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<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter'>/**
</span> * @class Ext.data.XmlWriter
* @extends Ext.data.DataWriter
* DataWriter extension for writing an array or single {@link Ext.data.Record} object(s) in preparation for executing a remote CRUD action via XML.
* XmlWriter uses an instance of {@link Ext.XTemplate} for maximum flexibility in defining your own custom XML schema if the default schema is not appropriate for your needs.
* See the {@link #tpl} configuration-property.
Ext.data.XmlWriter = function(params) {
Ext.data.XmlWriter.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
// compile the XTemplate for rendering XML documents.
this.tpl = (typeof(this.tpl) === 'string') ? new Ext.XTemplate(this.tpl).compile() : this.tpl.compile();
Ext.extend(Ext.data.XmlWriter, Ext.data.DataWriter, {
<span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter-cfg-documentRoot'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} documentRoot [xrequest] (Optional) The name of the XML document root-node. <b>Note:</b>
* this parameter is required </b>only when</b> sending extra {@link Ext.data.Store#baseParams baseParams} to the server
* during a write-request -- if no baseParams are set, the {@link Ext.data.XmlReader#record} meta-property can
* suffice as the XML document root-node for write-actions involving just a <b>single record</b>. For requests
* involving <b>multiple</b> records and <b>NO</b> baseParams, the {@link Ext.data.XmlWriter#root} property can
* act as the XML document root.
documentRoot: 'xrequest',
<span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter-cfg-forceDocumentRoot'> /**
</span> * @cfg {Boolean} forceDocumentRoot [false] Set to <tt>true</tt> to force XML documents having a root-node as defined
* by {@link #documentRoot}, even with no baseParams defined.
forceDocumentRoot: false,
<span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter-cfg-root'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} root [records] The name of the containing element which will contain the nodes of an write-action involving <b>multiple</b> records. Each
* xml-record written to the server will be wrapped in an element named after {@link Ext.data.XmlReader#record} property.
* eg:
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* However, when <b>multiple</b> records are written in a batch-operation, these records must be wrapped in a containing
* Element.
* eg:
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* Defaults to <tt>records</tt>. Do not confuse the nature of this property with that of {@link #documentRoot}
root: 'records',
<span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter-cfg-xmlVersion'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} xmlVersion [1.0] The <tt>version</tt> written to header of xml documents.
<code><pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15"?></pre></code>
xmlVersion : '1.0',
<span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter-cfg-xmlEncoding'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String} xmlEncoding [ISO-8859-15] The <tt>encoding</tt> written to header of xml documents.
<code><pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15"?></pre></code>
xmlEncoding: 'ISO-8859-15',
<span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter-cfg-tpl'> /**
</span> * @cfg {String/Ext.XTemplate} tpl The XML template used to render {@link Ext.data.Api#actions write-actions} to your server.
* <p>One can easily provide his/her own custom {@link Ext.XTemplate#constructor template-definition} if the default does not suffice.</p>
* <p>Defaults to:</p>
&lt;?xml version="{version}" encoding="{encoding}"?>
&lt;tpl if="documentRoot">&lt;{documentRoot}>
&lt;tpl for="baseParams">
&lt;tpl for=".">
&lt;tpl if="records.length &gt; 1">&lt;{root}>',
&lt;tpl for="records">
&lt;tpl for=".">
&lt;tpl if="records.length &gt; 1">&lt;/{root}>&lt;/tpl>
&lt;tpl if="documentRoot">&lt;/{documentRoot}>&lt;/tpl>
* <p>Templates will be called with the following API</p>
* <ul>
* <li>{String} version [1.0] The xml version.</li>
* <li>{String} encoding [ISO-8859-15] The xml encoding.</li>
* <li>{String/false} documentRoot The XML document root-node name or <tt>false</tt> if not required. See {@link #documentRoot} and {@link #forceDocumentRoot}.</li>
* <li>{String} record The meta-data parameter defined on your {@link Ext.data.XmlReader#record} configuration represents the name of the xml-tag containing each record.</li>
* <li>{String} root The meta-data parameter defined by {@link Ext.data.XmlWriter#root} configuration-parameter. Represents the name of the xml root-tag when sending <b>multiple</b> records to the server.</li>
* <li>{Array} records The records being sent to the server, ie: the subject of the write-action being performed. The records parameter will be always be an array, even when only a single record is being acted upon.
* Each item within the records array will contain an array of field objects having the following properties:
* <ul>
* <li>{String} name The field-name of the record as defined by your {@link Ext.data.Record#create Ext.data.Record definition}. The "mapping" property will be used, otherwise it will match the "name" property. Use this parameter to define the XML tag-name of the property.</li>
* <li>{Mixed} value The record value of the field enclosed within XML tags specified by name property above.</li>
* </ul></li>
* <li>{Array} baseParams. The baseParams as defined upon {@link Ext.data.Store#baseParams}. Note that the baseParams have been converted into an array of [{name : "foo", value: "bar"}, ...] pairs in the same manner as the <b>records</b> parameter above. See {@link #documentRoot} and {@link #forceDocumentRoot}.</li>
* </ul>
// Encoding the ? here in case it's being included by some kind of page that will parse it (eg. PHP)
tpl: '<tpl for="."><\u003fxml version="{version}" encoding="{encoding}"\u003f><tpl if="documentRoot"><{documentRoot}><tpl for="baseParams"><tpl for="."><{name}>{value}</{name}></tpl></tpl></tpl><tpl if="records.length&gt;1"><{root}></tpl><tpl for="records"><{parent.record}><tpl for="."><{name}>{value}</{name}></tpl></{parent.record}></tpl><tpl if="records.length&gt;1"></{root}></tpl><tpl if="documentRoot"></{documentRoot}></tpl></tpl>',
<span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter-method-render'> /**
</span> * XmlWriter implementation of the final stage of a write action.
* @param {Object} params Transport-proxy's (eg: {@link Ext.Ajax#request}) params-object to write-to.
* @param {Object} baseParams as defined by {@link Ext.data.Store#baseParams}. The baseParms must be encoded by the extending class, eg: {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter}, {@link Ext.data.XmlWriter}.
* @param {Object/Object[]} data Data-object representing the compiled Store-recordset.
render : function(params, baseParams, data) {
baseParams = this.toArray(baseParams);
params.xmlData = this.tpl.applyTemplate({
version: this.xmlVersion,
encoding: this.xmlEncoding,
documentRoot: (baseParams.length > 0 || this.forceDocumentRoot === true) ? this.documentRoot : false,
record: this.meta.record,
root: this.root,
baseParams: baseParams,
records: (Ext.isArray(data[0])) ? data : [data]
<span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter-method-createRecord'> /**
</span> * createRecord
* @protected
* @param {Ext.data.Record} rec
* @return {Array} Array of <tt>name:value</tt> pairs for attributes of the {@link Ext.data.Record}. See {@link Ext.data.DataWriter#toHash}.
createRecord : function(rec) {
return this.toArray(this.toHash(rec));
<span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter-method-updateRecord'> /**
</span> * updateRecord
* @protected
* @param {Ext.data.Record} rec
* @return {Array} Array of {name:value} pairs for attributes of the {@link Ext.data.Record}. See {@link Ext.data.DataWriter#toHash}.
updateRecord : function(rec) {
return this.toArray(this.toHash(rec));
<span id='Ext-data-XmlWriter-method-destroyRecord'> /**
</span> * destroyRecord
* @protected
* @param {Ext.data.Record} rec
* @return {Array} Array containing a attribute-object (name/value pair) representing the {@link Ext.data.DataReader#idProperty idProperty}.
destroyRecord : function(rec) {
var data = {};
data[this.meta.idProperty] = rec.id;
return this.toArray(data);