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* DLMS Units as specified in ISO EN 62056-62 and used by SML
* @package vzlogger
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2011, The volkszaehler.org project
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt GNU Public License
* @author Steffen Vogel <info@steffenvogel.de>
* This file is part of volkzaehler.org
* volkzaehler.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* volkzaehler.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with volkszaehler.org. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
typedef struct {
char code;
char *unit;
} dlms_unit_t;
* Static lookup table
dlms_unit_t dlms_units[] = {
// code, unit // Quantity Unit name SI definition (comment)
{1, "a"}, // time year 52*7*24*60*60 s
{2, "mo"}, // time month 31*24*60*60 s
{3, "wk"}, // time week 7*24*60*60 s
{4, "d"}, // time day 24*60*60 s
{5, "h"}, // time hour 60*60 s
{6, "min."}, // time min 60 s
{7, "s"}, // time (t) second s
{8, "°"}, // (phase) angle degree rad*180/π
{9, "°C"}, // temperature (T) degree celsius K-273.15
{10, "currency"}, // (local) currency
{11, "m"}, // length (l) metre m
{12, "m/s"}, // speed (v) metre per second m/s
{13, "m³"}, // volume (V) cubic metre m³
{14, "m³"}, // corrected volume cubic metre m³
{15, "m³/h"}, // volume flux cubic metre per hour m³/(60*60s)
{16, "m³/h"}, // corrected volume flux cubic metre per hour m³/(60*60s)
{17, "m³/d"}, // volume flux m³/(24*60*60s)
{18, "m³/d"}, // corrected volume flux m³/(24*60*60s)
{19, "l"}, // volume litre 10-3 m³
{20, "kg"}, // mass (m) kilogram
{21, "N"}, // force (F) newton
{22, "Nm"}, // energy newtonmeter J = Nm = Ws
{23, "Pa"}, // pressure (p) pascal N/m²
{24, "bar"}, // pressure (p) bar 10⁵ N/m²
{25, "J"}, // energy joule J = Nm = Ws
{26, "J/h"}, // thermal power joule per hour J/(60*60s)
{27, "W"}, // active power (P) watt W = J/s
{28, "VA"}, // apparent power (S) volt-ampere
{29, "var"}, // reactive power (Q) var
{30, "Wh"}, // active energy watt-hour W*(60*60s)
{31, "VAh"}, // apparent energy volt-ampere-hour VA*(60*60s)
{32, "varh"}, // reactive energy var-hour var*(60*60s)
{33, "A"}, // current (I) ampere A
{34, "C"}, // electrical charge (Q) coulomb C = As
{35, "V"}, // voltage (U) volt V
{36, "V/m"}, // electr. field strength (E) volt per metre
{37, "F"}, // capacitance (C) farad C/V = As/V
{38, "Ω"}, // resistance (R) ohm Ω = V/A
{39, "Ωm²/m"}, // resistivity (ρ) Ωm
{40, "Wb"}, // magnetic flux (Φ) weber Wb = Vs
{41, "T"}, // magnetic flux density (B) tesla Wb/m2
{42, "A/m"}, // magnetic field strength (H) ampere per metre A/m
{43, "H"}, // inductance (L) henry H = Wb/A
{44, "Hz"}, // frequency (f, ω) hertz 1/s
{45, "1/(Wh)"}, // R_W (Active energy meter constant or pulse value)
{46, "1/(varh)"}, // R_B (reactive energy meter constant or pulse value)
{47, "1/(VAh)"}, // R_S (apparent energy meter constant or pulse value)
{48, "V²h"}, // volt-squared hour volt-squaredhours V²(60*60s)
{49, "A²h"}, // ampere-squared hour ampere-squaredhours A²(60*60s)
{50, "kg/s"}, // mass flux kilogram per second kg/s
{51, "S, mho"}, // conductance siemens 1/Ω
{52, "K"}, // temperature (T) kelvin
{53, "1/(V²h)"}, // R_U²h (Volt-squared hour meter constant or pulse value)
{54, "1/(A²h)"}, // R_I²h (Ampere-squared hour meter constant or pulse value)
{55, "1/m³"}, // R_V, meter constant or pulse value (volume)
{56, "%"}, // percentage %
{57, "Ah"}, // ampere-hours ampere-hour
{60, "Wh/m³"}, // energy per volume 3,6*103 J/m³
{61, "J/m³"}, // calorific value, wobbe
{62, "Mol %"}, // molar fraction of mole percent (Basic gas composition unit)
// gas composition
{63, "g/m³"}, // mass density, quantity of material (Gas analysis, accompanying elements)
{64, "Pa s"}, // dynamic viscosity pascal second (Characteristic of gas stream)
{253, "(reserved)"}, // reserved
{254, "(other)"}, // other unit
{255, "(unitless)"}, // no unit, unitless, count
{} // stop condition for iterator
char * dlms_get_unit(unsigned char code) {
dlms_unit_t *it = dlms_units;
do { /* linear search */
if (it->code == code) {
return it->unit;
} while ((++it)->code);
return NULL; /* not found */