Adam Sutton bafcfff42d webui: restructure webui/extjs source files
I want to keep the 3rd-party packages away from the main source
where possible.
2013-06-03 17:11:01 +01:00

133 lines
5.5 KiB

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<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-form-TextArea-method-constructor'><span id='Ext-form-TextArea'>/**
</span></span> * @class Ext.form.TextArea
* @extends Ext.form.TextField
* Multiline text field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional textarea fields, plus adds
* support for auto-sizing.
* @constructor
* Creates a new TextArea
* @param {Object} config Configuration options
* @xtype textarea
Ext.form.TextArea = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TextField, {
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-cfg-growMin'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Number} growMin The minimum height to allow when &lt;tt&gt;{@link Ext.form.TextField#grow grow}=true&lt;/tt&gt;
* (defaults to &lt;tt&gt;60&lt;/tt&gt;)
growMin : 60,
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-cfg-growMax'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Number} growMax The maximum height to allow when &lt;tt&gt;{@link Ext.form.TextField#grow grow}=true&lt;/tt&gt;
* (defaults to &lt;tt&gt;1000&lt;/tt&gt;)
growMax: 1000,
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-property-growAppend'> growAppend : '&amp;#160;\n&amp;#160;',
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-property-enterIsSpecial'> enterIsSpecial : false,
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-cfg-preventScrollbars'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} preventScrollbars &lt;tt&gt;true&lt;/tt&gt; to prevent scrollbars from appearing regardless of how much text is
* in the field. This option is only relevant when {@link #grow} is &lt;tt&gt;true&lt;/tt&gt;. Equivalent to setting overflow: hidden, defaults to
* &lt;tt&gt;false&lt;/tt&gt;.
preventScrollbars: false,
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-cfg-autoCreate'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String/Object} autoCreate &lt;p&gt;A {@link Ext.DomHelper DomHelper} element spec, or true for a default
* element spec. Used to create the {@link Ext.Component#getEl Element} which will encapsulate this Component.
* See &lt;tt&gt;{@link Ext.Component#autoEl autoEl}&lt;/tt&gt; for details. Defaults to:&lt;/p&gt;
* &lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt;{tag: &quot;textarea&quot;, style: &quot;width:100px;height:60px;&quot;, autocomplete: &quot;off&quot;}&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-method-onRender'> // private
</span> onRender : function(ct, position){
this.defaultAutoCreate = {
tag: &quot;textarea&quot;,
autocomplete: &quot;off&quot;
}, ct, position);
this.textSizeEl = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, {
tag: &quot;pre&quot;, cls: &quot;x-form-grow-sizer&quot;
this.el.setStyle(&quot;overflow&quot;, &quot;hidden&quot;);
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-method-onDestroy'> onDestroy : function(){
</span> Ext.removeNode(this.textSizeEl);;
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-method-fireKey'> fireKey : function(e){
</span> if(e.isSpecialKey() &amp;&amp; (this.enterIsSpecial || (e.getKey() != e.ENTER || e.hasModifier()))){
this.fireEvent(&quot;specialkey&quot;, this, e);
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-method-doAutoSize'> // private
</span> doAutoSize : function(e){
return !e.isNavKeyPress() || e.getKey() == e.ENTER;
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-method-filterValidation'> // inherit docs
</span> filterValidation: function(e) {
if(!e.isNavKeyPress() || (!this.enterIsSpecial &amp;&amp; e.keyCode == e.ENTER)){
<span id='Ext-form-TextArea-method-autoSize'> /**
</span> * Automatically grows the field to accomodate the height of the text up to the maximum field height allowed.
* This only takes effect if grow = true, and fires the {@link #autosize} event if the height changes.
autoSize: function(){
if(!this.grow || !this.textSizeEl){
var el = this.el,
v = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(el.dom.value),
ts = this.textSizeEl,
if(v.length &lt; 1){
v = &quot;&amp;#160;&amp;#160;&quot;;
v += this.growAppend;
v = v.replace(/\n/g, '&amp;#160;&lt;br /&gt;');
ts.innerHTML = v;
h = Math.min(this.growMax, Math.max(ts.offsetHeight, this.growMin));
if(h != this.lastHeight){
this.lastHeight = h;
this.fireEvent(&quot;autosize&quot;, this, h);
Ext.reg('textarea', Ext.form.TextArea);</pre>