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This file is part of Ext JS 3.4
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Build date: 2013-04-03 15:07:25
* @class Ext.ux.ToolbarDroppable
* @extends Object
* Plugin which allows items to be dropped onto a toolbar and be turned into new Toolbar items.
* To use the plugin, you just need to provide a createItem implementation that takes the drop
* data as an argument and returns an object that can be placed onto the toolbar. Example:
* <pre>
* new Ext.ux.ToolbarDroppable({
* createItem: function(data) {
* return new Ext.Button({text: data.text});
* }
* });
* </pre>
* The afterLayout function can also be overridden, and is called after a new item has been
* created and inserted into the Toolbar. Use this for any logic that needs to be run after
* the item has been created.
Ext.ux.ToolbarDroppable = Ext.extend(Object, {
* @constructor
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, config, {
* Initializes the plugin and saves a reference to the toolbar
* @param {Ext.Toolbar} toolbar The toolbar instance
init: function(toolbar) {
* @property toolbar
* @type Ext.Toolbar
* The toolbar instance that this plugin is tied to
this.toolbar = toolbar;
scope : this,
render: this.createDropTarget
* Creates a drop target on the toolbar
createDropTarget: function() {
* @property dropTarget
* @type Ext.dd.DropTarget
* The drop target attached to the toolbar instance
this.dropTarget = new Ext.dd.DropTarget(this.toolbar.getEl(), {
notifyOver: this.notifyOver.createDelegate(this),
notifyDrop: this.notifyDrop.createDelegate(this)
* Adds the given DD Group to the drop target
* @param {String} ddGroup The DD Group
addDDGroup: function(ddGroup) {
* Calculates the location on the toolbar to create the new sorter button based on the XY of the
* drag event
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
* @return {Number} The index at which to insert the new button
calculateEntryIndex: function(e) {
var entryIndex = 0,
toolbar = this.toolbar,
items = toolbar.items.items,
count = items.length,
xTotal = toolbar.getEl().getXY()[0],
xHover = e.getXY()[0] - xTotal;
for (var index = 0; index < count; index++) {
var item = items[index],
width = item.getEl().getWidth(),
midpoint = xTotal + width / 2;
xTotal += width;
if (xHover < midpoint) {
entryIndex = index;
} else {
entryIndex = index + 1;
return entryIndex;
* Returns true if the drop is allowed on the drop target. This function can be overridden
* and defaults to simply return true
* @param {Object} data Arbitrary data from the drag source
* @return {Boolean} True if the drop is allowed
canDrop: function(data) {
return true;
* Custom notifyOver method which will be used in the plugin's internal DropTarget
* @return {String} The CSS class to add
notifyOver: function(dragSource, event, data) {
return this.canDrop.apply(this, arguments) ? this.dropTarget.dropAllowed : this.dropTarget.dropNotAllowed;
* Called when the drop has been made. Creates the new toolbar item, places it at the correct location
* and calls the afterLayout callback.
notifyDrop: function(dragSource, event, data) {
var canAdd = this.canDrop(dragSource, event, data),
tbar = this.toolbar;
if (canAdd) {
var entryIndex = this.calculateEntryIndex(event);
tbar.insert(entryIndex, this.createItem(data));
return canAdd;
* Creates the new toolbar item based on drop data. This method must be implemented by the plugin instance
* @param {Object} data Arbitrary data from the drop
* @return {Mixed} An item that can be added to a toolbar
createItem: function(data) {
throw new Error("The createItem method must be implemented in the ToolbarDroppable plugin");
* Called after a new button has been created and added to the toolbar. Add any required cleanup logic here
afterLayout: Ext.emptyFn
}); |