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221 lines
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This file is part of Ext JS 3.4
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Build date: 2013-04-03 15:07:25
* @class Ext.ux.ToolbarReorderer
* @extends Ext.ux.Reorderer
* Plugin which can be attached to any Ext.Toolbar instance. Provides ability to reorder toolbar items
* with drag and drop. Example:
* <pre>
* new Ext.Toolbar({
* plugins: [
* new Ext.ux.ToolbarReorderer({
* defaultReorderable: true
* })
* ],
* items: [
* {text: 'Button 1', reorderable: false},
* {text: 'Button 2'},
* {text: 'Button 3'}
* ]
* });
* </pre>
* In the example above, buttons 2 and 3 will be reorderable via drag and drop. An event named 'reordered'
* is added to the Toolbar, and is fired whenever a reorder has been completed.
Ext.ux.ToolbarReorderer = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Reorderer, {
* Initializes the plugin, decorates the toolbar with additional functionality
init: function(toolbar) {
* This is used to store the correct x value of each button in the array. We need to use this
* instead of the button's reported x co-ordinate because the buttons are animated when they move -
* if another onDrag is fired while the button is still moving, the comparison x value will be incorrect
this.buttonXCache = {};
scope: this,
add : function(toolbar, item) {
this.movedTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.finishMove, this);
//super sets a reference to the toolbar in this.target
Ext.ux.ToolbarReorderer.superclass.init.apply(this, arguments);
* Sets up the given Toolbar item as a draggable
* @param {Mixed} button The item to make draggable (usually an Ext.Button instance)
createItemDD: function(button) {
if (button.dd != undefined) {
var el = button.getEl(),
id = el.id,
tbar = this.target,
me = this;
button.dd = new Ext.dd.DD(el, undefined, {
isTarget: false
//if a button has a menu, it is disabled while dragging with this function
var menuDisabler = function() {
return false;
Ext.apply(button.dd, {
b4StartDrag: function() {
this.startPosition = el.getXY();
//bump up the z index of the button being dragged but keep a reference to the original
this.startZIndex = el.getStyle('zIndex');
el.setStyle('zIndex', 10000);
if (button.menu) {
button.menu.on('beforeshow', menuDisabler, me);
startDrag: function() {
this.setYConstraint(0, 0, 0);
onDrag: function(e) {
//calculate the button's index within the toolbar and its current midpoint
var buttonX = el.getXY()[0],
deltaX = buttonX - this.startPosition[0],
items = tbar.items.items,
oldIndex = items.indexOf(button),
//find which item in the toolbar the midpoint is currently over
for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
var item = items[index];
if (item.reorderable && item.id != button.id) {
//find the midpoint of the button
var box = item.getEl().getBox(),
midpoint = (me.buttonXCache[item.id] || box.x) + (box.width / 2),
movedLeft = oldIndex > index && deltaX < 0 && buttonX < midpoint,
movedRight = oldIndex < index && deltaX > 0 && (buttonX + el.getWidth()) > midpoint;
if (movedLeft || movedRight) {
me[movedLeft ? 'onMovedLeft' : 'onMovedRight'](button, index, oldIndex);
* After the drag has been completed, make sure the button being dragged makes it back to
* the correct location and resets its z index
endDrag: function() {
//we need to update the cache here for cases where the button was dragged but its
//position in the toolbar did not change
el.moveTo(me.buttonXCache[button.id], el.getY(), {
duration: me.animationDuration,
scope : this,
callback: function() {
if (button.menu) {
button.menu.un('beforeshow', menuDisabler, me);
tbar.fireEvent('reordered', button, tbar);
el.setStyle('zIndex', this.startZIndex);
onMovedLeft: function(item, newIndex, oldIndex) {
var tbar = this.target,
items = tbar.items.items;
if (newIndex != undefined && newIndex != oldIndex) {
//move the button currently under drag to its new location
tbar.remove(item, false);
tbar.insert(newIndex, item);
//set the correct x location of each item in the toolbar
for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
var obj = items[index],
newX = this.buttonXCache[obj.id];
if (item == obj) {
item.dd.startPosition[0] = newX;
} else {
var el = obj.getEl();
el.moveTo(newX, el.getY(), {
duration: this.animationDuration
onMovedRight: function(item, newIndex, oldIndex) {
this.onMovedLeft.apply(this, arguments);
finishMove: function(){
var tbar = this.target;
btn.el.dom.style.left = '';
* @private
* Updates the internal cache of button X locations.
updateButtonXCache: function() {
var tbar = this.target,
items = tbar.items,
totalX = tbar.getEl().getBox(true).x;
items.each(function(item) {
this.buttonXCache[item.id] = totalX;
totalX += item.getEl().getWidth();
}, this);
}); |