833 lines
19 KiB
833 lines
19 KiB
* tvheadend, CAPMT Server
* Copyright (C) 2009
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <rpc/des_crypt.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include "tvhead.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "psi.h"
#include "tsdemux.h"
#include "ffdecsa/FFdecsa.h"
#include "transports.h"
#include "capmt.h"
#include "notify.h"
#include "dtable.h"
// ca_pmt_list_management values:
#define CAPMT_LIST_MORE 0x00 // append a 'MORE' CAPMT object the list and start receiving the next object
#define CAPMT_LIST_FIRST 0x01 // clear the list when a 'FIRST' CAPMT object is received, and start receiving the next object
#define CAPMT_LIST_LAST 0x02 // append a 'LAST' CAPMT object to the list and start working with the list
#define CAPMT_LIST_ONLY 0x03 // clear the list when an 'ONLY' CAPMT object is received, and start working with the object
#define CAPMT_LIST_ADD 0x04 // append an 'ADD' CAPMT object to the current list and start working with the updated list
#define CAPMT_LIST_UPDATE 0x05 // replace an entry in the list with an 'UPDATE' CAPMT object, and start working with the updated list
//ca_pmt_cmd_id values:
#define CAPMT_CMD_OK_DESCRAMBLING 0x01 // start descrambling the service in this CAPMT object as soon as the list of CAPMT objects is complete
#define CAPMT_CMD_OK_MMI 0x02 //
#define CAPMT_CMD_QUERY 0x03 //
#define CW_DUMP(buf, len, format, ...) \
printf(format, __VA_ARGS__); int j; for (j = 0; j < len; ++j) printf("%02X ", buf[j]); printf("\n");
TAILQ_HEAD(capmt_queue, capmt);
LIST_HEAD(capmt_transport_list, capmt_transport);
LIST_HEAD(capmt_caid_ecm_list, capmt_caid_ecm);
static struct capmt_queue capmts;
static pthread_cond_t capmt_config_changed;
* capmt descriptor
typedef struct capmt_descriptor {
uint8_t cad_type;
uint8_t cad_length;
uint8_t cad_data[16];
} __attribute__((packed)) capmt_descriptor_t;
* capmt header structure
typedef struct capmt_header {
uint8_t capmt_indicator[6];
uint8_t capmt_list_management;
uint16_t program_number;
unsigned reserved1 : 2;
unsigned version_number : 5;
unsigned current_next_indicator : 1;
unsigned reserved2 : 4;
unsigned program_info_length : 12;
uint8_t capmt_cmd_id;
} __attribute__((packed)) capmt_header_t;
* caid <-> ecm mapping
typedef struct capmt_caid_ecm {
/** ca system id */
uint16_t cce_caid;
/** ecm pid */
uint16_t cce_ecmpid;
/** last ecm size */
uint32_t cce_ecmsize;
/** last ecm buffer */
uint8_t cce_ecm[256];
LIST_ENTRY(capmt_caid_ecm) cce_link;
} capmt_caid_ecm_t;
typedef struct capmt_transport {
th_descrambler_t ct_head;
th_transport_t *ct_transport;
struct capmt *ct_capmt;
LIST_ENTRY(capmt_transport) ct_link;
* Sequence number generated on write (based on capmt_seq),
* used to pair reply message (i.e when i CT_STATE_WAIT_REPLY)
* with capmt_transport
uint16_t ct_seq;
* list of used ca-systems with ids and last ecm
struct capmt_caid_ecm_list ct_caid_ecm;
* Status of the key(s) in ct_keys
enum {
} ct_keystate;
void *ct_keys;
int ct_cluster_size;
uint8_t *ct_tsbcluster;
int ct_fill;
} capmt_transport_t;
typedef struct capmt {
int capmt_fd;
int capmt_connected;
int capmt_sock_ca0;
int capmt_sock;
int capmt_retry_delay;
pthread_mutex_t capmt_send_mutex;
pthread_cond_t capmt_cond;
pthread_cond_t capmt_writer_cond; /* Used to wakeup writer */
int capmt_writer_running;
TAILQ_ENTRY(capmt) capmt_link; /* Linkage protected via global_lock */
struct capmt_transport_list capmt_transports;
uint16_t capmt_caid;
uint16_t capmt_seq;
uint8_t capmt_key[16];
uint8_t capmt_buf[256];
int capmt_bufptr;
/* Provder IDs */
// uint32_t capmt_provider_ids[256];
// int capmt_num_providers;
/* From configuration */
// uint8_t capmt_confedkey[14];
// char *capmt_username;
// char *capmt_password;
// char *capmt_password_salted; /* salted version */
// char *capmt_comment;
char *capmt_sockfile;
char *capmt_hostname;
int capmt_port;
char *capmt_comment;
char *capmt_id;
// const char *capmt_errtxt;
int capmt_enabled;
int capmt_running;
int capmt_reconfigure;
capmt_transport_t *ct;
} capmt_t;
static int
capmt_send_msg(capmt_t *capmt, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len)
int n;
n = write(capmt->capmt_sock, buf, len);
return n;
* global_lock is held
* tht_stream_mutex is held
static void
capmt_transport_destroy(th_descrambler_t *td)
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "Removing CAPMT Server from service");
capmt_transport_t *ct = (capmt_transport_t *)td;
capmt_t *capmt;
TAILQ_FOREACH(capmt, &capmts, capmt_link)
if (capmt->ct == ct)
capmt->ct = NULL;
capmt_caid_ecm_t *cce;
while (!LIST_EMPTY(&ct->ct_caid_ecm)) { /* List Deletion. */
cce = LIST_FIRST(&ct->ct_caid_ecm);
LIST_REMOVE(cce, cce_link);
LIST_REMOVE(td, td_transport_link);
LIST_REMOVE(ct, ct_link);
static void
handle_ca0(capmt_t* capmt) {
capmt_transport_t *ct;
th_transport_t *t;
int ret;
uint8_t invalid[8], buffer[20];
memset(invalid, 0, 8);
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "running handle_ca0");
while (capmt->capmt_running) {
ret = recv(capmt->capmt_sock_ca0, buffer, 18, MSG_WAITALL);
ct = capmt->ct;
if (ct == NULL)
t = ct->ct_transport;
if (ret < 0) {
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "capmt", "error receiving over socket");
// TODO reaction
} else if (ret == 0) {
// normal socket shutdown
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "normal socket shutdown");
} else if(ret < 18) {
if(ct->ct_keystate != CT_FORBIDDEN) {
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "capmt", "Can not descramble service \"%s\", access denied", t->tht_svcname);
ct->ct_keystate = CT_FORBIDDEN;
/* get control words */
uint8_t *even = &buffer[2], *odd = &buffer[10];
if (memcmp(even, invalid, 8))
set_even_control_word(ct->ct_keys, even);
if (memcmp(odd, invalid, 8))
set_odd_control_word(ct->ct_keys, odd);
if(ct->ct_keystate != CT_RESOLVED)
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "Obtained key for service \"%s\"",t->tht_svcname);
ct->ct_keystate = CT_RESOLVED;
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "exiting handle_ca0");
static void *
capmt_thread(void *aux)
capmt_t *capmt = aux;
struct timespec ts;
int d;
while (capmt->capmt_running) {
capmt->capmt_sock = -1;
capmt->capmt_sock_ca0 = -1;
capmt->capmt_connected = 0;
while(capmt->capmt_running && capmt->capmt_enabled == 0)
pthread_cond_wait(&capmt->capmt_cond, &global_lock);
/* open connection to camd.socket */
capmt->capmt_sock = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct sockaddr_un serv_addr_un;
memset(&serv_addr_un, 0, sizeof(serv_addr_un));
serv_addr_un.sun_family = AF_LOCAL;
snprintf(serv_addr_un.sun_path, sizeof(serv_addr_un.sun_path), "%s", capmt->capmt_sockfile);
if (connect(capmt->capmt_sock, (const struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr_un, sizeof(serv_addr_un)) == 0) {
capmt->capmt_connected = 1;
/* open connection to emulated ca0 device */
capmt->capmt_sock_ca0 = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
serv_addr.sin_port = htons( (unsigned short int)capmt->capmt_port);
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
if (bind(capmt->capmt_sock_ca0, (const struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) != 0)
perror("[CapmtServer] ERROR binding to ca0");
} else
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "capmt", "Error connecting to %s: %s", capmt->capmt_sockfile, strerror(errno));
capmt->capmt_connected = 0;
/* close opened sockets */
if (capmt->capmt_sock > 0)
if (capmt->capmt_sock_ca0 > 0)
/* schedule reconnection */
if(subscriptions_active()) {
d = 3;
} else {
d = 60;
ts.tv_sec = time(NULL) + d;
ts.tv_nsec = 0;
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "Automatic reconnection attempt in in %d seconds", d);
pthread_cond_timedwait(&capmt_config_changed, &global_lock, &ts);
return NULL;
static void
capmt_table_input(struct th_descrambler *td, struct th_transport *t,
struct th_stream *st, uint8_t *data, int len)
capmt_transport_t *ct = (capmt_transport_t *)td;
capmt_t *capmt = ct->ct_capmt;
switch(data[0]) {
case 0x80:
case 0x81:
/* ECM */
uint16_t caid = st->st_caid;
/* search ecmpid in list */
capmt_caid_ecm_t *cce, *cce2;
LIST_FOREACH(cce, &ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce_link)
if (cce->cce_caid == caid)
if (!cce) {
/* ecmpid not already seen, add it to list */
cce = calloc(1, sizeof(capmt_caid_ecm_t));
cce->cce_caid = caid;
cce->cce_ecmpid = st->st_pid;
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce, cce_link);
/* do not send now, wait for more ecmpid's */
if ((cce->cce_ecmsize == len) && !memcmp(cce->cce_ecm, data, len))
break; /* key already sent */
if(capmt->capmt_sock == -1) {
// New key, but we are not connected (anymore), can not descramble
ct->ct_keystate = CT_UNKNOWN;
uint16_t sid = t->tht_dvb_service_id;
uint16_t ecmpid = st->st_pid;
uint16_t transponder = 0;
cce2 = LIST_FIRST(&ct->ct_caid_ecm);
if (caid != cce2->cce_caid)
static uint8_t pmtversion = 1;
/* buffer for capmt */
int pos = 0;
uint8_t buf[4094];
capmt_header_t head = {
.capmt_indicator = { 0x9F, 0x80, 0x32, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00 },
.capmt_list_management = CAPMT_LIST_ONLY,
.program_number = sid,
.version_number = 0,
.current_next_indicator = 0,
.program_info_length = 0,
memcpy(&buf[pos], &head, sizeof(head));
pos += sizeof(head);
capmt_descriptor_t prd = {
.cad_type = 0x81,
.cad_length = 0x08,
.cad_data = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
sid >> 8, sid & 0xFF,
transponder >> 8, transponder & 0xFF
memcpy(&buf[pos], &prd, prd.cad_length + 2);
pos += prd.cad_length + 2;
capmt_descriptor_t dmd = {
.cad_type = 0x82,
.cad_length = 0x02,
.cad_data = { 0x01, 0x00 }};
memcpy(&buf[pos], &dmd, dmd.cad_length + 2);
pos += dmd.cad_length + 2;
capmt_descriptor_t ecd = {
.cad_type = 0x84,
.cad_length = 0x02,
.cad_data = {
ecmpid >> 8, ecmpid & 0xFF }};
memcpy(&buf[pos], &ecd, ecd.cad_length + 2);
pos += ecd.cad_length + 2;
LIST_FOREACH(cce2, &ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce_link) {
capmt_descriptor_t cad = {
.cad_type = 0x09,
.cad_length = 0x04,
.cad_data = {
cce2->cce_caid >> 8, cce2->cce_caid & 0xFF,
cce2->cce_ecmpid >> 8 | 0xE0, cce2->cce_ecmpid & 0xFF}};
memcpy(&buf[pos], &cad, cad.cad_length + 2);
pos += cad.cad_length + 2;
uint8_t end[] = {
0x01, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06 };
memcpy(&buf[pos], end, sizeof(end));
pos += sizeof(end);
buf[10] = ((pos - 5 - 12) & 0xF00) >> 8;
buf[11] = ((pos - 5 - 12) & 0xFF);
buf[4] = ((pos - 6) >> 8);
buf[5] = ((pos - 6) & 0xFF);
buf[7] = sid >> 8;
buf[8] = sid & 0xFF;
memcpy(cce->cce_ecm, data, len);
cce->cce_ecmsize = len;
if(ct->ct_keystate != CT_RESOLVED)
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt",
"Trying to obtain key for service \"%s\"",t->tht_svcname);
//printf("sending capmt\n");
buf[9] = pmtversion;
pmtversion = (pmtversion + 1) & 0x1F;
/*int j, l;
for(j = 0; j < pos;) {
for( l=0 ; l<16 && j<pos ; l++)
printf(" %02x", buf[j++]);
capmt->ct = ct;
ct->ct_seq = capmt_send_msg(capmt, buf, pos);
/* EMM */
static int
capmt_descramble(th_descrambler_t *td, th_transport_t *t, struct th_stream *st, uint8_t *tsb)
capmt_transport_t *ct = (capmt_transport_t *)td;
int r, i;
unsigned char *vec[3];
uint8_t *t0;
if(ct->ct_keystate == CT_FORBIDDEN)
return 1;
if(ct->ct_keystate != CT_RESOLVED)
return -1;
memcpy(ct->ct_tsbcluster + ct->ct_fill * 188, tsb, 188);
if(ct->ct_fill != ct->ct_cluster_size)
return 0;
ct->ct_fill = 0;
vec[0] = ct->ct_tsbcluster;
vec[1] = ct->ct_tsbcluster + ct->ct_cluster_size * 188;
vec[2] = NULL;
while(1) {
t0 = vec[0];
r = decrypt_packets(ct->ct_keys, vec);
if(r == 0)
for(i = 0; i < r; i++) {
ts_recv_packet2(t, t0);
t0 += 188;
return 0;
* Check if our CAID's matches, and if so, link
* global_lock is held
capmt_transport_start(th_transport_t *t)
capmt_t *capmt;
capmt_transport_t *ct;
th_descrambler_t *td;
TAILQ_FOREACH(capmt, &capmts, capmt_link) {
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt",
"Starting capmt server for service \"%s\"", t->tht_svcname);
ct = calloc(1, sizeof(capmt_transport_t));
ct->ct_cluster_size = get_suggested_cluster_size();
ct->ct_tsbcluster = malloc(ct->ct_cluster_size * 188);
ct->ct_keys = get_key_struct();
ct->ct_capmt = capmt;
ct->ct_transport = t;
td = &ct->ct_head;
td->td_stop = capmt_transport_destroy;
td->td_table = capmt_table_input;
td->td_descramble = capmt_descramble;
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&t->tht_descramblers, td, td_transport_link);
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&capmt->capmt_transports, ct, ct_link);
static void
capmt_destroy(capmt_t *capmt)
TAILQ_REMOVE(&capmts, capmt, capmt_link);
capmt->capmt_running = 0;
static capmt_t *
capmt_entry_find(const char *id, int create)
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_t ptid;
char buf[20];
capmt_t *capmt;
static int tally;
if(id != NULL) {
TAILQ_FOREACH(capmt, &capmts, capmt_link)
if(!strcmp(capmt->capmt_id, id))
return capmt;
if(create == 0)
return NULL;
if(id == NULL) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", tally);
id = buf;
} else {
tally = MAX(atoi(id), tally);
capmt = calloc(1, sizeof(capmt_t));
pthread_cond_init(&capmt->capmt_cond, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&capmt->capmt_send_mutex, NULL);
capmt->capmt_id = strdup(id);
capmt->capmt_running = 1;
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&capmts, capmt, capmt_link);
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
pthread_create(&ptid, &attr, capmt_thread, capmt);
return capmt;
static htsmsg_t *
capmt_record_build(capmt_t *capmt)
htsmsg_t *e = htsmsg_create_map();
htsmsg_add_str(e, "id", capmt->capmt_id);
htsmsg_add_u32(e, "enabled", !!capmt->capmt_enabled);
htsmsg_add_u32(e, "connected", !!capmt->capmt_connected);
htsmsg_add_str(e, "camdfilename", capmt->capmt_sockfile ?: "");
htsmsg_add_u32(e, "port", capmt->capmt_port);
htsmsg_add_str(e, "comment", capmt->capmt_comment ?: "");
return e;
static htsmsg_t *
capmt_entry_update(void *opaque, const char *id, htsmsg_t *values, int maycreate)
capmt_t *capmt;
const char *s;
uint32_t u32;
if((capmt = capmt_entry_find(id, maycreate)) == NULL)
return NULL;
if((s = htsmsg_get_str(values, "camdfilename")) != NULL) {
capmt->capmt_sockfile = strdup(s);
if(!htsmsg_get_u32(values, "port", &u32))
capmt->capmt_port = u32;
if((s = htsmsg_get_str(values, "comment")) != NULL) {
capmt->capmt_comment = strdup(s);
if(!htsmsg_get_u32(values, "enabled", &u32))
capmt->capmt_enabled = u32;
capmt->capmt_reconfigure = 1;
/* if(capmt->capmt_fd != -1)
shutdown(capmt->capmt_fd, SHUT_RDWR);*/
return capmt_record_build(capmt);
static int
capmt_entry_delete(void *opaque, const char *id)
capmt_t *capmt;
if((capmt = capmt_entry_find(id, 0)) == NULL)
return -1;
return 0;
static htsmsg_t *
capmt_entry_get_all(void *opaque)
htsmsg_t *r = htsmsg_create_list();
capmt_t *capmt;
TAILQ_FOREACH(capmt, &capmts, capmt_link)
htsmsg_add_msg(r, NULL, capmt_record_build(capmt));
return r;
static htsmsg_t *
capmt_entry_get(void *opaque, const char *id)
capmt_t *capmt;
if((capmt = capmt_entry_find(id, 0)) == NULL)
return NULL;
return capmt_record_build(capmt);
static htsmsg_t *
capmt_entry_create(void *opaque)
return capmt_record_build(capmt_entry_find(NULL, 1));
static const dtable_class_t capmt_dtc = {
.dtc_record_get = capmt_entry_get,
.dtc_record_get_all = capmt_entry_get_all,
.dtc_record_create = capmt_entry_create,
.dtc_record_update = capmt_entry_update,
.dtc_record_delete = capmt_entry_delete,
.dtc_read_access = ACCESS_ADMIN,
.dtc_write_access = ACCESS_ADMIN,
dtable_t *dt;
pthread_cond_init(&capmt_config_changed, NULL);
dt = dtable_create(&capmt_dtc, "capmt", NULL);