HTTP_GET_VARS = new Array(); strGET =,; if(strGET != '') { gArr=strGET.split('&'); for(i=0;i1) { v=vArr[1]; } HTTP_GET_VARS[unescape(vArr[0])] = unescape(v); } } var myUUID = ''; if(HTTP_GET_VARS['uuid']) myUUID = HTTP_GET_VARS['uuid']; // easy access to formular with f var f; // storing json data var data; // windowStart parameter for json server var myWindowStart = 0; // windowEnd parameter for json server var myWindowEnd = getGroupedTimestamp((new Date()).getTime()); // windowGrouping for json server var windowGrouping = 0; // mouse position on mousedown (x-axis) var moveXstart = 0; // executed on document loaded complete // this is where it all starts... $(document).ready(function() { f = document.formular; // resize chart area for low resolution displays // works fine with HTC hero // perhaps you have to reload after display rotation if($(window).width()<800) { $("#Chart").animate({ width:$(window).width()-40, height:$(window).height()-3, },0); $("#options").animate({ height:$(window).height()-3, },0); } // load channel list // loadChannelList(); // start autoReload timer window.setInterval("autoReload()",5000); // code for adding a channel var uuid = $("#uuid"), allFields = $([]).add(uuid), tips = $(".validateTips"); getData(); });