Adam Sutton bafcfff42d webui: restructure webui/extjs source files
I want to keep the 3rd-party packages away from the main source
where possible.
2013-06-03 17:11:01 +01:00

214 lines
7.7 KiB

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<title>The source code</title>
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<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-Element'>/**
</span> * @class Ext.Element
<span id='Ext-Element-method-swallowEvent'> /**
</span> * Stops the specified event(s) from bubbling and optionally prevents the default action
* @param {String/Array} eventName an event / array of events to stop from bubbling
* @param {Boolean} preventDefault (optional) true to prevent the default action too
* @return {Ext.Element} this
swallowEvent : function(eventName, preventDefault) {
var me = this;
function fn(e) {
if (preventDefault) {
if (Ext.isArray(eventName)) {
Ext.each(eventName, function(e) {
me.on(e, fn);
return me;
me.on(eventName, fn);
return me;
<span id='Ext-Element-method-relayEvent'> /**
</span> * Create an event handler on this element such that when the event fires and is handled by this element,
* it will be relayed to another object (i.e., fired again as if it originated from that object instead).
* @param {String} eventName The type of event to relay
* @param {Object} object Any object that extends {@link Ext.util.Observable} that will provide the context
* for firing the relayed event
relayEvent : function(eventName, observable) {
this.on(eventName, function(e) {
observable.fireEvent(eventName, e);
<span id='Ext-Element-method-clean'> /**
</span> * Removes worthless text nodes
* @param {Boolean} forceReclean (optional) By default the element
* keeps track if it has been cleaned already so
* you can call this over and over. However, if you update the element and
* need to force a reclean, you can pass true.
clean : function(forceReclean) {
var me = this,
dom = me.dom,
n = dom.firstChild,
ni = -1;
if (, 'isCleaned') &amp;&amp; forceReclean !== true) {
return me;
while (n) {
var nx = n.nextSibling;
if (n.nodeType == 3 &amp;&amp; !(/\S/.test(n.nodeValue))) {
} else {
n.nodeIndex = ++ni;
n = nx;
}, 'isCleaned', true);
return me;
<span id='Ext-Element-method-load'> /**
</span> * Direct access to the Updater {@link Ext.Updater#update} method. The method takes the same object
* parameter as {@link Ext.Updater#update}
* @return {Ext.Element} this
load : function() {
var updateManager = this.getUpdater();
updateManager.update.apply(updateManager, arguments);
return this;
<span id='Ext-Element-method-getUpdater'> /**
</span> * Gets this element's {@link Ext.Updater Updater}
* @return {Ext.Updater} The Updater
getUpdater : function() {
return this.updateManager || (this.updateManager = new Ext.Updater(this));
<span id='Ext-Element-method-update'> /**
</span> * Update the innerHTML of this element, optionally searching for and processing scripts
* @param {String} html The new HTML
* @param {Boolean} loadScripts (optional) True to look for and process scripts (defaults to false)
* @param {Function} callback (optional) For async script loading you can be notified when the update completes
* @return {Ext.Element} this
update : function(html, loadScripts, callback) {
if (!this.dom) {
return this;
html = html || &quot;&quot;;
if (loadScripts !== true) {
this.dom.innerHTML = html;
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
return this;
var id =,
dom = this.dom;
html += '&lt;span id=&quot;' + id + '&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;';
Ext.lib.Event.onAvailable(id, function() {
var DOC = document,
hd = DOC.getElementsByTagName(&quot;head&quot;)[0],
re = /(?:&lt;script([^&gt;]*)?&gt;)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:&lt;\/script&gt;)/ig,
srcRe = /\ssrc=([\'\&quot;])(.*?)\1/i,
typeRe = /\stype=([\'\&quot;])(.*?)\1/i,
while ((match = re.exec(html))) {
attrs = match[1];
srcMatch = attrs ? attrs.match(srcRe) : false;
if (srcMatch &amp;&amp; srcMatch[2]) {
s = DOC.createElement(&quot;script&quot;);
s.src = srcMatch[2];
typeMatch = attrs.match(typeRe);
if (typeMatch &amp;&amp; typeMatch[2]) {
s.type = typeMatch[2];
} else if (match[2] &amp;&amp; match[2].length &gt; 0) {
if (window.execScript) {
} else {
el = DOC.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
dom.innerHTML = html.replace(/(?:&lt;script.*?&gt;)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:&lt;\/script&gt;)/ig, &quot;&quot;);
return this;
// inherit docs, overridden so we can add removeAnchor
removeAllListeners : function() {
return this;
<span id='Ext-Element-method-createProxy'> /**
</span> * Creates a proxy element of this element
* @param {String/Object} config The class name of the proxy element or a DomHelper config object
* @param {String/HTMLElement} renderTo (optional) The element or element id to render the proxy to (defaults to document.body)
* @param {Boolean} matchBox (optional) True to align and size the proxy to this element now (defaults to false)
* @return {Ext.Element} The new proxy element
createProxy : function(config, renderTo, matchBox) {
config = (typeof config == 'object') ? config : {tag : &quot;div&quot;, cls: config};
var me = this,
proxy = renderTo ? Ext.DomHelper.append(renderTo, config, true) :
Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(me.dom, config, true);
if (matchBox &amp;&amp; me.setBox &amp;&amp; me.getBox) { // check to make sure Element.position.js is loaded
return proxy;
Ext.Element.prototype.getUpdateManager = Ext.Element.prototype.getUpdater;