2018-12-03 13:40:46 -05:00

193 lines
5.3 KiB

UL call demonstrated: ulDBitOut()
Purpose: Writes a value to each of the bits for the
first digital port
Demonstration: Writes the value of each bit in the
first digital port
1. Call ulGetDaqDeviceInventory() to get the list of available DAQ devices
2. Call ulCreateDaqDevice() to to get a handle for the first DAQ device
3. Verify the DAQ device has an digital input subsystem
4. Call ulConnectDaqDevice() to establish a UL connection to the DAQ device
5. Get the first supported digital port
6. Get the number of bits for the digital port
7. Call ulDConfigBit (if supported - otherwise - ulDConfigPort) to configure each bit for output
8. Call ulDBitOut() to write a value for each bit in the digital port
9. Display the data for each bit
10. Call ulDisconnectDaqDevice() and ulReleaseDaqDevice() before exiting the process.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "uldaq.h"
#include "utility.h"
#define MAX_DEV_COUNT 100
#define MAX_STR_LENGTH 64
int main(void)
int descriptorIndex = 0;
DaqDeviceDescriptor devDescriptors[MAX_DEV_COUNT];
DaqDeviceInterface interfaceType = ANY_IFC;
DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle = 0;
unsigned int numDevs = MAX_DEV_COUNT;
int hasDIO = 0;
int bitsPerPort = 0;
DigitalPortType portType;
DigitalPortIoType portIoType;
int maxPortValue = 0;
char portTypeStr[MAX_STR_LENGTH];
char portIoTypeStr[MAX_STR_LENGTH];
int bitNumber;
char * p;
char dataStr[MAX_STR_LENGTH];
unsigned int data = 0;
UlError err = ERR_NO_ERROR;
int i = 0;
int __attribute__((unused)) ret;
char c;
// Get descriptors for all of the available DAQ devices
err = ulGetDaqDeviceInventory(interfaceType, devDescriptors, &numDevs);
if (err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
goto end;
// verify at least one DAQ device is detected
if (numDevs == 0)
printf("No DAQ device is detected\n");
goto end;
printf("Found %d DAQ device(s)\n", numDevs);
for (i = 0; i < (int) numDevs; i++)
printf(" %s: (%s)\n", devDescriptors[i].productName, devDescriptors[i].uniqueId);
// get a handle to the DAQ device associated with the first descriptor
daqDeviceHandle = ulCreateDaqDevice(devDescriptors[descriptorIndex]);
if (daqDeviceHandle == 0)
printf ("\nUnable to create a handle to the specified DAQ device\n");
goto end;
// verify the specified DAQ device supports digital output
err = getDevInfoHasDio(daqDeviceHandle, &hasDIO);
if (!hasDIO)
printf("\nThe DAQ device does not support digital I/O\n");
goto end;
printf("\nConnecting to device %s - please wait ...\n", devDescriptors[descriptorIndex].devString);
// establish a connection to the DAQ device
err = ulConnectDaqDevice(daqDeviceHandle);
if (err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
goto end;
// get the first port type (AUXPORT0, FIRSTPORTA, ...)
err = getDioInfoFirstSupportedPortType(daqDeviceHandle, &portType, portTypeStr);
// get the I/O type for the fisrt port
err = getDioInfoFirstSupportedPortIoType(daqDeviceHandle, &portIoType, portIoTypeStr);
// get the number of bits for the first port (port index = 0)
err = getDioInfoNumberOfBitsForFirstPort(daqDeviceHandle, &bitsPerPort);
// if the port is bit configurable, then configure the individual bits
// for output; otherwise, configure the entire port for output
if (portIoType == DPIOT_BITIO)
// configure all of the bits for output for the port
for (bitNumber= 0; bitNumber < bitsPerPort; bitNumber++)
err = ulDConfigBit(daqDeviceHandle, portType, bitNumber, DD_OUTPUT);
if (err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
else if (portIoType == DPIOT_IO)
// configure the entire port for output
err = ulDConfigPort(daqDeviceHandle, portType, DD_OUTPUT);
// calculate the max value for the port
maxPortValue = pow((double)2.0, (double)bitsPerPort) - 1;
printf("\n%s ready\n", devDescriptors[descriptorIndex].devString);
printf(" Function demonstrated: ulDBitOut()\n");
printf(" Port: %s\n", portTypeStr);
printf(" Port I/O type: %s\n", portIoTypeStr);
printf(" Bits: %d\n", bitsPerPort);
printf("\nHit ENTER to continue\n");
ret = scanf("%c", &c);
ret = system("clear");
while(err == ERR_NO_ERROR)
// reset the cursor to the top of the display and
// show the termination message
printf ("Enter a value between 0 and %d (or non-numeric character to exit): " , maxPortValue);
ret = scanf ("%s", dataStr);
strtod(dataStr, &p);
if (*p != '\0')
data = atoi(dataStr);
for (bitNumber = 0; bitNumber < bitsPerPort; bitNumber++)
unsigned int bitValue = (data >> bitNumber) & 1;
err = ulDBitOut(daqDeviceHandle, portType, bitNumber, bitValue);
printf("Bit %d = %d\n", bitNumber, bitValue);
if(portIoType == DPIOT_IO || portIoType == DPIOT_BITIO)
// before leaving, configure the entire port for input
err = ulDConfigPort(daqDeviceHandle, portType, DD_INPUT);
// disconnect from the DAQ device
// release the handle to the DAQ device
if(err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
char errMsg[ERR_MSG_LEN];
ulGetErrMsg(err, errMsg);
printf("Error Code: %d \n", err);
printf("Error Message: %s \n", errMsg);
return 0;