/** * Entity handling, parsing & validation * * @author Florian Ziegler * @author Justin Otherguy * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011, The volkszaehler.org project * @package default * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License */ /* * This file is part of volkzaehler.org * * volkzaehler.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * volkzaehler.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * volkszaehler.org. If not, see . */ /** * Entity constructor * @todo add validation */ var Entity = function(json, parent) { $.extend(true, this, json); this.parent = parent; if (this.active === undefined) { this.active = true; // active by default } if (this.children) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i] = new Entity(this.children[i], this); }; this.children.sort(Entity.compare); } this.definition = vz.capabilities.definitions.get('entities', this.type); }; /** * Show and edit entity details */ Entity.prototype.showDetails = function() { $('
') .addClass('details') .append(this.getDOM()) .dialog({ title: 'Details für ' + this.title, width: 480, resizable: false }); }; /** * Show from for new Channel * * @todo implement/test */ Entity.prototype.getDOM = function(edit) { var table = $('
'); var data = $(''); for (var property in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(property) && !['data', 'definition', 'children', 'parent'].contains(property)) { switch(property) { case 'type': var title = 'Typ'; var value = this.definition.translation[vz.options.language]; break; case 'uuid': var title = 'UUID'; var value = '' + this[property] + ''; break; case 'color': var title = 'Farbe'; var value = '' + this[property] + ''; break; case 'public': var title = vz.capabilities.definitions.get('properties', property).translation[vz.options.language]; var value = (this[property]) ? 'ja' : 'nein'; break; case 'active': var title = 'Aktiv'; var value = (this[property]) ? 'ja' : 'nein'; break; default: var title = vz.capabilities.definitions.get('properties', property).translation[vz.options.language]; var value = this[property]; } data.append($('') .append($('') .addClass('key') .text(title) ) .append($('') .addClass('value') .append(value) ) ); } } return table.append(data); }; Entity.prototype.getRow = function() { var row = $('') .addClass((this.parent) ? 'child-of-entity-' + this.parent.uuid : '') .addClass((this.definition.model == 'Volkszaehler\\Model\\Aggregator') ? 'aggregator' : 'channel') .attr('id', 'entity-' + this.uuid) .append($('') .addClass('visibility') .css('background-color', this.color) .append($('') .attr('type', 'checkbox') .attr('checked', this.active) .bind('change', this, function(event) { var state = $(this).attr('checked'); event.data.each(function(entity, parent) { $('#entity-' + entity.uuid + ((parent) ? '.child-of-entity-' + parent.uuid : '') + ' input[type=checkbox]') .attr('checked', state); entity.active = state; }); vz.wui.drawPlot(); }) ) ) .append($('').addClass('expander')) .append($('') .append($('') .text(this.title) .addClass('indicator') .css('background-image', 'url(images/types/' + this.definition.icon + ')') ) ) .append($('').text(this.definition.translation[vz.options.language])) // channel type .append($('').addClass('min')) // min .append($('').addClass('max')) // max .append($('').addClass('average')) // avg .append($('').addClass('last')) // last value .append($('').addClass('consumption')) // consumption .append($('').addClass('cost')) // costs .append($('') // operations .addClass('ops') .append($('') .attr('type', 'image') .attr('src', 'images/information.png') .attr('alt', 'details') .bind('click', this, function(event) { event.data.showDetails(); }) ) ) .data('entity', this); if (vz.uuids.contains(this.uuid)) { // removable from cookies? $('td.ops', row).prepend($('') .attr('type', 'image') .attr('src', 'images/delete.png') .attr('alt', 'delete') .bind('click', this, function(event) { vz.uuids.remove(event.data.uuid); vz.uuids.save(); vz.entities.remove(event.data); vz.entities.showTable(); vz.wui.drawPlot(); }) ); } return row; }; Entity.prototype.loadData = function() { return vz.load({ controller: 'data', identifier: this.uuid, context: this, data: { from: Math.floor(vz.options.plot.xaxis.min), to: Math.ceil(vz.options.plot.xaxis.max), tuples: vz.options.tuples }, success: function(json) { this.data = json.data; var year = 60*60*24*365*1000; /* in seconds */ var delta = this.data.to - this.data.from; if (this.data.count > 0) { if (this.data.min[1] < vz.options.plot.yaxis.min) { // allow negative values for temperature sensors vz.options.plot.yaxis.min = null; } // update details in table $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .min') .text(vz.wui.formatNumber(this.data.min[1]) + ' ' + this.definition.unit) .attr('title', $.plot.formatDate(new Date(this.data.min[0] + vz.options.timezoneOffset), '%d. %b %h:%M:%S', vz.options.plot.xaxis.monthNames)); $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .max') .text(vz.wui.formatNumber(this.data.max[1]) + ' ' + this.definition.unit) .attr('title', $.plot.formatDate(new Date(this.data.max[0] + vz.options.timezoneOffset), '%d. %b %h:%M:%S', vz.options.plot.xaxis.monthNames)); $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .average') .text(vz.wui.formatNumber(this.data.average) + ' ' + this.definition.unit); $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .last') .text(vz.wui.formatNumber(this.data.tuples.last()[1]) + ' ' + this.definition.unit); if (this.definition.interpreter == 'Volkszaehler\\Interpreter\\MeterInterpreter') { // sensors have no consumption $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .consumption') .text(vz.wui.formatNumber((this.data.consumption > 1000) ? this.data.consumption / 1000 : this.data.consumption) + ((this.data.consumption > 1000) ? ' k' : ' ') + this.definition.unit + 'h') .attr('title', vz.wui.formatNumber((this.data.consumption * (year/delta) > 1000) ? (this.data.consumption * (year/delta)) / 1000 : this.data.consumption * (year/delta)) + ((this.data.consumption * (year/delta) > 1000) ? ' k' : ' ') + this.definition.unit + 'h' + '/Jahr'); } if (this.cost !== undefined) { $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .cost') .text(vz.wui.formatNumber(this.cost * this.data.consumption) + ' €') .attr('title', vz.wui.formatNumber(this.cost * this.data.consumption * (year/delta)) + ' €/Jahr'); } } else { // no data available, clear table $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .min').text('').attr('title', ''); $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .max').text('').attr('title', ''); $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .average').text(''); $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .last').text(''); $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .consumption').text(''); $('#entity-' + this.uuid + ' .cost').text(''); } } }); }; /** * Add entity as child */ Entity.prototype.addChild = function(child) { if (this.definition.model != 'Volkszaehler\\Model\\Aggregator') { throw new Exception('EntityException', 'Entity is not an Aggregator'); } return vz.load({ controller: 'group', identifier: this.uuid, data: { uuid: child.uuid }, type: 'post' }); } /** * Remove entity from children */ Entity.prototype.removeChild = function(child) { return vz.load({ controller: 'group', identifier: this.uuid, data: { uuid: child.uuid, operation: 'delete' } }); }; /** * Validate Entity for required and optional properties and their values * * @return boolean * @todo implement/test */ Entity.prototype.validate = function() { this.definition.required.each(function(index, property) { var propertyDefinition = vz.capabilities.definitions.get('properties', property); if (!validateProperty(property, form.elements[property.name].value)) { throw new Exception('EntityException', 'Invalid property: ' + property.name + ' = ' + form.elements[property.name].value); } }); entity.optional.each(function(index, property) { var property = getDefinition(properties, property); }); return true; }; /** * Calls the callback function for the entity and all nested children * * @param cb callback function */ Entity.prototype.each = function(cb) { cb(this, this.parent); if (this.children) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].each(cb, this); // call recursive } } }; /** * Compares two entities for sorting * * @static * @todo Channels before Aggregators */ Entity.compare = function(a, b) { if (a.definition.model == 'Volkszaehler\\Model\\Channel' && // Channels before Aggregators b.definition.model == 'Volkszaehler\\Model\\Aggregator') { return 1; } else { return ((a.title < b.title) ? -1 : ((a.title > b.title) ? 1 : 0)); } }