Adam Sutton bafcfff42d webui: restructure webui/extjs source files
I want to keep the 3rd-party packages away from the main source
where possible.
2013-06-03 17:11:01 +01:00

82 lines
3.8 KiB

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<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-data-MemoryProxy-method-constructor'><span id='Ext-data-MemoryProxy'>/**
</span></span> * @class
* @extends
* An implementation of that simply passes the data specified in its constructor
* to the Reader when its load method is called.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} data The data object which the Reader uses to construct a block of
*/ = function(data){
// Must define a dummy api with &quot;read&quot; action to satisfy DataProxy#doRequest and *before* calling super
var api = {};
api[] = true;, {
api: api
}); = data;
Ext.extend(,, {
<span id='Ext-data-MemoryProxy-event-loadexception'> /**
</span> * @event loadexception
* Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during data loading. Note that this event is also relayed
* through {@link}, so you can listen for it directly on any Store instance.
* @param {Object} this
* @param {Object} arg The callback's arg object passed to the {@link #load} function
* @param {Object} null This parameter does not apply and will always be null for MemoryProxy
* @param {Error} e The JavaScript Error object caught if the configured Reader could not read the data
<span id='Ext-data-MemoryProxy-method-doRequest'> /**
</span> * MemoryProxy implementation of DataProxy#doRequest
* @param {String} action
* @param {[]} rs If action is load, rs will be null
* @param {Object} params An object containing properties which are to be used as HTTP parameters
* for the request to the remote server.
* @param {} reader The Reader object which converts the data
* object into a block of
* @param {Function} callback The function into which to pass the block of
* The function must be passed &lt;ul&gt;
* &lt;li&gt;The Record block object&lt;/li&gt;
* &lt;li&gt;The &quot;arg&quot; argument from the load function&lt;/li&gt;
* &lt;li&gt;A boolean success indicator&lt;/li&gt;
* &lt;/ul&gt;
* @param {Object} scope The scope (&lt;code&gt;this&lt;/code&gt; reference) in which the callback function is executed. Defaults to the browser window.
* @param {Object} arg An optional argument which is passed to the callback as its second parameter.
doRequest : function(action, rs, params, reader, callback, scope, arg) {
// No implementation for CRUD in MemoryProxy. Assumes all actions are 'load'
params = params || {};
var result;
try {
result = reader.readRecords(;
// @deprecated loadexception
this.fireEvent(&quot;loadexception&quot;, this, null, arg, e);
this.fireEvent('exception', this, 'response', action, arg, null, e);, null, arg, false);
}, result, arg, true);