. */ namespace Volkszaehler\Interpreter; /** * * @package data * @author Steffen Vogel * */ interface InterpreterInterface { public function getValues($from = NULL, $to = NULL, $groupBy = NULL); public function getMin($from = NULL, $to = NULL); public function getMax($from = NULL, $to = NULL); public function getAverage($from = NULL, $to = NULL); } /** * interpreter superclass for all interpreters * * @author Steffen Vogel * */ abstract class Interpreter implements InterpreterInterface { protected $channel; protected $em; /** * * @param $channel * @param $em */ public function __construct(\Volkszaehler\Model\Channel $channel, \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em) { $this->channel = $channel; $this->em = $em; } /** * * @param integer $from timestamp in ms since 1970 * @param integer $to timestamp in ms since 1970 * @param mixed $groupBy * @todo split in two functions */ protected function getData($from = NULL, $to = NULL, $groupBy = NULL) { $ts = 'FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/1000)'; // just for saving space switch ($groupBy) { case 'year': $sqlGroupBy = 'YEAR(' . $ts . ')'; break; case 'month': $sqlGroupBy = 'YEAR(' . $ts . '), MONTH(' . $ts . ')'; break; case 'week': $sqlGroupBy = 'YEAR(' . $ts . '), WEEKOFYEAR(' . $ts . ')'; break; case 'day': $sqlGroupBy = 'YEAR(' . $ts . '), DAYOFYEAR(' . $ts . ')'; break; case 'hour': $sqlGroupBy = 'YEAR(' . $ts . '), DAYOFYEAR(' . $ts . '), HOUR(' . $ts . ')'; break; case 'minute': $sqlGroupBy = 'YEAR(' . $ts . '), DAYOFYEAR(' . $ts . '), HOUR(' . $ts . '), MINUTE(' . $ts . ')'; break; case 'second': $sqlGroupBy = 'YEAR(' . $ts . '), DAYOFYEAR(' . $ts . '), HOUR(' . $ts . '), MINUTE(' . $ts . '), SECOND(' . $ts . ')'; break; default: if (is_numeric($groupBy)) { // lets agrregate it with php $groupBy = (int) $groupBy; $sqlGroupBy = FALSE; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('\'' . $groupBy . '\' is not an unknown grouping mode'); } } $sql = 'SELECT'; $sql .= ($sqlGroupBy === FALSE) ? ' timestamp, value' : ' MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp, SUM(value) AS value, COUNT(timestamp) AS count'; $sql .= ' FROM data WHERE channel_id = ' . (int) $this->channel->getId(); if (isset($from)) { $sql .= ' && timestamp > ' . $from; } if (isset($to)) { $sql .= ' && timestamp < ' . $to; } if ($sqlGroupBy !== FALSE) { $sql .= ' GROUP BY ' . $sqlGroupBy; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY timestamp DESC'; $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultsetMapping; $rsm->addScalarResult('timestamp', 'timestamp'); $rsm->addScalarResult('value', 'value'); if ($sqlGroupBy) { $rsm->addScalarResult('count', 'count'); } $query = $this->em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm); $result = $query->getResult(); $totalCount = count($result); if (is_int($groupBy) && $groupBy < $totalCount) { // return $groupBy values $packageSize = floor($totalCount / $groupBy); $packageCount = $groupBy; } else { // return all values or grouped by year, month, week... $packageSize = 1; $packageCount = $totalCount; } $packages = array(); $reading = reset($result); for ($i = 1; $i <= $packageCount; $i++) { $package = array('timestamp' => (int) $reading['timestamp'], // last timestamp in package 'value' => (float) $reading['value'], // sum of values 'count' => ($sqlGroupBy === FALSE) ? 1 : $reading['count']); // total count of values or pulses in the package while ($package['count'] < $packageSize) { $reading = next($result); $package['value'] += $reading['value']; $package['count']++; } $packages[] = $package; $reading = next($result); } return array_reverse($packages); // start with oldest ts and ends with newest ts (reverse array order due to descending order in sql statement) } } ?>