Using worker class in memory_map
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 248 additions and 243 deletions
@ -23,283 +23,289 @@
#include <set>
#include <stdlib.h>
static std::string genid(RTLIL::IdString name, std::string token1 = "", int i = -1, std::string token2 = "", int j = -1, std::string token3 = "", int k = -1, std::string token4 = "")
struct MemoryMapWorker
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << "$memory" << name.str() << token1;
if (i >= 0)
sstr << "[" << i << "]";
RTLIL::Design *design;
RTLIL::Module *module;
sstr << token2;
std::string genid(RTLIL::IdString name, std::string token1 = "", int i = -1, std::string token2 = "", int j = -1, std::string token3 = "", int k = -1, std::string token4 = "")
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << "$memory" << name.str() << token1;
if (i >= 0)
sstr << "[" << i << "]";
if (j >= 0)
sstr << "[" << j << "]";
sstr << token2;
sstr << token3;
if (j >= 0)
sstr << "[" << j << "]";
if (k >= 0)
sstr << "[" << k << "]";
sstr << token3;
sstr << token4 << "$" << (autoidx++);
return sstr.str();
if (k >= 0)
sstr << "[" << k << "]";
static void handle_cell(RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
std::set<int> static_ports;
std::map<int, RTLIL::SigSpec> static_cells_map;
int mem_size = cell->parameters["\\SIZE"].as_int();
int mem_width = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"].as_int();
int mem_offset = cell->parameters["\\OFFSET"].as_int();
int mem_abits = cell->parameters["\\ABITS"].as_int();
// delete unused memory cell
if (cell->parameters["\\RD_PORTS"].as_int() == 0 && cell->parameters["\\WR_PORTS"].as_int() == 0) {
sstr << token4 << "$" << (autoidx++);
return sstr.str();
// all write ports must share the same clock
RTLIL::SigSpec clocks = cell->getPort("\\WR_CLK");
RTLIL::Const clocks_pol = cell->parameters["\\WR_CLK_POLARITY"];
RTLIL::Const clocks_en = cell->parameters["\\WR_CLK_ENABLE"];
RTLIL::SigSpec refclock;
RTLIL::State refclock_pol = RTLIL::State::Sx;
for (int i = 0; i < clocks.size(); i++) {
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_en = cell->getPort("\\WR_EN").extract(i * mem_width, mem_width);
if (wr_en.is_fully_const() && !wr_en.as_bool()) {
void handle_cell(RTLIL::Cell *cell)
std::set<int> static_ports;
std::map<int, RTLIL::SigSpec> static_cells_map;
int mem_size = cell->parameters["\\SIZE"].as_int();
int mem_width = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"].as_int();
int mem_offset = cell->parameters["\\OFFSET"].as_int();
int mem_abits = cell->parameters["\\ABITS"].as_int();
// delete unused memory cell
if (cell->parameters["\\RD_PORTS"].as_int() == 0 && cell->parameters["\\WR_PORTS"].as_int() == 0) {
if (clocks_en.bits[i] != RTLIL::State::S1) {
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_addr = cell->getPort("\\WR_ADDR").extract(i*mem_abits, mem_abits);
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_data = cell->getPort("\\WR_DATA").extract(i*mem_width, mem_width);
if (wr_addr.is_fully_const()) {
// FIXME: Actually we should check for wr_en.is_fully_const() also and
// create a $adff cell with this ports wr_en input as reset pin when wr_en
// is not a simple static 1.
static_cells_map[wr_addr.as_int()] = wr_data;
// all write ports must share the same clock
RTLIL::SigSpec clocks = cell->getPort("\\WR_CLK");
RTLIL::Const clocks_pol = cell->parameters["\\WR_CLK_POLARITY"];
RTLIL::Const clocks_en = cell->parameters["\\WR_CLK_ENABLE"];
RTLIL::SigSpec refclock;
RTLIL::State refclock_pol = RTLIL::State::Sx;
for (int i = 0; i < clocks.size(); i++) {
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_en = cell->getPort("\\WR_EN").extract(i * mem_width, mem_width);
if (wr_en.is_fully_const() && !wr_en.as_bool()) {
log("Not mapping memory cell %s in module %s (write port %d has no clock).\n",
cell->name.c_str(), module->name.c_str(), i);
if (refclock.size() == 0) {
refclock = clocks.extract(i, 1);
refclock_pol = clocks_pol.bits[i];
if (clocks.extract(i, 1) != refclock || clocks_pol.bits[i] != refclock_pol) {
log("Not mapping memory cell %s in module %s (write clock %d is incompatible with other clocks).\n",
cell->name.c_str(), module->name.c_str(), i);
log("Mapping memory cell %s in module %s:\n", cell->name.c_str(), module->name.c_str());
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> data_reg_in;
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> data_reg_out;
int count_static = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mem_size; i++)
if (static_cells_map.count(i) > 0)
data_reg_in.push_back(RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::Sz, mem_width));
RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "", i), "$dff");
c->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"];
if (clocks_pol.bits.size() > 0) {
c->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(clocks_pol.bits[0]);
c->setPort("\\CLK", clocks.extract(0, 1));
} else {
c->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(RTLIL::State::S1);
c->setPort("\\CLK", RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S0));
if (clocks_en.bits[i] != RTLIL::State::S1) {
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_addr = cell->getPort("\\WR_ADDR").extract(i*mem_abits, mem_abits);
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_data = cell->getPort("\\WR_DATA").extract(i*mem_width, mem_width);
if (wr_addr.is_fully_const()) {
// FIXME: Actually we should check for wr_en.is_fully_const() also and
// create a $adff cell with this ports wr_en input as reset pin when wr_en
// is not a simple static 1.
static_cells_map[wr_addr.as_int()] = wr_data;
log("Not mapping memory cell %s in module %s (write port %d has no clock).\n",
cell->name.c_str(), module->name.c_str(), i);
if (refclock.size() == 0) {
refclock = clocks.extract(i, 1);
refclock_pol = clocks_pol.bits[i];
if (clocks.extract(i, 1) != refclock || clocks_pol.bits[i] != refclock_pol) {
log("Not mapping memory cell %s in module %s (write clock %d is incompatible with other clocks).\n",
cell->name.c_str(), module->name.c_str(), i);
RTLIL::Wire *w_in = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "", i, "$d"), mem_width);
c->setPort("\\D", data_reg_in.back());
std::string w_out_name = stringf("%s[%d]", cell->parameters["\\MEMID"].decode_string().c_str(), i);
if (module->wires_.count(w_out_name) > 0)
w_out_name = genid(cell->name, "", i, "$q");
RTLIL::Wire *w_out = module->addWire(w_out_name, mem_width);
w_out->start_offset = mem_offset;
c->setPort("\\Q", data_reg_out.back());
log(" created %d $dff cells and %d static cells of width %d.\n", mem_size-count_static, count_static, mem_width);
log("Mapping memory cell %s in module %s:\n", cell->name.c_str(), module->name.c_str());
int count_dff = 0, count_mux = 0, count_wrmux = 0;
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> data_reg_in;
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> data_reg_out;
for (int i = 0; i < cell->parameters["\\RD_PORTS"].as_int(); i++)
RTLIL::SigSpec rd_addr = cell->getPort("\\RD_ADDR").extract(i*mem_abits, mem_abits);
int count_static = 0;
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> rd_signals;
rd_signals.push_back(cell->getPort("\\RD_DATA").extract(i*mem_width, mem_width));
if (cell->parameters["\\RD_CLK_ENABLE"].bits[i] == RTLIL::State::S1)
for (int i = 0; i < mem_size; i++)
if (cell->parameters["\\RD_TRANSPARENT"].bits[i] == RTLIL::State::S1)
if (static_cells_map.count(i) > 0)
RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$rdreg", i), "$dff");
c->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(mem_abits);
c->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(cell->parameters["\\RD_CLK_POLARITY"].bits[i]);
c->setPort("\\CLK", cell->getPort("\\RD_CLK").extract(i, 1));
c->setPort("\\D", rd_addr);
RTLIL::Wire *w = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$rdreg", i, "$q"), mem_abits);
c->setPort("\\Q", RTLIL::SigSpec(w));
rd_addr = RTLIL::SigSpec(w);
data_reg_in.push_back(RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::Sz, mem_width));
RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$rdreg", i), "$dff");
RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "", i), "$dff");
c->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"];
c->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(cell->parameters["\\RD_CLK_POLARITY"].bits[i]);
c->setPort("\\CLK", cell->getPort("\\RD_CLK").extract(i, 1));
c->setPort("\\Q", rd_signals.back());
RTLIL::Wire *w = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$rdreg", i, "$d"), mem_width);
c->setPort("\\D", rd_signals.back());
for (int j = 0; j < mem_abits; j++)
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> next_rd_signals;
for (size_t k = 0; k < rd_signals.size(); k++)
RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$rdmux", i, "", j, "", k), "$mux");
c->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"];
c->setPort("\\Y", rd_signals[k]);
c->setPort("\\S", rd_addr.extract(mem_abits-j-1, 1));
c->setPort("\\A", module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$rdmux", i, "", j, "", k, "$a"), mem_width));
c->setPort("\\B", module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$rdmux", i, "", j, "", k, "$b"), mem_width));
for (int j = 0; j < mem_size; j++)
module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(rd_signals[j], data_reg_out[j]));
log(" read interface: %d $dff and %d $mux cells.\n", count_dff, count_mux);
for (int i = 0; i < mem_size; i++)
if (static_cells_map.count(i) > 0)
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = data_reg_out[i];
for (int j = 0; j < cell->parameters["\\WR_PORTS"].as_int(); j++)
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_addr = cell->getPort("\\WR_ADDR").extract(j*mem_abits, mem_abits);
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_data = cell->getPort("\\WR_DATA").extract(j*mem_width, mem_width);
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_en = cell->getPort("\\WR_EN").extract(j*mem_width, mem_width);
RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$wreq", i, "", j), "$eq");
c->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"] = RTLIL::Const(0);
c->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"] = RTLIL::Const(0);
c->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"] = cell->parameters["\\ABITS"];
c->parameters["\\B_WIDTH"] = cell->parameters["\\ABITS"];
c->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(1);
c->setPort("\\A", RTLIL::SigSpec(i, mem_abits));
c->setPort("\\B", wr_addr);
RTLIL::Wire *w_seladdr = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$wreq", i, "", j, "$y"));
c->setPort("\\Y", w_seladdr);
int wr_offset = 0;
while (wr_offset < wr_en.size())
int wr_width = 1;
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_bit = wr_en.extract(wr_offset, 1);
while (wr_offset + wr_width < wr_en.size()) {
RTLIL::SigSpec next_wr_bit = wr_en.extract(wr_offset + wr_width, 1);
if (next_wr_bit != wr_bit)
if (clocks_pol.bits.size() > 0) {
c->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(clocks_pol.bits[0]);
c->setPort("\\CLK", clocks.extract(0, 1));
} else {
c->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(RTLIL::State::S1);
c->setPort("\\CLK", RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S0));
RTLIL::Wire *w = w_seladdr;
RTLIL::Wire *w_in = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "", i, "$d"), mem_width);
c->setPort("\\D", data_reg_in.back());
if (wr_bit != RTLIL::SigSpec(1, 1))
std::string w_out_name = stringf("%s[%d]", cell->parameters["\\MEMID"].decode_string().c_str(), i);
if (module->wires_.count(w_out_name) > 0)
w_out_name = genid(cell->name, "", i, "$q");
RTLIL::Wire *w_out = module->addWire(w_out_name, mem_width);
w_out->start_offset = mem_offset;
c->setPort("\\Q", data_reg_out.back());
log(" created %d $dff cells and %d static cells of width %d.\n", mem_size-count_static, count_static, mem_width);
int count_dff = 0, count_mux = 0, count_wrmux = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cell->parameters["\\RD_PORTS"].as_int(); i++)
RTLIL::SigSpec rd_addr = cell->getPort("\\RD_ADDR").extract(i*mem_abits, mem_abits);
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> rd_signals;
rd_signals.push_back(cell->getPort("\\RD_DATA").extract(i*mem_width, mem_width));
if (cell->parameters["\\RD_CLK_ENABLE"].bits[i] == RTLIL::State::S1)
if (cell->parameters["\\RD_TRANSPARENT"].bits[i] == RTLIL::State::S1)
c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$wren", i, "", j, "", wr_offset), "$and");
c->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"] = RTLIL::Const(0);
c->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"] = RTLIL::Const(0);
c->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(1);
c->parameters["\\B_WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(1);
c->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(1);
c->setPort("\\A", w);
c->setPort("\\B", wr_bit);
RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$rdreg", i), "$dff");
c->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(mem_abits);
c->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(cell->parameters["\\RD_CLK_POLARITY"].bits[i]);
c->setPort("\\CLK", cell->getPort("\\RD_CLK").extract(i, 1));
c->setPort("\\D", rd_addr);
w = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$wren", i, "", j, "", wr_offset, "$y"));
c->setPort("\\Y", RTLIL::SigSpec(w));
RTLIL::Wire *w = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$rdreg", i, "$q"), mem_abits);
c->setPort("\\Q", RTLIL::SigSpec(w));
rd_addr = RTLIL::SigSpec(w);
RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$rdreg", i), "$dff");
c->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"];
c->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(cell->parameters["\\RD_CLK_POLARITY"].bits[i]);
c->setPort("\\CLK", cell->getPort("\\RD_CLK").extract(i, 1));
c->setPort("\\Q", rd_signals.back());
RTLIL::Wire *w = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$rdreg", i, "$d"), mem_width);
c->setPort("\\D", rd_signals.back());
for (int j = 0; j < mem_abits; j++)
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> next_rd_signals;
for (size_t k = 0; k < rd_signals.size(); k++)
RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$rdmux", i, "", j, "", k), "$mux");
c->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"];
c->setPort("\\Y", rd_signals[k]);
c->setPort("\\S", rd_addr.extract(mem_abits-j-1, 1));
c->setPort("\\A", module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$rdmux", i, "", j, "", k, "$a"), mem_width));
c->setPort("\\B", module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$rdmux", i, "", j, "", k, "$b"), mem_width));
c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$wrmux", i, "", j, "", wr_offset), "$mux");
c->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = wr_width;
c->setPort("\\A", sig.extract(wr_offset, wr_width));
c->setPort("\\B", wr_data.extract(wr_offset, wr_width));
c->setPort("\\S", RTLIL::SigSpec(w));
w = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$wrmux", i, "", j, "", wr_offset, "$y"), wr_width);
c->setPort("\\Y", w);
sig.replace(wr_offset, w);
wr_offset += wr_width;
for (int j = 0; j < mem_size; j++)
module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(rd_signals[j], data_reg_out[j]));
module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(data_reg_in[i], sig));
log(" read interface: %d $dff and %d $mux cells.\n", count_dff, count_mux);
for (int i = 0; i < mem_size; i++)
if (static_cells_map.count(i) > 0)
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = data_reg_out[i];
for (int j = 0; j < cell->parameters["\\WR_PORTS"].as_int(); j++)
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_addr = cell->getPort("\\WR_ADDR").extract(j*mem_abits, mem_abits);
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_data = cell->getPort("\\WR_DATA").extract(j*mem_width, mem_width);
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_en = cell->getPort("\\WR_EN").extract(j*mem_width, mem_width);
RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$wreq", i, "", j), "$eq");
c->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"] = RTLIL::Const(0);
c->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"] = RTLIL::Const(0);
c->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"] = cell->parameters["\\ABITS"];
c->parameters["\\B_WIDTH"] = cell->parameters["\\ABITS"];
c->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(1);
c->setPort("\\A", RTLIL::SigSpec(i, mem_abits));
c->setPort("\\B", wr_addr);
RTLIL::Wire *w_seladdr = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$wreq", i, "", j, "$y"));
c->setPort("\\Y", w_seladdr);
int wr_offset = 0;
while (wr_offset < wr_en.size())
int wr_width = 1;
RTLIL::SigSpec wr_bit = wr_en.extract(wr_offset, 1);
while (wr_offset + wr_width < wr_en.size()) {
RTLIL::SigSpec next_wr_bit = wr_en.extract(wr_offset + wr_width, 1);
if (next_wr_bit != wr_bit)
RTLIL::Wire *w = w_seladdr;
if (wr_bit != RTLIL::SigSpec(1, 1))
c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$wren", i, "", j, "", wr_offset), "$and");
c->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"] = RTLIL::Const(0);
c->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"] = RTLIL::Const(0);
c->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(1);
c->parameters["\\B_WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(1);
c->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(1);
c->setPort("\\A", w);
c->setPort("\\B", wr_bit);
w = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$wren", i, "", j, "", wr_offset, "$y"));
c->setPort("\\Y", RTLIL::SigSpec(w));
c = module->addCell(genid(cell->name, "$wrmux", i, "", j, "", wr_offset), "$mux");
c->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = wr_width;
c->setPort("\\A", sig.extract(wr_offset, wr_width));
c->setPort("\\B", wr_data.extract(wr_offset, wr_width));
c->setPort("\\S", RTLIL::SigSpec(w));
w = module->addWire(genid(cell->name, "$wrmux", i, "", j, "", wr_offset, "$y"), wr_width);
c->setPort("\\Y", w);
sig.replace(wr_offset, w);
wr_offset += wr_width;
module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(data_reg_in[i], sig));
log(" write interface: %d blocks of $eq, $and and $mux cells.\n", count_wrmux);
log(" write interface: %d blocks of $eq, $and and $mux cells.\n", count_wrmux);
static void handle_module(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *module)
std::vector<RTLIL::Cell*> cells;
for (auto &it : module->cells_)
if (it.second->type == "$mem" && design->selected(module, it.second))
for (auto cell : cells)
handle_cell(module, cell);
MemoryMapWorker(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *module) : design(design), module(module)
std::vector<RTLIL::Cell*> cells;
for (auto cell : module->selected_cells())
if (cell->type == "$mem" && design->selected(module, cell))
for (auto cell : cells)
struct MemoryMapPass : public Pass {
MemoryMapPass() : Pass("memory_map", "translate multiport memories to basic cells") { }
@ -316,9 +322,8 @@ struct MemoryMapPass : public Pass {
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) {
log_header("Executing MEMORY_MAP pass (converting $mem cells to logic and flip-flops).\n");
extra_args(args, 1, design);
for (auto &mod_it : design->modules_)
if (design->selected(mod_it.second))
handle_module(design, mod_it.second);
for (auto mod : design->selected_modules())
MemoryMapWorker(design, mod);
} MemoryMapPass;
Add table
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