use Homebrew only if installed

This commit is contained in:
Steffen Vogel 2017-01-31 10:06:06 -03:00
parent 7481ba4750
commit 44b47b57e3

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@ -62,15 +62,17 @@ SED = sed
BISON = bison
ifeq (Darwin,$(findstring Darwin,$(shell uname)))
BREW := $(shell command -v brew 2> /dev/null)
ifdef BREW
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH = $(shell $(BREW) list libffi | grep pkgconfig | xargs dirname)
BISON = $(shell $(BREW) list bison | grep -m1 "bin/bison")
# add macports/homebrew include and library path to search directories, don't use '-rdynamic' and '-lrt':
CXXFLAGS += -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/opt/readline/include
LDFLAGS += -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib
# add homebrew's libffi include and library path
CXXFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$$(brew list libffi | grep pkgconfig | xargs dirname) pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags libffi)
LDFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$$(brew list libffi | grep pkgconfig | xargs dirname) pkg-config --silence-errors --libs libffi)
# use bison installed by homebrew if available
BISON = $(shell (brew list bison | grep -m1 "bin/bison") || echo bison)
SED = sed
# add macports/homebrew's libffi include and library path
CXXFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags libffi)
LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --libs libffi)
LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
LDLIBS += -lrt