this should much better represent the output from s0 electricity meters and water meters, where we get one impuls per energy or volume unit and (more important) the time interval depends on the throughput. this does not make much sense for temperature, though. unfortunately, we have currently no means to select different chart types depending on the entity type. also, I had to change the backend to output the starting time of the interval (flot needs that) instead of the ending time, which changes the "lines" chart. but since this chart is wrong for electricity and water anyway, it doesn't realy matter, though.
574 lines
16 KiB
574 lines
16 KiB
* Javascript functions for the frontend
* @author Florian Ziegler <fz@f10-home.de>
* @author Justin Otherguy <justin@justinotherguy.org>
* @author Steffen Vogel <info@steffenvogel.de>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, The volkszaehler.org project
* @package default
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* This file is part of volkzaehler.org
* volkzaehler.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* volkzaehler.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* volkszaehler.org. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Initialize the WUI (Web User Interface)
vz.wui.init = function() {
// initialize dropdown accordion
$('#accordion h3').click(function() {
return false;
$('#entity-list').show(); // open entity list by default
// buttons
$('button, input[type=button],[type=image]').button();
$('#permalink').click(function() {
var uuids = [];
var url = window.location.protocol + '//' +
window.location.host +
window.location.pathname +
'?from=' + vz.options.plot.xaxis.min +
'&to=' + vz.options.plot.xaxis.max;
vz.entities.each(function(entity, parent) {
if (entity.active && entity.definition.model == 'Volkszaehler\\Model\\Channel') {
uuids.unique().each(function(key, value) {
url += '&uuid=' + value;
window.location = url;
// bind plot actions
$('#controls button').click(this.handleControls);
// tuple resolution
vz.options.tuples = Math.round($('#flot').width() / 4);
$('#tuples').val(vz.options.tuples).change(function() {
vz.options.tuples = $(this).val();
// backend address
.change(function() {
vz.options.backendUrl = $(this).val();
// auto refresh
if (vz.options.refresh) {
$('#refresh').attr('checked', true);
var delta = vz.options.plot.xaxis.max - vz.options.plot.xaxis.min;
this.timeout = window.setTimeout(
(delta / 100 < 3000) ? 3000 : delta / 100
$('#refresh').change(function() {
vz.options.refresh = $(this).attr('checked');
if (vz.options.refresh) {
vz.wui.timeout = window.setTimeout(vz.wui.refresh, 3000);
else {
// plot rendering
$('#render-lines').attr('checked', (vz.options.render == 'lines'));
$('#render-points').attr('checked', (vz.options.render == 'points'));
$('#render-steps').attr('checked', (vz.options.render == 'steps'));
$('input[name=render][type=radio]').change(function() {
if ($(this).attr('checked')) {
vz.options.render = $(this).val();
* Initialize dialogs
vz.wui.dialogs.init = function() {
// initialize dialogs
title: 'Kanal hinzufügen',
width: 530,
resizable: false
$('#entity-add.dialog > div').tabs();
// load public entities
controller: 'entity',
success: function(json) {
if (json.entities.length > 0) {
json.entities.each(function(index, entity) {
$('#entity-subscribe-public select#public').append(
$('<option>').text(entity.title).data('entity', entity)
// show available entity types
vz.capabilities.definitions.entities.each(function(index, def) {
$('#entity-create select#type').append(
$('<option>').text(def.translation[vz.options.language]).data('definition', def)
/*$('#entity-create select#type option:selected').data('definition').required.each(function(index, property) {
$('#entity-create #properties').append(
vz.capabilities.definitions.get('properties', property).getDOM()
// actions
$('#entity-subscribe input[type=button]').click(function() {
try {
var uuid = $('#entity-subscribe input#uuid');
if ($('#entity-subscribe input.cookie').attr('checked')) {
vz.entities.loadDetails().done(function() {
}); // reload entity details and load data
catch (e) {
finally {
$('#entity-add input[type!=button]').val(''); // reset form
$('#entity-add input.cookie').attr('checked', false); // reset form
$('#entity-subscribe-public input[type=button]').click(function() {
var entity = $('#entity-subscribe-public select#public option:selected').data('entity');
try {
if ($('#entity-subscribe-public input.cookie').attr('checked')) {
vz.entities.loadDetails().done(function() {
}); // reload entity details and load data
catch (e) {
finally {
$('#entity-add input[type!=button]').val(''); // reset form
$('#entity-add input.cookie').attr('checked', false); // reset form
/*$('#entity-create input[type=button]').click(function() {
// update event handler
$('button[name=entity-add]').unbind('click', this.init);
$('button[name=entity-add]').click(function() {
* Bind events to handle plot zooming & panning
vz.wui.initEvents = function() {
.bind("plotselected", function (event, ranges) {
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = ranges.xaxis.from;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = ranges.xaxis.to;
vz.options.plot.yaxis.max = null; // autoscaling
vz.options.plot.yaxis.min = 0; // fixed to 0
/*.bind('plotpan', function (event, plot) {
var axes = plot.getAxes();
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = axes.xaxis.min;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = axes.xaxis.max;
vz.options.plot.yaxis.min = axes.yaxis.min;
vz.options.plot.yaxis.max = axes.yaxis.max;
.bind('mouseup', function(event) {
.bind('plotzoom', function (event, plot) {
var axes = plot.getAxes();
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = axes.xaxis.min;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = axes.xaxis.max;
vz.options.plot.yaxis.min = axes.yaxis.min;
vz.options.plot.yaxis.max = axes.yaxis.max;
* Refresh plot with new data
vz.wui.refresh = function() {
var delta = vz.options.plot.xaxis.max - vz.options.plot.xaxis.min;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = new Date().getTime(); // move plot
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = vz.options.plot.xaxis.max - delta; // move plot
vz.entities.loadData().done(function() {
vz.wui.timeout = window.setTimeout( // restart refresh timeout
vz.wui.refresh, // self
(delta / 100 < 3000) ? 3000 : delta / 100
* Move & zoom in the plotting area
vz.wui.handleControls = function () {
var delta = vz.options.plot.xaxis.max - vz.options.plot.xaxis.min;
var middle = vz.options.plot.xaxis.min + delta/2;
switch($(this).val()) {
case 'move-last':
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = new Date().getTime();
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = new Date().getTime() - delta;
case 'move-back':
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min -= delta;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max -= delta;
case 'move-forward':
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min += delta;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max += delta;
case 'zoom-reset':
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = middle - vz.options.defaultInterval/2;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = middle + vz.options.defaultInterval/2;
case 'zoom-in':
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min += delta/4;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max -= delta/4;
case 'zoom-out':
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min -= delta;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max += delta;
case 'zoom-hour':
hour = 60*60*1000;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = middle - hour/2;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = middle + hour/2;
case 'zoom-day':
var day = 24*60*60*1000;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = middle - day/2;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = middle + day/2;
case 'zoom-week':
var week = 7*24*60*60*1000;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = middle - week/2;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = middle + week/2;
case 'zoom-month':
var month = 30*24*60*60*1000;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = middle - month/2;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = middle + month/2;
case 'zoom-year':
var year = 365*24*60*60*1000;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = middle - year/2;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = middle + year/2;
// reenable autoscaling for yaxis
vz.options.plot.yaxis.max = null; // autoscaling
vz.options.plot.yaxis.min = 0; // fixed to 0
// we dont want to zoom/pan into the future
if (vz.options.plot.xaxis.max > new Date().getTime()) {
delta = vz.options.plot.xaxis.max - vz.options.plot.xaxis.min;
vz.options.plot.xaxis.max = new Date().getTime();
vz.options.plot.xaxis.min = new Date().getTime() - delta;
* Rounding precission
* Math.round rounds to whole numbers
* to round to one decimal (e.g. 15.2) we multiply by 10,
* round and reverse the multiplication again
* therefore "vz.options.precission" needs
* to be set to 1 (for 1 decimal) in that case
vz.wui.formatNumber = function(number) {
return Math.round(number*Math.pow(10, vz.options.precission))/Math.pow(10, vz.options.precission);
vz.wui.updateHeadline = function() {
var from = $.plot.formatDate(new Date(vz.options.plot.xaxis.min + vz.options.timezoneOffset), '%d. %b %h:%M:%S', vz.options.plot.xaxis.monthNames);
var to = $.plot.formatDate(new Date(vz.options.plot.xaxis.max + vz.options.timezoneOffset), '%d. %b %h:%M:%S', vz.options.plot.xaxis.monthNames);
$('#title').text(from + ' - ' + to);
* Overwritten each iterator to iterate recursively throug all entities
vz.entities.each = function(cb) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
* Get all entity information from backend
vz.entities.loadDetails = function() {
var queue = new Array;
vz.uuids.each(function(index, uuid) {
controller: 'entity',
identifier: uuid,
success: function(json) {
vz.entities.push(new Entity(json.entity));
return $.when.apply($, queue);
* Create nested entity list
* @todo move to Entity class
vz.entities.showTable = function() {
$('#entity-list tbody').empty();
var c = 0; // for colors
vz.entities.each(function(entity, parent) {
entity.color = vz.options.plot.colors[c++ % vz.options.plot.colors.length];
$('#entity-list tbody').append(entity.getRow());
* Initialize treeTable
* http://ludo.cubicphuse.nl/jquery-plugins/treeTable/doc/index.html
* https://github.com/ludo/jquery-plugins/tree/master/treeTable
// configure entities as draggable
$('#entity-list tr.channel span.indicator, #entity-list tr.aggregator span.indicator').draggable({
helper: 'clone',
opacity: .75,
refreshPositions: true, // Performance?
revert: 'invalid',
revertDuration: 300,
scroll: true
// configure aggregators as droppable
$('#entity-list tr.aggregator span.indicator').each(function() {
//accept: 'tr.channel span.indicator, tr.aggregator span.indicator', // TODO
drop: function(event, ui) {
var child = $(ui.draggable.parents('tr')[0]).data('entity');
var from = child.parent;
var to = $(this).data('entity');
$('#entity-move').dialog({ // confirm prompt
resizable: false,
modal: true,
title: 'Verschieben',
width: 400,
buttons: {
'Verschieben': function() {
try {
var queue = new Array;
queue.push(to.addChild(child)); // add to new aggregator
if (from !== undefined) {
queue.push(from.removeChild(child)); // remove from aggregator
else {
vz.uuids.remove(child.uuid); // remove from cookies
} catch (e) {
} finally {
$.when(queue).done(function() {
// wait for backend
'Abbrechen': function() {
hoverClass: 'accept',
over: function(event, ui) {
// make the droppable branch expand when a draggable node is moved over it
if (this.id != $(ui.draggable.parents('tr')[0]).id && !$(this).hasClass('expanded')) {
// make visible that a row is clicked
$('#entity-list table tbody tr').mousedown(function() {
$('tr.selected').removeClass('selected'); // deselect currently selected rows
// make sure row is selected when span is clicked
$('#entity-list table tbody tr span').mousedown(function() {
$('#entity-list table').treeTable({
treeColumn: 2,
clickableNodeNames: true,
initialState: 'expanded'
* Load json data from the backend
* @todo move to Entity class
vz.entities.loadData = function() {
$('#overlay').html('<img src="images/loading.gif" alt="loading..." /><p>loading...</p>');
var queue = new Array;
vz.entities.each(function(entity) {
if (entity.active && entity.definition.model == 'Volkszaehler\\Model\\Channel') {
return $.when.apply($, queue);
* Draws plot to container
vz.wui.drawPlot = function () {
var data = new Array;
vz.entities.each(function(entity) {
if (entity.active && entity.data && entity.data.tuples && entity.data.tuples.length > 0) {
data: entity.data.tuples,
color: entity.color
if (data.length == 0) {
$('#overlay').html('<img src="images/empty.png" alt="no data..." /><p>nothing to plot...</p>');
data.push({}); // add empty dataset to show axes
else {
vz.options.plot.series.lines.show = (vz.options.render == 'lines' || vz.options.render == 'steps');
vz.options.plot.series.lines.steps = (vz.options.render == 'steps');
vz.options.plot.series.points.show = (vz.options.render == 'points');
vz.plot = $.plot($('#flot'), data, vz.options.plot);
* Error & Exception handling
var Exception = function(type, message, code) {
return {
type: type,
message: message,
code: code
vz.wui.dialogs.error = function(error, description, code) {
if (code !== undefined) {
error = code + ': ' + error;
title: error,
width: 450,
dialogClass: 'ui-error',
resizable: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
Ok: function() {
vz.wui.dialogs.exception = function(exception) {
this.error(exception.type, exception.message, exception.code);