added resource sharing of $macc cells

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2014-10-03 12:58:40 +02:00
parent c3e779a65f
commit 3e4b0cac8d
2 changed files with 270 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ struct Macc
if (SIZE(port.in_a) == 0 && SIZE(port.in_b) == 0)
if (SIZE(port.in_a) < SIZE(port.in_b))
std::swap(port.in_a, port.in_b);
if (SIZE(port.in_a) == 1 && SIZE(port.in_b) == 0 && !port.is_signed && !port.do_subtract) {
@ -224,6 +227,12 @@ struct Macc
return true;
Macc(RTLIL::Cell *cell = nullptr)
if (cell != nullptr)

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "kernel/sigtools.h"
#include "kernel/modtools.h"
#include "kernel/utils.h"
#include "kernel/macc.h"
@ -100,6 +101,243 @@ struct ShareWorker
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Code for sharing and comparing MACC cells
// ---------------------------------------------------
static int bits_macc_port(const Macc::port_t &p, int width)
if (SIZE(p.in_a) == 0 || SIZE(p.in_b) == 0)
return std::min(std::max(SIZE(p.in_a), SIZE(p.in_b)), width);
return std::min(SIZE(p.in_a), width) * std::min(SIZE(p.in_b), width) / 2;
static int bits_macc(const Macc &m, int width)
int bits = SIZE(m.bit_ports);
for (auto &p : m.ports)
bits += bits_macc_port(p, width);
return bits;
static int bits_macc(RTLIL::Cell *c)
Macc m(c);
int width = SIZE(c->getPort("\\Y"));
return bits_macc(m, width);
static bool cmp_macc_ports(const Macc::port_t &p1, const Macc::port_t &p2)
bool mul1 = SIZE(p1.in_a) && SIZE(p1.in_b);
bool mul2 = SIZE(p2.in_a) && SIZE(p2.in_b);
int w1 = mul1 ? SIZE(p1.in_a) * SIZE(p1.in_b) : SIZE(p1.in_a) + SIZE(p1.in_b);
int w2 = mul2 ? SIZE(p2.in_a) * SIZE(p2.in_b) : SIZE(p2.in_a) + SIZE(p2.in_b);
if (mul1 != mul2)
return mul1;
if (w1 != w2)
return w1 > w2;
if (p1.is_signed != p2.is_signed)
return p1.is_signed < p2.is_signed;
if (p1.do_subtract != p2.do_subtract)
return p1.do_subtract < p2.do_subtract;
if (p1.in_a != p2.in_a)
return p1.in_a < p2.in_a;
if (p1.in_b != p2.in_b)
return p1.in_b < p2.in_b;
return false;
int share_macc_ports(Macc::port_t &p1, Macc::port_t &p2, int w1, int w2,
RTLIL::SigSpec act = RTLIL::SigSpec(), Macc *supermacc = nullptr, std::set<RTLIL::Cell*> *supercell_aux = nullptr)
if (p1.do_subtract != p2.do_subtract)
return -1;
bool mul1 = SIZE(p1.in_a) && SIZE(p1.in_b);
bool mul2 = SIZE(p2.in_a) && SIZE(p2.in_b);
if (mul1 != mul2)
return -1;
bool force_signed = false, force_not_signed = false;
if ((SIZE(p1.in_a) && SIZE(p1.in_a) < w1) || (SIZE(p1.in_b) && SIZE(p1.in_b) < w1)) {
if (p1.is_signed)
force_signed = true;
force_not_signed = true;
if ((SIZE(p2.in_a) && SIZE(p2.in_a) < w2) || (SIZE(p2.in_b) && SIZE(p2.in_b) < w2)) {
if (p2.is_signed)
force_signed = true;
force_not_signed = true;
if (force_signed && force_not_signed)
return -1;
if (supermacc)
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a1 = p1.in_a, sig_b1 = p1.in_b;
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a2 = p2.in_a, sig_b2 = p2.in_b;
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a = SIZE(sig_a1) > SIZE(sig_a2) ? sig_a1 : sig_a2;
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_b = SIZE(sig_b1) > SIZE(sig_b2) ? sig_b1 : sig_b2;
sig_a1.extend_u0(SIZE(sig_a), p1.is_signed);
sig_b1.extend_u0(SIZE(sig_b), p1.is_signed);
sig_a2.extend_u0(SIZE(sig_a), p2.is_signed);
sig_b2.extend_u0(SIZE(sig_b), p2.is_signed);
if (supercell_aux && SIZE(sig_a)) {
sig_a = module->addWire(NEW_ID, SIZE(sig_a));
supercell_aux->insert(module->addMux(NEW_ID, sig_a2, sig_a1, act, sig_a));
if (supercell_aux && SIZE(sig_b)) {
sig_b = module->addWire(NEW_ID, SIZE(sig_b));
supercell_aux->insert(module->addMux(NEW_ID, sig_b2, sig_b1, act, sig_b));
Macc::port_t p;
p.in_a = sig_a;
p.in_b = sig_b;
p.is_signed = force_signed;
p.do_subtract = p1.do_subtract;
int score = 1000 + abs(SIZE(p1.in_a) - SIZE(p2.in_a)) * std::max(abs(SIZE(p1.in_b) - SIZE(p2.in_b)), 1);
for (int i = 0; i < std::min(SIZE(p1.in_a), SIZE(p2.in_a)); i++)
if (p1.in_a[i] == p2.in_a[i] && score > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < std::min(SIZE(p1.in_b), SIZE(p2.in_b)); i++)
if (p1.in_b[i] == p2.in_b[i] && score > 0)
return score;
int share_macc(RTLIL::Cell *c1, RTLIL::Cell *c2,
RTLIL::SigSpec act = RTLIL::SigSpec(), RTLIL::Cell *supercell = nullptr, std::set<RTLIL::Cell*> *supercell_aux = nullptr)
Macc m1(c1), m2(c2), supermacc;
int w1 = SIZE(c1->getPort("\\Y")), w2 = SIZE(c2->getPort("\\Y"));
int width = std::max(w1, w2);
std::sort(m1.ports.begin(), m1.ports.end(), cmp_macc_ports);
std::sort(m2.ports.begin(), m2.ports.end(), cmp_macc_ports);
std::set<int> m1_unmapped, m2_unmapped;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(m1.ports); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(m2.ports); i++)
while (1)
int best_i = -1, best_j = -1, best_score = 0;
for (int i : m1_unmapped)
for (int j : m2_unmapped) {
int score = share_macc_ports(m1.ports[i], m2.ports[j], w1, w2);
log("[%s, %s] vs [%s, %s] -> %d\n", log_signal(m1.ports[i].in_a), log_signal(m1.ports[i].in_b), log_signal(m2.ports[j].in_a), log_signal(m2.ports[j].in_b), score);
if (score >= 0 && (best_i < 0 || best_score > score))
best_i = i, best_j = j, best_score = score;
if (best_i >= 0) {
share_macc_ports(m1.ports[best_i], m2.ports[best_j], w1, w2, act, &supermacc, supercell_aux);
} else
for (int i : m1_unmapped)
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a = m1.ports[i].in_a;
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_b = m1.ports[i].in_b;
if (supercell_aux && SIZE(sig_a)) {
sig_a = module->addWire(NEW_ID, SIZE(sig_a));
supercell_aux->insert(module->addMux(NEW_ID, RTLIL::SigSpec(0, SIZE(sig_a)), m1.ports[i].in_a, act, sig_a));
if (supercell_aux && SIZE(sig_b)) {
sig_b = module->addWire(NEW_ID, SIZE(sig_b));
supercell_aux->insert(module->addMux(NEW_ID, RTLIL::SigSpec(0, SIZE(sig_b)), m1.ports[i].in_b, act, sig_b));
Macc::port_t p;
p.in_a = sig_a;
p.in_b = sig_b;
p.is_signed = m1.ports[i].is_signed;
p.do_subtract = m1.ports[i].do_subtract;
for (int i : m2_unmapped)
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a = m2.ports[i].in_a;
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_b = m2.ports[i].in_b;
if (supercell_aux && SIZE(sig_a)) {
sig_a = module->addWire(NEW_ID, SIZE(sig_a));
supercell_aux->insert(module->addMux(NEW_ID, m2.ports[i].in_a, RTLIL::SigSpec(0, SIZE(sig_a)), act, sig_a));
if (supercell_aux && SIZE(sig_b)) {
sig_b = module->addWire(NEW_ID, SIZE(sig_b));
supercell_aux->insert(module->addMux(NEW_ID, m2.ports[i].in_b, RTLIL::SigSpec(0, SIZE(sig_b)), act, sig_b));
Macc::port_t p;
p.in_a = sig_a;
p.in_b = sig_b;
p.is_signed = m2.ports[i].is_signed;
p.do_subtract = m2.ports[i].do_subtract;
if (supercell)
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_y = module->addWire(NEW_ID, width);
supercell_aux->insert(module->addPos(NEW_ID, sig_y, c1->getPort("\\Y")));
supercell_aux->insert(module->addPos(NEW_ID, sig_y, c2->getPort("\\Y")));
supercell->setParam("\\Y_WIDTH", width);
supercell->setPort("\\Y", sig_y);
return bits_macc(supermacc, width);
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Find shareable cells and compatible groups of cells
// ---------------------------------------------------
@ -230,6 +468,14 @@ struct ShareWorker
return true;
if (c1->type == "$macc")
if (!config.opt_aggressive)
if (share_macc(c1, c2) > 2 * std::min(bits_macc(c1), bits_macc(c2))) return false;
return true;
for (auto &it : c1->parameters)
if (c2->parameters.count(it.first) == 0 || c2-> != it.second)
return false;
@ -423,8 +669,11 @@ struct ShareWorker
supercell->setPort("\\B", b);
supercell->setPort("\\Y", y);
if (c1->type == "$alu") {
supercell->setPort("\\CI", module->Mux(NEW_ID, c2->getPort("\\CI"), c1->getPort("\\CI"), act));
supercell->setPort("\\BI", module->Mux(NEW_ID, c2->getPort("\\BI"), c1->getPort("\\BI"), act));
RTLIL::Wire *ci = module->addWire(NEW_ID), *bi = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
supercell_aux.insert(module->addMux(NEW_ID, c2->getPort("\\CI"), c1->getPort("\\CI"), act, ci));
supercell_aux.insert(module->addMux(NEW_ID, c2->getPort("\\BI"), c1->getPort("\\BI"), act, bi));
supercell->setPort("\\CI", ci);
supercell->setPort("\\BI", bi);
supercell->setPort("\\CO", co);
supercell->setPort("\\X", x);
@ -443,6 +692,15 @@ struct ShareWorker
return supercell;
if (c1->type == "$macc")
RTLIL::Cell *supercell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, c1->type);
share_macc(c1, c2, act, supercell, &supercell_aux);
return supercell;
if (c1->type == "$memrd")
RTLIL::Cell *supercell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, c1);
@ -1154,7 +1412,7 @@ struct SharePass : public Pass {
// config.generic_other_ops.insert("$macc");
log_header("Executing SHARE pass (SAT-based resource sharing).\n");