removed old phpdoc configuration files
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 1 additions and 234 deletions
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ $config['db']['password'] = 'demo';
$config['db']['dbname'] = 'volkszaehler';
* For administration tasks (doctrine cli)
* For administration tasks (used by doctrine cli and the setup script)
* the following $['db']['admin'] settings will be merged with $config['db']
//$config['db']['admin']['user'] = 'vz_admin';
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
;; phpDocumentor parse configuration file
;; This file is designed to cut down on repetitive typing on the command-line or web interface
;; You can copy this file to create a number of configuration files that can be used with the
;; command-line switch -c, as in phpdoc -c default.ini or phpdoc -c myini.ini. The web
;; interface will automatically generate a list of .ini files that can be used.
;; default.ini is used to generate the online manual at
;; ALL .ini files must be in the user subdirectory of phpDocumentor with an extension of .ini
;; Copyright 2002, Greg Beaver <>
;; WARNING: do not change the name of any command-line parameters, phpDocumentor will ignore them
[Parse Data]
;; title of all the documentation
;; legal values: any string
title = backend reference
;; parse files that start with a . like .bash_profile
;; legal values: true, false
hidden = true
;; show elements marked @access private in documentation by setting this to on
;; legal values: on, off
parseprivate = on
;; parse with javadoc-like description (first sentence is always the short description)
;; legal values: on, off
javadocdesc = off
;; add any custom @tags separated by commas here
;; legal values: any legal tagname separated by commas.
;; added doctrine Annotations
customtags = Column,ChangeTrackingPolicy,DiscriminatorColumn,DiscriminatorMap,Entity,GeneratedValue,HasLifecycleCallbacks,Index,Id,InheritanceType,JoinColumn,JoinTable,ManyToOne,ManyToMany,MappedSuperclass,OneToOne,OneToMany,OrderBy,PostLoad,PostPersist,PostRemove,PostUpdate,PrePersist,PreRemove,PreUpdate,SequenceGenerator,Table,UniqueConstraint,Version
;; This is only used by the XML:DocBook/peardoc2 converter
defaultcategoryname = Documentation
;; what is the main package?
;; legal values: alphanumeric string plus - and _
defaultpackagename = default
;; output any parsing information? set to on for cron jobs
;; legal values: on
;quiet = on
;; parse a PEAR-style repository. Do not turn this on if your project does
;; not have a parent directory named "pear"
;; legal values: on/off
;pear = on
;; where should the documentation be written?
;; legal values: a legal path
;target = /home/cellog/output
target = /var/www/vz/docs
;; Which files should be parsed out as special documentation files, such as README,
;; INSTALL and CHANGELOG? This overrides the default files found in
;; phpDocumentor.ini (this file is not a user .ini file, but the global file)
readmeinstallchangelog = README, INSTALL, FAQ, LICENSE
;; limit output to the specified packages, even if others are parsed
;; legal values: package names separated by commas
;packageoutput = package1,package2
;; comma-separated list of files to parse
;; legal values: paths separated by commas
;filename = /path/to/file1,/path/to/file2,fileincurrentdirectory
;; comma-separated list of directories to parse
;; legal values: directory paths separated by commas
;directory = /path1,/path2,.,..,subdirectory
;directory = /home/jeichorn/cvs/pear
;directory = /home/cellog/workspace/phpdoc
directory = /var/www/vz/github
;; template base directory (the equivalent directory of <installdir>/phpDocumentor)
;templatebase = /path/to/my/templates
;; directory to find any example files in through @example and {@example} tags
;examplesdir = /path/to/my/templates
;; comma-separated list of files, directories or wildcards ? and * (any wildcard) to ignore
;; legal values: any wildcard strings separated by commas
;; remember, this pathing is RELATIVE to the top-most directory in your "directory" value
;ignore = path/to/ignore*,*list.php,myfile.php,subdirectory/
ignore = .git*,backend/lib/vendor/,backend/lib/Model/Proxy/
;; comma-separated list of Converters to use in outputformat:Convertername:templatedirectory format
;; legal values: HTML:frames:default,HTML:frames:l0l33t,,HTML:frames:phphtmllib,
;; HTML:frames:earthli,
;; HTML:frames:DOM/default,HTML:frames:DOM/l0l33t,HTML:frames:DOM/,
;; HTML:frames:DOM/phphtmllib,HTML:frames:DOM/earthli
;; HTML:Smarty:default,HTML:Smarty:PHP,HTML:Smarty:HandS
;; PDF:default:default,CHM:default:default,XML:DocBook/peardoc2:default
;; turn this option on if you want highlighted source code for every file
;; legal values: on/off
sourcecode = on
ignoresymlinks = on
@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
; Default configuration file for PHPDoctor
; This config file will cause PHPDoctor to generate API documentation of
; PHPDoctor settings
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Names of files to parse. This can be a single filename, or a comma separated
; list of filenames. Wildcards are allowed.
files = "*.php"
; Names of files or directories to ignore. This can be a single filename, or a
; comma separated list of filenames. Wildcards are NOT allowed.
ignore = "CVS, .svn, .git, _compiled, backend/lib/vendor/, backend/lib/Model/Proxies/"
; The directory to look for files in, if not used the PHPDoctor will look in
; the current directory (the directory it is run from).
source_path = "/var/www/vz/github/"
; If you do not want PHPDoctor to look in each sub directory for files
; uncomment this line.
;subdirs = off
; Set how loud PHPDoctor is as it runs. Quiet mode suppresses all output other
; than warnings and errors. Verbose mode outputs additional messages during
; execution.
;quiet = on
;verbose = on
; Select the doclet to use for generating output.
doclet = standard
;doclet = debug
; The directory to find the doclet in. Doclets are expected to be in a
; directory named after themselves at the location given.
;doclet_path = ./doclets
; The directory to find taglets in. Taglets allow you to make PHPDoctor handle
; new tags and to alter the behavour of existing tags and their output.
;taglet_path = ./taglets
; If the code you are parsing does not use package tags or not all elements
; have package tags, use this setting to place unbound elements into a
; particular package.
default_package = ""
; Specifies the name of a HTML file containing text for the overview
; documentation to be placed on the overview page. The path is relative to
; "source_path" unless an absolute path is given.
overview = readme.html
; Package comments will be looked for in a file named package.html in the same
; directory as the first source file parsed in that package or in the directory
; given below. If package comments are placed in the directory given below then
; they should be named "<packageName>.html".
package_comment_dir = ./
; Parse out global variables and/or global constants?
globals = on
constants = on
; Generate documentation for all class members
private = on
; Generate documentation for public and protected class members
protected = on
; Generate documentation for only public class members
public = on
; Use the PEAR compatible handling of the docblock first sentence
;pear_compat = on
; Standard doclet settings
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The directory to place generated documentation in. If the given path is
; relative to it will be relative to "source_path".
d = "../docs"
; Specifies the title to be placed in the HTML <title> tag.
windowtitle = " backend reference"
; Specifies the title to be placed near the top of the overview summary file.
doctitle = " backend reference"
; Specifies the header text to be placed at the top of each output file. The
; header will be placed to the right of the upper navigation bar.
header = ""
; Specifies the footer text to be placed at the bottom of each output file. The
; footer will be placed to the right of the lower navigation bar.
footer = ""
; Specifies the text to be placed at the bottom of each output file. The text
; will be placed at the bottom of the page, below the lower navigation bar.
;bottom = "This document was generated by <a href="">PHPDoctor: The PHP Documentation Creator</a>"
; Create a class tree?
tree = on
; Use GeSHi to include formatted source files in the documentation
include_source = on
Add table
Reference in a new issue