+ .addClass('details')
+ .append(properties)
+ .dialog({
+ title: 'Entity Details',
+ width: 450
+ });
+ * Cookie & UUID related functions
+ */
+function getUUIDs() {
+ if ($.getCookie('uuids')) {
+ return JSON.parse($.getCookie('uuids'));
+ }
+ else {
+ return new Array();
+ }
+function addUUID(uuid) {
+ if (!uuids.contains(uuid)) {
+ uuids.push(uuid);
+ $.setCookie('uuids', JSON.stringify(uuids));
+ }
+function removeUUID(uuid) {
+ if (uuids.contains(uuid)) {
+ uuids.filter(function(value) {
+ return value != uuid;
+ });
+ $.setCookie('uuids', JSON.stringify(uuids));
+ }
* General helper functions
@@ -212,18 +263,48 @@ function eachRecursive(array, callback, parent) {
+ * Checks if value of part of the array
+ *
+ * @param needle the value to search for
+ * @return boolean
+ */
Array.prototype.contains = function(needle) {
- for (var i=0; i.
-Downloads can be found at .
-The mailing list is at .
-Examples and unit tests are at .
-Documentation is at .
-The project page and source code are at .
-Bugs, issues, feature requests: .
-Basic Usage Instructions:
-jqPlot requires jQuery (tested with 1.3.2 or better). jQuery 1.3.2 is included in
-the distribution. To use jqPlot include jQuery, the jqPlot jQuery plugin, the jqPlot css file and
-optionally the excanvas script for IE support in your web page...
-For usage instructions, see in usage.txt. For available options, see
- in jqPlotOptions.txt.
-Building from source:
-To build a distribution from source you need to have ant
-installed. There are 6 targets: clean, dist, min, tests, docs and all. Use
-> ant -p
-to get a description of the various build targets.
diff --git a/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/changes.txt b/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/changes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3095b7a..0000000
--- a/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/changes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-Title: Change Log
-* Added Mekko chart plot type with enhanced legend and axes support.
-* Implemented vertical waterfall charts. Can create waterfall plot as
- option to bar chart. See examples folder of distribution.
-* Enhanced plot labels for waterfall style.
-* Enhanced bar plots so you can now color each bar of a series
- independently with the "varyBarColor" option.
-* Refactored series drawing so that each series and series shadow drawn
- on it's own canvas. Allows series to be redrawn independently of eachother.
-* Added additional default series colors.
-* Aded useNegativeColors option to turn off negative color array and use
- only seriesColors array to define all bar/filled line colors.
-* Fix css for cursor legend.
-* Modified shape renderer so rectangles can be stroked and filled.
-* Refactored date methods out of dateAxisRenderer so that date formatter
- and methods can be accesses outside of dateAxisRenderer plugin.
-* Fixed #132, now trigger series change event on plot target instead of drag canvas.
-* Fixes issue #116 where some source files had mix of tabs and spaces
- for indentation. Should have been all spaces.
-* Fixed issue #126, some links broken in docs section of web site.
-* Fixed issue #90, trendline plugin incompatibility with pie renderer.
-* Updated samples in examples folder of distribution to include navigation
- links if web server is set up to process .html files with php.
-* New, easier to use, replot() method for placing plots in tabs, accordions,
- resizable containers or for changing plot parameters programmatically.
-* Updated legend renderer for pie charts to draw swatches which will
- print correctly.
-* Fixed issue #118 with patch from taum so autoscale option will
- honor tickInterval and numberTicks options
-* Fix to plot diameter calculation for initially hidden plots.
-* Added examples for making plots in jQuery UI tabs and accordions.
-* Fixed issue #120 where pie chart with single slice not displaying
- correctly in IE and Chrome
-* Fixed #102 where double clicking on plot that has zoom enabled, but
- has not been zoomed resulted in error.
-* Fixed bug where candlestick coloring options not working.
-* Added option to turn individual series labels off in the legend.
-* Fixed bug where tooltip not working with OHLC and candlestick charts.
-* Added additional marker styles: plus, X and dash.
-* Implemented "zoomProxy". zoomProxy allows zooming one plot from another
- such as an overview plot.
-* Zooming can now be constrained to just x or y axis.
-* Enhanced cursor plugin with vertical "dataTracking" line. This is a line
- at the cursor location with a readout of data points at the line location
- which are displayed in the chart legend.
-* Changed cursor tooltip format string. Now one format string is used for
- entire tooptip.
-* Added mechanisms to specify plot size when plot target is hidden or plot
- height/width otherwise cannot be determined from markup.
-* Added $.jqplot.config object to specify jqplot wide configuraiton options.
- These include enablePlugins to globally set the default plugin state on/off
- and defaultHeight/defaultWidth to specify default plot height/width.
-* Added fillToZero option which forces filled charts to fill to zero as opposed
- to axis minimum. Thus negative filled bar/line values will fill upwards to
- zero axis value.
-* Added option to disable stacking on individual lines.
-* Changed targetId property of the plot object so it now includes a "#" before
- the id string.
-* Improved tick and body sizing of Open Hi Low Close and candlestick charts.
-* Removed lots of web site related files from the repository. This means that,
- if working from the sources, user's won't be able to build the jqplot web
- site and the docs/tests that are hosted on that site. The minified and
- compressed distribution packages will build fine.
-* Lots of examples were added to a separate examples directory to better show
- functionality of jqPlot for local testing with the distribution.
-* Many various bug fixes and other minor enhancements.
-* Implemented axis labels. Labels can be rendered in div tags or as canvas
- elements supporting rotated text.
-* Improved rotated axis label positioning so labels will start or end at a
- tick position.
-* Fixed bug where an empty data series would hang plot rendering.
-* completed issue #66 for misc. improvements to documentation.
-* Fixed issue #64 where the same ID's were assigned to cursor and highlighter
- elements.
-* Added option to legend to encode special HTML characters.
-* Fixed undesirable behavior where point labels for points off the plot
- were being rendered.
-* Added edgeTolerance option to point label renderer to control rendering of
- labels near plot edges.
-* Preliminary support for axis labels. Currently rendered into DIV tags,
- so no ratated label support. This feature is currently expreimental.
-* Fixed bug #52, needed space in tick div tag between style and class declarations
- or plot failed in certain application doctypes.
-* Fixed issue #54, miter style line join for chart lines causing spikes at steep
- changes in slope. Changed miter style to round.
-* Added examples for new autoscaling algorithm.
-* Fixed bug #57, category axis labels disappear on redraw()
-* Improved algorithm which controlled maximum number of labels that would display
- on a category axis.
-* Fixed bug #45 where null values causing errors in plotData and gridData.
-* Fixed issue #60 where seriesColors option was not working.
-* Fixed bug #45 where a plot could crash if series had different numbers of points.
-* Fixed issue #50, added option to turn off sorting of series data.
-* Fixed issue #31, implemented a better axis autoscaling algorithm and added an autoscale option.
-* Fixed bug #40, when axis pad, padMax, padMin set to 0, graph would fail to render.
-* Fixed bug #41 where pie and bar charts not rendered correctly on redraw().
-* Fixed bug #11, filled stacked line plots not rendering correctly in IE.
-* Fixed bug #42 where stacked charts not rendering with string date axis ticks.
-* Fixed bug in redraw() method where axes ticks were not reset.
-* Fixed "jqplotPreRedrawEvent" that should have been named "jqplotPostRedraw" event.
-* Added Open Hi Low Close charts, Candlestick charts and Hi Low Close charts.
-* Added support for arbitrary labels on the data points.
-* Enhanced highlighter plugin to allow custom formatting control of entire tooltip.
-* Enhanced highlighter to support multiple y values in a data point.
-* Fixed bug #38 where series with a single point with a negative value would fail.
-* Improvements to examples to show what plugins to include.
-* Expanded documentation for some of the plugins.
-* Added zooming ability with double click or single click options to reset zoom.
-* Modified default tick spacing algorithm for date axes to give more space to ticks.
-* Fixed bug #2 where tickInterval wasn't working properly.
-* Added neighborThreshold option to control how close mouse must be to
- point to trigger neighbor detection.
-* Added double click event handler on plot.
-* Support for up to 9 y axes.
-* Added option to control padding at max/min bounds of axes separately.
-* Closed issue #21, added options to control grid line color and width.
-* Closed issue #20, added options to filled line charts to stoke above
- fill and customize fill color and transparency.
-* Improved structure of on line documentation to make usage and options
- docs default.
-* Added much documentation on options and css styling.
-* Bug fix release
-* Fixed bug #6, missing semi-colons messing up some javascript compressors.
-* Fixed bug #13 where 2D ticks array of [values, labels] would fail to
- renderer with DateAxisRenderer.
-* Fixes bug #16 where pie renderer overwriting options for all plot types
- and crashing non pie plots.
-* Fixes bug #17 constrainTo dragable option mispelled as "contstrainTo".
- Fixed dragable color issue when used with trend lines.
-* Pie chart support
-* Enabled tooltipLocation option in highlighter.
-* Highlighter Tooltip will account for mark size and highlight size when
- positioning itself.
-* Added ability to show just x, y or both axes in highlighter tooltip.
-* Added customization of separator between axes values in highlighter tooltip.
-* Modified how shadows are drawn for lines, bars and markers. Now drawn first,
- so they are always behind the object.
-* Adjustments to shadow parameters on lines to account for new shadow positioning.
-* Added a ColorGenerator class to robustly return next available color
- for a plot with wrap around to first color at end.
-* Udates to docs about css file.
-* Fixed bug with String x values in series and IE error on sorting (Category Axis).
-* Added cursor changes in dragable plugin when cursor near dragable point.
-* Added excanvas.js and excanvas.min.js to compressed distributions.
-* Added example/test html pages I had locally into repository and to
- compressed distributions.
-* Removed absolute positioning from dom element and put back into css file.
-* Duplicate of 0.6.6 with a suffix to unambiguously differentiate between
- previously posted 0.6.6 release.
-* Fixed bug #5, trend line plugin failing when no trend line options specified.
-* Added absolute position css spec to axis tick dom element.
-* Enhancement to category axes, more intuitive handling of series with
- missing data values.
-* Fixed bug #4, series of unequal data length not rendering correctly.
- This is a bugfix release only.
-* Fixed bug (issue #1 in tracker) where flat line data series (all x and/or y
- values are euqal) or single value data series would crash.
-* Support for stacked line (a.k.a. area) and stacked bar (horizontal and
- vertical) charts.
-* Refactored barRenderer to use default shape and shadow renderers.
-* Added info (contacts & support information) page to web site.
-* This is a minor upgrade to docs and build only. No functionality has changed.
-* Ant build script generates entire site, examples, tests and distribution.
-* Improvements to documentation.
-* New sprintf implementation from Ash Searle that implements %g.
-* Fix to sprintf e/f formats.
-* Created new format specifier, %p and %P to preserve significance.
-* Modified p/P format to better display larger numbers.
-* Fixed and simplified significant digits calculation for sprintf.
-* Added option to have cursor tooltip follow the mouse or not.
-* Added options to change size of highlight.
-* Updates to handle dates like '6-May-09'.
-* Mods to improve look of web site.
-* Updates to documentation.
-* Added license and copyright statement to source files.
-* Added rotated text support. Uses native canvas text functionality in
- browsers that support it or draws text on canvas with Hershey font
-* metrics for non-supporting browsers.
-* Removed lots of lint in js code.
-* Moved tick css from js code into css file.
-* Fix to tick positioning css. y axis ticks were positioned to wrong side of axis div.
-* Refactored axis tick renderer instantiation into the axes renderers themselves.
-For chnages prior to 0.6.0 release, please see change log at http://bitbucket.org/cleonello/jqplot/changesets/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/copyright.txt b/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/copyright.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c1e969f..0000000
--- a/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/copyright.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Leonello
- * jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects
- * under both the MIT and GPL version 2.0 licenses. This means that you can
- * choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly.
- *
- * Although not required, the author would appreciate an email letting him
- * know of any substantial use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at:
- * chris dot leonello at gmail dot com or see http://www.jqplot.com/info.php .
- *
- * If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by
- * making a donation at: http://www.jqplot.com/donate.php .
- */
diff --git a/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/excanvas.js b/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/excanvas.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5165fb9..0000000
--- a/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/excanvas.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1415 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// Known Issues:
-// * Patterns only support repeat.
-// * Radial gradient are not implemented. The VML version of these look very
-// different from the canvas one.
-// * Clipping paths are not implemented.
-// * Coordsize. The width and height attribute have higher priority than the
-// width and height style values which isn't correct.
-// * Painting mode isn't implemented.
-// * Canvas width/height should is using content-box by default. IE in
-// Quirks mode will draw the canvas using border-box. Either change your
-// doctype to HTML5
-// (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-doctype)
-// or use Box Sizing Behavior from WebFX
-// (http://webfx.eae.net/dhtml/boxsizing/boxsizing.html)
-// * Non uniform scaling does not correctly scale strokes.
-// * Optimize. There is always room for speed improvements.
-// Only add this code if we do not already have a canvas implementation
-if (!document.createElement('canvas').getContext) {
-(function() {
- // alias some functions to make (compiled) code shorter
- var m = Math;
- var mr = m.round;
- var ms = m.sin;
- var mc = m.cos;
- var abs = m.abs;
- var sqrt = m.sqrt;
- // this is used for sub pixel precision
- var Z = 10;
- var Z2 = Z / 2;
- /**
- * This funtion is assigned to the
a';var H=K.getElementsByTagName("*"),E=K.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];if(!H||!H.length||!E){return}o.support={leadingWhitespace:K.firstChild.nodeType==3,tbody:!K.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,objectAll:!!K.getElementsByTagName("object")[0].getElementsByTagName("*").length,htmlSerialize:!!K.getElementsByTagName("link").length,style:/red/.test(E.getAttribute("style")),hrefNormalized:E.getAttribute("href")==="/a",opacity:E.style.opacity==="0.5",cssFloat:!!E.style.cssFloat,scriptEval:false,noCloneEvent:true,boxModel:null};G.type="text/javascript";try{G.appendChild(document.createTextNode("window."+J+"=1;"))}catch(I){}F.insertBefore(G,F.firstChild);if(l[J]){o.support.scriptEval=true;delete l[J]}F.removeChild(G);if(K.attachEvent&&K.fireEvent){K.attachEvent("onclick",function(){o.support.noCloneEvent=false;K.detachEvent("onclick",arguments.callee)});K.cloneNode(true).fireEvent("onclick")}o(function(){var L=document.createElement("div");L.style.width=L.style.paddingLeft="1px";document.body.appendChild(L);o.boxModel=o.support.boxModel=L.offsetWidth===2;document.body.removeChild(L).style.display="none"})})();var w=o.support.cssFloat?"cssFloat":"styleFloat";o.props={"for":"htmlFor","class":"className","float":w,cssFloat:w,styleFloat:w,readonly:"readOnly",maxlength:"maxLength",cellspacing:"cellSpacing",rowspan:"rowSpan",tabindex:"tabIndex"};o.fn.extend({_load:o.fn.load,load:function(G,J,K){if(typeof G!=="string"){return this._load(G)}var I=G.indexOf(" ");if(I>=0){var E=G.slice(I,G.length);G=G.slice(0,I)}var H="GET";if(J){if(o.isFunction(J)){K=J;J=null}else{if(typeof J==="object"){J=o.param(J);H="POST"}}}var F=this;o.ajax({url:G,type:H,dataType:"html",data:J,complete:function(M,L){if(L=="success"||L=="notmodified"){F.html(E?o("").append(M.responseText.replace(/
- * >
- * >
- * >
- *
- * jqPlot can be customized by overriding the defaults of any of the objects which make
- * up the plot. The general usage of jqplot is:
- *
- * > chart = $.jqplot('targetElemId', [dataArray,...], {optionsObject});
- *
- * The options available to jqplot are detailed in in the jqPlotOptions.txt file.
- *
- * An actual call to $.jqplot() may look like the
- * examples below:
- *
- * > chart = $.jqplot('chartdiv', [[[1, 2],[3,5.12],[5,13.1],[7,33.6],[9,85.9],[11,219.9]]]);
- *
- * or
- *
- * > dataArray = [34,12,43,55,77];
- * > chart = $.jqplot('targetElemId', [dataArray, ...], {title:'My Plot', axes:{yaxis:{min:20, max:100}}});
- *
- * For more inforrmation, see .
- *
- * About: Usage
- *
- * See
- *
- * About: Available Options
- *
- * See for a list of options available thorugh the options object (not complete yet!)
- *
- * About: Options Usage
- *
- * See
- *
- * About: Changes
- *
- * See
- *
- */
-(function($) {
- // make sure undefined is undefined
- var undefined;
- /**
- * Class: $.jqplot
- * jQuery function called by the user to create a plot.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * target - ID of target element to render the plot into.
- * data - an array of data series.
- * options - user defined options object. See the individual classes for available options.
- *
- * Properties:
- * config - object to hold configuration information for jqPlot plot object.
- *
- * attributes:
- * enablePlugins - False to disable plugins by default. Plugins must then be explicitly
- * enabled in the individual plot options. Default: true.
- * This property sets the "show" property of certain plugins to true or false.
- * Only plugins that can be immediately active upon loading are affected. This includes
- * non-renderer plugins like cursor, dragable, highlighter, and trendline.
- * defaultHeight - Default height for plots where no css height specification exists. This
- * is a jqplot wide default.
- * defaultWidth - Default height for plots where no css height specification exists. This
- * is a jqplot wide default.
- */
- $.jqplot = function(target, data, options) {
- var _data, _options;
- // check to see if only 2 arguments were specified, what is what.
- if (data == null) {
- throw "No data specified";
- }
- if (data.constructor == Array && data.length == 0 || data[0].constructor != Array) {
- throw "Improper Data Array";
- }
- if (options == null) {
- if (data instanceof Array) {
- _data = data;
- _options = null;
- }
- else if (data.constructor == Object) {
- _data = null;
- _options = data;
- }
- }
- else {
- _data = data;
- _options = options;
- }
- var plot = new jqPlot();
- plot.init(target, _data, _options);
- plot.draw();
- return plot;
- };
- $.jqplot.debug = 1;
- $.jqplot.config = {
- debug:1,
- enablePlugins:true,
- defaultHeight:300,
- defaultWidth:400
- };
- $.jqplot.enablePlugins = $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins;
- /**
- *
- * Hooks: jqPlot Pugin Hooks
- *
- * $.jqplot.preInitHooks - called before initialization.
- * $.jqplot.postInitHooks - called after initialization.
- * $.jqplot.preParseOptionsHooks - called before user options are parsed.
- * $.jqplot.postParseOptionsHooks - called after user options are parsed.
- * $.jqplot.preDrawHooks - called before plot draw.
- * $.jqplot.postDrawHooks - called after plot draw.
- * $.jqplot.preDrawSeriesHooks - called before each series is drawn.
- * $.jqplot.postDrawSeriesHooks - called after each series is drawn.
- * $.jqplot.preDrawLegendHooks - called before the legend is drawn.
- * $.jqplot.addLegendRowHooks - called at the end of legend draw, so plugins
- * can add rows to the legend table.
- * $.jqplot.preSeriesInitHooks - called before series is initialized.
- * $.jqplot.postSeriesInitHooks - called after series is initialized.
- * $.jqplot.preParseSeriesOptionsHooks - called before series related options
- * are parsed.
- * $.jqplot.postParseSeriesOptionsHooks - called after series related options
- * are parsed.
- * $.jqplot.eventListenerHooks - called at the end of plot drawing, binds
- * listeners to the event canvas which lays on top of the grid area.
- * $.jqplot.preDrawSeriesShadowHooks - called before series shadows are drawn.
- * $.jqplot.postDrawSeriesShadowHooks - called after series shadows are drawn.
- *
- */
- $.jqplot.preInitHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.postInitHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.preParseOptionsHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.postParseOptionsHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.preDrawHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.postDrawHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.preDrawSeriesHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.postDrawSeriesHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.preDrawLegendHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.addLegendRowHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.preSeriesInitHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.postSeriesInitHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.preParseSeriesOptionsHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.postParseSeriesOptionsHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.eventListenerHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.preDrawSeriesShadowHooks = [];
- $.jqplot.postDrawSeriesShadowHooks = [];
- // A superclass holding some common properties and methods.
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer = function() {
- this._elem;
- this._plotWidth;
- this._plotHeight;
- this._plotDimensions = {height:null, width:null};
- };
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.prototype.getWidth = function() {
- if (this._elem) {
- return this._elem.outerWidth(true);
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- };
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.prototype.getHeight = function() {
- if (this._elem) {
- return this._elem.outerHeight(true);
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- };
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.prototype.getPosition = function() {
- if (this._elem) {
- return this._elem.position();
- }
- else {
- return {top:null, left:null, bottom:null, right:null};
- }
- };
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.prototype.getTop = function() {
- return this.getPosition().top;
- };
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.prototype.getLeft = function() {
- return this.getPosition().left;
- };
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.prototype.getBottom = function() {
- return this._elem.css('bottom');
- };
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.prototype.getRight = function() {
- return this._elem.css('right');
- };
- /**
- * Class: Axis
- * An individual axis object. Cannot be instantiated directly, but created
- * by the Plot oject. Axis properties can be set or overriden by the
- * options passed in from the user.
- *
- */
- function Axis(name) {
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.call(this);
- // Group: Properties
- //
- // Axes options are specified within an axes object at the top level of the
- // plot options like so:
- // > {
- // > axes: {
- // > xaxis: {min: 5},
- // > yaxis: {min: 2, max: 8, numberTicks:4},
- // > x2axis: {pad: 1.5},
- // > y2axis: {ticks:[22, 44, 66, 88]}
- // > }
- // > }
- // There are 4 axes, 'xaxis', 'yaxis', 'x2axis', 'y2axis'. Any or all of
- // which may be specified.
- this.name = name;
- this._series = [];
- // prop: show
- // Wether to display the axis on the graph.
- this.show = false;
- // prop: tickRenderer
- // A class of a rendering engine for creating the ticks labels displayed on the plot,
- // See <$.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer>.
- this.tickRenderer = $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer;
- // prop: tickOptions
- // Options that will be passed to the tickRenderer, see <$.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer> options.
- this.tickOptions = {};
- // prop: labelRenderer
- // A class of a rendering engine for creating an axis label.
- this.labelRenderer = $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer;
- // prop: labelOptions
- // Options passed to the label renderer.
- this.labelOptions = {};
- // prop: label
- // Label for the axis
- this.label = null;
- // prop: showLabel
- // true to show the axis label.
- this.showLabel = true;
- // prop: min
- // minimum value of the axis (in data units, not pixels).
- this.min=null;
- // prop: max
- // maximum value of the axis (in data units, not pixels).
- this.max=null;
- // prop: autoscale
- // Autoscale the axis min and max values to provide sensible tick spacing.
- // If axis min or max are set, autoscale will be turned off.
- // The numberTicks, tickInterval and pad options do work with
- // autoscale, although tickInterval has not been tested yet.
- // padMin and padMax do nothing when autoscale is on.
- this.autoscale = false;
- // prop: pad
- // Padding to extend the range above and below the data bounds.
- // The data range is multiplied by this factor to determine minimum and maximum axis bounds.
- // A value of 0 will be interpreted to mean no padding, and pad will be set to 1.0.
- this.pad = 1.2;
- // prop: padMax
- // Padding to extend the range above data bounds.
- // The top of the data range is multiplied by this factor to determine maximum axis bounds.
- // A value of 0 will be interpreted to mean no padding, and padMax will be set to 1.0.
- this.padMax = null;
- // prop: padMin
- // Padding to extend the range below data bounds.
- // The bottom of the data range is multiplied by this factor to determine minimum axis bounds.
- // A value of 0 will be interpreted to mean no padding, and padMin will be set to 1.0.
- this.padMin = null;
- // prop: ticks
- // 1D [val, val, ...] or 2D [[val, label], [val, label], ...] array of ticks for the axis.
- // If no label is specified, the value is formatted into an appropriate label.
- this.ticks = [];
- // prop: numberTicks
- // Desired number of ticks. Default is to compute automatically.
- this.numberTicks;
- // prop: tickInterval
- // number of units between ticks. Mutually exclusive with numberTicks.
- this.tickInterval;
- // prop: renderer
- // A class of a rendering engine that handles tick generation,
- // scaling input data to pixel grid units and drawing the axis element.
- this.renderer = $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer;
- // prop: rendererOptions
- // renderer specific options. See <$.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer> for options.
- this.rendererOptions = {};
- // prop: showTicks
- // wether to show the ticks (both marks and labels) or not.
- this.showTicks = true;
- // prop: showTickMarks
- // wether to show the tick marks (line crossing grid) or not.
- this.showTickMarks = true;
- // prop: showMinorTicks
- // Wether or not to show minor ticks. This is renderer dependent.
- // The default <$.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer> does not have minor ticks.
- this.showMinorTicks = true;
- // prop: useSeriesColor
- // Use the color of the first series associated with this axis for the
- // tick marks and line bordering this axis.
- this.useSeriesColor = false;
- // prop: borderWidth
- // width of line stroked at the border of the axis. Defaults
- // to the width of the grid boarder.
- this.borderWidth = null;
- // prop: borderColor
- // color of the border adjacent to the axis. Defaults to grid border color.
- this.borderColor = null;
- // minimum and maximum values on the axis.
- this._dataBounds = {min:null, max:null};
- // pixel position from the top left of the min value and max value on the axis.
- this._offsets = {min:null, max:null};
- this._ticks=[];
- this._label = null;
- // prop: syncTicks
- // true to try and synchronize tick spacing across multiple axes so that ticks and
- // grid lines line up. This has an impact on autoscaling algorithm, however.
- // In general, autoscaling an individual axis will work better if it does not
- // have to sync ticks.
- this.syncTicks = null;
- // prop: tickSpacing
- // Approximate pixel spacing between ticks on graph. Used during autoscaling.
- // This number will be an upper bound, actual spacing will be less.
- this.tickSpacing = 75;
- // Properties to hold the original values for min, max, ticks, tickInterval and numberTicks
- // so they can be restored if altered by plugins.
- this._min = null;
- this._max = null;
- this._tickInterval = null;
- this._numberTicks = null;
- this.__ticks = null;
- }
- Axis.prototype = new $.jqplot.ElemContainer();
- Axis.prototype.constructor = Axis;
- Axis.prototype.init = function() {
- this.renderer = new this.renderer();
- // set the axis name
- this.tickOptions.axis = this.name;
- if (this.label == null || this.label == '') {
- this.showLabel = false;
- }
- else {
- this.labelOptions.label = this.label;
- }
- if (this.showLabel == false) {
- this.labelOptions.show = false;
- }
- // set the default padMax, padMin if not specified
- // special check, if no padding desired, padding
- // should be set to 1.0
- if (this.pad == 0) {
- this.pad = 1.0;
- }
- if (this.padMax == 0) {
- this.padMax = 1.0;
- }
- if (this.padMin == 0) {
- this.padMin = 1.0;
- }
- if (this.padMax == null) {
- this.padMax = (this.pad-1)/2 + 1;
- }
- if (this.padMin == null) {
- this.padMin = (this.pad-1)/2 + 1;
- }
- // now that padMin and padMax are correctly set, reset pad in case user has supplied
- // padMin and/or padMax
- this.pad = this.padMax + this.padMin - 1;
- if (this.min != null || this.max != null) {
- this.autoscale = false;
- }
- // if not set, sync ticks for y axes but not x by default.
- if (this.syncTicks == null && this.name.indexOf('y') > -1) {
- this.syncTicks = true;
- }
- else if (this.syncTicks == null){
- this.syncTicks = false;
- }
- this.renderer.init.call(this, this.rendererOptions);
- };
- Axis.prototype.draw = function(ctx) {
- return this.renderer.draw.call(this, ctx);
- };
- Axis.prototype.set = function() {
- this.renderer.set.call(this);
- };
- Axis.prototype.pack = function(pos, offsets) {
- if (this.show) {
- this.renderer.pack.call(this, pos, offsets);
- }
- // these properties should all be available now.
- if (this._min == null) {
- this._min = this.min;
- this._max = this.max;
- this._tickInterval = this.tickInterval;
- this._numberTicks = this.numberTicks;
- this.__ticks = this._ticks;
- }
- };
- // reset the axis back to original values if it has been scaled, zoomed, etc.
- Axis.prototype.reset = function() {
- this.renderer.reset.call(this);
- };
- Axis.prototype.resetScale = function() {
- this.min = null;
- this.max = null;
- this.numberTicks = null;
- this.tickInterval = null;
- };
- /**
- * Class: Legend
- * Legend object. Cannot be instantiated directly, but created
- * by the Plot oject. Legend properties can be set or overriden by the
- * options passed in from the user.
- */
- function Legend(options) {
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.call(this);
- // Group: Properties
- // prop: show
- // Wether to display the legend on the graph.
- this.show = false;
- // prop: location
- // Placement of the legend. one of the compass directions: nw, n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w
- this.location = 'ne';
- // prop: xoffset
- // offset from the inside edge of the plot in the x direction in pixels.
- this.xoffset = 12;
- // prop: yoffset
- // offset from the inside edge of the plot in the y direction in pixels.
- this.yoffset = 12;
- // prop: border
- // css spec for the border around the legend box.
- this.border;
- // prop: background
- // css spec for the background of the legend box.
- this.background;
- // prop: textColor
- // css color spec for the legend text.
- this.textColor;
- // prop: fontFamily
- // css font-family spec for the legend text.
- this.fontFamily;
- // prop: fontSize
- // css font-size spec for the legend text.
- this.fontSize ;
- // prop: rowSpacing
- // css padding-top spec for the rows in the legend.
- this.rowSpacing = '0.5em';
- // renderer
- // A class that will create a DOM object for the legend,
- // see <$.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer>.
- this.renderer = $.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer;
- // prop: rendererOptions
- // renderer specific options passed to the renderer.
- this.rendererOptions = {};
- // prop: predraw
- // Wether to draw the legend before the series or not.
- this.preDraw = false;
- this.escapeHtml = false;
- this._series = [];
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- }
- Legend.prototype = new $.jqplot.ElemContainer();
- Legend.prototype.constructor = Legend;
- Legend.prototype.init = function() {
- this.renderer = new this.renderer();
- this.renderer.init.call(this, this.rendererOptions);
- };
- Legend.prototype.draw = function(offsets) {
- for (var i=0; i<$.jqplot.preDrawLegendHooks.length; i++){
- $.jqplot.preDrawLegendHooks[i].call(this, offsets);
- }
- return this.renderer.draw.call(this, offsets);
- };
- Legend.prototype.pack = function(offsets) {
- this.renderer.pack.call(this, offsets);
- };
- /**
- * Class: Title
- * Plot Title object. Cannot be instantiated directly, but created
- * by the Plot oject. Title properties can be set or overriden by the
- * options passed in from the user.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * text - text of the title.
- */
- function Title(text) {
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.call(this);
- // Group: Properties
- // prop: text
- // text of the title;
- this.text = text;
- // prop: show
- // wether or not to show the title
- this.show = true;
- // prop: fontFamily
- // css font-family spec for the text.
- this.fontFamily;
- // prop: fontSize
- // css font-size spec for the text.
- this.fontSize ;
- // prop: textAlign
- // css text-align spec for the text.
- this.textAlign;
- // prop: textColor
- // css color spec for the text.
- this.textColor;
- // prop: renderer
- // A class for creating a DOM element for the title,
- // see <$.jqplot.DivTitleRenderer>.
- this.renderer = $.jqplot.DivTitleRenderer;
- // prop: rendererOptions
- // renderer specific options passed to the renderer.
- this.rendererOptions = {};
- }
- Title.prototype = new $.jqplot.ElemContainer();
- Title.prototype.constructor = Title;
- Title.prototype.init = function() {
- this.renderer = new this.renderer();
- this.renderer.init.call(this, this.rendererOptions);
- };
- Title.prototype.draw = function(width) {
- return this.renderer.draw.call(this, width);
- };
- Title.prototype.pack = function() {
- this.renderer.pack.call(this);
- };
- /**
- * Class: Series
- * An individual data series object. Cannot be instantiated directly, but created
- * by the Plot oject. Series properties can be set or overriden by the
- * options passed in from the user.
- */
- function Series() {
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.call(this);
- // Group: Properties
- // Properties will be assigned from a series array at the top level of the
- // options. If you had two series and wanted to change the color and line
- // width of the first and set the second to use the secondary y axis with
- // no shadow and supply custom labels for each:
- // > {
- // > series:[
- // > {color: '#ff4466', lineWidth: 5, label:'good line'},
- // > {yaxis: 'y2axis', shadow: false, label:'bad line'}
- // > ]
- // > }
- // prop: show
- // wether or not to draw the series.
- this.show = true;
- // prop: xaxis
- // which x axis to use with this series, either 'xaxis' or 'x2axis'.
- this.xaxis = 'xaxis';
- this._xaxis;
- // prop: yaxis
- // which y axis to use with this series, either 'yaxis' or 'y2axis'.
- this.yaxis = 'yaxis';
- this._yaxis;
- this.gridBorderWidth = 2.0;
- // prop: renderer
- // A class of a renderer which will draw the series,
- // see <$.jqplot.LineRenderer>.
- this.renderer = $.jqplot.LineRenderer;
- // prop: rendererOptions
- // Options to pass on to the renderer.
- this.rendererOptions = {};
- this.data = [];
- this.gridData = [];
- // prop: label
- // Line label to use in the legend.
- this.label = '';
- // prop: showLabel
- // true to show label for this series in the legend.
- this.showLabel = true;
- // prop: color
- // css color spec for the series
- this.color;
- // prop: lineWidth
- // width of the line in pixels. May have different meanings depending on renderer.
- this.lineWidth = 2.5;
- // prop: shadow
- // wether or not to draw a shadow on the line
- this.shadow = true;
- // prop: shadowAngle
- // Shadow angle in degrees
- this.shadowAngle = 45;
- // prop: shadowOffset
- // Shadow offset from line in pixels
- this.shadowOffset = 1.25;
- // prop: shadowDepth
- // Number of times shadow is stroked, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
- this.shadowDepth = 3;
- // prop: shadowAlpha
- // Alpha channel transparency of shadow. 0 = transparent.
- this.shadowAlpha = '0.1';
- // prop: breakOnNull
- // Not implemented. wether line segments should be be broken at null value.
- // False will join point on either side of line.
- this.breakOnNull = false;
- // prop: markerRenderer
- // A class of a renderer which will draw marker (e.g. circle, square, ...) at the data points,
- // see <$.jqplot.MarkerRenderer>.
- this.markerRenderer = $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer;
- // prop: markerOptions
- // renderer specific options to pass to the markerRenderer,
- // see <$.jqplot.MarkerRenderer>.
- this.markerOptions = {};
- // prop: showLine
- // wether to actually draw the line or not. Series will still be renderered, even if no line is drawn.
- this.showLine = true;
- // prop: showMarker
- // wether or not to show the markers at the data points.
- this.showMarker = true;
- // prop: index
- // 0 based index of this series in the plot series array.
- this.index;
- // prop: fill
- // true or false, wether to fill under lines or in bars.
- // May not be implemented in all renderers.
- this.fill = false;
- // prop: fillColor
- // CSS color spec to use for fill under line. Defaults to line color.
- this.fillColor;
- // prop: fillAlpha
- // Alpha transparency to apply to the fill under the line.
- // Use this to adjust alpha separate from fill color.
- this.fillAlpha;
- // prop: fillAndStroke
- // If true will stroke the line (with color this.color) as well as fill under it.
- // Applies only when fill is true.
- this.fillAndStroke = false;
- // prop: disableStack
- // true to not stack this series with other series in the plot.
- // To render properly, non-stacked series must come after any stacked series
- // in the plot's data series array. So, the plot's data series array would look like:
- // > [stackedSeries1, stackedSeries2, ..., nonStackedSeries1, nonStackedSeries2, ...]
- // disableStack will put a gap in the stacking order of series, and subsequent
- // stacked series will not fill down through the non-stacked series and will
- // most likely not stack properly on top of the non-stacked series.
- this.disableStack = false;
- // _stack is set by the Plot if the plot is a stacked chart.
- // will stack lines or bars on top of one another to build a "mountain" style chart.
- // May not be implemented in all renderers.
- this._stack = false;
- // prop: neighborThreshold
- // how close or far (in pixels) the cursor must be from a point marker to detect the point.
- this.neighborThreshold = 4;
- // prop: fillToZero
- // true will force bar and filled series to fill toward zero on the fill Axis.
- this.fillToZero = false;
- // prop: fillAxis
- // Either 'x' or 'y'. Which axis to fill the line toward if fillToZero is true.
- // 'y' means fill up/down to 0 on the y axis for this series.
- this.fillAxis = 'y';
- // prop: useNegativeColors
- // true to color negative values differently in filled and bar charts.
- this.useNegativeColors = true;
- this._stackData = [];
- // _plotData accounts for stacking. If plots not stacked, _plotData and data are same. If
- // stacked, _plotData is accumulation of stacking data.
- this._plotData = [];
- // _plotValues hold the individual x and y values that will be plotted for this series.
- this._plotValues = {x:[], y:[]};
- // statistics about the intervals between data points. Used for auto scaling.
- this._intervals = {x:{}, y:{}};
- // data from the previous series, for stacked charts.
- this._prevPlotData = [];
- this._prevGridData = [];
- this._stackAxis = 'y';
- this._primaryAxis = '_xaxis';
- // give each series a canvas to draw on. This should allow for redrawing speedups.
- this.canvas = new $.jqplot.GenericCanvas();
- this.shadowCanvas = new $.jqplot.GenericCanvas();
- this.plugins = {};
- // sum of y values in this series.
- this._sumy = 0;
- this._sumx = 0;
- }
- Series.prototype = new $.jqplot.ElemContainer();
- Series.prototype.constructor = Series;
- Series.prototype.init = function(index, gridbw, plot) {
- // weed out any null values in the data.
- this.index = index;
- this.gridBorderWidth = gridbw;
- var d = this.data;
- for (var i=0; i.
- this.renderer = $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer;
- // prop: rendererOptions
- // Options to pass on to the renderer,
- // see <$.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer>.
- this.rendererOptions = {};
- this._offsets = {top:null, bottom:null, left:null, right:null};
- }
- Grid.prototype = new $.jqplot.ElemContainer();
- Grid.prototype.constructor = Grid;
- Grid.prototype.init = function() {
- this.renderer = new this.renderer();
- this.renderer.init.call(this, this.rendererOptions);
- };
- Grid.prototype.createElement = function(offsets) {
- this._offsets = offsets;
- return this.renderer.createElement.call(this);
- };
- Grid.prototype.draw = function() {
- this.renderer.draw.call(this);
- };
- $.jqplot.GenericCanvas = function() {
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.call(this);
- this._ctx;
- };
- $.jqplot.GenericCanvas.prototype = new $.jqplot.ElemContainer();
- $.jqplot.GenericCanvas.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.GenericCanvas;
- $.jqplot.GenericCanvas.prototype.createElement = function(offsets, clss, plotDimensions) {
- this._offsets = offsets;
- var klass = 'jqplot';
- if (clss != undefined) {
- klass = clss;
- }
- var elem = document.createElement('canvas');
- // if new plotDimensions supplied, use them.
- if (plotDimensions != undefined) {
- this._plotDimensions = plotDimensions;
- }
- elem.width = this._plotDimensions.width - this._offsets.left - this._offsets.right;
- elem.height = this._plotDimensions.height - this._offsets.top - this._offsets.bottom;
- this._elem = $(elem);
- this._elem.addClass(klass);
- this._elem.css({ position: 'absolute', left: this._offsets.left, top: this._offsets.top });
- // borrowed from flot by Ole Laursen
- if ($.browser.msie) {
- window.G_vmlCanvasManager.init_(document);
- }
- if ($.browser.msie) {
- elem = window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(elem);
- }
- return this._elem;
- };
- $.jqplot.GenericCanvas.prototype.setContext = function() {
- this._ctx = this._elem.get(0).getContext("2d");
- return this._ctx;
- };
- /**
- * Class: jqPlot
- * Plot object returned by call to $.jqplot. Handles parsing user options,
- * creating sub objects (Axes, legend, title, series) and rendering the plot.
- */
- function jqPlot() {
- // Group: Properties
- // These properties are specified at the top of the options object
- // like so:
- // > {
- // > axesDefaults:{min:0},
- // > series:[{color:'#6633dd'}],
- // > title: 'A Plot'
- // > }
- //
- // prop: data
- // user's data. Data should *NOT* be specified in the options object,
- // but be passed in as the second argument to the $.jqplot() function.
- // The data property is described here soley for reference.
- // The data should be in the form of an array of 2D or 1D arrays like
- // > [ [[x1, y1], [x2, y2],...], [y1, y2, ...] ].
- this.data = [];
- // The id of the dom element to render the plot into
- this.targetId = null;
- // the jquery object for the dom target.
- this.target = null;
- this.defaults = {
- // prop: axesDefaults
- // default options that will be applied to all axes.
- // see for axes options.
- axesDefaults: {},
- axes: {xaxis:{}, yaxis:{}, x2axis:{}, y2axis:{}, y3axis:{}, y4axis:{}, y5axis:{}, y6axis:{}, y7axis:{}, y8axis:{}, y9axis:{}},
- // prop: seriesDefaults
- // default options that will be applied to all series.
- // see for series options.
- seriesDefaults: {},
- gridPadding: {top:10, right:10, bottom:23, left:10},
- series:[]
- };
- // prop: series
- // Array of series object options.
- // see for series specific options.
- this.series = [];
- // prop: axes
- // up to 4 axes are supported, each with it's own options,
- // See for axis specific options.
- this.axes = {xaxis: new Axis('xaxis'), yaxis: new Axis('yaxis'), x2axis: new Axis('x2axis'), y2axis: new Axis('y2axis'), y3axis: new Axis('y3axis'), y4axis: new Axis('y4axis'), y5axis: new Axis('y5axis'), y6axis: new Axis('y6axis'), y7axis: new Axis('y7axis'), y8axis: new Axis('y8axis'), y9axis: new Axis('y9axis')};
- // prop: grid
- // See for grid specific options.
- this.grid = new Grid();
- // prop: legend
- // see <$.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer>
- this.legend = new Legend();
- this.baseCanvas = new $.jqplot.GenericCanvas();
- // this.seriesCanvas = new $.jqplot.GenericCanvas();
- this.eventCanvas = new $.jqplot.GenericCanvas();
- this._width = null;
- this._height = null;
- this._plotDimensions = {height:null, width:null};
- this._gridPadding = {top:10, right:10, bottom:10, left:10};
- // a shortcut for axis syncTicks options. Not implemented yet.
- this.syncXTicks = true;
- // a shortcut for axis syncTicks options. Not implemented yet.
- this.syncYTicks = true;
- // prop: seriesColors
- // Ann array of CSS color specifications that will be applied, in order,
- // to the series in the plot. Colors will wrap around so, if their
- // are more series than colors, colors will be reused starting at the
- // beginning. For pie charts, this specifies the colors of the slices.
- this.seriesColors = [ "#4bb2c5", "#EAA228", "#c5b47f", "#579575", "#839557", "#958c12", "#953579", "#4b5de4", "#d8b83f", "#ff5800", "#0085cc", "#c747a3", "#cddf54", "#FBD178", "#26B4E3", "#bd70c7"];
- this.negativeSeriesColors = [ "#498991", "#C08840", "#9F9274", "#546D61", "#646C4A", "#6F6621", "#6E3F5F", "#4F64B0", "#A89050", "#C45923", "#187399", "#945381", "#959E5C", "#C7AF7B", "#478396", "#907294"];
- // prop: sortData
- // false to not sort the data passed in by the user.
- // Many bar, stakced and other graphs as well as many plugins depend on
- // having sorted data.
- this.sortData = true;
- var seriesColorsIndex = 0;
- // prop textColor
- // css spec for the css color attribute. Default for the entire plot.
- this.textColor;
- // prop; fontFamily
- // css spec for the font-family attribute. Default for the entire plot.
- this.fontFamily;
- // prop: fontSize
- // css spec for the font-size attribute. Default for the entire plot.
- this.fontSize;
- // prop: title
- // Title object. See for specific options. As a shortcut, you
- // can specify the title option as just a string like: title: 'My Plot'
- // and this will create a new title object with the specified text.
- this.title = new Title();
- // container to hold all of the merged options. Convienence for plugins.
- this.options = {};
- // prop: stackSeries
- // true or false, creates a stack or "mountain" plot.
- // Not all series renderers may implement this option.
- this.stackSeries = false;
- // array to hold the cumulative stacked series data.
- // used to ajust the individual series data, which won't have access to other
- // series data.
- this._stackData = [];
- // array that holds the data to be plotted. This will be the series data
- // merged with the the appropriate data from _stackData according to the stackAxis.
- this._plotData = [];
- // Namespece to hold plugins. Generally non-renderer plugins add themselves to here.
- this.plugins = {};
- // Count how many times the draw method has been called while the plot is visible.
- // Mostly used to test if plot has never been dran (=0), has been successfully drawn
- // into a visible container once (=1) or draw more than once into a visible container.
- // Can use this in tests to see if plot has been visibly drawn at least one time.
- // After plot has been visibly drawn once, it generally doesn't need redrawn if its
- // container is hidden and shown.
- this._drawCount = 0;
- // prop: drawIfHidden
- // True to execute the draw method even if the plot target is hidden.
- // Generally, this should be false. Most plot elements will not be sized/
- // positioned correclty if renderered into a hidden container. To render into
- // a hidden container, call the replot method when the container is shown.
- this.drawIfHidden = false;
- // sum of y values for all series in plot.
- // used in mekko chart.
- this._sumy = 0;
- this._sumx = 0;
- this.colorGenerator = $.jqplot.ColorGenerator;
- // Group: methods
- //
- // method: init
- // sets the plot target, checks data and applies user
- // options to plot.
- this.init = function(target, data, options) {
- for (var i=0; i<$.jqplot.preInitHooks.length; i++) {
- $.jqplot.preInitHooks[i].call(this, target, data, options);
- }
- this.targetId = '#'+target;
- this.target = $('#'+target);
- if (!this.target.get(0)) {
- throw "No plot target specified";
- }
- // make sure the target is positioned by some means and set css
- if (this.target.css('position') == 'static') {
- this.target.css('position', 'relative');
- }
- if (!this.target.hasClass('jqplot-target')) {
- this.target.addClass('jqplot-target');
- }
- // if no height or width specified, use a default.
- if (!this.target.height()) {
- var h;
- if (options && options.height) {
- h = parseInt(options.height, 10);
- }
- else if (this.target.attr('data-height')) {
- h = parseInt(this.target.attr('data-height'), 10);
- }
- else {
- h = parseInt($.jqplot.config.defaultHeight, 10);
- }
- this._height = h;
- this.target.css('height', h+'px');
- }
- else {
- this._height = this.target.height();
- }
- if (!this.target.width()) {
- var w;
- if (options && options.width) {
- w = parseInt(options.width, 10);
- }
- else if (this.target.attr('data-width')) {
- w = parseInt(this.target.attr('data-width'), 10);
- }
- else {
- w = parseInt($.jqplot.config.defaultWidth, 10);
- }
- this._width = w;
- this.target.css('width', w+'px');
- }
- else {
- this._width = this.target.width();
- }
- this._plotDimensions.height = this._height;
- this._plotDimensions.width = this._width;
- this.grid._plotDimensions = this._plotDimensions;
- this.title._plotDimensions = this._plotDimensions;
- this.baseCanvas._plotDimensions = this._plotDimensions;
- this.eventCanvas._plotDimensions = this._plotDimensions;
- this.legend._plotDimensions = this._plotDimensions;
- if (this._height <=0 || this._width <=0 || !this._height || !this._width) {
- throw "Canvas dimension not set";
- }
- this.data = data;
- this.parseOptions(options);
- if (this.textColor) {
- this.target.css('color', this.textColor);
- }
- if (this.fontFamily) {
- this.target.css('font-family', this.fontFamily);
- }
- if (this.fontSize) {
- this.target.css('font-size', this.fontSize);
- }
- this.title.init();
- this.legend.init();
- this._sumy = 0;
- this._sumx = 0;
- for (var i=0; i0) {
- series._prevPlotData = this.series[index-1]._plotData;
- }
- series._sumy = 0;
- series._sumx = 0;
- for (i=series.data.length-1; i>-1; i--) {
- series._sumy += series.data[i][1];
- series._sumx += series.data[i][0];
- }
- };
- // function to safely return colors from the color array and wrap around at the end.
- this.getNextSeriesColor = (function(t) {
- var idx = 0;
- var sc = t.seriesColors;
- return function () {
- if (idx < sc.length) {
- return sc[idx++];
- }
- else {
- idx = 0;
- return sc[idx++];
- }
- };
- })(this);
- this.parseOptions = function(options){
- for (var i=0; i<$.jqplot.preParseOptionsHooks.length; i++) {
- $.jqplot.preParseOptionsHooks[i].call(this, options);
- }
- this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, options);
- this.stackSeries = this.options.stackSeries;
- if (this.options.seriesColors) {
- this.seriesColors = this.options.seriesColors;
- }
- var cg = new this.colorGenerator(this.seriesColors);
- // this._gridPadding = this.options.gridPadding;
- $.extend(true, this._gridPadding, this.options.gridPadding);
- this.sortData = (this.options.sortData != null) ? this.options.sortData : this.sortData;
- for (var n in this.axes) {
- var axis = this.axes[n];
- $.extend(true, axis, this.options.axesDefaults, this.options.axes[n]);
- axis._plotWidth = this._width;
- axis._plotHeight = this._height;
- }
- if (this.data.length == 0) {
- this.data = [];
- for (var i=0; i0; n--) {
- ax = this.axes[ra[n-1]];
- if (ax.show) {
- rapad[n-1] = gpr;
- gpr += ax.getWidth();
- }
- }
- if (gpr > this._gridPadding.right) {
- this._gridPadding.right = gpr;
- }
- if (this.title.show && this.axes.x2axis.show) {
- this._gridPadding.top = this.title.getHeight() + this.axes.x2axis.getHeight();
- }
- else if (this.title.show) {
- this._gridPadding.top = this.title.getHeight();
- }
- else if (this.axes.x2axis.show) {
- this._gridPadding.top = this.axes.x2axis.getHeight();
- }
- if (this.axes.xaxis.show) {
- this._gridPadding.bottom = this.axes.xaxis.getHeight();
- }
- this.axes.xaxis.pack({position:'absolute', bottom:0, left:0, width:this._width}, {min:this._gridPadding.left, max:this._width - this._gridPadding.right});
- this.axes.yaxis.pack({position:'absolute', top:0, left:0, height:this._height}, {min:this._height - this._gridPadding.bottom, max: this._gridPadding.top});
- this.axes.x2axis.pack({position:'absolute', top:this.title.getHeight(), left:0, width:this._width}, {min:this._gridPadding.left, max:this._width - this._gridPadding.right});
- for (i=8; i>0; i--) {
- this.axes[ra[i-1]].pack({position:'absolute', top:0, right:rapad[i-1]}, {min:this._height - this._gridPadding.bottom, max: this._gridPadding.top});
- }
- // this.axes.y2axis.pack({position:'absolute', top:0, right:0}, {min:this._height - this._gridPadding.bottom, max: this._gridPadding.top});
- this.target.append(this.grid.createElement(this._gridPadding));
- this.grid.draw();
- // put the shadow canvases behind the series canvases so shadows don't overlap on stacked bars.
- for (i=0; i0; n--) {
- var axis = an[n-1];
- if (ax[axis].show) {
- dataPos[axis] = ax[axis].series_p2u(gridPos[axis.charAt(0)]);
- }
- }
- return ({offsets:offsets, gridPos:gridPos, dataPos:dataPos});
- }
- function getNeighborPoint(plot, x, y) {
- var ret = null;
- var s, i, d0, d, j, r;
- var threshold;
- for (var i=0; i= p[0]-r._bodyWidth/2 && x <= p[0]+r._bodyWidth/2 && y >= yp(s.data[j][2]) && y <= yp(s.data[j][3])) {
- ret = {seriesIndex: i, pointIndex:j, gridData:p, data:s.data[j]};
- }
- }
- // if an open hi low close chart
- else if (!r.hlc){
- var yp = s._yaxis.series_u2p;
- if (x >= p[0]-r._tickLength && x <= p[0]+r._tickLength && y >= yp(s.data[j][2]) && y <= yp(s.data[j][3])) {
- ret = {seriesIndex: i, pointIndex:j, gridData:p, data:s.data[j]};
- }
- }
- // a hi low close chart
- else {
- var yp = s._yaxis.series_u2p;
- if (x >= p[0]-r._tickLength && x <= p[0]+r._tickLength && y >= yp(s.data[j][1]) && y <= yp(s.data[j][2])) {
- ret = {seriesIndex: i, pointIndex:j, gridData:p, data:s.data[j]};
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- d = Math.sqrt( (x-p[0]) * (x-p[0]) + (y-p[1]) * (y-p[1]) );
- if (d <= threshold && (d <= d0 || d0 == null)) {
- d0 = d;
- ret = {seriesIndex: i, pointIndex:j, gridData:p, data:s.data[j]};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- this.onClick = function(ev) {
- // Event passed in is unnormalized and will have data attribute.
- // Event passed out in normalized and won't have data attribute.
- var positions = getEventPosition(ev);
- var p = ev.data.plot;
- var neighbor = getNeighborPoint(p, positions.gridPos.x, positions.gridPos.y);
- ev.data.plot.eventCanvas._elem.trigger('jqplotClick', [positions.gridPos, positions.dataPos, neighbor, p]);
- };
- this.onDblClick = function(ev) {
- // Event passed in is unnormalized and will have data attribute.
- // Event passed out in normalized and won't have data attribute.
- var positions = getEventPosition(ev);
- var p = ev.data.plot;
- var neighbor = getNeighborPoint(p, positions.gridPos.x, positions.gridPos.y);
- ev.data.plot.eventCanvas._elem.trigger('jqplotDblClick', [positions.gridPos, positions.dataPos, neighbor, p]);
- };
- this.onMouseDown = function(ev) {
- var positions = getEventPosition(ev);
- var p = ev.data.plot;
- var neighbor = getNeighborPoint(p, positions.gridPos.x, positions.gridPos.y);
- ev.data.plot.eventCanvas._elem.trigger('jqplotMouseDown', [positions.gridPos, positions.dataPos, neighbor, p]);
- };
- this.onMouseUp = function(ev) {
- var positions = getEventPosition(ev);
- ev.data.plot.eventCanvas._elem.trigger('jqplotMouseUp', [positions.gridPos, positions.dataPos, null, ev.data.plot]);
- };
- this.onMouseMove = function(ev) {
- var positions = getEventPosition(ev);
- var p = ev.data.plot;
- var neighbor = getNeighborPoint(p, positions.gridPos.x, positions.gridPos.y);
- ev.data.plot.eventCanvas._elem.trigger('jqplotMouseMove', [positions.gridPos, positions.dataPos, neighbor, p]);
- };
- this.onMouseEnter = function(ev) {
- var positions = getEventPosition(ev);
- var p = ev.data.plot;
- ev.data.plot.eventCanvas._elem.trigger('jqplotMouseEnter', [positions.gridPos, positions.dataPos, null, p]);
- };
- this.onMouseLeave = function(ev) {
- var positions = getEventPosition(ev);
- var p = ev.data.plot;
- ev.data.plot.eventCanvas._elem.trigger('jqplotMouseLeave', [positions.gridPos, positions.dataPos, null, p]);
- };
- // convienece function to draw series shadows and series.
- this.drawSeries = function(options, idx){
- var i, series, ctx;
- // draw specified series
- if (idx != undefined) {
- series = this.series[idx];
- ctx = series.shadowCanvas._ctx;
- ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
- series.drawShadow(ctx, options, this);
- ctx = series.canvas._ctx;
- ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
- series.draw(ctx, options, this);
- }
- else {
- // if call series drawShadow method first, in case all series shadows
- // should be drawn before any series. This will ensure, like for
- // stacked bar plots, that shadows don't overlap series.
- for (i=0; i 0) {
- return colors[idx--];
- }
- else {
- idx = colors.length-1;
- return colors[idx];
- }
- };
- // get a color by index without advancing pointer.
- this.get = function(i) {
- return colors[i];
- };
- this.setColors = function(c) {
- colors = c;
- };
- this.reset = function() {
- idx = 0;
- };
- };
- // convert a hex color string to rgb string.
- // h - 3 or 6 character hex string, with or without leading #
- // a - optional alpha
- $.jqplot.hex2rgb = function(h, a) {
- h = h.replace('#', '');
- if (h.length == 3) {
- h = h[0]+h[0]+h[1]+h[1]+h[2]+h[2];
- }
- var rgb;
- rgb = 'rgba('+parseInt(h.slice(0,2), 16)+', '+parseInt(h.slice(2,4), 16)+', '+parseInt(h.slice(4,6), 16);
- if (a) {
- rgb += ', '+a;
- }
- rgb += ')';
- return rgb;
- };
- // convert an rgb color spec to a hex spec. ignore any alpha specification.
- $.jqplot.rgb2hex = function(s) {
- var pat = /rgba?\( *([0-9]{1,3}\.?[0-9]*%?) *, *([0-9]{1,3}\.?[0-9]*%?) *, *([0-9]{1,3}\.?[0-9]*%?) *(?:, *[0-9.]*)?\)/;
- var m = s.match(pat);
- var h = '#';
- for (i=1; i<4; i++) {
- var temp;
- if (m[i].search(/%/) != -1) {
- temp = parseInt(255*m[i]/100, 10).toString(16);
- if (temp.length == 1) {
- temp = '0'+temp;
- }
- }
- else {
- temp = parseInt(m[i], 10).toString(16);
- if (temp.length == 1) {
- temp = '0'+temp;
- }
- }
- h += temp;
- }
- return h;
- };
- // given a css color spec, return an rgb css color spec
- $.jqplot.normalize2rgb = function(s, a) {
- if (s.search(/^ *rgba?\(/) != -1) {
- return s;
- }
- else if (s.search(/^ *#?[0-9a-fA-F]?[0-9a-fA-F]/) != -1) {
- return $.jqplot.hex2rgb(s, a);
- }
- else {
- throw 'invalid color spec';
- }
- };
- // extract the r, g, b, a color components out of a css color spec.
- $.jqplot.getColorComponents = function(s) {
- var rgb = $.jqplot.normalize2rgb(s);
- var pat = /rgba?\( *([0-9]{1,3}\.?[0-9]*%?) *, *([0-9]{1,3}\.?[0-9]*%?) *, *([0-9]{1,3}\.?[0-9]*%?) *,? *([0-9.]* *)?\)/;
- var m = rgb.match(pat);
- var ret = [];
- for (i=1; i<4; i++) {
- if (m[i].search(/%/) != -1) {
- ret[i-1] = parseInt(255*m[i]/100, 10);
- }
- else {
- ret[i-1] = parseInt(m[i], 10);
- }
- }
- ret[3] = parseFloat(m[4]) ? parseFloat(m[4]) : 1.0;
- return ret;
- };
- // Convienence function that won't hang IE.
- $.jqplot.log = function() {
- if (window.console && $.jqplot.debug) {
- if (arguments.length == 1) {
- console.log (arguments[0]);
- }
- else {
- console.log(arguments);
- }
- }
- };
- var log = $.jqplot.log;
- // class: $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer
- // Renderer to place labels on the axes.
- $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer = function(options) {
- // Group: Properties
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.call(this);
- // name of the axis associated with this tick
- this.axis;
- // prop: show
- // wether or not to show the tick (mark and label).
- this.show = true;
- // prop: label
- // The text or html for the label.
- this.label = '';
- this._elem;
- // prop: escapeHTML
- // true to escape HTML entities in the label.
- this.escapeHTML = false;
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- };
- $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.ElemContainer();
- $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer;
- $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- };
- $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer.prototype.draw = function() {
- this._elem = $('');
- if (Number(this.label)) {
- this._elem.css('white-space', 'nowrap');
- }
- if (!this.escapeHTML) {
- this._elem.html(this.label);
- }
- else {
- this._elem.text(this.label);
- }
- return this._elem;
- };
- $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer.prototype.pack = function() {
- };
- // class: $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer
- // A "tick" object showing the value of a tick/gridline on the plot.
- $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer = function(options) {
- // Group: Properties
- $.jqplot.ElemContainer.call(this);
- // prop: mark
- // tick mark on the axis. One of 'inside', 'outside', 'cross', '' or null.
- this.mark = 'outside';
- // name of the axis associated with this tick
- this.axis;
- // prop: showMark
- // wether or not to show the mark on the axis.
- this.showMark = true;
- // prop: showGridline
- // wether or not to draw the gridline on the grid at this tick.
- this.showGridline = true;
- // prop: isMinorTick
- // if this is a minor tick.
- this.isMinorTick = false;
- // prop: size
- // Length of the tick beyond the grid in pixels.
- // DEPRECATED: This has been superceeded by markSize
- this.size = 4;
- // prop: markSize
- // Length of the tick marks in pixels. For 'cross' style, length
- // will be stoked above and below axis, so total length will be twice this.
- this.markSize = 6;
- // prop: show
- // wether or not to show the tick (mark and label).
- // Setting this to false requires more testing. It is recommended
- // to set showLabel and showMark to false instead.
- this.show = true;
- // prop: showLabel
- // wether or not to show the label.
- this.showLabel = true;
- this.label = '';
- this.value = null;
- this._styles = {};
- // prop: formatter
- // A class of a formatter for the tick text. sprintf by default.
- this.formatter = $.jqplot.DefaultTickFormatter;
- // prop: formatString
- // string passed to the formatter.
- this.formatString = '';
- // prop: fontFamily
- // css spec for the font-family css attribute.
- this.fontFamily;
- // prop: fontSize
- // css spec for the font-size css attribute.
- this.fontSize;
- // prop: textColor
- // css spec for the color attribute.
- this.textColor;
- this._elem;
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- };
- $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- };
- $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.ElemContainer();
- $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer;
- $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer.prototype.setTick = function(value, axisName, isMinor) {
- this.value = value;
- this.axis = axisName;
- if (isMinor) {
- this.isMinorTick = true;
- }
- return this;
- };
- $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer.prototype.draw = function() {
- if (!this.label) {
- this.label = this.formatter(this.formatString, this.value);
- }
- style ='style="position:absolute;';
- if (Number(this.label)) {
- style +='white-space:nowrap;';
- }
- style += '"';
- this._elem = $('
- for (var s in this._styles) {
- this._elem.css(s, this._styles[s]);
- }
- if (this.fontFamily) {
- this._elem.css('font-family', this.fontFamily);
- }
- if (this.fontSize) {
- this._elem.css('font-size', this.fontSize);
- }
- if (this.textColor) {
- this._elem.css('color', this.textColor);
- }
- return this._elem;
- };
- $.jqplot.DefaultTickFormatter = function (format, val) {
- if (typeof val == 'number') {
- if (!format) {
- format = '%.1f';
- }
- return $.jqplot.sprintf(format, val);
- }
- else {
- return String(val);
- }
- };
- $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer.prototype.pack = function() {
- };
- // Class: $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer
- // The default jqPlot grid renderer, creating a grid on a canvas element.
- // The renderer has no additional options beyond the class.
- $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer = function(){
- this.shadowRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShadowRenderer();
- };
- // called with context of Grid object
- $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
- this._ctx;
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- // set the shadow renderer options
- var sopts = {lineJoin:'miter', lineCap:'round', fill:false, isarc:false, angle:this.shadowAngle, offset:this.shadowOffset, alpha:this.shadowAlpha, depth:this.shadowDepth, lineWidth:this.shadowWidth, closePath:false};
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.init(sopts);
- };
- // called with context of Grid.
- $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer.prototype.createElement = function() {
- var elem = document.createElement('canvas');
- var w = this._plotDimensions.width;
- var h = this._plotDimensions.height;
- elem.width = w;
- elem.height = h;
- this._elem = $(elem);
- this._elem.addClass('jqplot-grid-canvas');
- this._elem.css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0 });
- if ($.browser.msie) {
- window.G_vmlCanvasManager.init_(document);
- }
- if ($.browser.msie) {
- elem = window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(elem);
- }
- this._top = this._offsets.top;
- this._bottom = h - this._offsets.bottom;
- this._left = this._offsets.left;
- this._right = w - this._offsets.right;
- this._width = this._right - this._left;
- this._height = this._bottom - this._top;
- return this._elem;
- };
- $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer.prototype.draw = function() {
- this._ctx = this._elem.get(0).getContext("2d");
- var ctx = this._ctx;
- var axes = this._axes;
- // Add the grid onto the grid canvas. This is the bottom most layer.
- ctx.save();
- ctx.fillStyle = this.background;
- ctx.fillRect(this._left, this._top, this._width, this._height);
- if (this.drawGridlines) {
- ctx.save();
- ctx.lineJoin = 'miter';
- ctx.lineCap = 'butt';
- ctx.lineWidth = this.gridLineWidth;
- ctx.strokeStyle = this.gridLineColor;
- var b, e;
- var ax = ['xaxis', 'yaxis', 'x2axis', 'y2axis'];
- for (var i=4; i>0; i--) {
- var name = ax[i-1];
- var axis = axes[name];
- var ticks = axis._ticks;
- if (axis.show) {
- for (var j=ticks.length; j>0; j--) {
- var t = ticks[j-1];
- if (t.show) {
- var pos = Math.round(axis.u2p(t.value)) + 0.5;
- switch (name) {
- case 'xaxis':
- // draw the grid line
- if (t.showGridline) {
- drawLine(pos, this._top, pos, this._bottom);
- }
- // draw the mark
- if (t.showMark && t.mark) {
- s = t.markSize;
- m = t.mark;
- var pos = Math.round(axis.u2p(t.value)) + 0.5;
- switch (m) {
- case 'outside':
- b = this._bottom;
- e = this._bottom+s;
- break;
- case 'inside':
- b = this._bottom-s;
- e = this._bottom;
- break;
- case 'cross':
- b = this._bottom-s;
- e = this._bottom+s;
- break;
- default:
- b = this._bottom;
- e = this._bottom+s;
- break;
- }
- // draw the shadow
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, [[pos,b],[pos,e]], {lineCap:'butt', lineWidth:this.gridLineWidth, offset:this.gridLineWidth*0.75, depth:2, fill:false, closePath:false});
- }
- // draw the line
- drawLine(pos, b, pos, e);
- }
- break;
- case 'yaxis':
- // draw the grid line
- if (t.showGridline) {
- drawLine(this._right, pos, this._left, pos);
- }
- // draw the mark
- if (t.showMark && t.mark) {
- s = t.markSize;
- m = t.mark;
- var pos = Math.round(axis.u2p(t.value)) + 0.5;
- switch (m) {
- case 'outside':
- b = this._left-s;
- e = this._left;
- break;
- case 'inside':
- b = this._left;
- e = this._left+s;
- break;
- case 'cross':
- b = this._left-s;
- e = this._left+s;
- break;
- default:
- b = this._left-s;
- e = this._left;
- break;
- }
- // draw the shadow
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, [[b, pos], [e, pos]], {lineCap:'butt', lineWidth:this.gridLineWidth*1.5, offset:this.gridLineWidth*0.75, fill:false, closePath:false});
- }
- drawLine(b, pos, e, pos, {strokeStyle:axis.borderColor});
- }
- break;
- case 'x2axis':
- // draw the grid line
- if (t.showGridline) {
- drawLine(pos, this._bottom, pos, this._top);
- }
- // draw the mark
- if (t.showMark && t.mark) {
- s = t.markSize;
- m = t.mark;
- var pos = Math.round(axis.u2p(t.value)) + 0.5;
- switch (m) {
- case 'outside':
- b = this._top-s;
- e = this._top;
- break;
- case 'inside':
- b = this._top;
- e = this._top+s;
- break;
- case 'cross':
- b = this._top-s;
- e = this._top+s;
- break;
- default:
- b = this._top-s;
- e = this._top;
- break;
- }
- // draw the shadow
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, [[pos,b],[pos,e]], {lineCap:'butt', lineWidth:this.gridLineWidth, offset:this.gridLineWidth*0.75, depth:2, fill:false, closePath:false});
- }
- drawLine(pos, b, pos, e);
- }
- break;
- case 'y2axis':
- // draw the grid line
- if (t.showGridline) {
- drawLine(this._left, pos, this._right, pos);
- }
- // draw the mark
- if (t.showMark && t.mark) {
- s = t.markSize;
- m = t.mark;
- var pos = Math.round(axis.u2p(t.value)) + 0.5;
- switch (m) {
- case 'outside':
- b = this._right;
- e = this._right+s;
- break;
- case 'inside':
- b = this._right-s;
- e = this._right;
- break;
- case 'cross':
- b = this._right-s;
- e = this._right+s;
- break;
- default:
- b = this._right;
- e = this._right+s;
- break;
- }
- // draw the shadow
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, [[b, pos], [e, pos]], {lineCap:'butt', lineWidth:this.gridLineWidth*1.5, offset:this.gridLineWidth*0.75, fill:false, closePath:false});
- }
- drawLine(b, pos, e, pos, {strokeStyle:axis.borderColor});
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Now draw grid lines for additional y axes
- ax = ['y3axis', 'y4axis', 'y5axis', 'y6axis', 'y7axis', 'y8axis', 'y9axis'];
- for (var i=7; i>0; i--) {
- var axis = axes[ax[i-1]];
- var ticks = axis._ticks;
- if (axis.show) {
- var tn = ticks[axis.numberTicks-1];
- var t0 = ticks[0];
- var left = axis.getLeft();
- var points = [[left, tn.getTop() + tn.getHeight()/2], [left, t0.getTop() + t0.getHeight()/2 + 1.0]];
- // draw the shadow
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points, {lineCap:'butt', fill:false, closePath:false});
- }
- // draw the line
- drawLine(points[0][0], points[0][1], points[1][0], points[1][1], {lineCap:'butt', strokeStyle:axis.borderColor, lineWidth:axis.borderWidth});
- // draw the tick marks
- for (var j=ticks.length; j>0; j--) {
- var t = ticks[j-1];
- s = t.markSize;
- m = t.mark;
- var pos = Math.round(axis.u2p(t.value)) + 0.5;
- if (t.showMark && t.mark) {
- switch (m) {
- case 'outside':
- b = left;
- e = left+s;
- break;
- case 'inside':
- b = left-s;
- e = left;
- break;
- case 'cross':
- b = left-s;
- e = left+s;
- break;
- default:
- b = left;
- e = left+s;
- break;
- }
- points = [[b,pos], [e,pos]];
- // draw the shadow
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points, {lineCap:'butt', lineWidth:this.gridLineWidth*1.5, offset:this.gridLineWidth*0.75, fill:false, closePath:false});
- }
- // draw the line
- drawLine(b, pos, e, pos, {strokeStyle:axis.borderColor});
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ctx.restore();
- }
- function drawLine(bx, by, ex, ey, opts) {
- ctx.save();
- opts = opts || {};
- $.extend(true, ctx, opts);
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(bx, by);
- ctx.lineTo(ex, ey);
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.restore();
- }
- if (this.shadow) {
- var points = [[this._left, this._bottom], [this._right, this._bottom], [this._right, this._top]];
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points);
- }
- // Now draw border around grid. Use axis border definitions. start at
- // upper left and go clockwise.
- drawLine (this._left, this._top, this._right, this._top, {lineCap:'round', strokeStyle:axes.x2axis.borderColor, lineWidth:axes.x2axis.borderWidth});
- drawLine (this._right, this._top, this._right, this._bottom, {lineCap:'round', strokeStyle:axes.y2axis.borderColor, lineWidth:axes.y2axis.borderWidth});
- drawLine (this._right, this._bottom, this._left, this._bottom, {lineCap:'round', strokeStyle:axes.xaxis.borderColor, lineWidth:axes.xaxis.borderWidth});
- drawLine (this._left, this._bottom, this._left, this._top, {lineCap:'round', strokeStyle:axes.yaxis.borderColor, lineWidth:axes.yaxis.borderWidth});
- // ctx.lineWidth = this.borderWidth;
- // ctx.strokeStyle = this.borderColor;
- // ctx.strokeRect(this._left, this._top, this._width, this._height);
- ctx.restore();
- };
- /**
- * Date instance methods
- *
- * @author Ken Snyder (ken d snyder at gmail dot com)
- * @date 2008-09-10
- * @version 2.0.2 (http://kendsnyder.com/sandbox/date/)
- * @license Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
- *
- * @contributions Chris Leonello
- * @comment Bug fix to 12 hour time and additions to handle milliseconds and
- * @comment 24 hour time without am/pm suffix
- *
- */
- // begin by creating a scope for utility variables
- //
- // pre-calculate the number of milliseconds in a day
- //
- var day = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
- //
- // function to add leading zeros
- //
- var zeroPad = function(number, digits) {
- number = String(number);
- while (number.length < digits) {
- number = '0' + number;
- }
- return number;
- };
- //
- // set up integers and functions for adding to a date or subtracting two dates
- //
- var multipliers = {
- millisecond: 1,
- second: 1000,
- minute: 60 * 1000,
- hour: 60 * 60 * 1000,
- day: day,
- week: 7 * day,
- month: {
- // add a number of months
- add: function(d, number) {
- // add any years needed (increments of 12)
- multipliers.year.add(d, Math[number > 0 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](number / 12));
- // ensure that we properly wrap betwen December and January
- var prevMonth = d.getMonth() + (number % 12);
- if (prevMonth == 12) {
- prevMonth = 0;
- d.setYear(d.getFullYear() + 1);
- } else if (prevMonth == -1) {
- prevMonth = 11;
- d.setYear(d.getFullYear() - 1);
- }
- d.setMonth(prevMonth);
- },
- // get the number of months between two Date objects (decimal to the nearest day)
- diff: function(d1, d2) {
- // get the number of years
- var diffYears = d1.getFullYear() - d2.getFullYear();
- // get the number of remaining months
- var diffMonths = d1.getMonth() - d2.getMonth() + (diffYears * 12);
- // get the number of remaining days
- var diffDays = d1.getDate() - d2.getDate();
- // return the month difference with the days difference as a decimal
- return diffMonths + (diffDays / 30);
- }
- },
- year: {
- // add a number of years
- add: function(d, number) {
- d.setYear(d.getFullYear() + Math[number > 0 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](number));
- },
- // get the number of years between two Date objects (decimal to the nearest day)
- diff: function(d1, d2) {
- return multipliers.month.diff(d1, d2) / 12;
- }
- }
- };
- //
- // alias each multiplier with an 's' to allow 'year' and 'years' for example
- //
- for (var unit in multipliers) {
- if (unit.substring(unit.length - 1) != 's') { // IE will iterate newly added properties :|
- multipliers[unit + 's'] = multipliers[unit];
- }
- }
- //
- // take a date instance and a format code and return the formatted value
- //
- var format = function(d, code) {
- if (Date.prototype.strftime.formatShortcuts[code]) {
- // process any shortcuts recursively
- return d.strftime(Date.prototype.strftime.formatShortcuts[code]);
- } else {
- // get the format code function and toPaddedString() argument
- var getter = (Date.prototype.strftime.formatCodes[code] || '').split('.');
- var nbr = d['get' + getter[0]] ? d['get' + getter[0]]() : '';
- // run toPaddedString() if specified
- if (getter[1]) {
- nbr = zeroPad(nbr, getter[1]);
- }
- // prepend the leading character
- return nbr;
- }
- };
- //
- // Add methods to Date instances
- //
- var instanceMethods = {
- //
- // Return a date one day ahead (or any other unit)
- //
- // @param string unit
- // units: year | month | day | week | hour | minute | second | millisecond
- // @return object Date
- //
- succ: function(unit) {
- return this.clone().add(1, unit);
- },
- //
- // Add an arbitrary amount to the currently stored date
- //
- // @param integer/float number
- // @param string unit
- // @return object Date (chainable)
- //
- add: function(number, unit) {
- var factor = multipliers[unit] || multipliers.day;
- if (typeof factor == 'number') {
- this.setTime(this.getTime() + (factor * number));
- } else {
- factor.add(this, number);
- }
- return this;
- },
- //
- // Find the difference between the current and another date
- //
- // @param string/object dateObj
- // @param string unit
- // @param boolean allowDecimal
- // @return integer/float
- //
- diff: function(dateObj, unit, allowDecimal) {
- // ensure we have a Date object
- dateObj = Date.create(dateObj);
- if (dateObj === null) {
- return null;
- }
- // get the multiplying factor integer or factor function
- var factor = multipliers[unit] || multipliers.day;
- if (typeof factor == 'number') {
- // multiply
- var unitDiff = (this.getTime() - dateObj.getTime()) / factor;
- } else {
- // run function
- var unitDiff = factor.diff(this, dateObj);
- }
- // if decimals are not allowed, round toward zero
- return (allowDecimal ? unitDiff : Math[unitDiff > 0 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](unitDiff));
- },
- //
- // Convert a date to a string using traditional strftime format codes
- //
- // @param string formatStr
- // @return string
- //
- strftime: function(formatStr) {
- // default the format string to year-month-day
- var source = formatStr || '%Y-%m-%d', result = '', match;
- // replace each format code
- while (source.length > 0) {
- if (match = source.match(Date.prototype.strftime.formatCodes.matcher)) {
- result += source.slice(0, match.index);
- result += (match[1] || '') + format(this, match[2]);
- source = source.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
- } else {
- result += source;
- source = '';
- }
- }
- return result;
- },
- //
- // Return a proper two-digit year integer
- //
- // @return integer
- //
- getShortYear: function() {
- return this.getYear() % 100;
- },
- //
- // Get the number of the current month, 1-12
- //
- // @return integer
- //
- getMonthNumber: function() {
- return this.getMonth() + 1;
- },
- //
- // Get the name of the current month
- //
- // @return string
- //
- getMonthName: function() {
- return Date.MONTHNAMES[this.getMonth()];
- },
- //
- // Get the abbreviated name of the current month
- //
- // @return string
- //
- getAbbrMonthName: function() {
- return Date.ABBR_MONTHNAMES[this.getMonth()];
- },
- //
- // Get the name of the current week day
- //
- // @return string
- //
- getDayName: function() {
- return Date.DAYNAMES[this.getDay()];
- },
- //
- // Get the abbreviated name of the current week day
- //
- // @return string
- //
- getAbbrDayName: function() {
- return Date.ABBR_DAYNAMES[this.getDay()];
- },
- //
- // Get the ordinal string associated with the day of the month (i.e. st, nd, rd, th)
- //
- // @return string
- //
- getDayOrdinal: function() {
- return Date.ORDINALNAMES[this.getDate() % 10];
- },
- //
- // Get the current hour on a 12-hour scheme
- //
- // @return integer
- //
- getHours12: function() {
- var hours = this.getHours();
- return hours > 12 ? hours - 12 : (hours == 0 ? 12 : hours);
- },
- //
- // Get the AM or PM for the current time
- //
- // @return string
- //
- getAmPm: function() {
- return this.getHours() >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
- },
- //
- // Get the current date as a Unix timestamp
- //
- // @return integer
- //
- getUnix: function() {
- return Math.round(this.getTime() / 1000, 0);
- },
- //
- // Get the GMT offset in hours and minutes (e.g. +06:30)
- //
- // @return string
- //
- getGmtOffset: function() {
- // divide the minutes offset by 60
- var hours = this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
- // decide if we are ahead of or behind GMT
- var prefix = hours < 0 ? '+' : '-';
- // remove the negative sign if any
- hours = Math.abs(hours);
- // add the +/- to the padded number of hours to : to the padded minutes
- return prefix + zeroPad(Math.floor(hours), 2) + ':' + zeroPad((hours % 1) * 60, 2);
- },
- //
- // Get the browser-reported name for the current timezone (e.g. MDT, Mountain Daylight Time)
- //
- // @return string
- //
- getTimezoneName: function() {
- var match = /(?:\((.+)\)$| ([A-Z]{3}) )/.exec(this.toString());
- return match[1] || match[2] || 'GMT' + this.getGmtOffset();
- },
- //
- // Convert the current date to an 8-digit integer (%Y%m%d)
- //
- // @return int
- //
- toYmdInt: function() {
- return (this.getFullYear() * 10000) + (this.getMonthNumber() * 100) + this.getDate();
- },
- //
- // Create a copy of a date object
- //
- // @return object
- //
- clone: function() {
- return new Date(this.getTime());
- }
- };
- for (var name in instanceMethods) {
- Date.prototype[name] = instanceMethods[name];
- }
- //
- // Add static methods to the date object
- //
- var staticMethods = {
- //
- // The heart of the date functionality: returns a date object if given a convertable value
- //
- // @param string/object/integer date
- // @return object Date
- //
- create: function(date) {
- // If the passed value is already a date object, return it
- if (date instanceof Date) {
- return date;
- }
- // if (typeof date == 'number') return new Date(date * 1000);
- // If the passed value is an integer, interpret it as a javascript timestamp
- if (typeof date == 'number') {
- return new Date(date);
- }
- // If the passed value is a string, attempt to parse it using Date.parse()
- var parsable = String(date).replace(/^\s*(.+)\s*$/, '$1'), i = 0, length = Date.create.patterns.length, pattern;
- var current = parsable;
- while (i < length) {
- ms = Date.parse(current);
- if (!isNaN(ms)) {
- return new Date(ms);
- }
- pattern = Date.create.patterns[i];
- if (typeof pattern == 'function') {
- obj = pattern(current);
- if (obj instanceof Date) {
- return obj;
- }
- } else {
- current = parsable.replace(pattern[0], pattern[1]);
- }
- i++;
- }
- return NaN;
- },
- //
- // constants representing month names, day names, and ordinal names
- // (same names as Ruby Date constants)
- //
- MONTHNAMES : 'January February March April May June July August September October November December'.split(' '),
- ABBR_MONTHNAMES : 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split(' '),
- DAYNAMES : 'Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday'.split(' '),
- ABBR_DAYNAMES : 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat'.split(' '),
- ORDINALNAMES : 'th st nd rd th th th th th th'.split(' '),
- //
- // Shortcut for full ISO-8601 date conversion
- //
- ISO: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%G',
- //
- // Shortcut for SQL-type formatting
- //
- SQL: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
- //
- // Setter method for month, day, and ordinal names for i18n
- //
- // @param object newNames
- //
- daysInMonth: function(year, month) {
- if (month == 2) {
- return new Date(year, 1, 29).getDate() == 29 ? 29 : 28;
- }
- return [undefined,31,undefined,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31][month];
- }
- };
- for (var name in staticMethods) {
- Date[name] = staticMethods[name];
- }
- //
- // format codes for strftime
- //
- // each code must be an array where the first member is the name of a Date.prototype function
- // and optionally a second member indicating the number to pass to Number#toPaddedString()
- //
- Date.prototype.strftime.formatCodes = {
- //
- // 2-part regex matcher for format codes
- //
- // first match must be the character before the code (to account for escaping)
- // second match must be the format code character(s)
- //
- matcher: /()%(#?(%|[a-z]))/i,
- // year
- Y: 'FullYear',
- y: 'ShortYear.2',
- // month
- m: 'MonthNumber.2',
- '#m': 'MonthNumber',
- B: 'MonthName',
- b: 'AbbrMonthName',
- // day
- d: 'Date.2',
- '#d': 'Date',
- e: 'Date',
- A: 'DayName',
- a: 'AbbrDayName',
- w: 'Day',
- o: 'DayOrdinal',
- // hours
- H: 'Hours.2',
- '#H': 'Hours',
- I: 'Hours12.2',
- '#I': 'Hours12',
- p: 'AmPm',
- // minutes
- M: 'Minutes.2',
- '#M': 'Minutes',
- // seconds
- S: 'Seconds.2',
- '#S': 'Seconds',
- s: 'Unix',
- // milliseconds
- N: 'Milliseconds.3',
- '#N': 'Milliseconds',
- // timezone
- O: 'TimezoneOffset',
- Z: 'TimezoneName',
- G: 'GmtOffset'
- };
- //
- // shortcuts that will be translated into their longer version
- //
- // be sure that format shortcuts do not refer to themselves: this will cause an infinite loop
- //
- Date.prototype.strftime.formatShortcuts = {
- // date
- F: '%Y-%m-%d',
- // time
- T: '%H:%M:%S',
- X: '%H:%M:%S',
- // local format date
- x: '%m/%d/%y',
- D: '%m/%d/%y',
- // local format extended
- '#c': '%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y',
- // local format short
- v: '%e-%b-%Y',
- R: '%H:%M',
- r: '%I:%M:%S %p',
- // tab and newline
- t: '\t',
- n: '\n',
- '%': '%'
- };
- //
- // A list of conversion patterns (array arguments sent directly to gsub)
- // Add, remove or splice a patterns to customize date parsing ability
- //
- Date.create.patterns = [
- [/-/g, '/'], // US-style time with dashes => Parsable US-style time
- [/st|nd|rd|th/g, ''], // remove st, nd, rd and th
- [/(3[01]|[0-2]\d)\s*\.\s*(1[0-2]|0\d)\s*\.\s*([1-9]\d{3})/, '$2/$1/$3'], // World time => Parsable US-style time
- [/([1-9]\d{3})\s*-\s*(1[0-2]|0\d)\s*-\s*(3[01]|[0-2]\d)/, '$2/$3/$1'], // ISO-style time => Parsable US-style time
- function(str) { // 12-hour or 24 hour time with milliseconds
- // var match = str.match(/^(?:(.+)\s+)?([1-9]|1[012])(?:\s*\:\s*(\d\d))?(?:\s*\:\s*(\d\d))?\s*(am|pm)\s*$/i);
- var match = str.match(/^(?:(.+)\s+)?([012]?\d)(?:\s*\:\s*(\d\d))?(?:\s*\:\s*(\d\d(\.\d*)?))?\s*(am|pm)?\s*$/i);
- // opt. date hour opt. minute opt. second opt. msec opt. am or pm
- if (match) {
- if (match[1]) {
- var d = Date.create(match[1]);
- if (isNaN(d)) {
- return;
- }
- } else {
- var d = new Date();
- d.setMilliseconds(0);
- }
- var hour = parseFloat(match[2]);
- if (match[6]) {
- hour = match[6].toLowerCase() == 'am' ? (hour == 12 ? 0 : hour) : (hour == 12 ? 12 : hour + 12);
- }
- d.setHours(hour, parseInt(match[3] || 0, 10), parseInt(match[4] || 0, 10), ((parseFloat(match[5] || 0)) || 0)*1000);
- return d;
- }
- else {
- return str;
- }
- },
- function(str) { // ISO timestamp with time zone.
- var match = str.match(/^(?:(.+))[T|\s+]([012]\d)(?:\:(\d\d))(?:\:(\d\d))(?:\.\d+)([\+\-]\d\d\:\d\d)$/i);
- if (match) {
- if (match[1]) {
- var d = Date.create(match[1]);
- if (isNaN(d)) {
- return;
- }
- } else {
- var d = new Date();
- d.setMilliseconds(0);
- }
- var hour = parseFloat(match[2]);
- d.setHours(hour, parseInt(match[3], 10), parseInt(match[4], 10), parseFloat(match[5])*1000);
- return d;
- }
- else {
- return str;
- }
- },
- function(str) {
- var match = str.match(/^([0-3]?\d)\s*[-\/.\s]{1}\s*([a-zA-Z]{3,9})\s*[-\/.\s]{1}\s*([0-3]?\d)$/);
- if (match) {
- var d = new Date();
- var y = parseFloat(String(d.getFullYear()).slice(2,4));
- var cent = parseInt(String(d.getFullYear())/100, 10)*100;
- var centoffset = 1;
- var m1 = parseFloat(match[1]);
- var m3 = parseFloat(match[3]);
- var ny, nd, nm;
- if (m1 > 31) { // first number is a year
- nd = match[3];
- if (m1 < y+centoffset) { // if less than 1 year out, assume it is this century.
- ny = cent + m1;
- }
- else {
- ny = cent - 100 + m1;
- }
- }
- else { // last number is the year
- nd = match[1];
- if (m3 < y+centoffset) { // if less than 1 year out, assume it is this century.
- ny = cent + m3;
- }
- else {
- ny = cent - 100 + m3;
- }
- }
- var nm = $.inArray(match[2], Date.ABBR_MONTHNAMES);
- if (nm == -1) {
- nm = $.inArray(match[2], Date.MONTHNAMES);
- }
- d.setFullYear(ny, nm, nd);
- d.setHours(0,0,0,0);
- return d;
- }
- else {
- return str;
- }
- }
- ];
- if ($.jqplot.config.debug) {
- $.date = Date.create;
- }
- // Class: $.jqplot.DivTitleRenderer
- // The default title renderer for jqPlot. This class has no options beyond the class.
- $.jqplot.DivTitleRenderer = function() {
- };
- $.jqplot.DivTitleRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- };
- $.jqplot.DivTitleRenderer.prototype.draw = function() {
- var r = this.renderer;
- if (!this.text) {
- this.show = false;
- this._elem = $('');
- }
- else if (this.text) {
- // don't trust that a stylesheet is present, set the position.
- var styletext = 'position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;';
- styletext += (this._plotWidth) ? 'width:'+this._plotWidth+'px;' : '';
- styletext += (this.fontFamily) ? 'font-family:'+this.fontFamily+';' : '';
- styletext += (this.fontSize) ? 'font-size:'+this.fontSize+';' : '';
- styletext += (this.textAlign) ? 'text-align:'+this.textAlign+';' : 'text-align:center;';
- styletext += (this.textColor) ? 'color:'+this.textColor+';' : '';
- this._elem = $('
- }
- return this._elem;
- };
- $.jqplot.DivTitleRenderer.prototype.pack = function() {
- // nothing to do here
- };
- // Class: $.jqplot.LineRenderer
- // The default line renderer for jqPlot, this class has no options beyond the class.
- // Draws series as a line.
- $.jqplot.LineRenderer = function(){
- this.shapeRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShapeRenderer();
- this.shadowRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShadowRenderer();
- };
- // called with scope of series.
- $.jqplot.LineRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
- $.extend(true, this.renderer, options);
- // set the shape renderer options
- var opts = {lineJoin:'round', lineCap:'round', fill:this.fill, isarc:false, strokeStyle:this.color, fillStyle:this.fillColor, lineWidth:this.lineWidth, closePath:this.fill};
- this.renderer.shapeRenderer.init(opts);
- // set the shadow renderer options
- // scale the shadowOffset to the width of the line.
- if (this.lineWidth > 2.5) {
- var shadow_offset = this.shadowOffset* (1 + (Math.atan((this.lineWidth/2.5))/0.785398163 - 1)*0.6);
- // var shadow_offset = this.shadowOffset;
- }
- // for skinny lines, don't make such a big shadow.
- else {
- var shadow_offset = this.shadowOffset*Math.atan((this.lineWidth/2.5))/0.785398163;
- }
- var sopts = {lineJoin:'round', lineCap:'round', fill:this.fill, isarc:false, angle:this.shadowAngle, offset:shadow_offset, alpha:this.shadowAlpha, depth:this.shadowDepth, lineWidth:this.lineWidth, closePath:this.fill};
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.init(sopts);
- };
- // Method: setGridData
- // converts the user data values to grid coordinates and stores them
- // in the gridData array.
- // Called with scope of a series.
- $.jqplot.LineRenderer.prototype.setGridData = function(plot) {
- // recalculate the grid data
- var xp = this._xaxis.series_u2p;
- var yp = this._yaxis.series_u2p;
- var data = this._plotData;
- var pdata = this._prevPlotData;
- this.gridData = [];
- this._prevGridData = [];
- for (var i=0; i0; i--) {
- gd.push(prev[i-1]);
- }
- if (shadow) {
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, gd, opts);
- }
- this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, gd, opts);
- }
- }
- else {
- // if stoking line as well as filling, get a copy of line data.
- if (fillAndStroke) {
- var fasgd = gd.slice(0);
- }
- // if not stacked, fill down to axis
- if (this.index == 0 || !this._stack) {
- // var gridymin = this._yaxis.series_u2p(this._yaxis.min) - this.gridBorderWidth / 2;
- var gridymin = ctx.canvas.height;
- // IE doesn't return new length on unshift
- gd.unshift([gd[0][0], gridymin]);
- len = gd.length;
- gd.push([gd[len - 1][0], gridymin]);
- }
- // if stacked, fill to line below
- else {
- var prev = this._prevGridData;
- for (var i=prev.length; i>0; i--) {
- gd.push(prev[i-1]);
- }
- }
- if (shadow) {
- this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, gd, opts);
- }
- this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, gd, opts);
- }
- if (fillAndStroke) {
- var fasopts = $.extend(true, {}, opts, {fill:false, closePath:false});
- this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, fasgd, fasopts);
- //////////
- // TODO: figure out some way to do shadows nicely
- // if (shadow) {
- // this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, fasgd, fasopts);
- // }
- // now draw the markers
- if (this.markerRenderer.show) {
- for (i=0; i object.
- $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer = function() {
- };
- // called with scope of axis object.
- $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer.prototype.init = function(options){
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- var db = this._dataBounds;
- // Go through all the series attached to this axis and find
- // the min/max bounds for this axis.
- for (var i=0; i db.max || db.max == null) {
- db.max = d[j][0];
- }
- }
- else {
- if (d[j][1] < db.min || db.min == null) {
- db.min = d[j][1];
- }
- if (d[j][1] > db.max || db.max == null) {
- db.max = d[j][1];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- // called with scope of axis
- $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer.prototype.draw = function(ctx) {
- if (this.show) {
- // populate the axis label and value properties.
- // createTicks is a method on the renderer, but
- // call it within the scope of the axis.
- this.renderer.createTicks.call(this);
- // fill a div with axes labels in the right direction.
- // Need to pregenerate each axis to get it's bounds and
- // position it and the labels correctly on the plot.
- var dim=0;
- var temp;
- this._elem = $('');
- if (this.name == 'xaxis' || this.name == 'x2axis') {
- this._elem.width(this._plotDimensions.width);
- }
- else {
- this._elem.height(this._plotDimensions.height);
- }
- // create a _label object.
- this.labelOptions.axis = this.name;
- this._label = new this.labelRenderer(this.labelOptions);
- if (this._label.show) {
- var elem = this._label.draw(ctx);
- elem.appendTo(this._elem);
- }
- if (this.showTicks) {
- var t = this._ticks;
- for (var i=0; i dim) {
- dim = temp;
- }
- }
- }
- if (lshow) {
- w = this._label._elem.outerWidth(true);
- h = this._label._elem.outerHeight(true);
- }
- if (this.name == 'xaxis') {
- dim = dim + h;
- this._elem.css({'height':dim+'px', left:'0px', bottom:'0px'});
- }
- else if (this.name == 'x2axis') {
- dim = dim + h;
- this._elem.css({'height':dim+'px', left:'0px', top:'0px'});
- }
- else if (this.name == 'yaxis') {
- dim = dim + w;
- this._elem.css({'width':dim+'px', left:'0px', top:'0px'});
- if (lshow && this._label.constructor == $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer) {
- this._label._elem.css('width', w+'px');
- }
- }
- else {
- dim = dim + w;
- this._elem.css({'width':dim+'px', right:'0px', top:'0px'});
- if (lshow && this._label.constructor == $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer) {
- this._label._elem.css('width', w+'px');
- }
- }
- }
- };
- // called with scope of axis
- $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer.prototype.createTicks = function() {
- // we're are operating on an axis here
- var ticks = this._ticks;
- var userTicks = this.ticks;
- var name = this.name;
- // databounds were set on axis initialization.
- var db = this._dataBounds;
- var dim, interval;
- var min, max;
- var pos1, pos2;
- var tt, i;
- // if we already have ticks, use them.
- // ticks must be in order of increasing value.
- if (userTicks.length) {
- // ticks could be 1D or 2D array of [val, val, ,,,] or [[val, label], [val, label], ...] or mixed
- for (i=0; i 0) {
- adj = Math.max(Math.log(min)/Math.LN10, 0.05);
- }
- min -= adj;
- max += adj;
- }
- var range = max - min;
- var rmin, rmax;
- var temp;
- // autoscale. Can't autoscale if min or max is supplied.
- // Will use numberTicks and tickInterval if supplied. Ticks
- // across multiple axes may not line up depending on how
- // bars are to be plotted.
- if (this.autoscale && this.min == null && this.max == null) {
- var rrange, ti, margin;
- var forceMinZero = false;
- var forceZeroLine = false;
- var intervals = {min:null, max:null, average:null, stddev:null};
- // if any series are bars, or if any are fill to zero, and if this
- // is the axis to fill toward, check to see if we can start axis at zero.
- for (var i=0; i vmax) {
- vmax = vals[j];
- }
- }
- var dp = (vmax - vmin) / vmax;
- // is this sries a bar?
- if (s.renderer.constructor == $.jqplot.BarRenderer) {
- // if no negative values and could also check range.
- if (vmin >= 0 && (s.fillToZero || dp > 0.1)) {
- forceMinZero = true;
- }
- else {
- forceMinZero = false;
- if (s.fill && s.fillToZero && vmin < 0 && vmax > 0) {
- forceZeroLine = true;
- }
- else {
- forceZeroLine = false;
- }
- }
- }
- // if not a bar and filling, use appropriate method.
- else if (s.fill) {
- if (vmin >= 0 && (s.fillToZero || dp > 0.1)) {
- forceMinZero = true;
- }
- else if (vmin < 0 && vmax > 0 && s.fillToZero) {
- forceMinZero = false;
- forceZeroLine = true;
- }
- else {
- forceMinZero = false;
- forceZeroLine = false;
- }
- }
- // if not a bar and not filling, only change existing state
- // if it doesn't make sense
- else if (vmin < 0) {
- forceMinZero = false;
- }
- }
- }
- // check if we need make axis min at 0.
- if (forceMinZero) {
- // compute number of ticks
- this.numberTicks = 2 + Math.ceil((dim-(this.tickSpacing-1))/this.tickSpacing);
- this.min = 0;
- // what order is this range?
- // what tick interval does that give us?
- ti = max/(this.numberTicks-1);
- temp = Math.pow(10, Math.abs(Math.floor(Math.log(ti)/Math.LN10)));
- if (ti/temp == parseInt(ti/temp, 10)) {
- ti += temp;
- }
- this.tickInterval = Math.ceil(ti/temp) * temp;
- this.max = this.tickInterval * (this.numberTicks - 1);
- }
- // check if we need to make sure there is a tick at 0.
- else if (forceZeroLine) {
- // compute number of ticks
- this.numberTicks = 2 + Math.ceil((dim-(this.tickSpacing-1))/this.tickSpacing);
- var ntmin = Math.ceil(Math.abs(min)/range*(this.numberTicks-1));
- var ntmax = this.numberTicks - 1 - ntmin;
- ti = Math.max(Math.abs(min/ntmin), Math.abs(max/ntmax));
- temp = Math.pow(10, Math.abs(Math.floor(Math.log(ti)/Math.LN10)));
- this.tickInterval = Math.ceil(ti/temp) * temp;
- this.max = this.tickInterval * ntmax;
- this.min = -this.tickInterval * ntmin;
- }
- // if nothing else, do autoscaling which will try to line up ticks across axes.
- else {
- if (this.numberTicks == null){
- if (this.tickInterval) {
- this.numberTicks = 3 + Math.ceil(range / this.tickInterval);
- }
- else {
- this.numberTicks = 2 + Math.ceil((dim-(this.tickSpacing-1))/this.tickSpacing);
- }
- }
- if (this.tickInterval == null) {
- // get a tick interval
- ti = range/(this.numberTicks - 1);
- if (ti < 1) {
- temp = Math.pow(10, Math.abs(Math.floor(Math.log(ti)/Math.LN10)));
- }
- else {
- temp = 1;
- }
- this.tickInterval = Math.ceil(ti*temp*this.pad)/temp;
- }
- else {
- temp = 1 / this.tickInterval;
- }
- // try to compute a nicer, more even tick interval
- // temp = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(ti)/Math.LN10));
- // this.tickInterval = Math.ceil(ti/temp) * temp;
- rrange = this.tickInterval * (this.numberTicks - 1);
- margin = (rrange - range)/2;
- if (this.min == null) {
- this.min = Math.floor(temp*(min-margin))/temp;
- }
- if (this.max == null) {
- this.max = this.min + rrange;
- }
- }
- }
- // Use the default algorithm which pads each axis to make the chart
- // centered nicely on the grid.
- else {
- rmin = (this.min != null) ? this.min : min - range*(this.padMin - 1);
- rmax = (this.max != null) ? this.max : max + range*(this.padMax - 1);
- this.min = rmin;
- this.max = rmax;
- range = this.max - this.min;
- if (this.numberTicks == null){
- // if tickInterval is specified by user, we will ignore computed maximum.
- // max will be equal or greater to fit even # of ticks.
- if (this.tickInterval != null) {
- this.numberTicks = Math.ceil((this.max - this.min)/this.tickInterval)+1;
- this.max = this.min + this.tickInterval*(this.numberTicks-1);
- }
- else if (dim > 100) {
- this.numberTicks = parseInt(3+(dim-100)/75, 10);
- }
- else {
- this.numberTicks = 2;
- }
- }
- if (this.tickInterval == null) {
- this.tickInterval = range / (this.numberTicks-1);
- }
- }
- for (var i=0; i 0) {
- shim = -t._textRenderer.height * Math.cos(-t._textRenderer.angle) / 2;
- }
- else {
- shim = -t.getHeight() + t._textRenderer.height * Math.cos(t._textRenderer.angle) / 2;
- }
- break;
- case 'middle':
- // if (t.angle > 0) {
- // shim = -t.getHeight()/2 + t._textRenderer.height * Math.sin(-t._textRenderer.angle) / 2;
- // }
- // else {
- // shim = -t.getHeight()/2 - t._textRenderer.height * Math.sin(t._textRenderer.angle) / 2;
- // }
- shim = -t.getHeight()/2;
- break;
- default:
- shim = -t.getHeight()/2;
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- shim = -t.getHeight()/2;
- }
- var val = this.u2p(t.value) + shim + 'px';
- t._elem.css('top', val);
- t.pack();
- }
- }
- if (lshow) {
- var h = this._label._elem.outerHeight(true);
- this._label._elem.css('top', offmax - pixellength/2 - h/2 + 'px');
- if (this.name == 'yaxis') {
- this._label._elem.css('left', '0px');
- }
- else {
- this._label._elem.css('right', '0px');
- }
- this._label.pack();
- }
- }
- }
- };
- // class: $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer
- // The default jqPlot marker renderer, rendering the points on the line.
- $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer = function(options){
- // Group: Properties
- // prop: show
- // wether or not to show the marker.
- this.show = true;
- // prop: style
- // One of diamond, circle, square, x, plus, dash, filledDiamond, filledCircle, filledSquare
- this.style = 'filledCircle';
- // prop: lineWidth
- // size of the line for non-filled markers.
- this.lineWidth = 2;
- // prop: size
- // Size of the marker (diameter or circle, length of edge of square, etc.)
- this.size = 9.0;
- // prop: color
- // color of marker. Will be set to color of series by default on init.
- this.color = '#666666';
- // prop: shadow
- // wether or not to draw a shadow on the line
- this.shadow = true;
- // prop: shadowAngle
- // Shadow angle in degrees
- this.shadowAngle = 45;
- // prop: shadowOffset
- // Shadow offset from line in pixels
- this.shadowOffset = 1;
- // prop: shadowDepth
- // Number of times shadow is stroked, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
- this.shadowDepth = 3;
- // prop: shadowAlpha
- // Alpha channel transparency of shadow. 0 = transparent.
- this.shadowAlpha = '0.07';
- // prop: shadowRenderer
- // Renderer that will draws the shadows on the marker.
- this.shadowRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShadowRenderer();
- // prop: shapeRenderer
- // Renderer that will draw the marker.
- this.shapeRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShapeRenderer();
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- };
- $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- var sdopt = {angle:this.shadowAngle, offset:this.shadowOffset, alpha:this.shadowAlpha, lineWidth:this.lineWidth, depth:this.shadowDepth, closePath:true};
- if (this.style.indexOf('filled') != -1) {
- sdopt.fill = true;
- }
- if (this.style.indexOf('ircle') != -1) {
- sdopt.isarc = true;
- sdopt.closePath = false;
- }
- this.shadowRenderer.init(sdopt);
- var shopt = {fill:false, isarc:false, strokeStyle:this.color, fillStyle:this.color, lineWidth:this.lineWidth, closePath:true};
- if (this.style.indexOf('filled') != -1) {
- shopt.fill = true;
- }
- if (this.style.indexOf('ircle') != -1) {
- shopt.isarc = true;
- shopt.closePath = false;
- }
- this.shapeRenderer.init(shopt);
- };
- $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer.prototype.drawDiamond = function(x, y, ctx, fill, options) {
- var stretch = 1.2;
- var dx = this.size/2/stretch;
- var dy = this.size/2*stretch;
- var points = [[x-dx, y], [x, y+dy], [x+dx, y], [x, y-dy]];
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points);
- }
- this.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, points, options);
- ctx.restore();
- };
- $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer.prototype.drawPlus = function(x, y, ctx, fill, options) {
- var stretch = 1.0;
- var dx = this.size/2*stretch;
- var dy = this.size/2*stretch;
- var points1 = [[x, y-dy], [x, y+dy]];
- var points2 = [[x+dx, y], [x-dx, y]];
- var opts = $.extend(true, {}, this.options, {closePath:false});
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points1, {closePath:false});
- this.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points2, {closePath:false});
- }
- this.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, points1, opts);
- this.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, points2, opts);
- ctx.restore();
- };
- $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer.prototype.drawX = function(x, y, ctx, fill, options) {
- var stretch = 1.0;
- var dx = this.size/2*stretch;
- var dy = this.size/2*stretch;
- var opts = $.extend(true, {}, this.options, {closePath:false});
- var points1 = [[x-dx, y-dy], [x+dx, y+dy]];
- var points2 = [[x-dx, y+dy], [x+dx, y-dy]];
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points1, {closePath:false});
- this.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points2, {closePath:false});
- }
- this.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, points1, opts);
- this.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, points2, opts);
- ctx.restore();
- };
- $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer.prototype.drawDash = function(x, y, ctx, fill, options) {
- var stretch = 1.0;
- var dx = this.size/2*stretch;
- var dy = this.size/2*stretch;
- var points = [[x-dx, y], [x+dx, y]];
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points);
- }
- this.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, points, options);
- ctx.restore();
- };
- $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer.prototype.drawSquare = function(x, y, ctx, fill, options) {
- var stretch = 1.0;
- var dx = this.size/2/stretch;
- var dy = this.size/2*stretch;
- var points = [[x-dx, y-dy], [x-dx, y+dy], [x+dx, y+dy], [x+dx, y-dy]];
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points);
- }
- this.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, points, options);
- ctx.restore();
- };
- $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer.prototype.drawCircle = function(x, y, ctx, fill, options) {
- var radius = this.size/2;
- var end = 2*Math.PI;
- var points = [x, y, radius, 0, end, true];
- if (this.shadow) {
- this.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points);
- }
- this.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, points, options);
- ctx.restore();
- };
- $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer.prototype.draw = function(x, y, ctx, options) {
- options = options || {};
- switch (this.style) {
- case 'diamond':
- this.drawDiamond(x,y,ctx, false, options);
- break;
- case 'filledDiamond':
- this.drawDiamond(x,y,ctx, true, options);
- break;
- case 'circle':
- this.drawCircle(x,y,ctx, false, options);
- break;
- case 'filledCircle':
- this.drawCircle(x,y,ctx, true, options);
- break;
- case 'square':
- this.drawSquare(x,y,ctx, false, options);
- break;
- case 'filledSquare':
- this.drawSquare(x,y,ctx, true, options);
- break;
- case 'x':
- this.drawX(x,y,ctx, true, options);
- break;
- case 'plus':
- this.drawPlus(x,y,ctx, true, options);
- break;
- case 'dash':
- this.drawDash(x,y,ctx, true, options);
- break;
- default:
- this.drawDiamond(x,y,ctx, false, options);
- break;
- }
- };
- // class: $.jqplot.shadowRenderer
- // The default jqPlot shadow renderer, rendering shadows behind shapes.
- $.jqplot.ShadowRenderer = function(options){
- // Group: Properties
- // prop: angle
- // Angle of the shadow in degrees. Measured counter-clockwise from the x axis.
- this.angle = 45;
- // prop: offset
- // Pixel offset at the given shadow angle of each shadow stroke from the last stroke.
- this.offset = 1;
- // prop: alpha
- // alpha transparency of shadow stroke.
- this.alpha = 0.07;
- // prop: lineWidth
- // width of the shadow line stroke.
- this.lineWidth = 1.5;
- // prop: lineJoin
- // How line segments of the shadow are joined.
- this.lineJoin = 'miter';
- // prop: lineCap
- // how ends of the shadow line are rendered.
- this.lineCap = 'round';
- // prop; closePath
- // whether line path segment is closed upon itself.
- this.closePath = false;
- // prop: fill
- // whether to fill the shape.
- this.fill = false;
- // prop: depth
- // how many times the shadow is stroked. Each stroke will be offset by offset at angle degrees.
- this.depth = 3;
- // prop: isarc
- // wether the shadow is an arc or not.
- this.isarc = false;
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- };
- $.jqplot.ShadowRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- };
- // function: draw
- // draws an transparent black (i.e. gray) shadow.
- //
- // ctx - canvas drawing context
- // points - array of points or [x, y, radius, start angle (rad), end angle (rad)]
- $.jqplot.ShadowRenderer.prototype.draw = function(ctx, points, options) {
- ctx.save();
- var opts = (options != null) ? options : {};
- var fill = (opts.fill != null) ? opts.fill : this.fill;
- var closePath = (opts.closePath != null) ? opts.closePath : this.closePath;
- var offset = (opts.offset != null) ? opts.offset : this.offset;
- var alpha = (opts.alpha != null) ? opts.alpha : this.alpha;
- var depth = (opts.depth != null) ? opts.depth : this.depth;
- ctx.lineWidth = (opts.lineWidth != null) ? opts.lineWidth : this.lineWidth;
- ctx.lineJoin = (opts.lineJoin != null) ? opts.lineJoin : this.lineJoin;
- ctx.lineCap = (opts.lineCap != null) ? opts.lineCap : this.lineCap;
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,'+alpha+')';
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,'+alpha+')';
- for (var j=0; j class.
- $.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer = function(){
- //
- };
- $.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- };
- $.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer.prototype.addrow = function (label, color, pad) {
- var rs = (pad) ? this.rowSpacing : '0';
- var tr = $('
- $('
- '
- '
- var elem = $('
- elem.appendTo(tr);
- if (this.escapeHtml) {
- elem.text(label);
- }
- else {
- elem.html(label);
- }
- };
- // called with scope of legend
- $.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer.prototype.draw = function() {
- var legend = this;
- if (this.show) {
- var series = this._series;
- // make a table. one line label per row.
- var ss = 'position:absolute;';
- ss += (this.background) ? 'background:'+this.background+';' : '';
- ss += (this.border) ? 'border:'+this.border+';' : '';
- ss += (this.fontSize) ? 'font-size:'+this.fontSize+';' : '';
- ss += (this.fontFamily) ? 'font-family:'+this.fontFamily+';' : '';
- ss += (this.textColor) ? 'color:'+this.textColor+';' : '';
- this._elem = $('
- var pad = false;
- for (var i = 0; i< series.length; i++) {
- s = series[i];
- if (s.show && s.showLabel) {
- var lt = s.label.toString();
- if (lt) {
- var color = s.color;
- if (s._stack && !s.fill) {
- color = '';
- }
- this.renderer.addrow.call(this, lt, color, pad);
- pad = true;
- }
- // let plugins add more rows to legend. Used by trend line plugin.
- for (var j=0; j<$.jqplot.addLegendRowHooks.length; j++) {
- var item = $.jqplot.addLegendRowHooks[j].call(this, s);
- if (item) {
- this.renderer.addrow.call(this, item.label, item.color, pad);
- pad = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this._elem;
- };
- $.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer.prototype.pack = function(offsets) {
- if (this.show) {
- // fake a grid for positioning
- var grid = {_top:offsets.top, _left:offsets.left, _right:offsets.right, _bottom:this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom};
- switch (this.location) {
- case 'nw':
- var a = grid._left + this.xoffset;
- var b = grid._top + this.yoffset;
- this._elem.css('left', a);
- this._elem.css('top', b);
- break;
- case 'n':
- var a = (offsets.left + (this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right))/2 - this.getWidth()/2;
- var b = grid._top + this.yoffset;
- this._elem.css('left', a);
- this._elem.css('top', b);
- break;
- case 'ne':
- var a = offsets.right + this.xoffset;
- var b = grid._top + this.yoffset;
- this._elem.css({right:a, top:b});
- break;
- case 'e':
- var a = offsets.right + this.xoffset;
- var b = (offsets.top + (this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom))/2 - this.getHeight()/2;
- this._elem.css({right:a, top:b});
- break;
- case 'se':
- var a = offsets.right + this.xoffset;
- var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset;
- this._elem.css({right:a, bottom:b});
- break;
- case 's':
- var a = (offsets.left + (this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right))/2 - this.getWidth()/2;
- var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset;
- this._elem.css({left:a, bottom:b});
- break;
- case 'sw':
- var a = grid._left + this.xoffset;
- var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset;
- this._elem.css({left:a, bottom:b});
- break;
- case 'w':
- var a = grid._left + this.xoffset;
- var b = (offsets.top + (this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom))/2 - this.getHeight()/2;
- this._elem.css({left:a, top:b});
- break;
- default: // same as 'se'
- var a = grid._right - this.xoffset;
- var b = grid._bottom + this.yoffset;
- this._elem.css({right:a, bottom:b});
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * JavaScript printf/sprintf functions.
- *
- * This code is unrestricted: you are free to use it however you like.
- *
- * The functions should work as expected, performing left or right alignment,
- * truncating strings, outputting numbers with a required precision etc.
- *
- * For complex cases, these functions follow the Perl implementations of
- * (s)printf, allowing arguments to be passed out-of-order, and to set the
- * precision or length of the output based on arguments instead of fixed
- * numbers.
- *
- * See http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/sprintf.html for more information.
- *
- * Implemented:
- * - zero and space-padding
- * - right and left-alignment,
- * - base X prefix (binary, octal and hex)
- * - positive number prefix
- * - (minimum) width
- * - precision / truncation / maximum width
- * - out of order arguments
- *
- * Not implemented (yet):
- * - vector flag
- * - size (bytes, words, long-words etc.)
- *
- * Will not implement:
- * - %n or %p (no pass-by-reference in JavaScript)
- *
- * @version 2007.04.27
- * @author Ash Searle
- */
- /**
- * @Modifications 2009.05.26
- * @author Chris Leonello
- *
- * Added %p %P specifier
- * Acts like %g or %G but will not add more significant digits to the output than present in the input.
- * Example:
- * Format: '%.3p', Input: 0.012, Output: 0.012
- * Format: '%.3g', Input: 0.012, Output: 0.0120
- * Format: '%.4p', Input: 12.0, Output: 12.0
- * Format: '%.4g', Input: 12.0, Output: 12.00
- * Format: '%.4p', Input: 4.321e-5, Output: 4.321e-5
- * Format: '%.4g', Input: 4.321e-5, Output: 4.3210e-5
- */
- $.jqplot.sprintf = function() {
- function pad(str, len, chr, leftJustify) {
- var padding = (str.length >= len) ? '' : Array(1 + len - str.length >>> 0).join(chr);
- return leftJustify ? str + padding : padding + str;
- }
- function justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, htmlSpace) {
- var diff = minWidth - value.length;
- if (diff > 0) {
- var spchar = ' ';
- if (htmlSpace) { spchar = ' '; }
- if (leftJustify || !zeroPad) {
- value = pad(value, minWidth, spchar, leftJustify);
- } else {
- value = value.slice(0, prefix.length) + pad('', diff, '0', true) + value.slice(prefix.length);
- }
- }
- return value;
- }
- function formatBaseX(value, base, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, htmlSpace) {
- // Note: casts negative numbers to positive ones
- var number = value >>> 0;
- prefix = prefix && number && {'2': '0b', '8': '0', '16': '0x'}[base] || '';
- value = prefix + pad(number.toString(base), precision || 0, '0', false);
- return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, htmlSpace);
- }
- function formatString(value, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, htmlSpace) {
- if (precision != null) {
- value = value.slice(0, precision);
- }
- return justify(value, '', leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, htmlSpace);
- }
- var a = arguments, i = 0, format = a[i++];
- return format.replace($.jqplot.sprintf.regex, function(substring, valueIndex, flags, minWidth, _, precision, type) {
- if (substring == '%%') { return '%'; }
- // parse flags
- var leftJustify = false, positivePrefix = '', zeroPad = false, prefixBaseX = false, htmlSpace = false;
- for (var j = 0; flags && j < flags.length; j++) switch (flags.charAt(j)) {
- case ' ': positivePrefix = ' '; break;
- case '+': positivePrefix = '+'; break;
- case '-': leftJustify = true; break;
- case '0': zeroPad = true; break;
- case '#': prefixBaseX = true; break;
- case '&': htmlSpace = true; break;
- }
- // parameters may be null, undefined, empty-string or real valued
- // we want to ignore null, undefined and empty-string values
- if (!minWidth) {
- minWidth = 0;
- }
- else if (minWidth == '*') {
- minWidth = +a[i++];
- }
- else if (minWidth.charAt(0) == '*') {
- minWidth = +a[minWidth.slice(1, -1)];
- }
- else {
- minWidth = +minWidth;
- }
- // Note: undocumented perl feature:
- if (minWidth < 0) {
- minWidth = -minWidth;
- leftJustify = true;
- }
- if (!isFinite(minWidth)) {
- throw new Error('$.jqplot.sprintf: (minimum-)width must be finite');
- }
- if (!precision) {
- precision = 'fFeE'.indexOf(type) > -1 ? 6 : (type == 'd') ? 0 : void(0);
- }
- else if (precision == '*') {
- precision = +a[i++];
- }
- else if (precision.charAt(0) == '*') {
- precision = +a[precision.slice(1, -1)];
- }
- else {
- precision = +precision;
- }
- // grab value using valueIndex if required?
- var value = valueIndex ? a[valueIndex.slice(0, -1)] : a[i++];
- switch (type) {
- case 's': {
- if (value == null) {
- return '';
- }
- return formatString(String(value), leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, htmlSpace);
- }
- case 'c': return formatString(String.fromCharCode(+value), leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, htmlSpace);
- case 'b': return formatBaseX(value, 2, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad,htmlSpace);
- case 'o': return formatBaseX(value, 8, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, htmlSpace);
- case 'x': return formatBaseX(value, 16, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, htmlSpace);
- case 'X': return formatBaseX(value, 16, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, htmlSpace).toUpperCase();
- case 'u': return formatBaseX(value, 10, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, htmlSpace);
- case 'i':
- case 'd': {
- var number = parseInt(+value, 10);
- if (isNaN(number)) {
- return '';
- }
- var prefix = number < 0 ? '-' : positivePrefix;
- value = prefix + pad(String(Math.abs(number)), precision, '0', false);
- return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, htmlSpace);
- }
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- case 'f':
- case 'F':
- case 'g':
- case 'G':
- {
- var number = +value;
- if (isNaN(number)) {
- return '';
- }
- var prefix = number < 0 ? '-' : positivePrefix;
- var method = ['toExponential', 'toFixed', 'toPrecision']['efg'.indexOf(type.toLowerCase())];
- var textTransform = ['toString', 'toUpperCase']['eEfFgG'.indexOf(type) % 2];
- value = prefix + Math.abs(number)[method](precision);
- return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, htmlSpace)[textTransform]();
- }
- case 'p':
- case 'P':
- {
- // make sure number is a number
- var number = +value;
- if (isNaN(number)) {
- return '';
- }
- var prefix = number < 0 ? '-' : positivePrefix;
- var parts = String(Number(Math.abs(number)).toExponential()).split(/e|E/);
- var sd = (parts[0].indexOf('.') != -1) ? parts[0].length - 1 : parts[0].length;
- var zeros = (parts[1] < 0) ? -parts[1] - 1 : 0;
- if (Math.abs(number) < 1) {
- if (sd + zeros <= precision) {
- value = prefix + Math.abs(number).toPrecision(sd);
- }
- else {
- if (sd <= precision - 1) {
- value = prefix + Math.abs(number).toExponential(sd-1);
- }
- else {
- value = prefix + Math.abs(number).toExponential(precision-1);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- var prec = (sd <= precision) ? sd : precision;
- value = prefix + Math.abs(number).toPrecision(prec);
- }
- var textTransform = ['toString', 'toUpperCase']['pP'.indexOf(type) % 2];
- return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, htmlSpace)[textTransform]();
- }
- case 'n': return '';
- default: return substring;
- }
- });
- };
- $.jqplot.sprintf.regex = /%%|%(\d+\$)?([-+#0& ]*)(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+)?(\.(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+))?([nAscboxXuidfegpEGP])/g;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/optionsTutorial.txt b/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/optionsTutorial.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e68825..0000000
--- a/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/optionsTutorial.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-Title: Options Tutorial
-This document will help you understand how jqPlot's options
-relate to the API documentation and the jqPlot object
-itself. For a listing of options available to jqPlot,
-see in the jqPlotOptions.txt file.
-The key to effectively using jqPlot is understanding jqPlot's
-options. The online documentation is API documentation. While
-it explains what attributes and methods various objects posses,
-it doesn't explain how to use or set those attributes through
-options. This tutorial will help explain that.
-Lets assume you are creating a plot
-like this:
-> chart = $.jqplot('chart', dataSeries, optionsObj);
-First, note that you shouldn't try to directly set attributes on the
-"chart" object (like chart.grid.shadow) after your call to $.jqplot().
-At best this won't do anything **(see below). You should pass options in via
-the "optionsObj".
-the optionsObj really represents the plot object (jqPlot object, not
-to be confused with the $.jqplot function which will create a jqPlot
-object). Attributes you specify on that object will be merged with
-attributes in the jqPlot object. The axes, legend, series, etc. are
-attributes on the jqPlot object. The jqPlot/optionsObj object looks
-something like (only some attributes shown):
-> jqPlot-|
-> |-seriesColors
-> |-textColor
-> |-fontFamily
-> |-fontSize
-> |-stackSeries
-> |-series(Array)-|
-> | |-Series1-|
-> | | |-lineWidth
-> | | |-shadow
-> | | |-showLine
-> | | |-showMarker
-> | | |-color
-> | |-Series2...
-> | |-...
-> | |-SeriesN
-> |
-> |-grid(Object)-|
-> | |-drawGridLines
-> | |-background
-> | |-borderColor
-> | |-borderWidth
-> | |-shadow
-> |
-> |-title(Object)-|
-> | |-text
-> | |-show
-> | |-fontFamily
-> | |-fontSize
-> | |-textAlign
-> | |-textColor
-> |
-> |-axes(Object)-|
-> | |-xais-|
-> | | |-min
-> | | |-max
-> | | |-numberTicks
-> | | |-showTicks
-> | | |-showTickMarks
-> | | |-pad
-> |
-> | ... and so on
-The optionsObj should follow the same construction as if it were a
-jqPlot object (with some exceptions/shortcuts I'll mention in a
-moment). So generally, when you see something like
-"this.drawGridLines" in the grid properties in the docs, just replace
-"this" with "grid" in your options object. So it becomes
-optionsObj.grid.drawGridLines. Do likewise with the other objects in
-the plot, replacing "this", with the respective attribute on the plot
-like "legend" or "title". Series and Axes are handled a little
-different, because series is an array and axes has 4 distinct children
-"xaxis", "yaxis", "x2axis" and "y2axis".
-So, to remove the shadow from the grid and change the grid border size
-you would do:
-> optionObj = {grid:{shadow:false, borderWidth:9.0}};
-To do the same as above but also make all the text in the plot red you
-would do:
-> optionObj = {
-> textColor:"#ff0000",
-> grid:{shadow:false, borderWidth:9.0}
-> }
-Here is a more deeply nested example. Say you want to specify a min
-and max on your y axis and use a specific color for your second
-series. That would look like:
-> optionsObj = {
-> axes:{yaxis:{min:5, max:230}},
-> series:[{},{color:"#33ff66"}]
-> }
-Note that series options are an array in order of the series data you
-sent in to your plot. To get to the second series, you have to put an
-object (even if empty) in place of the first series.
-There is a handy shortcut to assign options to all axes or all series
-at one go. Use axesDefaults and seriesDefaults. So, if you wanted
-both x and y axes to start at 0 and you wanted all series to not show
-markers, you could do:
-> optionsObj = {axesDefaults:{min:0}, seriesDefaults:{showMarker:false}}
-Another shortcut is for the plot title. Normally, you would assign
-options to the title as an object. If you specify a title option as a
-string, it will assign that to the title.text property automatically.
-So these two are equivalent:
-> optionsObj = {title:{text:"My Plot"}}
-> optionsObj = {title:"My Plot"}
-Where things need more explaination is with renderers, plugins and
-their options. Briefly, what's renderer, what's a plugin.
-A renderer is an object that is used to draw something and gets
-attached to an existing object in the plot in order to draw it. A
-plugin does more than just provide drawing functionality to an
-object. It will do more like calculate a trend line, change the
-cursor, provide event driven functionality, etc. I consider renderers
-plugins, but plugins don't have to be renderers.
-So, how do you use renderers, plugins, and specify their options?
-Some common renderes are for bar charts and category axes. If you
-want to render your series as a bar chart with each set of bars
-showing up in a category on the x axis, you do:
-> optionsObj = {
-> seriesDefaults:{renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer},
-> axes:{xaxis:{renderer:$.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer}}
-> }
-This replaces the default renderer used for all series in the plot
-with a bar renderer and the x axis default renderer (but not any other
-axis) with a category renderer.
-Now, how would I assign options to those renderers? The renderer's
-attributes may not be present in the pre-existing jqPlot object, they
-may be specific to the renderer. This is done through the
-"rendererOptions" option on the appropriate object. So, if I wanted my
-bars to be 25 pixels wide, I would do:
-> optionsObj = {
-> seriesDefaults:{
-> renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer},
-> rendererOptions:{
-> barWidth:25
-> },
-> axes:{xaxis:{renderer:$.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer}}
-> }
-Again, this is using the "seriesDefaults" option, which will apply
-options to all series in the plot. You could do the same on any
-particular series in the plot through the "series" options array.
-Plugins are free to add their own options. For example, the
-highlighter plugin has it's own set of options that are unique to it.
-As a result, it responds to options placed in the "highlighter"
-attribute of your options object. So, if I wanted to change the
-highlighter tooltip to fade in and out slowly and be positioned
-directly above the point I'm highlighting:
-> optionsObj = {
-> highlighter:{tooltipFadeSpeed:'slow', tooltipLocation:'n'}
-> }
-Other plugins, like dragable and trendlines, add their options in with
-the series. This is because both of those plugins can have different
-options for different series in the plot. So, if you wanted to specify the
-color of the dragable and constrain it to drag only on the x axis as well
-as specify the color of the trend line you could do:
-> series:[{
-> dragable: {
-> color: '#ff3366',
-> constrainTo: 'x'
-> },
-> trendline: {
-> color: '#cccccc'
-> }
-> }]
-This would apply those options to the first series only. If you had 2 series
-and wanted to turn off dragging and trend lines on the second series, you could do:
-> series:[{
-> dragable: {
-> color: '#ff3366',
-> constrainTo: 'x'
-> },
-> trendline: {
-> color: '#cccccc'
-> }
-> }, {
-> isDragable: false,
-> trendline:{
-> show: false
-> }
-> }]
-Note, series dragability is turned off with the "isDragable" option directly on
-the series itself, not with a suboption of "dragable". This may be improved
-in the future.
-I hope this is helpful.
-A few key points to remember:
-- When you see "this" in the api docs, you generally replace it with
-the name of the object (in lowercase) you are looking at in your
-options object.
-- seriesDefaults and axesDefaults are convenient shortcuts.
-- to assign options to a renderer, generally use the "rendererOptions"
-- plugins may add their own options attribute, like "highlighter" or
-** Note: you can set attributes after the plot is created (like
-plot.grid.shadow = false), but you'll have to issue the appropriate
-calls to possibly reinitialize and redraw the plot. jqPlot can
-definitely handle this to change the plot after creation (this is how
-the dragable plugin updates the plot data and the trend line plugin
-recomputes itself when data changes). This hasn't been documented
-yet, however.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/usage.txt b/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/usage.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fbef501..0000000
--- a/frontend/javascripts/jqplot/usage.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-Title: jqPlot Usage
-Usage Documentation:
-jqPlot is a jQuery plugin to generate pure client-side javascript charts in your web pages.
-The jqPlot home page is at .
-The project page and downloads are at .
-Below are a few examples to demonstrate jqPlot usage. These plots are shown as static images.
-Many more examples of dynamically rendered plots can be seen on the test and examples pages here: <../../tests/>.
-Include the Files:
-jqPlot requires jQuery (tested with 1.3.2 or better). jQuery 1.3.2 is included in the distribution.
-To use jqPlot include jquery, the jqPlot jQuery plugin, jqPlot css file and optionally the excanvas
-script for IE support in your web page:
-Add a plot container:
-Add a container (target) to your web page where you want your plot to show up.
-Be sure to give your target a width and a height:
-Create a plot:
-Then, create the actual plot by calling the
-$.jqplot plugin with the id of your target and some data:
-> $.jqplot('chartdiv', [[[1, 2],[3,5.12],[5,13.1],[7,33.6],[9,85.9],[11,219.9]]]);
-Which will produce a
-chart like:
-(see images/basicline.png)
-Plot Options:
-You can customize the plot by passing options to the $.jqplot function. Options are described in
- in the jqPlotOptions.txt file. An example of options usage:
-> $.jqplot('chartdiv', [[[1, 2],[3,5.12],[5,13.1],[7,33.6],[9,85.9],[11,219.9]]],
-> { title:'Exponential Line',
-> axes:{yaxis:{min:-10, max:240}},
-> series:[{color:'#5FAB78'}]
-> });
-Which will produce
-a plot like:
-(see images/basicoptions.png)
-Using Plugins:
-You can use jqPlot plugins (that is, plugins to the jqPlot plugin) by including them in your html
-after you include the jqPlot plugin. Here is how to include the log axis plugin:
-Here is a the same $.jqplot call
-but with a log y axis:
-> $.jqplot('chartdiv', [[[1, 2],[3,5.12],[5,13.1],[7,33.6],[9,85.9],[11,219.9]]],
-> { title:'Exponential Line',
-> axes:{yaxis:{renderer: $.jqplot.LogAxisRenderer}},
-> series:[{color:'#5FAB78'}]
-> });
-Which produces
-a plot like:
-(see images/basiclogaxis.png)
-You can further customize with options specific
-to the log axis plugin:
-> $.jqplot('chartdiv', [[[1, 2],[3,5.12],[5,13.1],[7,33.6],[9,85.9],[11,219.9]]],
-> { title:'Exponential Line',
-> axes:{yaxis:{renderer: $.jqplot.LogAxisRenderer, tickDistribution:'power'}},
-> series:[{color:'#5FAB78'}]
-> });
-Which makes a
-plot like:
-(see images/basiclogoptions.png)
-For a full list of options, see in the jqPlotOptions.txt file.
-You can add as many plugins as you wish. Order is generally not important.
-Some plugins, like the highlighter plugin which highlights data points near the
-mouse, don't need any extra options or setup to function. Highlighter does have
-additional options which the user can set.
-Other plugins, the barRenderer for example, provide functionality the must be specified
-in the chart options object. To render a series as a bar graph with the bar renderer,
-you would first include the plugin after jqPlot:
-Then you would create
-a chart like:
-> $.jqplot('chartdiv', [[34.53, 56.32, 25.1, 18.6]], series:[{renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer}]);
-Here the default LineRenderer is replaced by a BarRenderer to generate a bar graph for the first (an only) series.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/javascripts/jquery-extensions.js b/frontend/javascripts/jquery-extensions.js
index 9aec604..a4957f9 100644
--- a/frontend/javascripts/jquery-extensions.js
+++ b/frontend/javascripts/jquery-extensions.js
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ $.extend({
var path = options.path ? '; path=' + (options.path) : '';
var domain = options.domain ? '; domain=' + (options.domain) : '';
var secure = options.secure ? '; secure' : '';
- document.cookie = [ name, '=', encodeURIComponent(value), expires, path, domain, secure ].join('');
+ document.cookie = name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value) + expires + path + domain + secure;
getCookie: function(name) {
var value = null;
diff --git a/frontend/javascripts/script.js b/frontend/javascripts/script.js
index 98e4eb7..c9313ce 100644
--- a/frontend/javascripts/script.js
+++ b/frontend/javascripts/script.js
@@ -25,80 +25,81 @@
* along with volkszaehler.org. If not, see .
- * Constants & settings
- */
-var backendUrl = '../backend/index.php';
-var tuples = 300;
-var colors = ['#83CAFF', '#7E0021', '#579D1C', '#FFD320', '#FF420E', '#004586', '#0084D1', '#C5000B', '#FF950E', '#4B1F6F', '#AECF00', '#314004'];
-var jqOptions = {
- series: [],
- cursor: {
- zoom: true,
- showTooltip: true,
- constrainZoomTo: 'x'
- },
- seriesDefaults: {
- lineWidth: 1,
- showMarker: true,
- showLine: false,
- markerOptions: {
- style: 'dash',
- shadow: false,
- size: 2
- },
- trendline: {
- shadow: false
- }
- },
- axes: {
- yaxis: {
- autoscale: true,
- min: 0,
- label: 'Leistung (Watt)',
- tickOptions: {
- formatString: '%.3f'
+// volkszaehler.org object
+// holds all data and options for the frontend
+var vz = {
+ // storing entities
+ entities: new Array,
+ uuids: new Array,
+ // parameter for json server
+ to: new Date().getTime(),
+ //parameter for json server (last 24 hours)
+ from: new Date().getTime() - 24*60*60*1000,
+ options: {
+ backendUrl: '../backend/index.php',
+ tuples: 300,
+ plot: {
+ series: [],
+ seriesColors: ['#83CAFF', '#7E0021', '#579D1C', '#FFD320', '#FF420E', '#004586', '#0084D1', '#C5000B', '#FF950E', '#4B1F6F', '#AECF00', '#314004'],
+ cursor: {
+ zoom: true,
+ showTooltip: true,
+ constrainZoomTo: 'x',
+ showVerticalLine: true
- labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
- },
- xaxis: {
- autoscale: true,
- min: myWindowStart,
- max: myWindowEnd,
- tickOptions: {
- formatString: '%d.%m.%y %H:%M',
- angle: -35
+ seriesDefaults: {
+ lineWidth: 1,
+ showMarker: true,
+ showLine: false,
+ markerOptions: {
+ style: 'dash',
+ shadow: false,
+ size: 2
+ },
+ trendline: {
+ show: true,
+ shadow: false
+ }
- pad: 1,
- renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
- rendererOptions: {
- tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer
+ axes: {
+ yaxis: {
+ autoscale: true,
+ label: 'Leistung (Watt)',
+ tickOptions: {
+ formatString: '%.3f'
+ },
+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
+ },
+ xaxis: {
+ autoscale: true,
+ tickOptions: {
+ formatString: '%d.%m.%y %H:%M',
+ angle: -35
+ },
+ pad: 1,
+ renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
+ rendererOptions: {
+ tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer
+ }
+ }
-// storing entities
-var entities = new Array;
-var uuids = new Array;
-// windowEnd parameter for json server
-var myWindowEnd = new Date().getTime();
-// windowStart parameter for json server (last 24 hours)
-var myWindowStart = myWindowEnd - 24*60*60*1000;
// executed on document loaded complete
// this is where it all starts...
$(document).ready(function() {
// parse uuids from cookie
- uuids = getUUIDs();
+ vz.uuids = getUUIDs();
// add optional uuid from url
if($.getUrlVar('uuid')) {
- console.log('cookie uuids', uuids);
// start auto refresh timer
window.setInterval(refreshWindow, 5000);
@@ -110,18 +111,30 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
// add new entity to list
$('#addEntity button').click(function() {
- uuids.push($(this).prev().val());
- loadEntities(uuids);
+ addUUID($(this).prev().val());
+ loadEntities();
+ // bind controls
+ $('#move input').click(plot);
// options
- $('input[name=trendline]').change(function() {
- jqOptions.seriesDefaults.trendline.show = $(this).attr('checked');
+ $('input[name=trendline]').attr('checked', vz.options.plot.seriesDefaults.trendline.show).change(function() {
+ vz.options.plot.seriesDefaults.trendline.show = $(this).attr('checked');
+ drawPlot();
- $('input[name=backendUrl]').val(backendUrl);
- $('input[name=tuples]').val(tuples);
+ $('input[name=backendUrl]').val(vz.options.backendUrl).change(function() {
+ vz.options.backendUrl = $(this).val();
+ });
+ $('input[name=tuples]').val(vz.options.tuples).change(function() {
+ vz.options.tuples = $(this).val();
+ });
+ // initialize plot
+ vz.plot = $.jqplot('plot', [[]], vz.options.plot);
// load all entity information
- loadEntities(uuids);
+ loadEntities();