Add support for "fsm_export" synthesis attributes to fsm_export pass.

This allows to specify the file name for exported files directly in the HDL
source via the fsm_export=... attribute on the FSM state register.

Verilog example:
    (* fsm_export="my_fsm.kiss2" *)
    reg [3:0] state;

The fsm_export pass now also accepts the option "-noauto". This causes only
FSMs with the fsm_export attribute to be exported, any other FSMs are ignored.

Signed-off-by: Martin Schmölzer <>
This commit is contained in:
Martin Schmölzer 2013-01-08 09:31:31 +01:00
parent bc630ba0fa
commit 4f6cda502d

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#include <fstream>
* Convert signal into a KISS-compatible textual representation.
* Convert a signal into a KISS-compatible textual representation.
std::string kiss_convert_signal(const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig) {
if (!sig.is_fully_const()) {
@ -40,7 +40,73 @@ std::string kiss_convert_signal(const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig) {
* Exports each Finite State Machine (FSM) in the design to a file in KISS2 format.
* Create a KISS2 file from a cell.
* The destination file name is taken from the fsm_export attribute if present,
* e.g. (* fsm_export="filename.kiss2" *). If this attribute is not present,
* the file name will be assembled from the module and cell names.
* @param module pointer to module which contains the FSM cell.
* @param cell pointer to the FSM cell which should be exported.
void write_kiss2(struct RTLIL::Module *module, struct RTLIL::Cell *cell) {
std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const>::iterator attr_it;
FsmData fsm_data;
FsmData::transition_t tr;
std::ofstream kiss_file;
std::string kiss_name;
size_t i;
attr_it = cell->attributes.find("\\fsm_export");
if (attr_it != cell->attributes.end() && attr_it->second.str != "") {
else {
kiss_name.append('-' + cell->name + ".kiss2");
log("Exporting FSM `%s' from module `%s' to file `%s'.\n",
kiss_name.c_str());, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
if (!kiss_file.is_open()) {
log_error("Could not open file \"%s\" with write access.\n", kiss_name.c_str());
kiss_file << ".start_kiss" << std::endl;
kiss_file << ".i " << std::dec << fsm_data.num_inputs << std::endl;
kiss_file << ".o " << std::dec << fsm_data.num_outputs << std::endl;
kiss_file << ".r s" << std::dec << fsm_data.reset_state << std::endl;
for (i = 0; i < fsm_data.transition_table.size(); i++) {
tr = fsm_data.transition_table[i];
try {
kiss_file << kiss_convert_signal(tr.ctrl_in) << ' ';
kiss_file << 's' << tr.state_in << ' ';
kiss_file << 's' << tr.state_out << ' ';
kiss_file << kiss_convert_signal(tr.ctrl_out) << std::endl;
catch (int) {
log_error("exporting an FSM input or output signal failed.\n");
kiss_file << ".end_kiss" << std::endl << ".end" << std::endl;
* Exports Finite State Machines in the design to one file per FSM. Currently,
* only the KISS2 file format is supported.
struct FsmExportPass : public Pass {
FsmExportPass() : Pass("fsm_export") {
@ -48,56 +114,30 @@ struct FsmExportPass : public Pass {
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
FsmData fsm_data;
std::string kiss_name;
std::ofstream kiss_file;
size_t i;
FsmData::transition_t tr;
std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const>::iterator attr_it;
std::string arg;
bool flag_noauto = false;
size_t argidx;
log_header("Executing FSM_EXPORT pass (exporting FSMs in KISS2 file format).\n");
extra_args(args, 1, design);
for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) {
arg = args[argidx];
if (arg == "-noauto") {
flag_noauto = true;
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
for (auto &mod_it : design->modules)
for (auto &cell_it : mod_it.second->cells)
if (cell_it.second->type == "$fsm") {
kiss_name.append("-" + cell_it.second->name + ".kiss2");
log("Exporting FSM `%s' from module `%s' to file `%s'.\n",
kiss_name.c_str());, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
if (!kiss_file.is_open()) {
log_error("Could not open file \"%s\" with write access.\n", kiss_name.c_str());
kiss_file << ".start_kiss" << std::endl;
kiss_file << ".i " << std::dec << fsm_data.num_inputs << std::endl;
kiss_file << ".o " << std::dec << fsm_data.num_outputs << std::endl;
kiss_file << ".r s" << std::dec << fsm_data.reset_state << std::endl;
for (i = 0; i < fsm_data.transition_table.size(); i++) {
tr = fsm_data.transition_table[i];
try {
kiss_file << kiss_convert_signal(tr.ctrl_in) << ' ';
kiss_file << 's' << tr.state_in << ' ';
kiss_file << 's' << tr.state_out << ' ';
kiss_file << kiss_convert_signal(tr.ctrl_out) << std::endl;
catch (int) {
log_error("exporting an FSM input or output signal failed.\n");
kiss_file << ".end_kiss" << std::endl << ".end" << std::endl;
attr_it = cell_it.second->attributes.find("\\fsm_export");
if (!flag_noauto || (attr_it != cell_it.second->attributes.end())) {
write_kiss2(mod_it.second, cell_it.second);
} FsmExportPass;