Progress in examples/gowin/

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2016-11-08 19:07:22 +01:00
parent e9d73d2ee0
commit 617693e691
5 changed files with 95 additions and 21 deletions

View file

@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ demo.rpt

View file

@ -1,17 +1,41 @@
IO_LOC "clk" D11;
IO_LOC "led1" D22;
IO_LOC "led2" E22;
IO_LOC "led3" G22;
IO_LOC "led4" J22;
IO_LOC "led5" L22;
IO_LOC "led6" L19;
IO_LOC "led7" L20;
IO_LOC "led8" M21;
IO_LOC "led9" N19;
IO_LOC "led10" R19;
IO_LOC "led11" T18;
IO_LOC "led12" AA22;
IO_LOC "led13" U18;
IO_LOC "led14" V20;
IO_LOC "led15" AA21;
IO_LOC "led16" AB21;
// 50 MHz Clock
IO_LOC "clk" D11;
// LEDs
IO_LOC "leds[0]" D22;
IO_LOC "leds[1]" E22;
IO_LOC "leds[2]" G22;
IO_LOC "leds[3]" J22;
IO_LOC "leds[4]" L22;
IO_LOC "leds[5]" L19;
IO_LOC "leds[6]" L20;
IO_LOC "leds[7]" M21;
IO_LOC "leds[8]" N19;
IO_LOC "leds[9]" R19;
IO_LOC "leds[10]" T18;
IO_LOC "leds[11]" AA22;
IO_LOC "leds[12]" U18;
IO_LOC "leds[13]" V20;
IO_LOC "leds[14]" AA21;
IO_LOC "leds[15]" AB21;
// 7-Segment Display
IO_LOC "seg7dig[0]" E20;
IO_LOC "seg7dig[1]" G18;
IO_LOC "seg7dig[2]" G20;
IO_LOC "seg7dig[3]" F21;
IO_LOC "seg7dig[4]" J20;
IO_LOC "seg7dig[5]" H21;
IO_LOC "seg7dig[6]" H18;
IO_LOC "seg7dig[7]" D20;
IO_LOC "seg7sel[0]" C19;
IO_LOC "seg7sel[1]" B22;
IO_LOC "seg7sel[2]" C20;
IO_LOC "seg7sel[3]" C21;
// Switches
IO_LOC "sw[0]" AB20;
IO_LOC "sw[1]" AB19;
IO_LOC "sw[2]" AB18;
IO_LOC "sw[3]" AB17;

View file

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
module demo (
input clk,
output led1, led2, led3, led4, led5, led6, led7, led8,
output led9, led10, led11, led12, led13, led14, led15, led16
input [3:0] sw,
output [15:0] leds,
output [7:0] seg7dig,
output [3:0] seg7sel
localparam PRESCALE = 20;
reg [PRESCALE+3:0] counter = 0;
always @(posedge clk) counter <= counter + 1;
assign {led1, led2, led3, led4, led5, led6, led7, led8,
led9, led10, led11, led12, led13, led14, led15, led16} = 1 << counter[PRESCALE +: 4];
assign leds = 1 << counter[PRESCALE +: 4];

View file

@ -3,3 +3,10 @@ set -ex
yosys -p "synth_gowin -top demo -vout demo_syn.v" demo.v
$GOWIN_HOME/bin/gowin -d demo_syn.v -cst demo.cst -sdc demo.sdc -p GW2A55-PBGA484-6 \
-warning_all -out demo_out.v -rpt demo.rpt -tr demo_tr.html -bit demo.bit
# post place&route simulation (icarus verilog)
if false; then
iverilog -D POST_IMPL -o testbench -s testbench testbench.v \
demo_out.v $(yosys-config --datdir/gowin/cells_sim.v)
vvp -N testbench

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
module testbench;
reg clk;
initial begin
#5 clk = 0;
forever #5 clk = ~clk;
wire [15:0] leds;
initial begin
// $dumpfile("testbench.vcd");
// $dumpvars(0, testbench);
$monitor("%b", leds);
demo uut (
.clk (clk ),
`ifdef POST_IMPL
.\leds[0] (leds[0]),
.\leds[1] (leds[1]),
.\leds[2] (leds[2]),
.\leds[3] (leds[3]),
.\leds[4] (leds[4]),
.\leds[5] (leds[5]),
.\leds[6] (leds[6]),
.\leds[7] (leds[7]),
.\leds[8] (leds[8]),
.\leds[9] (leds[9]),
.\leds[10] (leds[10]),
.\leds[11] (leds[11]),
.\leds[12] (leds[12]),
.\leds[13] (leds[13]),
.\leds[14] (leds[14]),
.\leds[15] (leds[15])