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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
\section{Yosys by example -- Synthesis}
\subsection{Typical Phases of a Synthesis Flow}
\subsection{Design elaboration}
\subsection{High-Level Synthesis}
\subsection{The ``proc'' commands}
\subsection{The ``memory'' commands}
\subsection{The ``fsm'' commands}
\subsection{Low-Level Synthesis}
\subsection{The ``techmap'' command}
\subsection{The ``abc'' command}
\subsection{Other special-purpose mapping commands}
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\begin{frame}{\subsecname{} -- VlogHammer}
Contiously checking the correctness of Yosys and making sure that new features
do not break old ones is a high priority in Yosys.
There are two external test suites build for Yosys: VlogHammer and yosys-bigsim
(see next slides)
In addition to that, yosys comes with $\approx\!200$ test cases used in ``{\tt make test}''.
A debug build of Yosys also contains a lot of asserts and checks the integrity of
the internal state after each command.
\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} -- VlogHammer}
VlogHammer is a Verilog regression test suite developed to test the different
subsystems in Yosys by comparing them to each other and the implementations
generated by some proprietary tools (Xilinx Vivado, Xilinx XST, Altera Quartus II, ...).
Yosys Subsystems tested: Verilog frontend, const folding, const eval, technology mapping,
simulation models, SAT models.
Thousands of auto-generated test cases containing code such as:
\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont, language=Verilog]
assign y9 = $signed(((+$signed((^(6'd2 ** a2))))<$unsigned($unsigned(((+a3))))));
assign y10 = (-((+((+{2{(~^p13)}})))^~(!{{b5,b1,a0},(a1&p12),(a4+a3)})));
assign y11 = (~&(-{(-3'sd3),($unsigned($signed($unsigned({p0,b4,b1}))))}));
Some bugs in Yosys where found and fixed thanks to VlogHammer. Over 20 bugs in
the proprietary tools used as external reference where found and reported.
\begin{frame}{\subsecname{} -- yosys-bigsim}
yosys-bigsim is a collection of real-world open-source Verilog designs and test
benches. yosys-bigsim compares the testbench outpus of simulations of the original
Verilog code and synthesis results.
\subsection{Benefits of Open Source HDL Synthesis}
The following designs are part of yosys-bigsim:
\item {\tt openmsp430} -- an MSP430 compatible 16 bit CPU
\item {\tt aes\_5cycle\_2stage} -- an AES encryption core
\item {\tt softusb\_navre} -- an AVR compatible 8 bit CPU
\item {\tt amber23} -- an ARMv2 compatible 32 bit CPU
\item {\tt lm32} -- another 32 bit CPU from Lattice Semiconductor
\item {\tt verilog-pong} -- a hardware pong game with VGA output
\item {\tt elliptic\_curve\_group} -- ECG point-add and point-scalar-mul core
\item {\tt reed\_solomon\_decoder} -- a Reed-Solomon Error Correction Decoder
\subsection{Benefits of Open Source HDL Synthesis}
\begin{frame}{\subsecname{} -- 1/3}
\item Cost (also applies to ``free as in free beer'' solutions): \smallskip\par
Today the cost for a mask set in $\unit[180]{nm}$ technology is far less than
the cost for the design tools needed to design the mask layouts. Open Source
ASIC flows are an important enabler for ASIC-level Open Source Hardware.
\item Availablity and Reproducability: \smallskip\par
If you are a researcher who is publishing, you want to use tools that everyone
else can also use. Even if most universities have access to all major
commercial tools, you usually do not have easy access to the version that was
used in a research project a couple of years ago. With Open Source tools you
can even release the source code of the tool you have used alongside your data.
\begin{frame}{\subsecname{} -- 2/3}
\item Framework: \smallskip\par
Yosys is not only a tool. It is a framework that can be used as basis for other
developments, so researchers and hackers alike do not need to re-invent the
basic functionality. Extensibility was one of Yosys' design goals.
\item All-in-one: \smallskip\par
Because of the framework characterisitcs of Yosys, an increasing number of features
become available in one tool. Yosys not only can be used for circuit synthesis but
also for formal equivialence checking, SAT solving, and for circuit analysis, to
name just a few other application domains. With propritaery software one needs to
learn a new tool for each of this applications.
\begin{frame}{\subsecname{} -- 3/3}
\item Educational Tool: \smallskip\par
Propritaery synthesis tools are at times where secretive about their inner
workings. They often are ``black boxes'' where a design goes in and synthesis
results come out. Yosys is very open about its internals and it is easy to
observe the different steps of synthesis.
\begin{block}{BTW: Yosys is licensed under the ISC license:}
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
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@ -100,5 +101,6 @@ Outline of this presentation:
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