for encoding to xml via XTemplate, eg:
<code><pre>&lt;tpl for=".">&lt;{name}>{value}&lt;/{name}&lt;/tpl></pre></code>
* eg, <b>non-phantom</b>:
<code><pre>{id: 1, first: 'foo', last: 'bar'} --> [{name: 'id', value: 1}, {name: 'first', value: 'foo'}, {name: 'last', value: 'bar'}]</pre></code>
* {@link Ext.data.Record#phantom Phantom} records will have had their idProperty omitted in {@link #toHash} if determined to be auto-generated.
* Non AUTOINCREMENT pks should have been protected.
* @param {Hash} data Hashed by Ext.data.DataWriter#toHash
* @return {Object[]} Array of attribute-objects.
* @protected
toArray : function(data) {
var fields = [];
Ext.iterate(data, function(k, v) {fields.push({name: k, value: v});},this);
return fields;