Added support for s: select expressions (wire width)

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2014-02-06 19:45:03 +01:00
parent 9428050dd6
commit 37fdb2ca7a

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@ -672,6 +672,23 @@ static void select_stmt(RTLIL::Design *design, std::string arg)
if ((it.second->port_input || it.second->port_output) && match_ids(it.first, arg_memb.substr(2)))
} else
if (arg_memb.substr(0, 2) == "s:") {
size_t delim = arg_memb.substr(2).find(':');
if (delim == std::string::npos) {
int width = atoi(arg_memb.substr(2).c_str());
for (auto &it : mod->wires)
if (it.second->width == width)
} else {
std::string min_str = arg_memb.substr(2, delim);
std::string max_str = arg_memb.substr(2+delim+1);
int min_width = min_str.empty() ? 0 : atoi(min_str.c_str());
int max_width = max_str.empty() ? -1 : atoi(max_str.c_str());
for (auto &it : mod->wires)
if (min_width <= it.second->width && (it.second->width <= max_width || max_width == -1))
} else
if (arg_memb.substr(0, 2) == "m:") {
for (auto &it : mod->memories)
if (match_ids(it.first, arg_memb.substr(2)))
@ -852,7 +869,10 @@ struct SelectPass : public Pass {
log(" all wires with a name matching the given wildcard pattern\n");
log(" i:<pattern>, o:<pattern>, x:<pattern>\n");
log(" select input (i:), output (o:) or any ports (x:) with matching names\n");
log(" all inputs (i:), outputs (o:) or any ports (x:) with matching names\n");
log(" s:<size>, s:<min>:<max>\n");
log(" all wires with a matching width\n");
log(" m:<pattern>\n");
log(" all memories with a name matching the given pattern\n");