. */ namespace Volkszaehler; use Volkszaehler\View\HTTP; use Volkszaehler\View; use Volkszaehler\Controller; use Volkszaehler\Util; /** * Backend dispatcher * * This class acts as a frontcontroller to route incomming requests * * @package default * @author Steffen Vogel */ class Dispatcher { /** * @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager Doctrine EntityManager */ protected $em; /** * @var View\View */ protected $view; /** * @var Controller\Controller */ protected $controller; /** * @var Router */ protected $router; /** * @var Util\Debug optional debugging instance */ protected $debug = NULL; /** * @var array HTTP method => action mapping */ protected static $actionMapping = array( 'post' => 'add', 'delete' => 'delete', 'get' => 'get', 'pull' => 'edit' ); /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { // create HTTP request & response (needed to initialize view & controller) $request = new HTTP\Request(); $response = new HTTP\Response(); // initialize entity manager $this->em = Dispatcher::createEntityManager(); // starting debugging if (($debugLevel = $request->getParameter('debug')) != NULL || $debugLevel = Util\Configuration::read('debug')) { if ($debugLevel > 0) { $this->debug = new Util\Debug($debugLevel, $this->em); } } // initialize router $this->router = new Router($this->em); // initialize view if ($this->router->getFormat()) { $format = $this->router->getFormat(); } else { $format = 'json'; } switch ($format) { case 'png': case 'jpeg': case 'gif': $this->view = new View\JpGraph($request, $response, $format); break; case 'json': case 'xml': case 'csv': $viewClassName = 'Volkszaehler\View\\' . strtoupper($format); if (!(Util\ClassLoader::classExists($viewClassName)) || !is_subclass_of($viewClassName, '\Volkszaehler\View\View')) { throw new \Exception('\'' . $viewClassName . '\' is not a valid View'); } $this->view = new $viewClassName($request, $response); break; case 'txt': $this->view = new View\PlainText($request, $response); break; default: throw new \Exception('unknown format: ' . $format); break; } // initialize controller if (!($controllerClassName = $this->router->getController())) { throw new \Exception('no controller specified'); } $this->controller = new $controllerClassName($this->view, $this->em); } /** * Execute application */ public function run() { if ($this->router->getAction()) { $action = $this->router->getAction(); } elseif (self::$actionMapping[strtolower($this->view->request->getMethod())]) { $action = self::$actionMapping[strtolower($this->view->request->getMethod())]; } else { throw new \Exception('can\'t determine action'); } $this->controller->run($action); // run controllers actions (usually CRUD: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRUD) $this->view->sendResponse(); // render view & send http response } /** * Factory for doctrines entitymanager * * @todo add other caching drivers (memcache, xcache) */ public static function createEntityManager() { $config = new \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration; if (extension_loaded('apc') && Util\Configuration::read('devmode') == FALSE) { $cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcCache; $config->setMetadataCacheImpl($cache); $config->setQueryCacheImpl($cache); } $driverImpl = $config->newDefaultAnnotationDriver(VZ_BACKEND_DIR . '/lib/Model'); $config->setMetadataDriverImpl($driverImpl); $config->setProxyDir(VZ_BACKEND_DIR . '/lib/Model/Proxy'); $config->setProxyNamespace('Volkszaehler\Model\Proxy'); $config->setAutoGenerateProxyClasses(Util\Configuration::read('devmode')); return \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create(Util\Configuration::read('db'), $config); } } ?>