308 lines
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308 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Leonello
* jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects
* under both the MIT and GPL version 2.0 licenses. This means that you can
* choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly.
* The author would appreciate an email letting him know of any substantial
* use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at: chris dot leonello at gmail
* dot com or see http://www.jqplot.com/info.php . This is, of course,
* not required.
* If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by
* making a donation at: http://www.jqplot.com/donate.php .
* Thanks for using jqPlot!
(function($) {
// Class: $.jqplot.MekkoRenderer
$.jqplot.MekkoRenderer = function(){
this.shapeRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShapeRenderer();
// called with scope of series.
$.jqplot.MekkoRenderer.prototype.init = function(options, plot) {
this.fill = false;
this.fillRect = true;
this.strokeRect = true;
this.shadow = false;
// width of bar on x axis.
this._xwidth = 0;
this._xstart = 0;
$.extend(true, this.renderer, options);
// set the shape renderer options
var opts = {lineJoin:'miter', lineCap:'butt', isarc:false, fillRect:this.fillRect, strokeRect:this.strokeRect};
// Method: setGridData
// converts the user data values to grid coordinates and stores them
// in the gridData array. Will convert user data into appropriate
// rectangles.
// Called with scope of a series.
$.jqplot.MekkoRenderer.prototype.setGridData = function(plot) {
// recalculate the grid data
var xp = this._xaxis.series_u2p;
var yp = this._yaxis.series_u2p;
var data = this._plotData;
this.gridData = [];
// figure out width on x axis.
// this._xwidth = this._sumy / plot._sumy * this.canvas.getWidth();
this._xwidth = xp(this._sumy) - xp(0);
if (this.index>0) {
this._xstart = plot.series[this.index-1]._xstart + plot.series[this.index-1]._xwidth;
var totheight = this.canvas.getHeight();
var sumy = 0;
var cury;
var curheight;
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
if (data[i] != null) {
sumy += data[i][1];
cury = totheight - (sumy / this._sumy * totheight);
curheight = data[i][1] / this._sumy * totheight;
this.gridData.push([this._xstart, cury, this._xwidth, curheight]);
// Method: makeGridData
// converts any arbitrary data values to grid coordinates and
// returns them. This method exists so that plugins can use a series'
// linerenderer to generate grid data points without overwriting the
// grid data associated with that series.
// Called with scope of a series.
$.jqplot.MekkoRenderer.prototype.makeGridData = function(data, plot) {
// recalculate the grid data
// figure out width on x axis.
var xp = this._xaxis.series_u2p;
var totheight = this.canvas.getHeight();
var sumy = 0;
var cury;
var curheight;
var gd = [];
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
if (data[i] != null) {
sumy += data[i][1];
cury = totheight - (sumy / this._sumy * totheight);
curheight = data[i][1] / this._sumy * totheight;
gd.push([this._xstart, cury, this._xwidth, curheight]);
return gd;
// called within scope of series.
$.jqplot.MekkoRenderer.prototype.draw = function(ctx, gd, options) {
var i;
var opts = (options != undefined) ? options : {};
var showLine = (opts.showLine != undefined) ? opts.showLine : this.showLine;
var colorGenerator = new $.jqplot.ColorGenerator(this.seriesColors);
if (gd.length) {
if (showLine) {
for (i=0; i<gd.length; i++){
opts.fillStyle = colorGenerator.next();
this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, gd[i], opts);
$.jqplot.MekkoRenderer.prototype.drawShadow = function(ctx, gd, options) {
// This is a no-op, no shadows on mekko charts.
// called with scope of legend renderer.
$.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer = function() {
$.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer();
$.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer;
// called with scope of legend
$.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
this.labels = [];
this.placement = "outside";
$.extend(true, this, options);
// called with context of legend
$.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer.prototype.draw = function() {
var legend = this;
if (this.show) {
var series = this._series;
// make a table. one line label per row.
var ss = 'position:absolute;';
ss += (this.background) ? 'background:'+this.background+';' : '';
ss += (this.border) ? 'border:'+this.border+';' : '';
ss += (this.fontSize) ? 'font-size:'+this.fontSize+';' : '';
ss += (this.fontFamily) ? 'font-family:'+this.fontFamily+';' : '';
ss += (this.textColor) ? 'color:'+this.textColor+';' : '';
this._elem = $('<table class="jqplot-table-legend jqplot-mekko-legend" style="'+ss+'"></table>');
var pad = false, i, labels = [], colors = [];
var s = series[0];
var colorGenerator = new $.jqplot.ColorGenerator(s.seriesColors);
if (s.show) {
var pd = s.data;
for (i=0; i<pd.length; i++){
labels.push(this.labels[i] || pd[i][0].toString());
for (i=pd.length-1; i>-1; i--) {
if (labels[i]) {
this.renderer.addrow.call(this, labels[i], colors[i], pad);
pad = true;
return this._elem;
$.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer.prototype.pack = function(offsets) {
if (this.show) {
// fake a grid for positioning
var grid = {_top:offsets.top, _left:offsets.left, _right:offsets.right, _bottom:this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom};
if (this.placement == 'inside') {
switch (this.location) {
case 'nw':
var a = grid._left + this.xoffset;
var b = grid._top + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css('left', a);
this._elem.css('top', b);
case 'n':
var a = (offsets.left + (this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right))/2 - this.getWidth()/2;
var b = grid._top + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css('left', a);
this._elem.css('top', b);
case 'ne':
var a = offsets.right + this.xoffset;
var b = grid._top + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css({right:a, top:b});
case 'e':
var a = offsets.right + this.xoffset;
var b = (offsets.top + (this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom))/2 - this.getHeight()/2;
this._elem.css({right:a, top:b});
case 'se':
var a = offsets.right + this.xoffset;
var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css({right:a, bottom:b});
case 's':
var a = (offsets.left + (this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right))/2 - this.getWidth()/2;
var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css({left:a, bottom:b});
case 'sw':
var a = grid._left + this.xoffset;
var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css({left:a, bottom:b});
case 'w':
var a = grid._left + this.xoffset;
var b = (offsets.top + (this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom))/2 - this.getHeight()/2;
this._elem.css({left:a, top:b});
default: // same as 'se'
var a = grid._right - this.xoffset;
var b = grid._bottom + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css({right:a, bottom:b});
else {
switch (this.location) {
case 'nw':
var a = this._plotDimensions.width - grid._left + this.xoffset;
var b = grid._top + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css('right', a);
this._elem.css('top', b);
case 'n':
var a = (offsets.left + (this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right))/2 - this.getWidth()/2;
var b = this._plotDimensions.height - grid._top + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css('left', a);
this._elem.css('bottom', b);
case 'ne':
var a = this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right + this.xoffset;
var b = grid._top + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css({left:a, top:b});
case 'e':
var a = this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right + this.xoffset;
var b = (offsets.top + (this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom))/2 - this.getHeight()/2;
this._elem.css({left:a, top:b});
case 'se':
var a = this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right + this.xoffset;
var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css({left:a, bottom:b});
case 's':
var a = (offsets.left + (this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right))/2 - this.getWidth()/2;
var b = this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css({left:a, top:b});
case 'sw':
var a = this._plotDimensions.width - grid._left + this.xoffset;
var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css({right:a, bottom:b});
case 'w':
var a = this._plotDimensions.width - grid._left + this.xoffset;
var b = (offsets.top + (this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom))/2 - this.getHeight()/2;
this._elem.css({right:a, top:b});
default: // same as 'se'
var a = grid._right - this.xoffset;
var b = grid._bottom + this.yoffset;
this._elem.css({right:a, bottom:b});
// setup default renderers for axes and legend so user doesn't have to
// called with scope of plot
function preInit(target, data, options) {
options = options || {};
options.axesDefaults = options.axesDefaults || {};
options.legend = options.legend || {};
options.seriesDefaults = options.seriesDefaults || {};
var setopts = false;
if (options.seriesDefaults.renderer == $.jqplot.MekkoRenderer) {
setopts = true;
else if (options.series) {
for (var i=0; i < options.series.length; i++) {
if (options.series[i].renderer == $.jqplot.MekkoRenderer) {
setopts = true;
if (setopts) {
options.axesDefaults.renderer = $.jqplot.MekkoAxisRenderer;
options.legend.renderer = $.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer;
options.legend.preDraw = true;