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160 lines
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This file is part of Ext JS 3.4
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Build date: 2013-04-03 15:07:25
* @class Ext.ux.FieldLabeler
* <p>A plugin for Field Components which renders standard Ext form wrapping and labels
* round the Field at render time regardless of the layout of the Container.</p>
* <p>Usage:</p>
* <pre><code>
xtype: 'combo',
plugins: [ Ext.ux.FieldLabeler ],
triggerAction: 'all',
fieldLabel: 'Select type',
store: typeStore
* </code></pre>
Ext.ux.FieldLabeler = (function(){
// Pulls a named property down from the first ancestor Container it's found in
function getParentProperty(propName) {
for (var p = this.ownerCt; p; p = p.ownerCt) {
if (p[propName]) {
return p[propName];
return {
// Add behaviour at important points in the Field's lifecycle.
init: function(f) {
// Replace the Field's onRender method with a sequence that calls the plugin's onRender after the Field's onRender
f.onRender = f.onRender.createSequence(this.onRender);
// We need to completely override the onResize method because of the complexity
f.onResize = this.onResize;
// Replace the Field's onDestroy method with a sequence that calls the plugin's onDestroy after the Field's onRender
f.onDestroy = f.onDestroy.createSequence(this.onDestroy);
onRender: function() {
// Do nothing if being rendered by a form layout
if (this.ownerCt) {
if (this.ownerCt.layout instanceof Ext.layout.FormLayout) {
this.resizeEl = (this.wrap || this.el).wrap({
cls: 'x-form-element',
style: (Ext.isIE || Ext.isOpera) ? 'position:absolute;top:0;left:0;overflow:visible' : ''
this.positionEl = this.itemCt = this.resizeEl.wrap({
cls: 'x-form-item '
if (this.nextSibling()) {
this.margins = {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: this.positionEl.getMargins('b'),
left: 0
this.actionMode = 'itemCt';
// If our Container is hiding labels, then we're done!
if (!Ext.isDefined(this.hideLabels)) {
this.hideLabels = getParentProperty.call(this, "hideLabels");
if (this.hideLabels) {
this.resizeEl.setStyle('padding-left', '0px');
// Collect the info we need to render the label from our Container.
if (!Ext.isDefined(this.labelSeparator)) {
this.labelSeparator = getParentProperty.call(this, "labelSeparator");
if (!Ext.isDefined(this.labelPad)) {
this.labelPad = getParentProperty.call(this, "labelPad");
if (!Ext.isDefined(this.labelAlign)) {
this.labelAlign = getParentProperty.call(this, "labelAlign") || 'left';
this.itemCt.addClass('x-form-label-' + this.labelAlign);
if(this.labelAlign == 'top'){
if (!this.labelWidth) {
this.labelWidth = 'auto';
this.resizeEl.setStyle('padding-left', '0px');
} else {
if (!Ext.isDefined(this.labelWidth)) {
this.labelWidth = getParentProperty.call(this, "labelWidth") || 100;
this.resizeEl.setStyle('padding-left', (this.labelWidth + (this.labelPad || 5)) + 'px');
this.labelWidth += 'px';
this.label = this.itemCt.insertFirst({
tag: 'label',
cls: 'x-form-item-label',
style: {
width: this.labelWidth
html: this.fieldLabel + (this.labelSeparator || ':')
// private
// Ensure the input field is sized to fit in the content area of the resizeEl (to the right of its padding-left)
// We perform all necessary sizing here. We do NOT call the current class's onResize because we need this control
// we skip that and go up the hierarchy to Ext.form.Field
onResize: function(w, h) {
Ext.form.Field.prototype.onResize.apply(this, arguments);
w -= this.resizeEl.getPadding('l');
if (this.getTriggerWidth) {
this.el.setWidth(w - this.getTriggerWidth());
} else {
if (this.el.dom.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea') {
var h = this.resizeEl.getHeight(true);
if (!this.hideLabels && (this.labelAlign == 'top')) {
h -= this.label.getHeight();
// private
// Ensure that we clean up on destroy.
onDestroy: function() {
})(); |