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<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-layout-MenuLayout'>/**
</span> * @class Ext.layout.MenuLayout
* @extends Ext.layout.ContainerLayout
* <p>Layout manager used by {@link Ext.menu.Menu}. Generally this class should not need to be used directly.</p>
Ext.layout.MenuLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, {
<span id='Ext-layout-MenuLayout-property-monitorResize'> monitorResize : true,
<span id='Ext-layout-MenuLayout-property-type'> type: 'menu',
<span id='Ext-layout-MenuLayout-method-setContainer'> setContainer : function(ct){
</span> this.monitorResize = !ct.floating;
// This event is only fired by the menu in IE, used so we don't couple
// the menu with the layout.
ct.on('autosize', this.doAutoSize, this);
Ext.layout.MenuLayout.superclass.setContainer.call(this, ct);
<span id='Ext-layout-MenuLayout-method-renderItem'> renderItem : function(c, position, target){
</span> if (!this.itemTpl) {
this.itemTpl = Ext.layout.MenuLayout.prototype.itemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<li id="{itemId}" class="{itemCls}">',
'<tpl if="needsIcon">',
'<img alt="{altText}" src="{icon}" class="{iconCls}"/>',
if(c && !c.rendered){
position = target.dom.childNodes[position];
var a = this.getItemArgs(c);
// The Component's positionEl is the <li> it is rendered into
c.render(c.positionEl = position ?
this.itemTpl.insertBefore(position, a, true) :
this.itemTpl.append(target, a, true));
// Link the containing <li> to the item.
c.positionEl.menuItemId = c.getItemId();
// If rendering a regular Component, and it needs an icon,
// move the Component rightwards.
if (!a.isMenuItem && a.needsIcon) {
}else if(c && !this.isValidParent(c, target)){
position = target.dom.childNodes[position];
target.dom.insertBefore(c.getActionEl().dom, position || null);
<span id='Ext-layout-MenuLayout-method-getItemArgs'> getItemArgs : function(c) {
</span> var isMenuItem = c instanceof Ext.menu.Item,
canHaveIcon = !(isMenuItem || c instanceof Ext.menu.Separator);
return {
isMenuItem: isMenuItem,
needsIcon: canHaveIcon && (c.icon || c.iconCls),
icon: c.icon || Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL,
iconCls: 'x-menu-item-icon ' + (c.iconCls || ''),
itemId: 'x-menu-el-' + c.id,
itemCls: 'x-menu-list-item ',
altText: c.altText || ''
<span id='Ext-layout-MenuLayout-method-isValidParent'> // Valid if the Component is in a <li> which is part of our target <ul>
</span> isValidParent : function(c, target) {
return c.el.up('li.x-menu-list-item', 5).dom.parentNode === (target.dom || target);
<span id='Ext-layout-MenuLayout-method-onLayout'> onLayout : function(ct, target){
</span> Ext.layout.MenuLayout.superclass.onLayout.call(this, ct, target);
<span id='Ext-layout-MenuLayout-method-doAutoSize'> doAutoSize : function(){
</span> var ct = this.container, w = ct.width;
}else if(Ext.isIE9m){
ct.setWidth(Ext.isStrict && (Ext.isIE7 || Ext.isIE8 || Ext.isIE9) ? 'auto' : ct.minWidth);
var el = ct.getEl(), t = el.dom.offsetWidth; // force recalc
ct.setWidth(ct.getLayoutTarget().getWidth() + el.getFrameWidth('lr'));
Ext.Container.LAYOUTS['menu'] = Ext.layout.MenuLayout;